

Ellen Burge is a famous Spy who is known as Chizuki. One day she will found out that her friend Luna Bloomberg is working in an illegal organization that was built by his other friend named James Carter, the younger brother of her crush William Carter. Will Ellen choose to protect her friends, or will she finish the mission to kill Them?

KCZ_Leo · Sports, voyage et activités
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10 Chs

At The Party

"What kind of mission?" I inquired, still looking for a dress to wear.

"I've been invited to the Bloomberg Mansion," Uncle continued, and I put aside my search for dresses and sat down to listen because this seemed to be a serious mission.

"What for?" I inquired, and I overheard Uncle sigh slightly.

"They'll have a big home party to celebrate and show other millionaires and billionaires how they got so rich," Uncle said, and I just sighed.

"Uncle, maybe they're just celebrating for fun," I reasoned, knowing that Luna's family would never do such a thing, but why am I feeling strange? It's like instructing me not to interact with someone.

"Ellen, have you...already trusted them?" Uncle inquired, and that made me stunned for a second.

I responded, "Of course not, not at all," but had I already placed my trust in them?

Uncle asked with a dubious tone, "Then why, why are you defending them?"

I began to say, "Uncle, it's not like that—," but he cut me off.

"It's not like that!? C'mon Ellen, I know Luna is your friend, but you have to remember that the Bloomberg family is our enemy," Uncle stated, and my face became sad.

Uncle sighed, and I responded, "Of course, I didn't forget about that."

Uncle said, "Good, now go and get ready because I need you to go to the party now," and I simply nodded in agreement.

Third-person POV

After getting ready, Ellen gets in her car and drives to the party.

Arriving at the event

Everyone was having a great time dancing, playing pool, gambling, and other activities when someone arrived with something very opulent, which caused everyone to become distracted.

One of the guests exclaimed, "D*mn, who is that?" with a grin on its face.

A girl asked her friend, "Is it a handsome boy?" in a flustered whisper.

The boy remarked, "Or maybe a girl!" to the girl, and both of them received a blow to the head.

They both mutter, "Ow, what was that for?"

The other girl looked back at the expensive car and said, "The two of you need to shut up."

The Bloomberg family is getting ready to greet the new guests as they approach the gate in the background.

Several seconds later,

A woman wearing the renowned designer's most recent garment, the "Sequin Embellished Midi Dress in Silver," was seen by the onlookers.

One of the guests gasped, "W-woah, isn't that the newly released dress that cost more than a hundred million?" as he or she pointed to the dress.

The other female guest exclaimed, with jealousy written all over her face, "How lucky she is."

But they were all taken aback when they saw the only princess of the Bloomberg family hugging that individual.

Luna feigned happiness and exclaimed, "OMG! Ellen, I thought you weren't coming today!"

"Oh, come on, how could I not come when you are my friend?" she questioned.

Luna said, "Aww, by the way, I liked your car," pointing to it.

Ellen grinned a little and said, "Haha, thanks! It's my new car that my uncle bought for me."

"If so, is it a Rolls-Royce Sweptail," Luna questioned.

Everyone else in the room gasped when Ellen exclaimed, "Oh come on, Luna, it's a Rolls-Royce Boat Tails."

Luna exclaimed in disbelief, "Y-you mean the Rolls-Royce Boat Tails that cost $28 million!" while Ellen just chuckled.

Luna said with an embarrassed expression, "D*mn, that's so expensive, how did your uncle buy it? Oh, I forgot, your family is one of the top three richest aristocrats in Japan."

Ellen questioned, "Should we go?"

"Right, but before we go, I have to introduce you to my parents," Luna said, taking Ellen's hand and leading the way to her parents' location.

With a smile on her face, Luna said, "Mother, Father, this is Ellen; she is my friend from school and the niece of Lucas Ford."

Ellen made a gracefully bow down and said, "Pleased to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Bloomberg."

"Welcome, Lady Ellen. I'm glad to have met you as well." Mr. Bloomberg said with a smile on his face, "Luna, kindly assist your friends." He added as he turned to look at Luna.

Luna nodded in agreement with her father and helped Ellen go to the table.

Ellen's POV

I'm running out of time and still don't know anything about the Bloomberg family! It's so annoying, ugh.

I need to figure out how to get to Mr. Bloomberg's office, and I'm fairly certain that my uncle will be coming here, so I need to get the information as soon as possible.

I said, "Uh, Luna," and she gave me a curious look.

"Do you need anything?" she inquired.

I whispered loud enough for her to hear, "Uhm, I need to use the restroom right away."

She responded by saying, "Oh, you can just go straight to that door and go to the left, and you will see the bathroom there," and I nodded. She then began helping the other guests because there were so many aristocrats present.

I enter their home without stopping and immediately see Mr. and Mrs. Bloomberg talking to the maids. However, they quickly became preoccupied when I entered.

"What are you doing here, young lady?" Mrs. Bloomberg inquired.

"Uhh, I'm just here to use the bathroom," I explained elegantly.

Why does it have to happen right now?

Ugh! This is awful, and I must move forward with my backup plan.

"Oh, in that case, the bathroom is over there," she said, pointing to the left.

I stated, "Thank you for leading the way, ma'am; I need to use the restroom right away," and I strode over to the restroom.

"I guess there's no turning back now," I sighed as I loaded my gun and kunai (Japanese throwing knife).

All I have to do is go upstairs and locate Mr. Bloomberg's office, but first we must turn off the electricity.

Haha, if someone stands in my way, I'll kill them and throw their bodies to the piranhas.

To be Continued...

Hello everyone! How are all of you doing? I apologize for not updating as frequently as I should have because I'm a student and, to be completely honest, I seriously considered quitting writing, but thankfully I decided against it. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!

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