

Nari stood under the scorching sun as she waited for Grace, they were supposed to attend an interview together.

Nari was the one going for the interview, Grace was only going with her to cheer for her because she was nervous as this was her first time applying to a big company.

After dropping her application at different companies without getting called back, Nari was excited when she received a call back from one of the companies telling her to come for an interview.

The last place she worked was in a small restaurant but she was fired after she emptied a bowl of hot tteobokki on a customer's head because he flirted with her.

The restaurant earnings were not enough to support her mother and older brother, not that they are very poor but she just wanted to do something for her family.

Her brother already told her she doesn't need to work so hard, his earnings would be enough to carry them through every month.

She sometimes pities him because she felt the workload was much on him.

" Hey, Nari! Over here!"

Nari looked up to see Grace waving at her from afar, she could see Grace running from a far distance, she was gasping for air, trying to catch her breath.

She smiled seeing her best friend who has always been there for her, they did everything together and can be passed as sisters.

Her mother loves Grace so much but she could not say the same for Seokjin, who does nothing but always bicker with Grace.

Seokjin is so overprotective of Nari, sometimes he extends the big brother mode on Grace, which Grace find gross. They can be a cute duo whenever they bicker.

" Grace! I can't believe you would also choose to be late on the day of my interview! Now we only have 10 minutes to catch the bus or we would be late." She pouted at Grace, who was resting both hands on her knees to catch her breath.

" Sorry Nari, you know how Chaotic my parents can be. I had to help my mom with the cake she was baking for James at the last minute, come on we can catch the third bus if we hurry." Grace explained quickly before dragging Nari towards the bus station.

" Slow down Grace! You're going to ruin my shirt, you know Seokjin Oppa specially bought it for this interview," she said, increasing her pace to meet up with her friend.

" I know, I know he's the best brother ever" Grace asserted sarcastically rolling her eyes.

Nari knows Grace will never agree to anything concerning Seokjin, they are like Tom and Jerry.

They were sweating and dying to catch their breath by the time they got to the bus station, Nari adjusted the handbag on her shoulder and gently used her hand to straighten her shirt and skirt.

She was constantly checking on her wristwatch, worrying as time was no longer on their side. Thankfully just in time, the third bus arrived and they hopped in, after they took their seats she brought out her phone re-checking the information, and rehearsed the things she would answer.

Yesterday she has practiced it with Seokjin and Grace acting as the interviewers, while she and her mom as interviewees. It was easier to say everything out and acted boldly, with how nervous she now was, she doubts if she can maintain that same boldness there.

Seokjin pinpointed the areas she needed to improve, and she worked on them through the night.

Five minutes later they got off the bus, they hurriedly located the company and were dumbfounded at how tall the company stood. No wonder it's the number one in the country, it's every person's dream to have a job here even if it's the smallest position.

This was the fourth time Nari applied to the company but she never made it to an interview, it was like a dream the day they called her.

Now she couldn't believe she would have the pleasure to sit for an interview, even if she didn't make it past that stage, it will still serve as an achievement.

" I'm not sure I would be allowed in if I do not show proof of being here for an interview, so I'll just wait in that cafè over there till you're done, okay?" said Grace as she gave Nari an encouraging hug before making her way to the cafè opposite the company building.

Nari watched as Grace left her for the cafè, she looked back at the securities that were inspecting other people going into the company and then picked up all the courage she has summoned to meet them.

It's now or never

" Hey Nari, don't be nervous you can do this, hwaiting!" she heard Grace shouting out to her, she gave her a thumbs up and smiled.

At the entrance she showed her ID and proof of being called for the interview, she was searched thoroughly before getting a go-ahead from security.

She got inside and was awed at what she saw, the exterior of the company did not make enough justification for how great the interior was. She saw as everyone was going about their duties in professional ways, there was no time for gossip or busybodies, and everyone minded their business.

She gathered her self-esteem and made her way towards the reception where she met the polite beautiful lady in her early thirties.

" Hello, welcome to PARK'S CORPORATION. How may we help you?" The receptionist asked with a big smile.

" Hello, I'm Kim Nari I'm here for an interview."

" Okay, please just follow your right and take elevator to the floor 17, the interview will be done in section D7. Thank you"

" Thank you" Nari slightly bowed to her and took her guidance to the elevator.

When she got there she pressed the 17th floor and got in, she bowed to the people she met. She nervously grasps her handbag and waited till they got to the 17th floor.

Finally, there she walked out and began looking for the door with D7. She got confused when she didn't see any section with the D7 tag. Looking ahead of her she, saw a girl her age and quickly walked to meet her.

" Excuse me? Please where can I find section D7?" she asked politely.

" Oh you must be here for the interview, I'm headed that way too. I'm Suri and you?" the girl asked looking nervous too.

" Kim Nari, yes I'm here for the interview, are you too? You look kinda nervous like me too."

" Who wouldn't be nervous? Like this is an opportunity one-quarter of people did not get"

Nari laughed softly at the way she said it, she felt better as she was no longer alone. Finally, there's someone to share her nervousness with.

" You can say that again, I was so nervous this morning I didn't eat and couldn't sleep last night," She told Suri who gently laughed too as they both made their way to the place of interview.

Getting to the section, they were told to wait in the waiting area until their names are called. They sat down and saw as people were called in one after the other.

Twenty minutes passed, making Nari more nervous. They were just a few of them left, she could see Suri's palms getting sweaty from nervousness. You can't blame them as all of them were all nervous.

Shortly after a woman came out and called Suri in, the poor girl was a little shaky. Nari gave her a good luck sign and she followed after the woman.

Suri came looking a bit hopeful which made Nari brighten up instantly, Suri smiled at her giving her more hope.

" Kim Nari? Please come in" the woman from earlier called.

"Yes," Nari politely responded before doing a cross sign over her chest.

Inside the room was elegantly furnished and smelled nice, two men and a woman were seated behind the exquisite large office table. The woman that has been calling them also sat down near the last man.

Nari pinched her palms to keep her from appearing nervous, she boldly put on a smile and faced them.

" Kim Nari?" the man who was with her file called her gently.

" Yes sir" she answered.

" What made you want to work in this company?"

" Having the opportunity will allow me to enhance my skill and contribute to the positive development of this company."

The oldest-looking woman who has been looking at her resume glanced up at her with a smile.

" You have an outstanding resume but there's no work experience, why is that?"

" That is because my work experience is not something to put in my CV" Nari replied politely.

The woman observed her for some time, she was thinking about how Nari could be bold to say that. Does she not know she might end up not being employed? Mrs.Yu was impressed by her sincerity, others could forge work experiences they never had, and some of the others that just left the room did the same thing.

" May we know why?" the first man asked.

" I emptied a bowl of spicy tteobokki on a customer's head on my first day of work because he touched me where I didn't like and I don't regret it" She explained fidgeting with her handbag.

Everyone was surprised at how honest she was, who would say that in an interview? They exchanged glances and Nari's heart sank to her stomach, she instantly regretted saying that. Now she was no longer sure if they would ever call her back, and her heart started beating loudly In her ears.

" Ms. Kim, how sure are we you won't throw an employee out of the window if you were to work here?" Mrs. Yu asked.

" I won't do that and I believe all the employees of this company are well mannered too and they won't try to hit a woman's buttocks"

Mrs. Yu was impressed at how she answered her question, the young girl in front of them might not have any work experience but she is indeed disciplined.

She was the most interesting and the best fitting for the position they have right now, they needed someone bold, determined, and disciplined.

Closing the file in front of her Mrs. Yu carefully regarded Nari, she could sense she was anxious.

" Well Ms. Kim, thank you for sitting for the interview. We would give you a call if you fit into what we want for the company."

" Thank you and I'll look forward to your call" Nari bowed respectfully to them and left the room.

" She Is one honest fellow, what do you think Mrs. Yu?" the first man asked after Nari left.

" I'm impressed but to follow the company's procedure of interviews, every applicant has to be evaluated equally and be given equal and fair judgments. So let's call in the other applicants." Mrs. Yu explained as she signaled to her assistant to call in the next person.


" How was it?"

Nari was surprised to see Suri outside the company's entrance, she thought she went home.

" You are still here? I thought you went home?"

" Not at all, I was too nervous to go home. I wanted to know if yours went well because I don't think mine did" Suri said, sounding dejected.

Nari inhaled softly, she does not know how to console her when she recounted how hers went.

" I don't think mine is any better, I told them how I poured a bowl of spicy tteobokki on a customer where I worked before."

" Ahhh, maybe yours is that bad" Suri laughed softly.

" Are you going to laugh now?" Nari nudged her with her shoulder as she joined the laugh too.

" Are you headed home now?"

" Yes but first I have to meet my friend who came here with me, she's waiting in the cafè over there," Nari said pointing to the cafè opposite the company.

Instead, she saw Grace rushing towards her, she chuckled loudly when Grace cursed at a man she bumped into while rushing over to them. Grace never changes, she was a lot of vibes.

" ohh there she is," she said to Suri, pointing at Grace who was almost near them.

" She's got a lot of Jams" Suri laughed.

" Oh my beautiful friend, how was your interview?" Grace asked loudly as she neared them.

She looked at Suri who smiled softly at her and she smiled back.

" Well about my interview, I don't know Grace I think I fucked up. What happened over there?" Nari asked pointing to the man who was still cursing Grace from afar.

" Who? Oh, you mean that broomstick? Do not mind him, he was lucky I'm in a good mood. Yah what do you mean you fucked up?"

" I'll tell you when we get home and Grace, this is Suri we both did the interview today. Suri this is Grace my best friend." Nari introduced both of them.

" Hi pretty, nice to meet you. How was it with yours?" Grace said in a friendly way.

" Nice to meet you too, let's just hope I got called back" Suri chuckled.

Grace looked at the both of them not knowing what to say, did they both mess up inside there? Maybe that was why they hit off easily, truly birds of the same feather flock together.

" What happened inside there?" She asked them.

" We don't know Grace but let's just hope"


" Hope it is then" she replied and they all laughed.

The two friends said their goodbyes to Suri before heading to catch a bus.