

"What are these things!" Bumblebee yelled as she coughed up blood and leaned against the wall looking at the paredemons terrorize the city.

She didn't know what to do, after all, this was her first time ever truly fighting. She'd been able to trap some of them and saved a few of yeh citizens, but taking these guys down was harder than she had originally thought.

A paredemon landed in front of her defeated form as she lay there defenseless due to the fact her Homey cannons were destroyed and she could barely move.

'Please... someone' She thought as the paredemon brought its first down on her.


Red Robin blocked the blow with his staff and jumped in the air delivering a strike to its head and repeatedly hitting it to bring it down.

After finishing he looked back seeing the surprised BumbleBee sitting there. "Can you still fight?" He asked to which she gritted her teeth and stood up and tapping her wrist.

She still had one more weapon that she had forgotten about due to the fact it was more of a stun gun than a weapon. She looked down at the yellow contraption and nodded at Robin.

He smiled and brought her close before grappling up. They needed all the help they could get and he wouldn't complain seeing that she was still willing even while injured.


"Superman!" Kalibak yelled slamming superman into the ground somewhere On Earth. They had flown far from Gotham to have this fight, and Kalibak was ready to prove to his father that he wasn't useless.

"You again?... I need to finish this quickly to help the others..." Superman said floating up with his eyes red as he sent a beam toward Kalibak.

Kalibak dodged the team and delivered a straight punch towards Superman causing him to fly back, then jumping forward Kalibak dodged the ice breath that was aimed at his feet.

"Is this all you have Superman? You were much stronger not that long ago!" Kalibak taunted Superman and kicked him away.


Superman slammed his elbow onto Kalibaks knee and grabbed him by the head flying up into space and throwing him into the moon.

He didn't have time to waste, his friends were currently in danger of being beaten if Darkseid or someone just as strong came in the middle of this chaos.

With this thought in mind, Superman smashed down onto the moon kneeling Kalibak in the back-breaking his spine and repeatedly smashing his head into the earth hoping to knock him out with these consecutive blows.

"I will not fall!" Kalibak yelled and kicked superman off rushing forward clotheslining the Kryptonian turning the tables of their fight.

Unlike his large appearance would suggest, he was actually very fast and agile, making it harder to get the upper hand against this son of Darkseid.

Superman got up quickly and put his hands up to fight the enraged Kalibak in a bare-knuckle fistfight. For Kalibak this was going to only end with death, either way, one of them would die.

Superman used his freeze breath to stop Kalibak in place before slamming his head into him, then froze him again and delivered an elbow, then froze again and kicked him off the moon back towards Earth at super speed.

Kalibak slammed into the ground coughing up blood before rolling to the side and dodging Superman's foot then flipping over he delivered an overhead kick to Superman's temple knocking him into a nearby mountain.

Kalibak then rushed forward grabbing the Kryptonian by the face and pulling out a small green object. This was Kryptonite that was sharpened into a dagger. Kalibak swiped the dagger across Superman's chest and threw him on the ground.

"It's over Superman... this time I shall kill you," Kalibak said raising the dagger.


"What the hell?" Rize said seeing that she was returned to anteiku. She had been with Nathan in some kind of dimension for a few minutes before walking out of a portal and walking into the shop seeing Touka and the others looking out the window in shock.

She too looked out the window seeing a large spaceship fly over them towards the west direction, who knows where it was going, but the fact it was there during this time wasn't a good sign.

Rize bit her lip in nervousness and prayed to whatever god she could that Jasper was alright.


Meanwhile, Batman was with Steppenwolf as they both started attacking the citizens to kill them. Batman still had all his knowledge of the city and the heroes that were trying to protect it. Amazing Grace was actually surprised at this. She was going to get Superman before Kalibak came, but who knew that this normal human was actually superior, even enough to take down the scary white-haired boy from earlier.

Amazing Grace was glad and decided she would reward her pet later after they handed over the planet to Darkseid. "Good Job soldier, it's good to have you back," Steppenwolf said.

They had agreed to act like Batman had been brainwashed by the earthlings and even convinced him that he had a family back on Apokolips, something Batman had been glad to hear.

"You... Son of a bitch..." Jasper said standing behind the three breathing heavily as his wounds still bled, He refused to go down to Batman, out of all of the people who could kill him, Batman would simply be an insult.

"He's still alive?... this guy needs to learn..." Steppenwolf whipped his ax across Jasper's torso and kicked him away. "When to stay down" He finished and looked at the broken and beaten Jasper wedged into a building.

"Stay down?... Never you ugly son of a bitch" Jasper said weakly as he unwedged himself out of the wall. He could feel it... he was dying. He wasn't sure what the hell Batman used, but it seemed to be not only suppressing him but killing him at the same time.

Jasper accepted that he would probably die today, but he didn't want to leave Nathan in a world ruled by some false god and these lunatics, this was what was keeping his already broken and unhealing legs standing as he looked at the 8 foot Steppenwolf's enraged expression.

"I never really used it... but this would be a nice time to get a nice boost..." Jasper said to himself as he swept his white hair to the side and blocked another swing from the ax. He gritted his teeth feeling his arms snap and not heal like he was used to.

"Damn it... Damn it... Damn It!!" Jasper ghouled out and both of his Kagunes came out as a large 90-foot wide portal opened up and two large arms came out as Jaspers blood spilled on the ground.

"I refuse you, bastard! the only one who will kill me is that man you call a god!" Jasper said as the large arms raised in an offensive position, Jasper was making his last stand against these guys, and Darkseid hadn't even come yet...


"Hm?... I think that's long enough..." Darkseid said as he walked down a corridor to get out of this spaceship...