
A Lion’s journey (Twilight 1st)(Harry Potter 2nd)(Marvel 3rd)(PJO 4th)

Follow the Mc, a Nemean Lion shifter as he travels through the multiverse. This is a harem fic with Mc imprinting on a single women per verse. And it wouldn’t be completely illogical as Lion’s are polygamous creatures. So far the love interests for the next worlds are: Rosalie Hale, Nymphadora Tonks, Natasha Romanoff and Aphrodite. 1- Twilight 2- Harry Potter 3- Marvel 4- Percy Jackson

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Chapter 3 - The Unexpected

As soon as I stepped foot inside the welcoming property, a flood gate of memories assaulted me. I remembered spending quality time with my parents and little sister before the tragic divorce. The Christmases and Holidays spent in joy and laughter. Our mother, Renee reading Bella and I bed time stories only for her to ends up falling asleep first and have Charlie carry her to their room.

We were truly happy back then, *sigh*. I shook my head out of my memory induced daze and walked onward toward my bedroom. It seems I was becoming more attuned with my new found memories.

My bedroom upstairs was exactly how I had left it. The same old dark brown wood framed mirror stood in the corner of my room. It still had the many superheroes stickers stuck on its side. My wall had a family picture hooked on it. The picture was of our last Halloween together as a family, I was sporting a batman costume that was clearly too big for my scrawny frame and Bella was dressed in a light blue princess costume. Renee was hugging the both of us while smiling at the camera while Charlie took the picture.

*Uh*Uhum* Charlie interrupted my reverie, "How do you like the room?" He asked.

" Same old, same old." I replied.

"Yeah…didn't want to change anything." He said as he looked around the room. "Got you some new bed covers though." He added.

" Yeah, I noticed all white I like it. Thanks dad." I said giving him a bright smile.

He blushed lightly not used to being thanked, " Glad you like it." He replied awkwardly as he put his hand in his pocket and started rocking back and forth on his feet. As the silence prevailed, he realized I was waiting for the reason he came into my room.

"We'll be going to the dinner tonight, so freshen up, get dressed. We'll be leaving in an hour." He said.

" All right, I'll first get my clothes out of my bags and join you downstairs when I'm done." I replied.

" Ok…" He replied before walking out of the room.

That was something that would definitely take some getting used to, he's even more awkward than Bella.


I woke up dead tired, after dinner with Bella and Charlie we returned home where Bella went to her room while Charlie and I watched the game, both with a cold beer in hands.

Charlie allowed me a single beer and not one more as I had school the next day. It was a great bonding moment for us, as not much talking is needed when watching TV.

Quickly shutting my blaring alarm off, I took a towel in hand and started walking toward the bathroom.

I met with Bella in the corridor, hair still wet from her morning shower.

" Good morning." She said.

" Morning." I replied still not fully awake.

"Breakfast is on the table." She said.

"All right thanks." I replied and walked past her to the shower.

" Can I drive us to school this morning?" She asked.

'Oh, yeah the truck is ours and not only hers.'

" Yeah sure, I don't mind." I replied.

She smiled excitedly and walked into her room to get her hair dried. While I walked into the bathroom.

After taking my clothes off I looked at myself in the mirror, the new face and body was still something I would need getting used to but the memories helped as I still thought of this new appearance as mine in some way.

I had shoulder length dirty blonde hair and piercings blue eyes, and unlike Bella and Charlie who looked as white as a corpse. I had a healthy tan to my skin due to my previous stay in Phoenix Arizona. All in all I looked like the typical surfer.

I took a quick shower and dressed into a rather thought out outfit, it was the first day of school and I didn't want to look like a bum. So I wore a plain white shirt with my favorite black leather jacket on top, some black jeans and some white and black adidas shoes. The fit was rather simple so I wouldn't look overdressed and the colours matched.


After eating breakfast, Bella drove us to school. Where the hulking death machine we use as transportation garnered the attention of various onlookers. Ranging from the geeks to the popular kids.

Once the vehicle was parked, Bella and I walked into the administration building where we both were given our class schedule.

I didn't have any classes with Bella as I am a senior, while she's a year younger than me and thus a junior.

Our first class was in complete separate direction so we had to split up, something that clearly got Bella's blood pumping by the anxious glances she was given me.

"Hey, you'll be fine." I said with a reassuring pat on her back.

"Yeah…" She replied trying her best to give a reassuring smile.

I parted with Bella and walked toward my first class, math. I wasn't really good with maths as I didn't understand what use it would be in the real world. Beside the basics the rest seemed like a waste of time to me. But alas it was a mandatory course.

As I made my way to class, I got excited at possibly meeting a vampire. I wondered if I would have to wait till lunch or if I would meet one of the vampires in one of my morning classes. I knew Jasper, Rosalie and Emmet were all seniors. So I was more likely to encounter one of them first.

Fortunately no Edward and his mind reading, I wonder if I'm immune to his ability. I would have to test it out.

As I walked into class, the chattering of the students lowered as they all had their eyes trained on me. I simply waved at them with a smile and sat at an empty seat in the back of the class.

Unlike Bella who had plot armour and had managed to get the whole school interested in her. My arrival into class was pretty normal, people looked, stared and talked before ignoring me and keeping to themselves.

I kept scanning the class looking for any vampire in my perimeter but no one in sight. Until a couple of second before the bell rang a gorgeous Aphrodite of a women walked through the door.

The women had wavy shimmering blonde hair worthy of any high end shampoo commercial, piercing eyes that glowed in a gold-honey hue with deep purple bags under her eyes as if she lacked sleep. Her skin looked pristine almost statuesque in nature. As if crafted after the gods themselves by the finest of ancient greeks marble sculptor. Her lips plump and rosy looked as smooth as the finest silk. Any top model standing next to her would look like a simple country bumpkin.

But as beautiful as this women was, she seemed to be unhappy for some reason. The slight frown plastered to her face from the moment she entered the room, to the moment she took a seat at the only available seat which ended up being right next to me.

It seems I will be sharing a table with a vampire. A slight grin made it to my face at the prospect of the supernatural being real in this world.

I didn't take the time to introduce myself or anything, I knew by her looks and features that I was currently seated next to Rosalie Lillian Hale. The unfriendly vampire of the bunch. So introducing myself to her was simply unnecessary as she would most likely ignore me.

Just as those fleeting thoughts crossed my mind the unthinkable happened, the outstandingly attractive blonde turned to me and introduced herself.

" Hi, I'm Rosalie Hale."