

Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Are you tired of the same old Game of Thrones fanfiction?. Well, fear not my friends, for I have a tale that will transport you to a galaxy far, far away and drop you right at the heart of Westeros. It's a mashup of Star Wars and Game of Thrones, but better than any crossover you've ever seen. Join me on a journey through the eyes of a Jedi Padawan as he navigates the treacherous world of Game Of Thrones. Watch as he grows in strength and wisdom, shaping the fate of this fantastical land with his lightsaber and quick wit. It's like a cocktail of starships and dragons. It's epic, it's thrilling, it's everything you've ever wanted in a story.

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Hey readers, I know Kylo Ren was once a Sith, but he eventually came back to the light side... and don't worry about the power balance btn the two worlds, our boy Eron will not roll on a bed of roses. Power has a price. plus I have mechanisms to restore that balance.

ENJOY and kindly comment and stone me, am a freaking Mandalorian, and I don't mind


(General p.o.v)

It had now been close to four hours since the guards had shut the duo in the Winterfell dungeon. However, that time had been enough for Will to yell himself into some kind of sense, or maybe he had just switched off to resume later

Perhaps he finally figured out that whether Eron was a white walker or not, he had no business with him.

Now he just sat at the far end of the tiny cell, watching him like a hawk.

Eron, on the other hand, had to suppress a burst of laughter at the absurdity of the situation. How could the idiot mistake him for a white walker? Those things were literary zombies. There was a difference damn it!

At the moment though, he was willing to give anything to be outside the freaking shithole they called a cell.

It was then that things got even crazier.

As his gaze drifted upwards, a holographic system screen materialized before him, like something straight out of a sci-fi flick. He couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as he gazed upon the image of what appeared to be a computer program, prompting him to log in.

Being an avid fanfiction reader, Eron was no stranger to the world of cheats and hacks.

"Oh, freaking hell!" he exclaimed with enthusiasm, bored with staring at the abysmal cell walls.

"God! This better be some kickass system!".

To his surprise, the system seemed to work with his thoughts. Eron mentally entered his name into the required field, and before he knew it, he was prompted to select his course. The options were simple: Jedi or Sith. His eyes scanned for a nonexistent third option, but there was non, he was left with a tough decision. Part of him wished for an option that allowed a combination of both, but he ultimately settled on the Jedi path.

As he mentally clicked on the Jedi option, the screen shimmered for a while before a message appeared.

[Welcome to your journey to the Jedi Order, Padawan Eron!]

the message read.

[The Force System gives you the chance to become a formidable Jedi, depending on your training progress. It grants you access to training materials and unlocks master instructors, provided that you complete the quests that are issued. Please click OK to proceed to the trainee menu.]

Eron couldn't believe it. I mean, most people who were Game of Thrones fans had a desire or a crush on characters or abilities in the show. Some coveted the Lannister gold, while others had lustful thoughts towards Daenerys Targaryen or other hot muses. But for Eron, he had always coveted the Iron Throne.

He often found himself dreaming of sitting on it with all the lords and ladies of Westeros hailing him as lord of the seven kingdoms, and now here he was in Westeros with a cheat system that would help him learn force abilities, and that alone was enough to make him burn with excitement.

He mentally opened the trainee profile tab. Its layout was extremely simple.

Padawan name: Eron May

Class: Jedi Padawan


(Eron's p.o.v)

Everything here was so basic for an addict of fanfics like me, so I opened the training tab. This one was more fleshed out. A system notification informed me that this was where I could select which skills and abilities I wanted to focus on developing.

The first skill under this tab was lightsaber combat. Underneath it, there was a list of combat forms, a list of available trainers, and the initial points it cost to unlock. It appeared as follows:


1. Form I: Shii-Cho: This is the most basic and mandatory form of lightsaber combat. It focuses on simple strikes and parries. Trainer: Jedi Master Kylo Ren [Unlocked]


2. Form II: Makashi (trainer: Jedi Master Qui-gon Jinn) for 100 points

3. Form III: Soresu (trainer: Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi) for 150 points

4. Form IV: Ataru (trainer: Grand Master Yoda) for 200 points

5. Form V: Shien/Djem So, trainer: Ahsoka Tano, for 250 points

6. Jar'Kai: use of double blades; trainer: Ahsako Tano 300 points

NB: Form I is compulsory. All the others are optional.

I felt my heart plummet into my stomach as I continued to survey the system. The only unlocked form included a simple strike and parry.

Strike and parry? Seriously? These people had thrown me butt-first into a crazy world where a girl not older than myself would soon hatch three fire-spitting dragons and acquire a whole army of unsullied and a horde of Dothraki willing to kill for her. Another mad priestess of light could easily give birth to a shadow assassin as soon as she got wind of a force more powerful than hers, and that was if I managed to avoid decapitation by morning, seeing that I was considered to be a spy. It was insane even to think that all I had between me and all this madness was a simple strike-and-parry combat form that I hadn't even learned.

Talk about being thrown to the wolves!

I suddenly realized that my only hope for survival in Westeros lay in the fear that the sight of my lightsaber would produce. either that or if the events unfolded differently from the canon. But even then, what was to guarantee that they wouldn't be even worse than the canons?

"Damn it!" I swore silently.

Before anyone discovered how useless my saber was, I had to do quests like mad and unlock more formidable skills.

That said, if I managed to pass this initial block and gain more control over my force abilities, I would certainly become a major player in the seven kingdoms.

Who knows? Maybe one day I'll be sitting on the Iron Throne, lightsaber in hand, ruling over the seven kingdoms with an iron fist (or a lightsaber, whichever is more effective).

*mental pushups*

Below the lightsaber training was the force abilities training.

"What the fuck!" I cursed loudly, making Will, who was already dozing off, recoil in shock.

"Sorry," I hastily apologized as I began scanning through the list with trepidation building inside me.

If I had initially thought that huge point requirements in light-saber training had shrunk my hopes, I had to rethink.

This list reads as follows:


1. Force Healing: Jedi Master Cilghal (250 points)

2. Force Persuasion: Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi (300 points)

3. Force Speed: Jedi Master Plo Koon (350 points)

4. Force Jump: Jedi Master Kit Fisto (400 points)

5. Force Sense: Jedi Master Shaak Ti (450 points)

6. Force Push/Pull: Jedi Master Luminara Unduli (500 points)

7. Force Telekinesis: Jedi Master Mace Windu (550 points)

8. Force Levitation: Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi (600 points)

9. Force Projection: Grand Master Yoda (650 points)

NB: Force abilities can be unlocked in any order, provided the trainee has enough points.

As I perused the list of impressive yet utterly useless skills, a tidal wave of frustration washed over me. It was like being gifted a Ferrari without a steering wheel—flashy but ultimately useless.

The point requirements were tougher than a Wampa's bite, and any Star Wars fan will tell you that those furry beasts don't just nibble. I mean, seriously, even the most basic skill needs a minimum of 250 points. What the heck, right? It was enough to make me regret not choosing the Sith option.

I bet those guys have a lower-point requirement. Plus, who doesn't want a cool red lightsaber or force choke and force lightning abilities huh?

Decisions! Decisions!


But hey, I'm not one to back down from a challenge. Sure, it's like trying to climb Mount Everest in flip-flops, but I'm not one to shy away from a little sweat and tears. After all, it was not like I had much choice.

Plus, let's be real: as long as I'm in Westeros with such powerful force abilities, I'm a threat to anyone wishing to rule the seven kingdoms. So by default, I'm competing in Game of Thrones, like it or not. I had to grow tough.

In any case, if I had survived the White Walkers (even though I had to run my ass off), I could certainly handle a few measly points. Granted, I may have to sweat like a Tauntaun on Hoth, but I'm not giving up. I'll keep grinding away until I reach those coveted scores.

May the force be with me, and may the points be ever in my favor.

With a deep sigh, I reluctantly clicked on the perk tab. There was nothing of interest to be found, except for a brief explanation that this was where I could collect rewards for my heroic quests or spend my hard-earned points on purchasing perks once they became available.

Next, I ventured forth into the quest tab, where I was presented with three modes of difficulty: medium, hard, and hell. The quest rewards, of course, depended on the level of difficulty. The tougher the mode, the more valuable the reward would be.

After much deliberation (and a healthy dose of fear), I finally settled on medium. I mean, it was my first quest, after all.

The screen flickered, and suddenly I was faced with the nerve-wracking reality of my mission. I could feel my body trembling just glaring at the display, which read:

Quest code: [JEDI JUSTICE]

Quest: Save your heads from decapitation. (* _ *)

Status: pending

reward:50 points


They just had to ruin it, huh? I had been so engrossed with the system that I had forgotten the danger that awaited us. Heck! I had even forgotten I was in a cell.

Suddenly, it felt as though a colossal mountain had been dumped onto my shoulders, and I must admit, I'm feeling a tad overwhelmed.

Frankly, I haven't the slightest idea how to save my own skin, let alone take on the weighty responsibility of saving two. And to make matters worse, for a reward of 50 points only, when would I gather enough to even unlock a force ability? Damn! It looks like I'm royally screwed

Fuck you Westeros,and screw the System!


Eron thinks he is quite good looking,so the idea of someone mistaking his handsome face for a white walker(zombie),is quite insulting.POWERSTONES

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