
a Harem to die for~

guy gets fucked by a transmigrating lightning bolt ( courtesy of yours truly ) and wakes up in world famous puzzle game: helltaker, i never was good at writing synopsises, or descriptions, fucking whatever

iamapsychopath · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

"orange berry vodka and cigarettes"

The party of six was currently traversing a maze of Boulders and bone dudes until Cerberus perks up

"*sniff* *sniff* it smells like orange, berries, and vodka"

"That's gotta be Malina"

"She can act real tough, but she's sweet on the inside"

The hellhound(s) say, looking at me

"Thanks cerb, could you take us there, please?"

"Sure thing!"

"For a favor~"


Cerberus runs up ahead and starts guiding us through the maze towards malina, and I take this time to turn to Pandemonica

"Hey pan, could you tell me about hell?" I asked the tired demon.

"Hm? Oh yea, sure, since we're traveling together I might as well do my job, have you noticed how traversing throughout hell takes your will? Well, if you run out of will, you die" Pandemonica states bluntly

"Will? Hmmmm... nope, I haven't felt my will to go on decreasing at all" I say, causing Pandemonica and modeus to raise eyebrows

"Really now? That's very interesting, you must be special, or at least be very dedicated to whatever you're looking for down here" Pandemonica states, adjusting her glasses

"Hm, yea, I guess meeting you girls has made me more determined to bring you all home with me" I admit, causing modeus and Pandemonica to flush bright red

"*ahem* a-anyways, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with my provided advice on a scale from one to ten?" Pandemonica asks lazily, the question coming out more instinctively then out of genuine curiosity, still I answer with a smile

"You're a great help Pandemonica, a solid ten out of ten, I only wish I could think of a something to show my appreciation" I admit, kissing Pandemonica's forehead and causing her to blush wildly while modeus pouts, before I give her a small peck on the cheek too

"O-oh, whoa... I've never got a ten before..." Pandemonica murmurs, blushing while clinging to my arm

"Then these idiots must not know good advice even when it's beauty is placed behind a desk right in front of them" I state

"Anyways let's pick up the pace before we lose Cerberus" I say, lifting Pandemonica and modeus in each arm and dashing into the distance.

<timeskip >

the scent of vodka and sound of muffled cursing can be found as we drew near, until eventually we find the source of those sounds and smells, a humble shack built comfortably into the side of the canyon wall.

"Hey cerbs, is Melina in there?" I asked The three dog girls, to which they curtly reply.



"We'd recognize that smell anywhere!"

I laugh lightly as I pet their heads, causing Cerberus to whimper happily

"Haha, thanks cerb," i laugh as I walk up to the door and knock, pan and mode having left my arms begrudgingly to follow behind me.

The sound of glass clinking together and grumbling resounds from behind the door before it's opened by a demon with a rather sour expression, she looks me up and down with a blush on her face before Hunching down to look into my eyes.

"Great, more braindead idiots, Haven't seen your mug around here, you must be the human that's been raving like a lunatic about a demon girl harem" malina grumbled

"The one and only, speaking of, do you wanna join my harem? We offer pancakes, coffee, turn-based strategy, and sex" i offer

Malina seemed interested when you mentioned video games

"you play video games? Huh, you don't look like the kind of guy to come up with an even half-decent strategy"

I shrug "That's cause I can't, but I'm sure I could learn," i say as Malina ponders for a second.

"Fine, I'll join your harem, but you think of trying anything with me and I'll rip it off!" Malina threatens


I chuckle as I gently grab her hand and kiss the back of it jokingly

"At your command, milady" I joke which causes Melina to flush bright red

The other girls slightly grimace at the sight Malina's hand, but it's washed away quickly when I turn to the girls a smile, about to tell everyone we're leaving before looking around and realizing, i can't see shit! It's somehow already night, so i look over to Malina with a strained smile.

"Hey Malina, this is embarrassing but do you think we could crash at your house for the night?"

Malina hesitantly nods "Ok but I haven't cleaned in a while, so don't judge"

I chuckled at that, I'd be a hypocrite if I judged anyone based on how clean their house was

"Don't worry Malina, now let's go"

As i walk back to Malina's house i again realize, there are 7 bodies in total, and that's a small house, oh boy...

<timeskip brought to you by: my laziness>

We all somehow managed to fit inside malinas small house, that solution being all the girls piling on Malinas's bed with me wedged in between them, I tried the sleep on the floor, but the girls practically dragged me onto the bed when i tried.

Now i was up early to make pancakes for everyone before they woke up watching the mix slowly solidify into golden pancakes

*knock* *knock*

the smell of smoke invades my nostrils as someone loudly knocks on the door.

I walk over to the door quickly and open it so the person who's knocking doesn't wake the girls

"You sure took your sweet-ass time Mal-" the bitchy demon was cut off as she turned to blow smoke in who she thought was malinas face.

Malina bolts out of the room just in time to see Zdrada pin me to the wall

"The fuck is a handsome piece of ass like you doing at my nerdy ass sister's house"

Zdrada asks as she presses her breasts against my chest.

"Get. Off. Of. Him," Malina practically growls as she smashes a nearby bottle to create a makeshift shank.

"Make me" Zdrada smirks back as she pushes herself onto me even more.

Malina is practically foaming at the mouth at this point, so i quickly try to escape Zdrada's grasp, the only problem is, she's a demon, im not.

"Wait, Malina, don't fight! I got this" I assure Malina.

She slightly calms down a little before turning to glare at me.

"You sure? Cause you don't exactly look like you do"

I nod at her before looking into Zdrada's smirking face.

"What are you gonna do big man, bite me~"

I grin in response.

"Something like that"

"Wha- Mmph!"

Zdrada doesn't get a chance to reply before i slam my lips into hers, biting them, hard.

"Mmm~" though This only arouses her.

Not even a second passes before I pull back from her leaving her with a slightly disappointed look before she looks into my eyes with her shark-like grin, blood trailing down her lip.

"Wanna join my harem?" I offer out of the blue

Zdrada laughs loudly before kissing me while malina stares shocked. "You bet your ass I do" zdrada says


"Great, now, not that I don't like it, but could you please get off me?" I ask

Zdrada laughs as she backs off, but not before trailing a hand along my chest

"Zdrada, what the FUCK are you doing here" Malina growls, not at all calmed down after seeing that

Zdrada takes a drag of her cigarette before blowing the smoke in Malina's face.

"What? Am I not allowed to visit any more malinka?"

Zdrada laughs before hooking an arm around my shoulders.

"Plus, I got to meet this guy"

Zdrada laughs while Malina is just getting angrier, so i go over and grab her plate of pancakes which are still warm, and give them to her.

"Here, I was going to wait till everyone was up but we have a guest, speaking of, would you like some pancakes to zdrada?"i ask, looking over to zdrada

"Could I have you instead~?" zdrada asks while leaning on me further

I just chuckle and grab her chin, she closes her eyes with a blush, clearly expecting something, instead, i just walk back into the kitchen, chuckling as I notice her shocked expression

"What? Were you expecting something zdrada~"

Zdrada just flips me off with a flushed face.

"Go fuck yourself"

I smirk back.

"Maybe you could for me"

In the end, zdrada just takes another drag of her cigarette with a blush on her face

I chuckle as I hand her a plate of chocolate pancakes.

"Here, I'm gonna go give the others theirs now"

Zdrada blows Some smoke in my face as she takes the plate from my hands and tries some

"Mmm~ this shits fucking good!" Zdrada says as she digs in

I smile proudly as i walk to the room the rest of the girls are in with a pancake tower for Cerberus and some coffee for Pandemonica

As i enter the room, three hellhounds immediately run over to me, smushing against me.

"Hi, master!"

"What smells so good!"

"Can we have some?"

I smile as I hand them their plate

"You three are adorable" I say, caressing their heads, getting an adorable tail wag

They blush a bit before digging into their pancakes.

"Mmm! Thish ish shoo good!"


*cute eating noises*

I chuckle to myself as i walk over to Modeus's side and gently shake her awake.

"Mmm~ have you woken me to ravish me in the dark of night?"

I laugh as I kiss her forehead.

"Not this time modeus, I just woke you up to tell you I made pancakes.

She blushes before getting out of bed.

"I-I see, I'll go have some then," modeus ays as she walks into the living room, bringing the plate with her

Finally, i walk over to Pandemonica's side place the steaming hot cup of coffee on the nightstand next to her, and kiss her on the cheek, before walking away, Unaware of the smile that appeared on Pandemonica's face.

1668 thats better, anyways, as always rate this chap outa 13, and here's a riddle before you leave: I'm loud and obnoxious, I like music and rhymes, I'm a fraction of the population, but I commit half the crimes, what am I?

iamapsychopathcreators' thoughts