
A High-level Solo Hunter Reincarnated As The Duke’s Son

A high-level solo hunter from his previous world died after his body failed to contain his mana. The next time he opened his eyes, he discovered he was in the body of a different person. Not only did he inherit this body, but also the memories of this new body. He learned afterward that his new body belonged to Klein Dorolt, the son of the Duke. However, he also learned that the previous owner was a bastard, who did some cruel things to other people. Because of his recent cruel actions, the academy punished him. He was sent into the Land of Trial where dangerous monsters were lurking. What’ll our MC do in his situation?

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
16 Chs


"Sorry, son. I know that you love her very much. But they have the sympathy of the royal family now. Even if I used all my connections, it's nothing against the Royal family. Don't worry, I will talk to Marquess Grand directly."

At night, after their dinner, Klarret talked with her son.

Klein smiled. "You don't need to do that mother," he said.

"Eh? But don't you want to marry her? You even threaten me and your father to kill yourself if we don't allow you to marry that young lady. It's the reason why we agreed to it in the first place," she pouted.

'Oh, there was indeed something like that happened in the memory of Klein,' he thought.

"I mean, it's alright now Mother. Sure, I like to marry her. That didn't change, but I realize there is more I want to do aside from it."

Honestly, as the current him, he had no feelings towards the second daughter of Marquess Grand. But he needed to act like the previous Klein sometimes while at the same time slowly showing changes. In this manner, he would ward off any potential doubts about his changes. It would be bad if he suddenly changed everything right off the bat. They would learn he was a different person.

After hearing his response, Klarret looked at her son. "My son, honestly, at first I thought the injuries had something to do with your change. I'm not gonna lie. It worried me. But now thinking about it, I am honestly glad that you started changing. However, don't push yourself, okay? It's fine to rely on me and your father."

Maybe Klarret believed his changes were due to mental stress.

Klein fought the urge to leak a smile. He felt happy deep inside. 'So this is how it feels when you have a mother, huh?' It was a new feeling and he felt warmth.

"Uh right, aren't you going back to the mansion tomorrow? I think you need to sleep early." Klein found a way to change the topic.

"Eh? Yeah, you're right. You too should sleep early, son. Despite all your wounds being healed successfully, it is still better to have a good rest."


This son of hers who didn't even spare a kind glance at her before is now gently talking with her. 

'He really slowly changed,' Klarret thought.

On his way back to his room, in the hallway, he saw someone nervously fidgeting.



She shouted with a frightened expression on her face.

Klein frowned. "Is there a problem?" He asked gently.

"Uh, eh! I-I-I am very sorry!" She suddenly bowed and closed her eyes. In front of him, she opened her palms.

He saw a broken small bottle.

"What is this?"

"I saw it on the table beside your bed. But I unintentionally hit it with the broom. It fell on the floor and broke," she explained and looked at him. "Please, youngmaster, punish me! You can even ruin my body if you desire!"

"That sounds so dangerous. But it wasn't a bad idea." 

Looking at her, she looked young and fine. Her twintails maroon hair looked good on her. He also noticed her sharp ears. Maybe she's from a different race other than humans. Appearance-wise, she's pretty and has a pair of voluptuous parts. 

Hearing him, her face suddenly turned red. "Can I wash my body first? A-Also, since it's my first time, please be gentle with me."

Klein laughed wryly. "Sorry, I'm just joking." 

"Eh!? But this potion is very expensive, Youngmaster! Even my life is not enough to pay for this!"

According to Klein's memory, this thing is indeed an expensive potion. As he looked deeper into his memory about this bottle, he learned that it was a mysterious potion. The former Klein drank it three times a week. As he tried to search in his memory about the content of this so-called mysterious potion, he couldn't find any useful information regarding it or what it was made from.

At the corner of his eyes, Klein noticed a glowing substance on the palm of Silk. Klein frowned and stared at it.

"Wait, Silk. Is that the leftover in your palm?"

Silk blinked her eyes and looked at her palm. Indeed, her palm was wet with a little leftover of the potion.

"Yes. I think," she nodded slightly.

Klein took her hand and then brought it closer to his face and sniffed her palm. Silk's ears turned red when she noticed what her young master did, but she didn't react against it. She remained silent. However, she worried because her hand was dirty.

Just as expected, the leftovers didn't smell of anything. However, the slight glow that was about to evaporate in the air made him remember something familiar. His curiosity got the better of him. He needed to confirm it.


Silk was startled when she felt soft, wet, and warm touching her palm. When saw her young master licking her palm, a secret grin flashed on her face.

"Y-Y-Youngmaster! My hands are dirty!" Silk exclaimed in a flustered voice.

Realizing his action, Klein quickly retreated.

"Uh! So-sorry, I didn't mean to do that!" He quickly apologized and explained that it wasn't his intention to do that. "I'm just curious about the— I mean it's a waste to let it evaporate."

"Uh, I see."

"By the way, don't think too much about the potion. I will not punish you, but please be careful next time."

"Okay, thank you very much, Youngmaster." Silk couldn't believe that her young master wasn't even angry.

Klein smiled and said, "You can rest early today." 

He walked away after saying that, but Silk suddenly remembered something and called out to him.

"Uhm, young master, I already finished warming the bath for you. If you wish, you can take a bath now."

"Alright, thank you very much."

He left quickly.

Looking at his retreating figure, Silk didn't think her young master would change. Before coming here, she heard many bad rumors about him. His act of lasciviousness towards his maids was just one of his many mischievous acts. He was a rude young man. But she wondered why she stopped licking her palm just now. If it was him from what she heard, he would have gone further than that. 

Well, his action just now, licking her palm, also showed that the fragment of his old self was still there.

"Klein Dorolt, I won't allow you to change. Show me your true colors," the maid said with a cold glint in her eyes.

In the bath, Klein looked at his naked body in the mirror. He was very fat. When he searched inside his mind for the reason for his overweight, he couldn't find any. In terms of physical health, there's no issue with him based on his memories. However, despite training his body since childhood days, his weight still continuously grew and his muscles failed to develop.

Kudos to Klein though. Despite having a mischievous personality, he didn't forget to tire himself in training.

Anyway, right now, he already had an idea for his overweight.

"That potion earlier— I'm pretty sure it's a liquified mana," Klein mumbled.

Based on his memory, despite being the son of the Duke, Klein wasn't blessed with an abundance of magical energy like most of the nobles of higher status. Her parents did everything to help their son improve his magical energy. They secretly asked expert doctors from different places to check their son's condition.

However, none of them found any problem in him. All of them had the same conclusion. He was naturally born with low magical energy like a commoner.

In the midst of losing hope, a mysterious mage appeared in front of their door. The mage told them about this high-grade potion that could help their son improve his magical energy.

And that's how the potion was introduced to the family.

It only shocked him that liquified mana appeared in this world because even in the memories of Klein, there's no mention of mana. However, he couldn't be wrong. The taste and feeling he felt after licking the leftover is no doubt the same as the mana in his original world.

Based on his memories, the source of their magic power in this world is not due to mana but magical energies. Unlike mana that could be obtained from absorbing Ether Stones, these magical energies were naturally born with them. It's like Qi that circulates inside a person's body.

It seems mana also helped improve a person's magical energy. But, it wasn't a long-term effect and just temporary. Honestly, it wasn't advisable to consume it regularly because it will have a side effect. You're only advisable to consume it when you've exhausted your mana. As a replenishment.

In the case of Klein, his abnormal weight is probably the side effect. He was sure of it.

"It's a miracle that this body hasn't exploded yet even after consuming that amount of mana from childhood till now. Could it be because it has better endurance than my original body? Or maybe his nonstop training is the reason. However, if we used training as the basis, then my original body wouldn't lose to this. I had been exterminating void monsters since my awakening, you know?" 

Klein pondered for a moment.

"Perhaps the magical energy in this body is the reason why it didn't explode like my previous body," he said in a mumble. "I'm not sure. So far, it is only a theory."

"Wait. I haven't tried it yet, but perhaps it's possible…"

Something came into his mind suddenly.

He pulled down his index and middle fingers in the air and spoke a word.
