
A Mew Adventure

A Shiny female Mew in a brand new world, will she survive with her sanity intact? Or will she Snap? . . A Self Insert fic where a woman wakes up in the body of a shiny level 100 Mew with the twelve moves they can naturally learn by leveling up. Now, how to escape this desert? At least Transform works. Painful as heck, true, but it works. A little too well, even. . . . Female protagonist that can change into any Pokémon. No Yuri. This will be straight romance, though more focused in the adventure/action. . . This is the fic I use to recharge from other fics so updates won't be constant. Though I've got eight more chapters already written in my p_treon, so you know where to go if you feeling curious.

JorieDS · Films
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54 Chs

Chapter 1

Remember that sensation one gets before waking up? Sometimes one forgets it or doesn't even pay attention because one feels too drowsy and warm, with no desire to wake up. One can easily hear and answer everything perfectly, but it's more of an autopilot reaction with the conscious brain not really computing it. Afterward, one mostly forgets about it… It's hard to describe, isn't it?

Well, that's what she's feeling at the moment.

There's like a voice asking her, "Who do you want to be? What do you want to be?"

"Me?" she hears himself ask through the fog inside her mind. "Dunno. Can I be a cat?"

There's a giggle. From whom comes the giggle? From her, or is this voice the one giggling? She's not sure. "You can be whatever you want."

"I want to be a Pokémon, then. The best it ever was. I like Pokémon. I enjoy helping people, too, you know."

"Which one would you like to be, then? A Pokémon that helps others?"

"Yeah, sure. Strong, too. To protect the ones I'm helping. And cute. Because cuteness is so overrated, you know?"

"Yes, it's true. You can help others and be cute, too."

"Yeah, can you picture a cute lil Pikachu helping Thor or Ironman? Talk about empowering."

"Would you like to do that?"


There's a hum, and she drifts off for a while, talking from her favorite dishes (everything spicy) to her favorite colors (Blue and red, like Spiderman, you know?), not knowing if the other is listening or not. She just feels so friendly and talkative.

"I've decided," the voice says, and she's not sure what they're talking about. She was just talking about the time she dyed her hair blue because her nephew's favorite soccer team's uniform color was blue.


"Yes, I'm sure about this," it ays, ignoring her, which is rude. "You'll be my little hope, my precious ***."

"Again, whaaa—" the word stretches out like a yawn, soft and warm.

She's feeling somewhat sleepy, but more aware now. The yawn continues, and it's long and loud. She opens her mouth to let it go, not wanting to suppress it but, at the same time, wanting it to be over. That she can continue talking with the voice. She feels tears forming in her eyes from the strain. There's also a click sounding from her jaw. That's how wide her jaw is.

She rubs her left eye with a hand, and stops, feeling something hairy touching her.

Is she… wearing some gloves?

She opens her eyes and sees a blue paw in front of her.

"What the…"

Halting herself, she jumps in fright at hearing her voice, jumping a little high to be normal. Actually, scratch that, it's too high. She's not coming down. Why is she not coming down?!

She stops going up but doesn't go down either. She just floats. So she tries slowly to turn around, away from the too-sunny sky, and sees sand covering the ground. Wait, no. Everything seems to be sandy around her. And are those dunes?

No, stop. Focus.

Her thoughts feel more scattered than usual.

And then, as if summoned by the word "thoughts", memories come to her flowing like lava pouring on ice, with the ice being her little brain. Though not really. They are not memories, more like… moves.


And the epiphany hurts like hell, too, but it does explain some things.

She looks down at herself and sees four blue paws. And yeah, there's a tail too.

She's a freaking shiny Mew.

And going by the memories (moves) she has, she's a level 100 Mew, with all the twelve moves they could have in the game by only leveling up. And considering there are no TMs thrown around near her, she would go with the premise there won't be new moves soon.


She tries to box away all her worries and questions by going through the motions of trying to return to the ground. She's never been really afraid of heights, but falling must hurt anyway and her brain has suffered enough pain already.

She takes ten minutes to control her levitation.

Now that she's on the ground, she feels her tail flicking in agitation when she remembers that dream (?) she had before woken up. She compartmentalizes her thoughts by boxing her worries inside a chest and then throwing them away deep inside her mind. She needs to find out more about her situation first.

She looks around and sees nothing but sand. She floats up and there's more sand, some reptile-like beings, a couple of scorpions, and some dry plants.


She could choose a direction and see what she finds but better to be prepared in case of enemy action. After all, she doesn't know if she's in a hostile place or not. Maybe this is an apocalyptic world (let's hope it isn't) or a medieval place (which means she can proclaim herself a higher being, who knows). Anyway, it means that it's time to train!



I saw another fic with a Mew in MCU, but I haven't read it yet and I'd probably won't read until I at least have more of an idea of where I want to go with this as to not grab some of the other author's ideas. However, I did read the summary, so yeah, in my defense, this is a shiny female Mew.

So there.