
A Killer Can't Change

A psychotic killer with a kill count numbering in the thousands. His methods of killing that can make anyone vomit with just the sight of it. With every body found is a picture of his face with a bright smile posing with the head of his victim. And despite having his identity exposed, His killing spree continued for 33 years. Finally after decades of searching and chasing, He was now caught in the middle of decapitating his last victim. Judge: "With the amount of evidence gathered here today, this court sentences John Dweller to death! Any last words you despicable monster?" John: "...Thanks for this judge, I was getting bored here on earth anyway so a change in scenery in heaven or hell might be a good change. It was fun playing you people." those were the final words John left for the world. John Dweller, Age 56, dead on September 29, 2013. ====== Somewhere in a land of clouds... God: "Who's next on the list? Hmm let's see here.... John Dweller..." Reading through John's book of life, God's face changed from boredom to worried. God: "Oh cosmos... This one seems to have had quite the life down there... Welp on you go then little one. And with those words and a flick of his finger, God sent whatever was left of John's existence to a different world for another god to worry about. ==WARNING== This story has some screwed up stuff planned to give the MC some trauma to really ease him into being a killer. And one of those are child molestation so if yall aint into that then this might not be a story for you. =====FOR THE ARTIST===== I DO NOT OWN the art on the cover, I couldn't find the owner of this picture anywhere I looked. So if the artist sees this and want's it taken down just email me at bertingsburger@gmail.com (Yes i know the email looks like a joke but its what i actually use for anything that isnt involved in my personal life) Also my eyes are kind of screwed up and i end up pressing on "a" alot, so please be patient if you see words that just had a random "a" in it. i'll fix it when i find it.

MisterClaps · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Chapter 1: Where the seed of change started to grow.

6 years later after that night...

In the gardens of the Velmont manor, 2 kids are running around playing tag. Their white and blue clothes were visibly dirty from running and tripping through the small field of grass and flowers.

Completely exhausted from their game of tag they fall back first to the ground, panting and sweating with small pinches of dirt on their faces.

"Hehe I win John, this marks 5 wins and 0 losings for me!" Chelsy pumped her fist towards the clouds as she laughs victoriously.

"It's "Losses" Chelsy not "losings". Also this isn't fair! all we've been playing are things you're good at! Why can't we do something I'm good at like a competition in reading or studying?" John on the other hand was a sore loser and complained about the unfair choices of competitions.

"Tsk. Tsk. Excuses and excuses, that's all I hear from you, John. Maybe if you took a break from staying in the library all day you could exercising your body more and actually tag me at least once."

Feeling insulted, John retaliated. "It's "Exercise" not "Exercising" you idiot! if you keep exercising like that then you'll grow huge muscles and no boy will like you and you won't get married!"

"Will not! And you're the idiot not me! Hah!" With fast movement, before John could talk back, Chelsy grabbed a handful of grass blades from the ground and threw them at the unsuspecting John. Because he wasn't ready a few of the sharp blades of grass went into his eyes. Stinging him a lot and hurting him. And just like how any normal kid would react from having that happen to them, John cried.

"GAAAAH!! It hurts! My eyes! I can't see! I'm Blind! Waaaaaaaaah~! Waaaaaaah~! Mama Help me!" John continued to cover his eyes as he cried out loudly. Soon enough a maidservant made her way to the source of the crying and found John clutching his eyes and screaming in pain.

"Young master are you alright!? What happened to you!? What happened to your eyes, Young master? Why are you covering them? Come on Young master, let's remove those hands and make the ouchies go away ok? Come on slowly pull your hands away... good just like that. Now slowly open your eyes ok? And then I'm gonna gently blow on your eyes to make the ouchies disappear ok?"

John nodded as he sniffled the snot from his nose and wiped the tears that trailed down his cheeks.

"Fuuuuuu~ Fuuuuuu~ There all better now. Do you feel better now young master?" The maid asked when the red in his eyes lessened.

"Mhm..." Feeling the young master is ok now she started to ask some questions. "Can young master tell me what happened so I can relay it back to your mama and papa?"

"I-It was Ch-Chelsy she threw g-g-grass at my eyes an-and then it hurt a lot." John kept talking while sobbing causing him to slur his words.

"Ok, thank you for telling me, young master." While John continued to rub his eyes, the maid servant called out to Chelsy. "Young Madam, can you please follow me with your brother to go to your parents?"

Chelsy felt guilty about the whole thing and didn't move at all after hearing the maid's words. She knew she was wrong but didn't want to admit it because that would mean she lost to her nerdy brother John.

Seeing as Chelsy refused to move or talk, the maid asked John to sit near the tree over there and wait.

A few minutes later the maid came back with the duke, the duchess and head maid Sara.

"Dear, go check up on John please, I will handle Chelsy." Aina requested her husband in a stern voice. Hearing the way her mother talked, Chelsy was scared. "Alright, Don't be too hard on her, she must've had a reason to do that." with those words, Duke Arbor went to sit beside John under the shade of the tree.

"Hey son, how are you feeling? Feeling ok?" In response to his father's question, He nods.

"Are you mad at your sister again?" He nods but this time more aggressively to emphasize how much he's mad at her.

"Do you hate her?" John took a while to answer him.

After a few minutes of silence and finally, John breaks it by speaking. "I love my sister that I would do anything to protect her, but at the same time I hate her." Arbor smiled as He expected this kind of answer but then, unknown to the duke, John's eyes go blank as he continued talking. "I hate her so much that I just have the feeling to bash her head in and then slit her tongue till she bleeds out."

Duke Arbor: O.O

While trying to process what he just heard his son say, he fails to notice John's eyes turn clear again.

After a few seconds, He asks John in a worried voice to repeat himself. "John what did you just say?"

"Uhm... I love my sister that I would do anything to protect her?"

"No the one after that."

"But at the same time, I hate her? Is that it papa?"

"No no, the one after that John, tell father what you just said after that one."

Hearing this, John gave his dad a confused look. "But I didn't say anything else though?" Hearing this Arbor felt confused and worried.

'Did I just misheard him? No that's impossible, he said it so clearly that I can still recite it. But he looks like he doesn't understand what I'm talking about.'

"Papa? Did I do something wrong?" His dad went quiet when he answered his question so he started to worry that he said something wrong.

Hearing his son's words snapped Arbor out of his thoughts. Duke Arbor took John in his embrace to comfort him which made John start crying again. "Ahh... No, you didn't do anything wrong at all son." They stayed like this for a couple of minutes before Arbor stood up along with John. "Since you love your sister so much we have to go and give her a hug and since she doesn't like hugs this will work as your revenge ok?" Suggesting this harmless revenge method, John beamed up a smile when he heard it and is now excited to give his sister a hug. Completely forgetting the pain he just felt a while ago.

As they started to walk towards Chelsy and Aina, it seems that they too finished their talk. Aina held a loving smile while Chelsy kept looking down on the ground as they walked.

As they got together their father was about to speak but before he could even speak, Chelsy ran and gave John a hug. "I'm sorry. I didn't know it would hurt that bad." Hearing Chelsy's words, everyone just sighed in relief. With how physical Chelsy is usually, they thought she was about to tackle John to the ground. Luckily she didn't and spared the family another day of John just sulking in his library.

John's revenge of giving Chelsy an uncomfortable hug may have failed, but he didn't care about that anymore, He was just glad that he made up with his sister.


A week since the grass incident has passed. And the Velmont family are now busy eating breakfast.

A knock on the door echoed out into the dining room causing everyone to turn to who it is. "Your Grace, the Tutor you have hired has finally arrived and is waiting in the guest hall. What shall I do?" Hearing this, Arbor and Aina wore a face of excitement as their children can finally start their education. John and Chelsy on the other hand had expressions opposite to each other. Since John had an interest in reading and learning things, he was excited and since Chelsy thought the idea of studying was boring she naturally had a look of despair, and sadly for her, with the look on her mother's face showing how excited she is for this, it doesn't seem like Chelsy can convince her mother to not have her included.

"Excellent! Bring him in please, I'd like for him to get to know his students as soon as possible."

"As you wish." 3 minutes later, a knock once again resounded followed by the door opening to reveal Head butler Peter along with a slightly chubby man with round glasses and a clean suit. "It is an honor to have an audience with the famous Velmont family on this wonderful morning." Not forgetting to show proper respect, the tutor greeted the duke's family. "My name is Devor Lambert and I am the tutor you have hired a few weeks prior from the capital, I have just arrived in your wonderful dukedom last night."

"I see, you must have journeyed far. Please join us in our breakfast, I'm sure my wife does not mind." Arbor sent a glance to his wife to see if she would refuse. In response, she gave him a slight nod. Seeing this the duke was glad, but he was unable to notice the look of worry on his wife's face.

'This is who will be our children's tutor? He seems to be normal but the glances he's giving to Chelsy and John creep me out. If this fellow dares to harm my children then I will make him experience the beatings of a thousand men!' Aina thought to herself.

"Those 2 over there are gonna be your students. The one on the left is John and on the right is Chelsy. Children go and greet your new tutor." And with those words, the two stood up from their seats and made their way to their future tutor.

"It is a pleasure to be taught by you Teacher Devor! My name is John Velmont and I hope to learn many things from you!" John's voice was full of energy and excitement!

Sir Devor returned the enthusiastic greeting with a small bow to show his appreciation for such enthusiasm. "It is also my pleasure to have the chance to teach you your grace, John."

After exchanging greetings with each other, Devor turned to Chelsy as if he was in a hurry...

"It is a pleasure as well sir Devor. My name is Chelsy Velmont."

.... And that was it. A complete lack of enthusiasm in her greeting, unlike her brother.

'So this is Chelsy Velmont... she hasn't had her debut into the world of nobility yet but I can already tell she will be a shining gem when that day comes... I can't wait to teach you many things, Chelsy.'

His expression slowly started to turn suspicious and was about to be noticed by Aina that was keeping watch as she did not fully trust him at all. But luckily for him, before his expression was to be seen by anyone, Chelsy interrupted his thoughts causing him to go back to a normal expression.

"Sir Devor?" Chelsy was oblivious to the thoughts this creep had towards her and just continued to keep the same expression as if she didn't care at all.

"Ah my apologies, the long trip going here must have made me a bit dizzy. May I ask the duke if could be dismissed to continue my rest?"

The duke could understand Devor's logic and trusted it so he asked Sara to guide him toward his room.

Watching Devor leave, Aina decided to whisper her worries to her husband as she did not want her children to hear this. "Is this tutor really trustworthy? He seems to give off a creepy vibe..."

"Of course He's trustworthy, He has tutored the children of 2 different noble families in the past years and all of them grew up to be splendid teenagers." Arbor ensured Aina that Devor is trustworthy so much that she could only trust her husband's words.

Although Devor thought he was in the clear, there was one person that did not miss his change of expressions. "Hmmm... Sir Devor is quite... odd." John mumbled to himself. Not knowing that Devor would be the one to kick start his journey towards his "True" self.

Any errors or typos are welcomed so please share them. With the way I type I most of the time skip a word or two as I write so if you notice any of them please them in the comments. Thank you :)

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