
A Mafia's Redemption(GL)

Lin all tired and weak, from the torture she had gone through for the past days, now tied to a pole right at the edge of the cliff, looked up to her killer who was standing some meters away, and asked faintly "Why do I have to be put through all this?" "Am just carrying out an assignment." the killer responded, with no sign of sympathy whatsoever. Lin stared at her killer, obviously the masked figure wasn't going to show her any form of mercy. Already tired of life and had given up, she asked her killer one last time. "You really think, my dad is going to let y'all go after am dead?". The killer gave an evil grin. "Seems you have so much confidence in your dad..." He said clicking his teeth, and after exhaling. "Your dad wants you dead sweetheart." He said bluntly, dropping the bombshell, leaving Lin in utter shock and confusion. "That can't be true." She whispered although she could hear the doubt in her own voice, as the tears flowed from her already weary eyes down to her cheeks. She really didn't want to believe this but something was starting to make sense to her..She had gone through a lot already "Just end this please." She said exhaling deeply, as she closed her eyes. She could hear the echo of the gunshot as she waited patiently the bullet to pierce for through her... Yet nothing came through, she couldn't feel any form of pain or sting... "Isn't it meant to hurt a little?.. Or is she dead already.." She thought, as she slowly opened her eyes... What she saw was overwhelming... Her killer was on the floor instead... She scanned around, and that's when she saw a young man coming towards her... As the person came closer, she started to notice, that the person was also having feminine characteristics.... Wait that was a lady, looking really masculine.... Clad in all black, high boots, and a neat cut... She was lost in the eyes of this stranger and hadn't noticed that the lady had started to untie her. "What's going on?" A very confused Lin whispered, "Just follow me." The lady replied as she loosened the last knots that held Lin to the pole. Already freed Lin tried to take a step but stumbled. The lady turned and gave a smirk. "You were quite strong at first." And before Lin could fathom what she said, she swept her off her feet. And whispered, "Am not letting you go this time."

XOxomethyst · LGBT+
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37 Chs

The kidnap 1.

Lin's p.o.v

Today was hectic, but am glad I achieved a lot as well, I renewed my contract with Bruce Exhibits Ltd.

Glancing at my watch I heaved a sigh, I should be home by now, it's already 10:42 pm, so I packed up some documents on my table, putting them in my drawer and after saying a quick prayer of gratitude.

I stood up and walked to the door, turned off the light, locked the door, and headed straight for the elevator.

The building wasn't as quiet as my office, and I also wasn't used to these faces as it seemed they were all on the night shifts, now on the ground floor, I waved goodnight to the receptionist and headed for the parking lot. 

The parking lot was filled with a lot of lights, and just a few cars could be seen, the environment was quite serene and I think I was the only living being there at that moment.

Turning on my BMW XI from a distance, I walked gracefully towards the vehicle, somewhat I regret not getting a personal driver like my Mom insisted.

" Bùyào gùzhí Lin Guan" which means" Don't be stubborn Lin Guan", that was the day I was moving out of the house, because I got a new job, and my request to live a normal life was finally granted.

She wanted me to get a driver, a bodyguard and all, but I felt it was too much, and didn't agree to any of it.

My name is Lin Guan, the last and only daughter of Gaun Jianshyi, a well-known Chinese tycoon.

I have four elder brothers and am glad all of them would have to be in charge of my Father's assets and empire.

There wasn't much pressure on me, concerning the family businesses and all that but there was a lot of protection and it was unbearable to an extent.

My dad believed I was the vulnerable one in the family, and also the most cherished in the house.

Nobody would want anything bad to happen to me, for twenty years my life has been under surveillance.

I wouldn't wish that on anyone, I was alone just me, my mum who also gets busy sometimes, my art shop which was inside our mansion.

In my early years I was home schooled, and then did 5 years online schooling, during my college days.

Never knew what having a boyfriend felt like, I have no experience whatsoever on life, love, disappointments, expectations, betrayals, and so much more.

When I couldn't take it anymore, I confronted my dad and applied for a job, which 

the location was situated in Tokyo and was already ready to move out.

It was a really big decision for me, and it was difficult for my dad as well. But then I guess the reality of me growing up had hit him, and he had to let me go.

Those months weren't easy at all for me, but am glad, everything did work out well in the end.

I was suddenly jerked into reality when I heard a loud horn.

Groaning in frustration, I slowed down, I noticed an accident scene ahead and that's what was causing the traffic, the ambulance was there already, and some firefighters .. so why the fuck are we not allowed to move... I sighed and rested my head on my seat, it's going to take a while...

Somewhere in the traffic 

A black Lexus ES drove past the BMW Xi and stopped also 

Unknown man(driver)- Right where we needed her(laughs)

Unknown Man 2- How can you be so dumb, your dad left you under surveillance, he's got a reason obviously.

He said, mockery evident in his voice.

Driver- You know the drill.

Unknown Man 2- Yeah, yeah we've been through this already. 


I was sort of dozing off when I heard another horn... Damm I was so tired, that I slowly turned on my engine, it's already 11:02 pm.. am just a 20-minute drive away from my apartment, the highway was sort of free now, so if I'd increase my speed I'd be home before then.

I'm already looking forward to having a warm bath in the shower and a nice cup of tea.

I looked towards the review mirror and noticed a black car, I had seen this same car in the traffic a while ago, but I didn't think that much, this is Tokyo, no one knows am here except my family though, and also am not involved in any affairs of theGuan's.

10 minutes later

I was finally home, using my fingerprint to open the door, I walked in, turned on the lights, and went straight to my room.

Being alone really isn't fun, but as someone used to staying indoors and had spent all of her childhood in a quiet place.

I don't have an issue with it.

I turned on my heater, and removed my clothes, I was only on shorts and a vest, putting on my slippers I headed to the kitchen to prepare my tea.

Somewhere near Lin's apartment 

Driver- So, what are we waiting for...

Man 2 - Easy man,we need her to settle, before anything

Driver- You sound smart (snickers)

Man 2 - Am just good at what I do that's all.


My tea was ready, I switched off the lights, and headed back to my room, with my tea. I won't be coming downstairs again, till the next morning.

In my room, I took off my clothes and went to take my shower, after a few minutes I was done.

Wore my favorite and most comfortable PJs, because I fall asleep faster in them, 

Situated on my bed and sipping my tea, I took out my phone and was randomly surfing the internet, when I suddenly decided to text my Mom, it's been a while honestly, and I miss her.

I wasn't expecting her to reply immediately though, it already late, so I just left her a heartwarming text, turned off my phone, kept it on my side stool.

When I was done with my tea, I said a short prayer for protection, turned off my light and tucked myself.

Hello Dear Reader.

I welcome you to the first page of this journey.

I hope you stick to it to the end.

Because it only gets better.

Do well to also add it to your library.

Much love.


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