
A Multiversal Anime Chat Group

A thrilling tale of various anime characters and their day-to-day interactions on a multiversal chat group!

Ruriha · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

The Preparations Pt. 1

Aside from Sakura's cryptic warning, the evening passed by uneventfully.

It was about time for her to return home as the clock hit 9 sharp and bade her farewell for today. Of course, Shirou offered to escort Sakura on the way back despite her stern refusal knowing how dangerous it was for a young girl to be left alone wandering at night, leaving Manaka some time alone with herself.

Even though there was still a nagging feeling sitting on the back of Manaka's mind regarding that episode, she could see how the two was developing their relationship, so she left the job of figuring that out on her brother. After all, Shirou wasn't irresponsible enough to leave someone when he sees them in trouble. And while that his trait of his could be obnoxious at times, he always had the best intentions---even at the cost of his own happiness.

"It's been 10 years, huh..." Manaka wistfully sighed.

It's been so long, but Shirou clearly haven't moved on from that tragedy, and it made her conflicted seeing as how he brandished that trauma into resolve to become a hero of justice. It was funny. A childish dream he took up from their late father---Kiritsugu, who dug both of them under the rubble of Fuyuki City. And even for that man, such dream was impossible to achieve despite not knowing his sacrifices. In a way, Manaka found it cruel of their father to allow Shirou to entertain the idea.

It wasn't anything but a curse of a dying man on an innocent child.

Reality was often harsh, more so for people who obeyed by their principles, an unforgiving game where everyone has to make a choice at every turn. This isn't anything new. But being a hero of justice meant someone who wouldn't abandon anyone who has fallen victim to evil. However, as anyone on that path would soon come to realize, they would become disillusioned by that idea as it was impossible to save someone without sacrificing another.

Although that time wasn't now, Manaka was sure Shirou would regret it some day.

Nonetheless, she found it amazing how people like him were able to take on such ideals. When Manaka herself drew from that tragedy, she only feels the emptiness of those days. How that man who called himself her biological father locked himself in his research and was about to impart his knowledge. How his body along with her supposed sister were crushed underneath that heavy concrete.

She felt nothing.

Nothing as if it didn't concern her.

At some point, she even became jealous of Shirou who could easily empathize with other people. Yet the only way a person without a heart to become normal was to emulate how they---the normal people---viewed the world and in turn how they interacted with it.

Manaka found this answer on the same day Sakura visited their house; a broken individual who have lost everything piecing herself back together bit by bit. That gave Manaka some hope she would become normal some day, and now she acted with emotions as if it was second nature. Albeit some aspects of humanity still befuddled her, she could act with the same reason as them for the most part.

"Hmm... what is this?" Manaka wondered as she noticed a suspicious mark on her chest.

She wasn't sure for how long it has been there, but it was for a fact that it wasn't there before. Even if it did, she would notice it for certain. It was vague, but she can see faint traces of various shape and objects, resembling what looks to be a six-winged angel---a seraphim.

As Manaka gawked at the strange motif, a notification on the group chat caught her attention.

「Shiba Tatsuya: Manaka, are you busy? There's something I would like to discuss if it doesn't bother you.」

Opening the group chat in a haste, Manaka quickly sent back a reply.

「Manaka Emiya: Oh, ah, sure! What can I do for you Tatsuya-san?」

Manaka was antsy as she awaited a word from him. Though as if he was already anticipating her, Tatsuya responded back not a minute later.

「Shiba Tatsuya: After the discovery we made earlier in respect to the world that was provided on the task, I conducted further research and found out different sources that coincidentally happens to align with the other chat members.」

「Manaka: Uh-huh...」

「Shiba Tatsuya: I would like to confirm one thing. Do you know anyone by the name of 'Sayjou'?」


The faint streaks of moonlight seeped through the interstice between the curtains, illuminating the contours of a religious statue at the center of the altar, giving off a sanctified air befitting the impression of the small church.

Four silhouettes divided in two groups can be seen standing adjacent to each other. There was a priest with shoulder-length hair donned in a standard priest habit. Beside him was a man with golden hair that commanded a regal atmosphere who sat lazily at one of the church's pews. Opposite of them was an androgynous individual whose face were framed with long white hair tied in blue cloth, accompanied by a knight in silver with blonde hair.

"Hoh. To think two grand servants would be summoned at once in a single time period, how amusing," the man clad in golden armor chuckled, but the gleam in his eyes said everything how dire the situation truly was.

"---So, tell me, which 'Beast' has began to sprung?" the man added, his tone took a firmer stance.

The man in the silver armor stepped forward with a solemn expression.

"Beast IV, Beast 666, and... Beast 000---"

----a natural-born evil of humanity, different from other beings who have acquired the classification of a beast through conventional means but was born as one, having the designation of "Nihilism". The subconscious desire of mankind to consign for death, as with the case of Magus who made the root their lifelong goal, a monster goddess has descended to swallow the whole world and return all-creation back into the void of nothingness.