
Chapter 4


Toshiro and I walk to my father's office in silence. I'm having a hard time believing him about elementals. They are an old legend that my mother and father used to tell me stories about when I was younger. Of course, the stories were usually with dad as the elemental. He went on adventures that seemed logical but, at the same time, could have been pulled out of a fairy tale. But that dream I had…dad and Mr. Snyder talked about elementals like they were an everyday thing. I guess it makes sense that they are real. Elementals are kind of like magical beings, right? And if elementals like magical beings, it would mean that they are out there and that humans just don't notice them. Right? Kinda like Bigfoot, or fairies, and unicorns, dragons, mermaids, and so many more.

"Sasuke…" Toshiro says, bringing me out of my thoughts, "Come on," He opens the door to the school.

As much as I don't want to get yelled at by my father, I have to go anyways. Sean probably went crying to my father and said that Toshiro and I ganged up on him and beat him up or something like that, "Right, I'm coming," I sigh, dragging myself along.

We walk in and go right to his office. Dad is sitting on the edge of his desk, waiting for us. I can't really tell what his expression is if he's mad or what. When we walk in, I close the door behind us.

"Sit down, you two," He instructs, so that's what we do.

"Headmaster Kaisai…" Toshiro starts but is silenced by my father, putting his hand up.

"You two aren't in trouble so you can relax," Dad let his hand fall back onto his other arm, and he looks between the two of us.

"Why was this kept from me? What's going on with me? I don't understand? Have I always been able to just spontaneously summon fire out of my hands and feet?" I shoot at my father a barrage of questions.

"Sasuke, calm down one question at a time," Dad says.

I grip onto the chair and sit up a bit, and I hear what sounds like ice cracking from under my hands. Looking down, I gasp and quickly pull my hands away from the chair's arms and stand up. Standing up so fast makes me stumble from a wave of nausea.

I feel a steady hand grab hold of my forearm, and I look over to see that it's dad that has hold of me. Looking over at the chair and back at dad, "What is going on?"

"You're a moon elemental," Escapes dad's lips as he looks at me in complete shock. "That's not possible, it can't be…" He mutter so quietly I almost don't catch it.

"But Headmaster, Sasuke has all the traits that the prodigy of the fire element would have," Toshiro jumps in, sounding just as surprised.

"I know…" Dad trails off, and I frantically look between him and Toshiro.

"Dad, what is going on with me?" I grip my fist and look down at the floor, "I wanna go home, can we just go home, please?"

Sighing, dad looks over at Toshiro, "Can you make sure that he gets home safely? I have a few more things I have to do here before I can head home myself."

"Yes sir, of course," Toshiro nods as stands up himself.

"If your mother is home, I want you to explain what's going on. I'll be home as soon as I can," Dad smiles down at me as Toshiro hands my bag to me.

"Okay," I mumble quietly.

Dad places a hand on my back and gently pushes me towards the door, "I promise I'll be home soon."

I nod a little, and Toshiro walks with me. We leave the office saying good night to Mrs. Chatman. She notices that I don't look good and tells me to get home safe and get plenty of rest.

"Sasuke!" I stop and turn around to see Elizabeth, one of the few people that have put up with me for some reason and comes running up to Toshiro and me. The smile instantly fell, and she raises a brow. Her brunette hair is up in a messy bun, and random strands are in her brown eyes. "You look terrible."

"Thank you, Liz, I know I do. Toshiro is walking home with me to make sure I don't keel over," I answer, motioning over to Toshiro.

"Oh, you're the new kid I've been seeing around all day. It's a pleasure to meet you," She sticks out her hand to Toshiro, shaking hands.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, too," Toshiro smiles down at her.

"LIIIZZZZ GET BACK HERE, OR COACH IS GONNA HAVE A FIT!" Another girl Donna, one of Liz's Volleyball teammate, yelled from the building.

"You ran out of practice?" I groan a bit.

"Well, I didn't get to see you all day, and I wanted to say hi and see how your day went," She laughs sheepishly.

"Get back to practice, Liz. I don't want you to get in trouble. We can compare schedules tomorrow if we get a chance, how does that sound?" I ask.

Her smile grows, and she nods, "Hopefully, I'll see you tomorrow Sasuke!! Bye, Toshiro, it was nice meeting you!" Liz waves at both of us before turning on her heels and sprinting back to the building.

"Girlfriend?" Toshiro questions and I instantly start shaking my head.

"Oh god, no, we've just been friends since around middle school. We've had classes together for a good while, and she finds me entertaining. I convinced her to try out for the Volleyball team when we were in seventh grade. Now she's on the Junior varsity team and is one of the best players on the team. I don't remember if she told me she was a captain or not," I explain to him, "But she is nice, normally she means well, and there are times where she can be blunt. But dating wise, I'm not dating anyone."

"That's good that she's been such a good friend," I look up at him, and he smiles softly at me, "Come on, let's get you home. You look like you could drop at any minute."

Nodding, we head back towards the exit of the school and to the left to walk down the sidewalk. We don't exactly have a vast conversation as we walk more, so Toshiro is grabbing my arm every two minutes because of me swaying or stumbling. But we finally make it to my house. Taking our shoes off at the door, I go to the couch and flop down on the couch.

"Do you want me to get you some water?" Toshiro questions. His voice is very soft and gentle.

"Sure, I'll try to drink some water. Cups are in the first cupboard right next to the fridge," I explain to him not wanting to move from my spot.

"Okay, try to sit up when I get back," I hear him get up and walk away from me.

"When you get back, I can handle that," I mumble into the cushion. Listening to him in the kitchen, I wait until I hear him come back into the living room, and then I sit up. Gingerly I take the cup from Toshiro and take a sip of the water.

"Are you feeling any warmer?" He asks, and I keep my eyes locked on his as I take another sip.

"I still feel cold, but not as cold as when I panicked in dad's office," I answer him truthfully.

"I think the effects of a new element are only supposed to last for an hour before you return to your base element. That's what I remember reading for moon elementals anyways," He shrugs and sits down next to me on the couch. We sit here quietly as I hold onto the cup and feel myself sway a little back and forth, "Do you want me to get you some medication to help with a headache? Or make you some tea?"

"I'll be okay," I mumble and take another drink of water.

"Sasuke, you're clearly not okay. Do you remember what made you start feeling sick?" He asks, putting a cold hand on my thigh.

"I don't know, I thought it was because it didn't eat, but I don't think it is. It just kinda hit me. I know that I got the proper amount of sleep last night, and I did eat a little bit in the morning…" I answer before taking another drink of water. "Maybe it's from not using my element for so many years?"

"Maybe, but still…I don't understand how you could not have used your element since you were a kid," Toshiro crosses his arms over his chest and leans back into the couch.

"I got in an accident when I was little. I actually got short-term amnesia from it. I couldn't remember anyone, Mom, Dad, Sean, they looked like strangers to me. I missed school that week, but Sean came to visit every day. We were in the same class to bring me my homework and then tell me what we did in class. He wanted me to come back, and that class was boring without me in it. He wore glasses back then too. A lot of kids picked on him and called him four eyes. I didn't get much better of nicknames with my eyes. But, he would sleep over at least twice a week, and we would always hang out and have fun together."

"It sounds like you two were a lot closer than what you were telling me before. Even with being best friends," Toshiro says softly.

"I looked at him more like a big brother, I just wish I knew what happened during middle school that made him act like this. This isn't the same Sean I knew when we were kids," I tap my finger against the glass looking down at the floor.

"So, do you think it's because of your accident and that temporary amnesia that you forgot that you could even use fire?" He asks, changing the subject. He can probably tell that I'm starting to get upset with trying to figure it out.

"More than likely. But, like you said, I shouldn't have forgotten that I can use fire. I should have been able to use it again while I was younger. I just don't know why that happened exactly, it just doesn't make sense," I mumble.

"I'm home," Mom calls from the front hall.

"Welcome home," I answer back to her.

Mom came running into the room and kneels down in front of me, cupping my face in her hands, "Dad called me, are you okay? You look so pale."

"I haven't been able to get him to take anything or let me make him tea," Toshiro says to mom.

"I'm home," Dad calls out as well.

"You're burning up," Mom said quietly and stood up, "I'm going to make you some tea, sweetie. Toshiro, dear, can you stay with him and make sure he doesn't get up?"

"Of course," He nods, and mom quickly leaves the room. I lean against Toshiro, and he feels so cold.

"I babbled enough, tell me about yourself, Shiro," I state.

"Oh, well, I'm the ice prodigy, I was originally born here than at a really young age I was taken to Amoura. I was taken in by the Grim family, who treated me like their son. They have two sons Kyo Grim who's the older one, and Jason Grim, who's the younger by eleven months. They made me feel comfortable there, but that didn't stop others from picking on me. That's something that you'll never get away from being a prodigy. We're not really liked, people just feel like we don't have to try."

"At least you weren't alone, right? No one deserves to be left alone. We all need to stick together," I mumble, and he takes the cup from me and sets it on the table.

"That's right, and you should think that way with Sean too. He may be acting like an asshole now, but maybe try to talk to him a bit. Sean was your best friend. The Sean, that you knew still has to be there. You know he is, you just have to work a little harder to pull that side out of him," Shiro's voice is so soft and gentle. His lap is cold, and he's gently stroking my hair and leaving his hand over my temple, trying to get me to cool down.

"Do you care if I call you Shiro?" I ask softly, relaxing with my feet up on the arm of the couch.

"I don't mind," He laughs lightly.

"Why would people make fun of you? You're so nice. And I'm sure that Sean didn't mean to upset you. He's always been a person to give people nicknames. What did he call you?" I look up at Shiro, his smile falls a little, but it doesn't leave his lips.

"He called me Snowflake. I just have a hard time with people calling me that. It's always used as a way to pick on me because my hair is white. But I know when it's someone I care about they aren't doing it to make fun of me," His voice is still calm, but I can tell that there's a slight harshness to the tone.

"Do you have any other friends that aren't just Kyo and Jason?"

"I do, their names are Aaron Strife and Gilbert Reis. They live in the same dorm that Jason does. Both houses are next to each other on campus. Aaron is normally always happy and tries his best to make others feel comfortable and is very kind and caring. Gilbert is soft-spoken and a bit withdrawn. But he is Aaron and Jason's best friend, so they pull him out of his shell quite a bit and make him have some fun."

"It sounds like a really nice group of friends that you have."

"They are, I'm happy to have them. Honestly, without them, I don't know where I would be today." The whistling of the kettle ends our conversation.

I wonder what Toshiro was like when he was little. Would we have been friends back then too? And what he said about talking with Sean feels like it's going to be easier said than done.