
A Genie’s Wish

Eli is a sixteen year old Genie. He has been living in hiding his entire life, but when his father disappears and his mother is threatened, Eli must attend a magical academy for magical creatures. How will he survive in a world where everyone is after his power?

Bethany_Bordner · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Chapter 6

  Eli walked with Misty down the halls as she pointed out things that would normally amaze Eli, like a library three stories tall with millions of books that could float and talk, or a cafeteria with every kind of food you can imagine being eaten by every type of magical creature you can imagine, but not even when a giant red dragon flew over the giant lake filled with mermaids did Eli speak.

      He was too busy looking at Misty. Thousands of questions swirling in his head, finally he picked one.

       "So were we ever really friends?" Eli asked as Misty took him around the lake.

      She turned to him, her smile slipping into a frown. "Of course we're friends. Why would you think otherwise?" Misty asked concerned.

      "I'm not an idiot!" Eli seethed, "you've been hiding your magic from me this whole time! And I heard what the headmaster said, you're some kind of sleeper agent? Are you with those agents who took my mom and threatened her?" Eli was glaring at Misty and she looked actually sad for a second before she shook her head and her expression turned blank.

      "My job is to find magical beings in the human world, and inform the MDA so they can bring them in if necessary." Misty explained with dead eyes before a small frown reappeared.

      "When I met you it was just a job, but I really did enjoy spending time with you. I took this job so I could see the human world, and thanks to you I got to. The fun we had together wasn't a lie." Misty consoled

      "You wanted to see the human world? So what are you if not human?" Eli asked

      "Well let me introduce you to my cousins." Misty said before waving over at a group of kids sitting on the rocks along the lakeside.

     As they walked closer Eli thought the kids had blankets over their legs, but when they arrived Eli was amazed to see not fabric, but shiny scales forming a different colored tail on each person where their legs would normally be.

     "Hey Misty!" A boy with brown curly hair and an orange tail exclaimed. "Whose the new kid?"

      "Hey Carmine, this is my friend Eli. The kid I told you I was working with in Webster." Misty explained.

     "Oh then you better watch out Eli, there's a hit list out on you a mile long!" Carmine said in a far too casual voice.

     "What?!" Misty exclaimed "I thought I had kept Eli's race under wraps. How did the other students find out?" Misty asked concern lacing her voice.

      "You know those high-tiered elites, they have connections in the MDA. I'm sure they knew about Eli the same day the MDA found out. Just yesterday Ash and Alexander were bragging about how powerful they'd be when they got him." Carmine said with en eye roll.

     Eli didn't know who Ash or Alexander were, but judging by the topic and all the warnings his father and mother had given him. He was already making a mental note to steer clear of them.

     "It's ok Eli." Misty reassured seeing his frown, though she looked uncertain.

     "So if these are your cousins, your a mermaid?" Eli asked shocked.

     Sure he had seen a lot of magical things, especially today, but it was different when it was his close friend that he thought he knew so well.

     "Well not exactly. Merfolk are the most common, but I'm from a special lineage that has a special trait. I'll give you a quick example." Misty began to hum a simple but sweet melody in a soothing voice.

     Eli immediately felt relaxed, like all the stress, worry, and anxiety he'd built up over the past few days had simply vanished and he was in a peaceful place with no worries.

     As soon as Misty stopped humming Eli opened his eyes and the cold dread of his reality came slamming back into his brain at full force. Eli saw Misty's eyes slowly turn from a glowing silver back to their ocean blue.

     "Sorry, I know the aftereffect can be jarring. Especially on someone whose been through a lot recently." Misty explained

     "What was that feeling?" Eli asked, ashamed he had felt so happy so soon after his father and mother had been captured and threatened.

     "That was the siren's song." Misty explained "It works better if I'm in the water with my tail and I sing the words, but we don't have time for all that right now." Misty said

    "So you have a tail like them?" Eli gestured towards the group of merfolk suntanning on the rocks.

    "Kinda, their tails are permanent. Mine can disappear and reappear at will. Or unwillingly if I get wet." Misty explained "That's one of the differences between merfolk and sirens. Sirens tend to have more magic power."

     "Ok." Eli said simply. This was so much to take in all at once.

      "It's been a long day for you. let's get some dinner at the cafeteria and then I can show you to your room. Misty said as she waved goodbye to her cousins and lead him back into the mansion of a school.

     As they walked into the cafeteria Misty had briefly shown him earlier, Eli truly took in what he was seeing.

     Each student was wearing the same blazer uniform, but with different colored ties and emblems. Some students had wings, while others had fangs. Some looked like Eli where they could pass easily as human. Eli even saw one student with the lower body of a horse!

    Eli noticed each student was eating something different. The fanged students had steaks or large cups of a red liquid that Eli did not want to think about. The fairies seemed to prefer salads made of flowers while other students were eating everyday items like pizza and hamburgers.

     "You find us a seat. I'll go grab you a cheeseburger before they're gone." Misty said skipping away leaving Eli standing alone.

     He walked over to an empty table in the corner. Away from as many people as possible. He was just sitting down when a voice from behind startled him.

     "Well  if it isn't the new student." A male voice spoke right behind Eli's ear.

     Eli startled and jumped up to find the person speaking to be a tall student with black hair and red eyes.

     "What do you want?" Eli got a bad feeling just being near this student.

     "That's not a very nice way to introduce yourself. My names Alexander Dramire, and you must be Eli." The teen spoke in such a smooth way that reminded Eli of a snake.

     "I'm really getting tired of complete strangers knowing my name." Eli sighed

     "Well get used to that. You've been the talk of the school since last week when news spread a genie would be attending Atlas." The man said genie in a way that made Eli remember all the warnings he had gotten from his parents.

     "Remember Eli" his dad had told him countless times "if anyone finds out you're a genie, they will try to use you for your power. Stay hidden, and run at the first sign of danger."

     But now he had nowhere to run. The agents had threatened his mom and his dad had been captured and was who knows where.

     "I can see that you're worried, but don't fret. I can protect you in exchange for a few favors." Alexander sneered

    "You mean wishes." Eli stated

     "You catch on quick. It's not that difficult an ask for a powerful creature such as yourself. So what do you say? My protection for your power?"

Alexander reached out his hand for a handshake as if he was making a business deal.

     "Sorry, I'm afraid you'll have to look somewhere else. I don't need protection and that's not how my powers work. I can barely use them for small things myself." Eli said folding his arms away from the offered hand.

     He wasn't lying either. Well Eli could teleport someone to safety or heal a wound. Those events occurred when his adrenaline was running high and he still wasn't certain he pulled it off. He hoped Bob was alright. Other than that he had only used his powers for small things, and when he tried something big it never worked.

      For instance when he was eleven his mom took him to the museum for work cause she had been hired to translate an ancient text and couldn't find a babysitter in time.

     "You can go look around Eli but don't touch anything." His mother warned as she left with the curator to do her job.

     Eli had wandered into the dinosaur exhibit and found a giant trex skeleton in the center of the room. He remembered looking up at it and thinking 'I wish I could see a real live trex' before he knew it his magic flow over the skeleton and for just a brief second, the dinosaur came alive.

     Skin appeared and it's eyes blinked before it turned towards Eli. But before Eli could even realize his mistake his magic shuttered and the trex returned to being a skeleton, except rather than facing forward it's head was slightly turned to look at Eli.

     Eli had felt incredibly drained after that. His mother had found him sleeping on the floor and when she ushered him out he heard the curator asking about the trex skeleton and thinking the brackets holding it in place must have shifted.

    "Well  you are a young one after all" Alexander continued, snapping Eli back to the present.

     "This academy will teach you how to unlock your full power, and I have use for it, so be ready." Alexander said as if he was Eli's boss.

     "Buzz off." Came Misty's confident voice.

She had appeared in front of Eli, sheltering him away from the fiery glare of Alexander.

     "You dragons think you're all that, but Eli isn't your servant. Keep your claws to yourself!"

Misty glared as Alexander chuckled.

     "I hope you don't intend to shelter Eli for his entire time at the academy. I'm not the only one after him, and you should know you can't protect him from me with your power level. I can easily outclass you, but for now I'll let him be. After all I don't have the means to bind him yet, and he needs to learn a bit more if he is to be of use to me." Alexander said casually before walking away.

     "Are you ok Eli?" Misty asked concerned.

"I know Alexander's a bit intimidating but don't worry. He has bigger fish to fry." Misty tried to comfort but Eli could hear the uncertainty behind her words.

     They sat down, and despite the fact Eli hadn't eaten anything since the breakfast in the barn, that felt like an eternity ago, he just picked at his burger.

      Eventually Misty led Eli through the corridors and up winding stairs until she stopped in front of a door.

     "This is you." Misty said pointing to the brass nameplate on the wall, but when she looked her face went pale.

     Eli glanced at the plate. Two names were engraved along with their respective emblem. 'Eli Abdallah' with his purple and gold lamp emblem, and 'Ash Othonos' with a emblem that looked to be of a red and orange bird in flames.

    Eli knew he had heard that name earlier today and should probably be concerned, but he was far to tired and drained. He opened the door and said a half hearted goodnight to Misty who left with a concerned glance.

     When he walked in the room he was impressed by its size. It was large enough to fit two beds, two desks, a living area, two dressers, and what appeared to be a bathroom off to the right.

     Eli saw one side of the room was clean but clearly lived in. With books lining the shelves and papers scattered over the desk. Luckily the other occupant of the room seemed to be out at the moment.

     Eli plopped down onto the empty bed and sighed. So many things had happened in one day. To think not even twenty four hours had passed since he was sitting in the barn eating breakfast with his mom and Bob.

     Eli thought of all the people/creatures he had met that day. Then he thought about the things said to him by Alexander. He was angry, scared, and sad, all at the same time. In the end he found himself falling asleep despite his worries. To tired to think, he fell into a restless sleep, hoping tomorrow would bring less pain.