
A Multiversal One-Shots!

Roxanne_Agares · Anime et bandes dessinées
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29 Chs

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It is now a week since my classmates have been struck by the concept of reality, and they're now starting to be a normal students..

But some are still exceptional, for example, Sudō-kun right there is showing some symptoms of sleep deprivation for how often he takes a short nap in every class…

However, I know that he is trying to amend his past mistakes to make his classmates accept him, and that characteristic right there is a development, that will surely shape his future self in a straight path, if ever he continues doing that..

And surprisingly, one of those with the major changes was the pervert himself, with him focusing on the subjects and monetarily taking a peek on a girl's, for me this one a development, so then what about his friend?

Well for the liar, my hopes on him in changing seems to be just left in the past for how dumbass he still is.

Aside from that, there's nothing interesting happening in my environment that caught my attention.

But since fate is uncertain, so I remain vigilant for any possible events that might happen in the nearing future.

"Class the midterms is now nearing so I expect that you will now start to review okay or else…"

And just like that, the future is now my present.

It's a bit ironic, isn't it?

Thinking about your future, but the future itself seems to be disgruntled, that they faced me right now in the present..






As you can see, I often find myself contemplating something about, and that something right now is the future.

But let's back to my topic…

According to what I noticed, the future itself seems to have a presence in the present time of my near future.

Confusing, right?

Well, I don't quite understand it myself, and it's perfectly alright with me if you ever find it difficult to understand the ideas swirling inside my mind..

It's just a quirk of mine, a way to pass the time when I find myself bored.

But here's the thing - the future is uncertain.

And we all know that.

So why do people claim that you can control your future when it's inherently uncertain?

Perhaps it is because they believe that by working hard in the present, you can influence the direction your future takes.

If you put effort in making the right choices, and seize opportunities, you can shape your own destiny to some extent.

While, on the other hand, some proposed that if you already have control over your present circumstances, you can determine the outcome of your approaching future.

By taking charge of your present actions, decisions, and mindset, you create a path that leads to a desired future.

So, in a way, all of this confusing thoughts is not just all about controlling the future itself, but rather about influencing or shaping it through your present actions.

It's about taking responsibility for your choices and living with intention.

But you better not forget, that the future still remains uncertain.

Efforts and intentions are just existing external factors that can affect or alter the course of our lives.

So while we continue to strive for the concept of success in our future to some extent.

We must still take hold of the advantages provided in every unknown we face.

Use the human major talent, the ability to adapt, accepting the uncertainties while still working at the desired outcomes.

But still, in the end, the concept of controlling the future may be more about having this sense of agency and empowerment in the current time, rather than claiming absolute control over what lies ahead in our future.

So, if you ever find yourself pondering the complexities of the future, take comfort in knowing that by taking charge of your present, you can influence the direction your life takes, even if the future remains uncertain.



Oh Yōsuke-san announced that we will have a study group..

As he announced that, he directed his gaze towards the three idiots, Sudō-kun, Yamauchi-kun and Ike-kun.

And for Sudō-kun, who noticed Yōsuke-san's indirect approach, just clicked his tongue.

Ever since the introduction on the first day, the relationship between the two had been so rocky.

But anyways…

Should I join them?

What if they found my presence hard to deal with, just like them?

What if I become a burden, an annoyance?

Will it be alright?

These thoughts haunted my mind, casting a shadow of doubt and self-doubt over my decisions.

The fear of rejection and being misunderstood only added to my already heavy load.

A sense of unease settled within me as I contemplated whether joining them would bring about acceptance or further isolation.

Would I be welcomed with open arms, or would I find myself on the outskirts, an outcast among them?

But then, while I was still thinking about these depressing things, the next teacher entered the room…

