
A Multiversal One-Shots!

Roxanne_Agares · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Daughter Adventure (1)



























L꙰i꙰b꙰e꙰ m꙰u꙰ D꙰a꙰u꙰g꙰h꙰t꙰e꙰r꙰…


"Haaaaaa- huuuuh- haaaaaaa- huuuuuh…"

That dream again.

As I am abruptly woken up from my memory.

I make my way to the human sized mirror standing on my almost wrecked wooden floor to see if my appearance has ever changed..

As I gaze into it, I am then greeted by the familiar reflection that is now my present self.

The luscious strands of obsidian-dark hair cascade down my shoulders, reflecting a silky, and almost night sky.

Each strand seemed to hold the air of mystery around it, for how unique it was in this world.

As it is now morning, around 5-6:00 am, the golden glow of the morning sun, casting its orange tint upon my eyes, it then adds a touch radiancy to its mesmerizing pupils.

With my eyes being lightened by the cascading sunlight, it now started to show its own brilliance.

The unique combination of the amber color and the orange tangerine, it is glowing like the glorious gold coins..

But not can be said in my saddened state.

With the presence of falling tears in my eye lids and a bunch of sweat drops flowing in my forehead.

A single thought has been presented in my mind.

'I am still here…'

With this thought presented in my mind, I started to cry because 'I', who is here, is now remembering the past me, who was apparently a normal daughter of a single father.

The normal happy life my father had led me has borne many successes that I want to give all the credit to, but unfortunately, the last time I saw my father walking on the ground was when he still did not have his chronic disease, brain cancer.

Even though he has that disease in his body, he still raised me with all his might.

He even does that while guiding me to become a better person.

In every palate I have, it all contains nutritious food, while on the other hand, I can see that my father always has water, salt, and sugar as his food.

I even wanted to share my food with him, but he turned me down, stating that he has already tasted it all, and now it is my turn to experience it.

Also on my early days, every curiosity I had, my father was always there, giving me the wisdom he had regarding the things that caught my interest.

I also remember all the knowledges that my father taught me, from dancing to painting, science and math, mythologies and histories, and much more.

All of it was taught by him.

But we couldn't ignore the fact that my father still has cancer in his body.

One day, on our way home after we visit Disneyland, my father suddenly collapsed at the gate.

Panic filled my face at that time, and I shouted for help.

After a few minutes, an ambulance arrived and the nurses put my father on a stretcher.

I couldn't even think straight at that time.

The critical state of my father had completely shut down my thinking prowess, as all I focused on was my father's health.

As we arrived at the hospital, they then brought my father to the emergency room, and I stayed beside the door, walking back and forth.

A nurse then called me and asked if there were any other relatives I could think of.

But since my father had raised me all by himself, I couldn't think of anyone.

So, I then decided to let my godmother, Yuigahama, come here.

With this decision made, I contacted my godmother, Yuigahama, and explained the situation to her.

She immediately rushed to the hospital, bringing a sense of relief and familiarity with her presence.

As we sat by my father's bedside, waiting for any news from the doctors, memories flooded my mind.

Memories of laughter, love, and endless support from my father.

Memories of his unwavering strength and determination despite the turmoil within his own body.

Time seemed to stretch as we anxiously awaited the doctor's prognosis.

Finally, the door swung open, and the doctor entered the room with a solemn expression.

He explained that my father's condition had worsened, and the cancer had spread extensively.

Tears streamed down my face as the weight of the news hit me.

My father, the main pillar of my life, was slipping away.

But amidst the despair, my father whispered to me, urging me to stay strong and continue on my path.

Days turned into weeks as we remained by his side, willing him to fight.

The hospital became a second home, filled with the bittersweet mix of hope and pain.

Every day, I witnessed my father's unwavering courage as he battled with all his might.

Despite the tremendous pain, my father never let it overshadow our time together.

He filled the hospital room with his love, laughter, and words of encouragement.

He reminded me of all that he had taught me, pushing me to pursue my dreams and be the best version of myself.

As the days grew shorter and the end drew near, my heart felt heavy, burdened by the impending loss.

But in those final moments, surrounded by loved ones, my father's smile illuminated the room.

He passed away peacefully, leaving behind a legacy of love and strength.

Now, as I reminisce about the precious time I had with my father, I am grateful for the memories we shared.

He may no longer physically be here, but his spirit lives on in my heart.

I will carry his teachings, his love, and his unwavering strength with me, forever grateful for the extraordinary father he was.

And so, I continue my journey, guided by his loving presence, as I strive to make him proud.

I will honor his memory by living a life filled with happiness, kindness, and love, just as he did for me.

But all of it came to naught because of a single accident that caused me to die.

The dreams, the memories, the love shared with my father abruptly ended in that tragic moment.

In the blink of an eye, everything changed.

The accident took away not only my life but also the hopes and plans my father had for me.

It shattered the future we both envisioned together.

As I departed from that world, a void was left in my heart.

The grief and pain I endured after he left were unimaginable.

I, who was robbed by the opportunities to grow, to accomplish more accomplishments, and to experience more experiences in life, has come to meet the end.

In the midst of my own sorrow, a person with jet black hair and dark black eyes has entered my room..

Based on her small frame, she is around 5 years old.

She's none other than my new relative, Eumelia Darkness, my twin older sister.

As she approaches me, the tears are still flowing endlessly in my eyelids that it wouldn't be strange if ever, I cried bloody tears later on for how the water in my body was leaving continuously..

"Are you okay?"

A voice of concern has left Nee-san's mouth, even though she said that without changing her expressions, I know that she is concerned by my state..

Brushing my eyelids with my wrist, I mustered up a small smile towards her, to let her know that I am alright..

But she noticed the fake smile I wear, she then put her right hand at my head and..


As I heard this, it was comforting that it is meant to soothe and console me..

The tears were continuously flowing and it lasted till I lost consciousness..






























It has been a week since I remembered my past life, and to my surprise, my twin was also reincarnated here!

The sheer coincidence of this situation feels like a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence, making me ponder the possibility and absurdity of my current circumstances.

It almost seems as if there was a grand design behind our situation, orchestrated by some unknown force.

Nevertheless, regardless of the mystery surrounding our connection, we are now immersed in the process of familiarizing ourselves with this world and learning its native language.

My sister, whom I fondly refer to as Nee-san, has enlightened me about the nature of this world we find ourselves in.

She explains that it is themed after an Otome Game or a Dating-simulator game called 'Light magic and the Hero'.

This game revolves around the concept of magic and swords, with a twist of having a commoner heroine who possesses light-based elemental magic.

She enters an Academy where major plotlines unfold, often involving at deepening her relationships with all potential love interests.

Ultimately, the goal is to grow stronger and defeat the Evil Incarnate, the Demon Lord.

Being new to this world and unfamiliar with this kind of game concept, I find myself intrigued by the possibilities and adventures that lie ahead.

In my previous life, I had limited exposure to such games as my focus was primarily on repaying my Godmother's kindness.

But anyways...

And to my another astonishment, my Nee-san is one of the main characters in this game world, holding the role of the World's Final last Boss, The Villainess.

An existence that antagonize the heroine and her potential love interests...

The realization leaves me in a state of disbelief.

How can my older sister, who has always showered me with kindness and concern, be portrayed as an evil individual in this world?

And honestly I really have no idea what has caused this situation where sometimes I noticed that the people around us, especially the maids, are evading our existence as if they are afraid of us...

This raises questions in my mind, Why are they avoiding us?

What could be the reason behind their fear or hesitation?

While I ponder over these thoughts, a maid enters my room, a look of loyalty was presented on her face.

However, it becomes apparent that her intentions are solely focused on our money and what we can offer her.

"Good morning Skadi-oujo-sama, did you sleep well?"

As I heard this, I then gave her a conformational nod..

"Where's Nee-san?"

"Lady Eumelia is at the library, vocational reading the books stacked their."

"I see, then prepare me, my breakfast for this day."

As Maid-san heard this, with a slight bow, she then respectfully responded to me.

"As you wish Skadi-oujo-sama. "

After a few minutes, I am now ready to begin my daily routines.

As I make my way to the hallway, I notice the passing maids and the usual gaze they give me.

It's a mixture of curiosity, fear, and even ridicule.

Their stares make me feel like an outcast, as if I am some sort of abomination in their eyes.

I shake off the negative energy and continue walking, determined not to let their judgment affect me.

I remind myself that their fear and prejudice are likely based on ignorance and the twisted perceptions created by the game world we find ourselves in.

Despite that, it still stings to be treated as something less than human.

I passed by a few maids whispering to each other, their voices hushed but their eyes focused on me.

I ignore their presence, knowing it's better not to engage with their negativity.

Instead, I keep my head held high and continue on my way.

Arriving at the dining hall, I take a seat at the long table, alone for now.

The maids begin to bring in the breakfast spread, their movements swift and graceful, but there is still an air of discomfort surrounding them.

It's as if they are constantly on edge, afraid of any interaction with me.

I do my best to remain polite and friendly despite their reservations.

"Good morning," I say with a smile as each maid sets a plate in front of me.

Some respond with a half-hearted nod, while others avoid eye contact altogether.

It's disheartening, but I refuse to let their behavior dampen my spirits.

I begin to eat my breakfast, savoring each bite without letting the negative atmosphere affect my enjoyment.

There's a sweetness in the fresh fruit and a warmth in the toast that brings a momentary reprieve from the tension surrounding me, and after a few minutes. ..

I finish eating my meal, with a gentle wipe on my lips using my napkin, I steadily stand up and proceed to the library..

Upon walking to the hallway once again, I noticed some picture frames that had images of me, my sister and 'our parents'.

Our family is what you call a noble in this world for we govern one of the countryside of this Kingdom.

In this house, the presence of our parents is not to be seen, as they prefer to live at the mansion in the Capital, and even in my early childhood, they both gave us a contemptuous gaze that hurts me..

Arriving at the library, I pushed open the wooden door and stepped inside, rows after rows of bookshelves were in alignment.

The familiar smell of aged wood fibers has entered my nostrils, that comfort my tense complexion…

In a corner, I spot Nee-san, Indulging herself in a towering amount of thick books..

As she held a large notebook with her small hands, flipping through its pages, the usual apathetic expression was present on Nee-san's face.

It was as if she was just reading a newspaper, completely unfazed by the weight of the knowledge she was consuming.

History seemed to hold little interest for her, but I couldn't help but be intrigued by her unwavering dedication.

"Nee-san, are you done reading?" I asked, tentatively breaking the silence that enveloped us.

She lifted her head, her dark black eyes meeting mine.

The deadpan stare she gave me always made it difficult to read her emotions.

"Almost," she replied, her tone devoid of any particular emotion.

"But there is still so much to learn."

As I heard her answer, there was this word that I think fitted for how Nee-san is searching for knowledge, hunger or greed…

And to compare it to her apathetic demeanor, it completely contrasts it…

Curiosity getting the better of me, I leaned in closer, curiosity gleaming in my eyes.

"What are you studying, Nee-san? Is it about the history of this world?"

Nee-san's lips curved in a small, almost imperceptible smile.

It was the closest thing to amusement I had seen on her face.

"Yeah, Skadi," she replied, but her voice betrayed a hint of excitement.

"I am finding out where I can find the major points of this world. The tales of ancient civilizations, the rise and fall of kingdoms, the secrets buried within the annals of time. It needs to be unveiled so I can prepare for the future…"

Her words dig deeper within me, sparking a newfound interest in the world around us.

"I want to learn too, Nee-san," I declared, determination filling my voice. "I want to understand the history."

Nee-san's eyes bore into mine, a flicker of approval crossing her features.

"I see…then Skadi, we all already know that Knowledge is power. And in this kind of world, where I know the possibilities of it, the power we hold in this world is unimaginable if we use it for our benefits, so then Skadi, we'll join this Older sister of yours, in her future endeavors..?"

With her words struck me, my Memories as Skadi Darkness at an early age, resonate within my mind.

Nee-san here was just like my father in my previous life as M꙰i꙰t꙰s꙰u꙰a꙰k꙰i꙰ Inoue, when I felt lonely when our parents decided to live at the mansion in the Capital, Nee-san will always come to me and comfort me..

"...why are you crying, Skadi?"


Me, crying?

Why would I even cry?

Whose tears are this..?

Is this mine?

Then why…?





I see, Nee-san is my new Light huh…

"Thank you Nee-san!" As I said this, I then let out a heartfelt smile that I lastly wore when Papa was still alive..

And a single thought has emerged from my mind.

I will protect Nee-san.

As we sat side by side, our notebooks open, we delved into the vast archives of historical records.

Ancient texts, detailed maps, and accounts of legendary battles filled our surroundings.

We poured over the information, discussing, debating, and formulating plans to navigate the complex web of this world's history.

Nee-san's analytical mind provided a valuable perspective, challenging my own assumptions and pushing me to think deeper.

Her intellect was unmatched, and I found myself in awe of her ability to unravel the threads of the past.

Hours turned into days as we immersed ourselves in our studies.

The library became our sanctuary, a temple of knowledge and growth.

The maids and other occupants of the mansion cast curious glances our way, undoubtedly intrigued by our newfound focus.

But we were undeterred.

We devoured books, filled our notebooks with theories and hypotheses, and tested our ideas against the clues scattered throughout this game world.

The world around us transformed into a tapestry of history and intrigue as we began to piece together fragments of forgotten lore.

With each discovery, our determination grew.

We were no longer mere spectators in this game world; we were becoming active participants, shaping the narrative with our newfound knowledge.

We were rebels in the face of destiny, defying the constraints of the game and writing our own story.

Together, we forged a bond fortified with shared dreams and aspirations.

Our conversations flowed with excitement and curiosity as we uncovered hidden truths and connected the dots of this world's ancient tapestry.

In those moments, we were more than just twin sisters; we were a formidable duo, fueled by our thirst for knowledge and our unwavering determination.

And as we continued our journey of discovery, we were unshakable in our resolve to leave our mark on this world, to transcend the roles assigned to us, and to create a legacy worthy of remembrance.






























A blue blob entered our peripheral vision, emanating an aura of innocence and cuteness.

However, we knew better than to be fooled by its harmless appearance.

Like any other monsters in this world, this little creature posed a threat to human life.

With a swift motion, Nee-san raised her right hand, causing the slime to undergo a process of erosion until it vanished from existence.

This was Nee-san's unique ability, the power to manipulate darkness or, more accurately, the essence of all entities.

Through her control over this ability, she could shape and direct it as she pleased, bending it to her will.

With her mastery of darkness, Nee-san served as our primary defense against the dangers lurking in this game world.

She could ward off the creatures that sought to harm us, ensuring our safety and allowing us to continue our journey without obstruction.

I watched in awe as Nee-san effortlessly exhibited her power, a tangible manifestation of her strength and determination.

It was a reminder that together, we possessed the capabilities to overcome the challenges that lay ahead.

As the remnants of the slime dissipated, Nee-san turned to me, her deadpan expression giving way to a hint of satisfaction.

"We must be cautious, Skadi. The shadows in this world conceal both danger and secrets. Let my ability be our shield, our tool for survival."

I nodded, my trust solidifying in the bond we shared.

With Nee-san's power and our knowledge, we would forge a path through this intricate game world, unraveling its mysteries and surpassing the obstacles it presented.

But as Nee-san spoke those words, something peculiar happened.

Her typically apathetic expression remained unchanged, but suddenly, she seemed consumed by an inexplicable fire within.

Just as I thought it was my imagination, she unexpectedly lashed out, throwing punches and kicks into the air with lightning-fast speed.

The comical aspect of the situation was undeniable.

I stared at her with amusement present on my face, as she continued her impromptu martial arts performance, her deadpan expression remaining intact even as she executed intricate moves.

It was as if an invisible enemy dared to challenge her, and she was more than ready to face it head-on.

And we then decided to continue our hunt..

But after a few days, we are now out of hunting preys, with this predicament happening, it is now the time for us to visit the dungeon existing in our territory.

After walking for about an hour, we finally got to the Darkness Teritorial dungeon..

And now we spend our whole one decade her hunting the monsters here.