
A Joker's Rise To Supremacy

A Joker can be a disaster or a blessing. In this situation terror comes to the Justice League's doorstep. Harold a genius genetic scientist sought glory and fame by creating super humans under the governments resources, only to be killed and tossed aside at success. By a mishaps in the cosmos his soul scattered and integrated in the Joker's body after The Dark Knight. Waking up in the Arkham Asylum Harold/Joker decides to plan an escape to become a more stronger, smarter, and fearsome Joker. Who knows what the future holds? First Book.

Handsome_Zombie · Anime et bandes dessinées
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A Desire For Evil 2

Arkham Asylum, 3:30 P.M.

September 8, 2017

In the Joker's cell a magnificent scene is taking place, Harold/Joker is asleep floating a couple inches up from his bed. All of sudden he drops on the bed, startling him awake.

"What the f*ck!? who threw me?, I'll cut off your fingers and feed them to you!"

looking around he doesn't see anyone but him in his cell.

Getting off the bed thinking he's turning crazy he tries to walk only to float a little which makes him lose his step and fall on his face. A expression of surprise forms on his face, which then turns into a comprehending look.

"I heard some theory's on developing telekinesis in real life, it seems me fusing with the Joker's soul granted me psychic powers."

'if this isn't a dream then this perfect for my escaping plan.' I spread my psychic energy toward the camera in the corner and turn it a little. The psychic energy seems to be easy to control but weak in attacking power. If I use it for to long i'll start getting headaches, in most fictions the more you use it the more your psychic energy and control grows. I'll keep practicing until I'm ready to make my escape.

Sometimes In my past life I felt free and unrestrained, like nothing could stop me. I'd get these impulses to do something Evil, and honestly it felt great to be free from the chains of life. This short time of freedom was like the world's best drug, I wanted more. However, I could never find what gave me that feeling.

Today however, has made me realize how I got that feeling and how to keep it with me. The answer naturally is the relief of knowing your future is gonna be great, your gonna be all powerful and influential to the world around you. So you don't have to worry about deadlines or financial problems, because your set for life.

Now, I feel like I'm in control of my fate, I'll be the most Evil Joker ever. As the most evil Joker I naturally have to break out of here in style, and that requires power, I plan to develop my telekinesis to a deadly stage. At that time I'll be able to fly out of here.

Knock. knock.

"BORIS, that crazy f*ckers food is here, you know the procedure tie him up!"

His voice snapped Joker out of his thoughts as a armoured guard walked toward his cell.

"Aye Captin! lemme find his key, is it this one.. no this one... no...no.. Aha I found it!"

His cheerful voice seemed to not match the gloomy prison.

He stuck the red key into the slot, did four different turns at different angles and cell door unlocks. A beeping sounds from above followed by a cold emotionless voice.


Boris the cheerful guard says,

"Don't move move Jokey or I'll have to taze you!".

Joker raises raise his eyebrows and evily smirks. "Don't f*cing call me Jokey or I'll rip your tongue out"

Boris laughs,

"Ok Ok, you were the one who said 'Why So Serious', I just wanted to have a little fun"

The Captain of the Guards butts in.

"Boris! Shut up! Sometimes I think you laugh more than Joker himself, keep joking around you'll die one day".

After he said that Joker noticed an issue. The original Joker was always laughing, it seems he would have to get into character more lest others get suspicious.

"Alright he's got his meal lock it up!"

Boris eagerly salutes,

"Aye Captain!"

The cell is lock again and Joker slips into his thoughts.

'This Boris figure may just be my way out of here'.

Stuffing his food down he began to get ready to train his telekinesis ability. Lifting himself a couple centimeters from the ground he holds it until he gets tired. Then he silently lands back down lest the guard Boris gets suspicious from the noise.

'It seems the longest I can elevate myself is one minute, and the only how I'll improve is by pushing myself to the limit. For me to be able the stand on top of the world and do as I please power is necessary.

And power I SHALL HAVE!