
Chapter 3


"Fucking punk…white-haired fucking snowflake…" I grumble under my breath I slam my locker shut and sling my backpack strap over my right shoulder. Shoving my hands in my pockets and head out of the school. Fucking nose still fucking hurt. All the damn guy had to do was just keep walking after I called him a snowflake. He didn't have to turn around and tell me that I was rude for calling people names. Does he think I'm fucking stupid? He's not the only new kid here…UGH fuck him, I mean seriously…I was challenged to do it anyways. I wasn't originally planning on picking a fight. I just wanted to get my things and go home. If Andy wouldn't have been able to nab me and pull me around with him…

Sighing to myself I stand outside of the doors to the school and look up at the sky, Why did I get so fucking enraged just because the fucking snowflake wouldn't back down. I was in a blind rage, and then Sasuke came in and defends the kid… I didn't even recognize him... Of course, it took him socking me in the face to snap out of it. Why is it that snowflake got so upset and in my face like that in the first place? His hair is pure white, I'm sure he has some childhood friends that would call him snowflake or something fucking close to the god damn thing.

A heavy sigh escapes my lips as I run my fingers through my hair, pulling my bangs out of my face for only a few moments before they fall back. Everything…everything was freezing around him too. It felt like the temperature was dropping until Sasuke came in. "Sasuke Kasai and Toshiro Unido, please come to the main office," Mrs. Chatman, the principal's secretary's voice, rang over the loudspeaker.

Clicking my tongue, I bring my gaze back down to in front of me, "Great…they'll probably think I went to the principal and whined or something."

Heading to the dorms, I keep out of the way, so the kids running late for practice. No, no, they couldn't think that I was the one that went and ratted us out. Why would I do that? Mr. Kaisai is filling in for Mr. Wolfe, so that would be so fucking stupid of me to do that. That's just ratting myself out in the end and making myself get detention, and I really can't afford to do that. Yeah, I mean, I was just as shocked and a bit panicked when my shirt caught on fire. How the hell did a fire start on my shirt? Where did it even come from? Maybe it was some freak phenomenon that was a one and a bazillion chance of it happening. But, blue flames? Those are the hottest flames…

Opening my door to my dorm, I toss my bag onto my bed and go over to my dresser to pull out a change of clothes and a pair of shorts. I stay in the dorms on campus, but my foster parents asked me to come home tonight to babysit so they could go out on a double date.

Yeah, I have foster parents. No, I'm not adopted…I've never been adopted. I've gone from foster home to foster parents, back to foster homes, then again to foster parents. That's where I am now. I'm with the Carlson family. Don't get me wrong they're a really nice family but...I just don't feel like I belong there. Let's be realistic. I've felt like I don't belong anywhere. I don't even know my real parents. I don't know who they are or why they chose to give me up…It's my goal when I graduate to try to find them. But Zimmer is such a common last name. I feel like I'm at a dead-end before I even get started.

"That was awesome man," My roommate Andrew who's also the captain of the swim team, came into the room. Andy has short orange hair that looks like someone turn the opacity down to around sixty percent for the shade of ginger that he is. But his ice blue eyes practically glow against his slightly tanned skin. He's wearing a black muscle shirt showing his athletic build that looks more so like he's well on his way to being more so a football player than a swimming captain. Under his black and blue track jacket from the swim team last year along with a pair of baggy blue jeans and white and blue running sneakers.

I chuckle a little at how he thinks that little quarrel that I was in awesome! Of course, he really had nothing to worry about. Why you ask? His last name is Wolfe…that's right; he's the principal's son. Well, currently, Sasuke is until Andrew's father is back to full health and comes back. Still, according to Andy, he can get away with anything and everything. I know fucking great right, "It was just some stupid fight because the kid couldn't take a simple nickname,"You fucking know this, you're the one that told me to give the kid a nickname the first place. I toss my clothes in my bag on top of my books that I need for homework tonight.

"Hey, where ya goin'? We were supposed to go to the pool so I could show ya around'," He slapped my back, and I fell forward a little bit.

"Sorry, Andy. I have to go babysit for my foster parents tonight. I'll more than likely just spend the night there so you'll have to room to yourself. We can check out the pool tomorrow, though," I respond, smiling at him. Zipping up my bag and tossing it over my shoulders properly carrying my backpack.

"Come on, man, live a little," He said, flopping an arm over my shoulders.

I spin out of his hold and shake my head, "I just got with this family I'd rather not fuck up my relationship with them right off the bat. I don't really want to go back to a foster home," I declined instantly. As much as I love swimming, I can't go, I have to do this. He scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked like he was about to open his mouth to say something. I glared at him, "You know it's a touchy subject, so unless you want to get into a fight don't say a thing," I instantly stop whatever fucking thought is in his head and spin on my heels and leave the room.

Andy was one of those people that I've known since actually before elementary. The Wolfe family was one of the families that were my foster parents. But Andrew kept blaming stuff that he did on me, so it got to the point where they got fed up with me and sent me back to the home. He's loved picking on me, I act tough but…I guess I'm really not all that tough. I thought that getting away from Andrew and everyone would be better for me…that wasn't the case. The same thing kept happening to me no matter where I went. It's like I don't belong anywhere.

Shaking my head rapidly, letting my black hairbrush against my closed eyes. My hair is always a mess. I never really brush it. There's no point I feel. It's not so long that I need to brush it, but it's not really short. "I can't be thinking like this. I have to babysit," I mutter to myself, pumping myself up a bit as I turn down the street with the house that my foster parents are on. It's actually just around the block from the Kaisai house. I was kind of shocked when I noticed that on a run before school started.

There was a part of me who really wanted to go rushing down their driveway and knock to see if anyone was home and go "Guess who's back!" But I didn't. I told myself that I would do it on the way back to the house, but when I got into town with my run, I ran into Andrew and his friends from the swim team.

"I'm here," I call out as I walk into the house. It's a one-story house. It's a little small, but it's really nice for the family that's taking care of me. They have just over a year-old little girl.

"You're here earlier then I thought you would be Sean," Mrs. Carlson says from their bedroom, "I thought you would have had swimming practice first."

I chuckle a bit as I slip off my shoes, "No, that doesn't start for another couple of months."

"Can you take Lilly into the living room so I can take a shower, please?" Mrs. Carlson asks, walking over to me with the little girl on her hip.

She hands her off to me, and I take her into the living room where Mr. Carlson is playing one of his video games. They have plenty of time considering that the reservations that they made weren't till six tonight. I set Lilly on the floor and sit down with her. She instantly crawls up onto my lap and cuddles with me. Surprisingly it didn't take long for her to like me. Mr. and Mrs. Carlson were really happy about that.

"So, how was school?" Mr. Carlson asks, not taking his eyes off his game because he's in the middle of a battle.

"It wasn't too bad. Standard first day of school really," I shrug.

"Didn't get into any fights at all?"

"Nope," I answer quickly. I really don't want to tell them that yes, I actually did. I didn't want them to get upset with me.

"That's great! I was terrible when I was in high school. I was constantly getting into fights," He chuckles.

"It was interesting. I saw a lot of my old friends, and one of them is actually the captain of the swim team," I say. I honestly can't believe myself for calling Andrew a friend. Sasuke is more so my friend then that sleazeball of a roommate.

"So, are you definitely planning on joining the swim team?" He perks up, sounding very proud of me.

"I hope so. I have to make it through tryouts in a couple of months from now, though," I respond, playing with Lilly.

"If you make it, you'll have to give us your schedule so we can come to see you swim," I feel a small smile creep on my lips when I hear those words. It's nice to have someone actually interested in what I do.

"I'll make sure to do that," I smile a little down at Lilly.

They show me that there's plenty of food in the fridge and cupboards and that I can have whatever, but not the alcohol, obviously. While I fed Lilly dinner, they head out on their little adventure together to celebrate their anniversary. I told them to have fun, and they reminded me to get whatever homework I needed to get done before going to sleep or at least get most of it done. Not gonna lie, I don't wanna have to wake up earlier than I already have to in order to get the rest of my homework done.

I'm able to get Lilly to sleep around seven-thirty, and I start on my homework. I don't really have all that much considering it was the first day of school, and most teachers don't assign homework the first day. I got it done around nine and then take the monitor into the bathroom with me to shower. I don't know why, but water has always made me relax. I guess it's only been the real comfort I have. It lets me think.

It's nuts how I couldn't remember what Sasuke looked like. I know that we've both grown since I left in middle school, but still, I should have been able to instantly recognize those red eyes of his. They stand out so much. It's not something that one would be used to seeing every day. And what happened when he kicked me…was he the one that started that fire? If he did, how did he do it? There were so many questions that I really wanted to ask him. But, I didn't have his number, heck I don't even know if he has a cell phone. I don't, I should save up and get a pay as you go type phone, that way if something happens I have a way to get a hold of people. I'll think about it. I don't want to bother the Carlson's with this type of thing. They are already doing so much for me to stay here while I try to finish school.

No, I have to finish school. That's not an option. I told them I would. It's the first step for me to decide if I want to try to go to college or if I just want to go right into the workforce. That second option is probably more than likely going to be the case. So I can get an apartment and then save up to one day maybe go to college if I can't get a really good job before then. Still, I'll just have to see what happens. Why is it that there so much that I feel like I'm left in the dark about? Why is it that I have to struggle through everything? Can't I get a break at least once? Putting on the strong and tough act…It's so tiring, it wears me out. But I can't show it. I need to stay strong, I need to get through this. Sighing quietly to myself, I lean my head back into the water more and close my eyes, "I should get out before I'm here all night."

I finish up my shower and pull on the spare t-shirt and shorts that I brought with me from school, grabbing the monitor, and removing the fuzzy blanket off the couch. I go to my room, which is the spare bedroom in the house. It's right across from Lilly's room, so it's better to lay down here. After tossing the blanket on the bed, I make sure the porch light is on and lock everything up before heading to bed myself. It's a habit for me to wake up early, so I'm too worried about setting the alarm. Also, Mr. Carlson has to get up early for work anyway, so he said that he'll make sure that I'm awake in time to get ready and go to school.

It's nice with it being peaceful in the house. It makes it a lot easier to fall asleep. I'm going to need it considering that I'm taking the advanced placement English course this year, I need all the rest I can get. As I relax my body, my mind drifts off, and I fall asleep.

"No way, Sean, is that you?!! Fuck yeah, man!! Welcome back!" Slowing down to a stop, I look to see who called my name. Andy and two people that I don't know if I've met before come running over to me. "How are ya, man!"

"Hey Andy," I answer a little out of breath, "I'm okay, how about yourself?"

"I'm doing good! This is Sam, and this is Nick. When did you get back?" Andy seems so happy to see me. I don't know why, though.

"I got back a few days ago. The Carlson's took me in, but I'll be staying on the school grounds in the dorms this year," I answer, putting a hand on my hip.

"That's awesome, man!! Glad to have ya back! Hey come with me we can totally get ya to dorm with me this year! You still swim?" Andy slung an arm over my shoulders and pulls me in. We start walking towards the school.

"Well, yeah, but I really need to get-" Andrew cut me off.

"Fucking damn straight!! Let's go to the pool and see what ya got!! I'm the captain this year for the swim team! With the four of us, we can be the strongest melody relay and kick-ass and fuckin' take names!!"

I'm sorry, Sasuke. I'll come to visit as soon as I can get away from Andy…

"Sean, how could you?" I stop dead in my tracks when I hear Sasuke's voice. Everything around me fades and turns to black. Turning around, I see Sasuke standing there, his fists clenched and tears in the corner of his eyes.

"Wait, no, Sasuke, it's not what you think," I reach out to him, but he doesn't move.

"Just stay away from me. How could you throw in your lot with them? They're a bunch of assholes." He turns his back to me and starts walking away, "I guess this just means that you're throwing away your old friends."

"No, Sasuke, please, I'm not. I'm not throwing away anyone, please Sasuke listen to me," He starts walking away from me, "SASUKE, FUCKING. LISTEN TO ME FOR A GOD DAMN MINUTE!"

"We're done, Sean. I guess you don't want any help finding your family after all. Goodbye," My heart pounds, and I feel myself stop in place. I'm reaching out to him, but he keeps getting further away, and I can't get my legs to move.

"SASUKE!!! SASUKE!! WAIT, PLEASE!!" I scream after him, my throat burning and my chest tight. "What have I done?"

Gasping, I launch up off my pillow. It's pitch dark in the room. I look down at my hands. I'm shaking, and there's a cold sweat that's trickling down my face and body. Looking over at where I placed the monitor, it's not there anymore. They must have gotten home. Sighing quietly, I pull my legs into my chest and wrap my arms around and rest my forehead on my knees. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I mutter to myself as I sit there and let the tears form at the corners of my eyes and my chest tighten. I'm so stupid. I hurt my best friend. He'll never want to talk to me again. I'm so stupid.