
A Magical New Era

In a single galaxy called Sukdmon, resides a single lonely planet called Cadma, full of singularities and normal things. But, like any other place, it has secrets and skirmishes that involve the hope of a ecosystem and their destruction. After the war between the grand cult of the memorable and the grand cult of the true one in the night without a sky, the world changed drastically, making some new power's rises and some old ones falling in decadence. Will the world accept change in what really needs to be changed? (Its my first novel, and english its not my first language, so, please be cool with me.)

Aureborn · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

The Beginning of a New Era (1/2)

"The truth can't be hidden"

A man with black hair and red eyes like fire, with a half mask covering his mouth said between coughs and rushed breaths.

Yes, the truth cannot be hidden, the more you try to imprison it, the more it tries to tear you apart with its painful consequences.

"Its does not matter, beacause as long as i stand, the truth will remain a secret from everyone and everything."

A person with long golden hair and a faceless mask retorted such blasphemy to the man who was lying on the dirt ground with a tired face and a body full of wounds that looked alive.

The man laughed, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the whole world.

The man on the floor stared intently at the sky, ignoring the masked person hypocritical rant.

If it had been any other day, the man would have ignored the vast sky above his head, but today was an unusual day. There was no sky.

"You know the prophecy is in progress from the moment the sky stopped hiding the infinity, right? Our savior has just descended, and with him, the hope will come to both the righteous and the evil."

The masked person has stopped his speech, and even with the mask on, you could tell his face is frowning, as if he's remembered something that makes him angry.

"Even if I die, the remnants of the cult will still exist, and when the savior shows himself to the world, they will gather around him, because the only one who will show us the true way is him."

The man then looked at the masked person, remembering the face that lay under that mask without sculpted expressions.

"Whatever you do, don't regret it Pietra, it would be pathetic if you went back after reaching this stage."

After saying that, the man closed his eyes as he heard a small murmur coming from the golden haired person.

"My belief would never allow me to do that, Talon."

The person then took off her mask, which represented the supreme authority in her cult, leaving only the woman named Pietra.

Even though her face looked emotionless, her eyes with a hint of longing and respect for the man now dead on the ground, after all, it would be a shame for her if she didn't respect the only person who could rival her in the entire continent of teogracia.

Then the woman looked at the sky without a sky, and just as her rival had done on her deathbed, she admired him.

Even though she had just killed her rival, she didn't feel fulfilled, as if she had won an unmerited prize, as he was not at his peak, as most of his energy and mana was used to aid the descent of the savior of whom he so longed.

Even if she wanted to stop the descent, it was too late, and now all she could do was put all her power and influence into the search for the individual who could either save or destroy the world.

"I don't even have a clue what to look for, I don't know if he's alive or dead, if he's one of the species that are under the treaty or if he's one of the ones that tore it, hell, I don't even know where in the world he is."

Pietra, after much contemplation, finally decided to act.

Putting her mask back on her face, she ran towards where her cathedral's location was with incredible speed and a graceful posture, that if anyone saw her they would have trouble forgetting the sight.

If it were a normal situation, she would walk calmly as she always does, but it could decide the future of what she was sworn to protect, how could she wait?

The chapter may seem a little small, but this will not be the default for the next ones, I plan at least 1000 words chapters 4 times a week, but as it's my first time writing it, it can take a while to get the hang of it and I may have some mistakes spellings, so I'm counting on your feedback to show me where I'm missing :)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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