I was following the green wonder boy, he had a bright smile on his face, guess he met the big guy. So the time had finally come. Suddenly there was an explosion and Greenie ran to see what was happening, just to come face to face with the black sludge/tar villain holding his boyfriend hostage.
Deku-boy froze, I looked at the skinny skeleton guy near the signpost. He looked like he was passing a massive No.2 through his bowels, probably trying to forcefully activate his quirk. I started running and ran right past the guy, gaining his attention and shock.
The heroes around the scene started shouting for me to come back. I ignored them and rushed forward. I had tied all the hair samples to all my fingers except my thumb remembering which quirk was on which finger. All I needed to do was to activate the quirk by touching the corresponding finger with my thumb.
I picked up a rock and charged it with <electromagnetic bullet> quirk and throw it straight to his eye smashing it. "GAAAHHH!! MY EYE!! AHH!!" the sludge guy started screaming and cursing. I took the opportunity to deactivate my current quirk and activate another. At that time the boom kid started shouting with pure hatred in his eyes, "WHY?! Why the fuck are YOU here?!?"
"Because...." I touched the sludge villain with my right hand and used the same hand and touched the boom guy and activated my quirk. The both separated so fast, you would think the sludge villain spat him out. I had activated <polarity>, so gave both the same polarity and they repelled each other. "... that's my resolve. TO PROTECT those who cannot protect themselves!" I yelled banging my fist to my chest. My face was burning red with embarrassment, but it was necessary I guess.
I turned back to the sludge villain and activated my <vibration> quirk. I put my hand inside his sludge and started vibrating my arm. My theory was right, as he turned into a jelly like solid mass that I squeezed inside a bottle. The Sludge guy had to act like 'ooblek' as the stress hardens his sludge appendages and he can attack with it. So continuously giving him a low kinetic stress will turn him solid but not fully as he cannot get enough of the kinetic energy to reform and use the stress to solidify his 'arms'.
The heroes came and quickly 'apprehended' the sludge guy and some guy started berating me, "Young man! You should not have done that. We would have handled that. We are pro heroes you know? You could have been seriously hurt! What were you thinking kid?"
I put my head down in 'shame' and said making sure that Skeleton Might was nearby, "I saw a person in desperate need of help and my body just reacted. I was scared but I had to do something, I couldn't just stand by and watch a person suffer. But saying that..." I bowed my head and said, "I'm sorry for what I did and will take whatever punishment I'm dealt."
Out of no where Deku comes forward and asked, "Excuse me are you Monoma Neito, from the band Hellblazrs? (I had named our band that. And yes, that is the spelling)" I turned to him and gave an award winning smile, "Yes. Yes I am. Do you like my songs?" I asked him, shaking his hand acting enthusiastically.
"I...I-I Yes!" the guy was sputtering and was red in the ears. "Ah Now I know where I had seen you from, can I get an autograph...you know, for my son?" A hero came forward and asked but was interrupted by a police guy, "Okay clear up people we need to ask a few questions."
They asked me basic questions about me and what had happened and let me go with a warning telling me not to use your quirk without a hero licence, to which I replied about my entering UA for the coming year.
The press who had recognised me was waiting for me to give a statement. I just gave few of my practiced lines, "I just lent a hand for those who were in need. Nothing more nothing less. But please do not use your quirks without a license or if its not an emergency. But I expect each and everyone of you to help those in need in whatever way it is legally possible for you. For every person who acts on it, the world becomes a better place. The last thing I wish to say is 'With great power, comes great responsibility', I live by these words. Saying that I'm officially announcing that I will be attending the UA academy entrance exam, for my hero course studies. Wish me luck. Thank you."
I had gotten away from the press and was going back home when I sensed The Big Guy, albeit in his skeletal form following me. I turned a corner and went around, behind him ambushing him, "Who are you? What do you want? Are you the press?"
"Woah! Calm down there Monoma-shounen, I only wish to talk." He said putting both his hands up. I nodded for him to continue, "Can we sit over there and talk?" he said pointing at a bench. I just nodded.
All Might (Toshinori) POV...
".... so you are the 8th user of this 'power stockpiling' quirk and you need me to be the 9th? Phew! This is a lot to take in. And a lot of responsibilty on my shoulders." he turned to look at me seriously, "I will be straight with you All Might. Do you trust me with this responsibility? If so then I will gladly accept the honour of becoming your successor." He bowed down low to me.
I clenched my fist, this kid... he is completely serious. I feel like it is time. Yes, I have at last found my successor. Teacher... are you watching this? are you watching him?
I look at him with respect that I would have for an equal. Yes... this is as should be.
I come back to my senses, "Now about transferring my quirk. It is pretty simply, don't worry it won't hurt, and as I said before, your own quirk won't be erased. But before that, your body should be in the perfect condition to accept and assimilate my quirk."
It is so perfect. His quirk is so versatile, yet not as evil as All for One. He must have guessed it too. And as an added bonus he can use mine and his quirk in tandem. I have to tell the good news to the Oldman and Aizawa...Oh and Nezu too. I am going to teach at UA from this summer after all. Hahaha.
*sigh* I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Even my heart feels lighter. I look at the boy- no this man! Thank you Monoma-shonen...