
A High-level Solo Hunter Reincarnated As The Duke’s Son

A high-level solo hunter from his previous world died after his body failed to contain his mana. The next time he opened his eyes, he discovered he was in the body of a different person. Not only did he inherit this body, but also the memories of this new body. He learned afterward that his new body belonged to Klein Dorolt, the son of the Duke. However, he also learned that the previous owner was a bastard, who did some cruel things to other people. Because of his recent cruel actions, the academy punished him. He was sent into the Land of Trial where dangerous monsters were lurking. What’ll our MC do in his situation?

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Void monster

Inside the dimly lit room, two voices could be heard talking. 

"Hehehe. No more trouble with the duke's son. By this time, he was already inside that place. I have also worked out the rescue button. No matter how many times he pushes it, I guarantee no help will come for him. Hahaha," said the first voice.

"Hehe. That's good," replied the second voice. "How many days do you think his life will last in that place?"

"The idiot entered without anything aside from the clothes he's wearing, so I doubt he'll survive more than a day." 

"Very good. That's wonderful. What he thought was a simple trial was actually an execution ground for him."

"I doubt an idiot like him could understand what's happening."


The two dark silhouettes in the room shared a menacing grin before the room turned dark and dead silent. The room darkened and the conversation disappeared.

Meanwhile, upon entering the Land of Trial, Klein shook his head. There's no food, no weapons, and no armor. He was sure that they only wanted to get rid of him.

Whether he likes it or not, he cannot disobey the academy's order even though he is the son of a duke.  

When he entered the entrance, the surroundings suddenly changed. He was greeted by a strange temperature that seemed to crawl over his skin and give him a bad feeling.

The surroundings are quite hot and the air is humid.

These things did not shock him because this was his experience every time he entered a Void Lair.

Just as he expected, this place was a Void Lair. At first, he had doubts because he couldn't believe that even in this world there was something like this. But, now that he was inside, there was no doubt that this was indeed a Void Lair.

It was quite dark around him as if he was inside a very wide tunnel. Whether it is a man-made tunnel or not is the biggest question. The walls and ceiling seem to be made of a strange rock. There is no visible mark connecting it to a man-made structure. No one knows how it was formed or made, even those famous researchers in his previous world did not get any clear answers even after decades of research.

The inside is like night and the only source of light is from the luminous stones that can be seen around. Although they are not that many, their light is enough for anyone who enters to realize which is which and what is what about the things around.

While walking slowly, he looked around.

In the meantime, he did not encounter any hostile creatures around him. But even so, he could feel the weight of the air that seemed to urge him to flee this place. This feeling is not new to him.

Moreover, there's no other choice but to continue towards the depths of the lair. What creature he would encounter here he did not yet know and couldn't yet say. Void creatures do not only have one type. They have many types and their ranks are also different.

He knew danger lay ahead, but he couldn't give up. A good tomorrow awaits him. If in his previous world he didn't give up on the hardships he went through, will he give up now that he was given a second chance?

Hell no!

After about three minutes of cautiously advancing, he finally felt a presence around. There was a strange noise that came from ahead, in the dark side, where the light from the luminous stones around was not covered.

He focused his ears and listened carefully. He noticed that it wasn't made by footsteps or anything related to feet.

It sounds like…

Hisss hisss hasss hasss…

"Strange." That was all he could say.

It's like a scraping noise, like someone is crawling.

His eyes narrowed at a silhouette that formed in the dim area. He noticed its strange size. About the size of a van. It gradually advanced until the front part was reflected by the light of the luminous stone on the side.

Klein's eyes widened slightly when he saw its silver skin that seemed like steel.

Now, he suddenly had an idea of what kind of creature this was.

When its whole body finally entered the area of the luminous light, his guess was proven right.

It is a giant worm?!


As if greeting him, the giant worm suddenly let out a deafening noise. Klein was forced to cover his ears.

Fear creeped in him, but it disappeared right after it appeared. Klein furrowed. This giant worm audaciously wanted to invoke fear in him right after seeing him, but thankfully, his new blessing «Bastard Son» took effect and cast away the negative effect of its scream.

Without a warning, the giant worm suddenly dashed forward towards him. Despite having a gigantic body, its speed was unbelievably fast.

Klein tried his best to evade by running away from its trajectory. But, it seemed he underestimated his body weight.

He noticed his movement was sluggish. It wasn't what he expected. Klein widened his eyes when he noticed the giant worm was already right in front of him.

He'd get flattened if he did nothing to avoid it.


He activated his movement skills. His steps suddenly became agile. As though his feet had fast forward motions all of a sudden, making a joke of his weight. He only stopped after pulling a few steps away to the left from where he was positioned a second ago.

The worm looked confused when its target disappeared from its sight.

Klein breathed a sigh of relief for surviving the giant worm's attack.

"Fucking worm, don't underestimate me!"

He moved forward his palm, aiming in the direction of the giant worm.

A grin appeared in his mouth. This worm probably thought he was an easy prey. "Don't make a fool of my experience," Klein said.

With a serious face, he declared. "Now, it's my turn."

Mana Blade!