
A Genie’s Wish

Eli is a sixteen year old Genie. He has been living in hiding his entire life, but when his father disappears and his mother is threatened, Eli must attend a magical academy for magical creatures. How will he survive in a world where everyone is after his power?

Bethany_Bordner · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 5

Eli was surrounded by agents and as he looked around his eyes widened with fear. One of the agents held his mother hostage. A hand pointed at her head like a gun would be.

"I knew we should have went as a group." One of the agents said, "but Grimm insisted on going solo and look what happened. We shouldn't underestimate this kid."

"Ok kid, I think you know what's gonna happen here. Either surrender, or say goodbye to your mom." The agent holding her threatened.

"DON'T ELI! LEAVE! GET AWAY FROM HERE!" his mother shouted before the agent jabbed a finger against her neck.

"I'd stay quiet if I were you lady." The agent warned.

"You could do as your mother suggests, but then you'll never see your mother again. If we can't get to you she's of no further use to us. So we'll have her disposed off and then come find you all the same." Another agent shrugged like he was talking about errands he had to run.

"But if you come with us quietly, no one has to get hurt. We will let your mother go, of course we will keep tabs on her so if you act up, we can always come back and get her." The agent explained as Eli felt utter despair sinking in.

"If I go with you, you promise to not harm my mom?" Eli questioned skeptically.

"I understand why you wouldn't trust us. If you have concerns just use those special powers of yours. Say 'I wish you would keep your promise.' And the spell will ensure we do. Even if you're a young genie, you should be able to manage that." The agent suggested.

Eli was wary but not seeing another option he said the wish, and with a flash of gold he felt like something had changed. Felt like a lock had slipped into place. He knew it had worked. They would not harm his mother so long as he went with them quietly.

"No." His mother whispered with dread as tears streamed down her face.

"Ok you two," the agent holding Eli's mother shoved her to two other agents "take her home, but put a heavy duty tracking spell on her and keep tabs on her at all times."

The agent then grabbed me by the arm. "I'll take this kid where he belongs." The agents waved their hands and made two portals appear.

"STAY STRONG ELI! I LOVE YOU!" His mother screamed in tears as they dragged her through one of the portals and before Eli could return the thought the portal had closed.

"So dramatic." The agent holding Eli's arm rolled his eyes. All Eli could do was glare as he was shoved through the next portal.

Eli had never felt a feeling like this. It felt like he was skydiving through a kaleidoscope, except their was no wind. It was completely silent as if they were floating through outer space. In a few seconds Eli found himself standing on a cobbled pathway.

"Welcome to your new home kid." The agent said as he gestured for him to follow up the cobbled pathway through a tall oak forest.

Eli wanted to ask where he was, but he didn't feel like talking to the man who had threatened his mother and kidnapped him.

He shoved his hands in his Jean pockets and grudgingly followed the agent in stubborn silence.

After walking a short distance the forest opened up into a wide clearing, and what Eli saw there made him gasp.

In the center of the clearing was a giant mansion. At least twenty stories tall stretching the entire expanse of the wide valley.

It was made of stone with ivy branches combing the walls, but despite its ancient design, it looked well maintained. A bell tower to the left of the mansion sounded with a deep ring.

As Eli followed the agent up the pathway and through the large oak, gold plated doors, he read a plaque above the door, engraved with the words "Atlas Academy: Where magical beings learn where they belong."

If this was an academy, Eli felt that slogan was supposed to insure bright futures, but felt ominously dark to him.

As they walked through the entryway, Eli couldn't help but stare at the large corridors with torch sconces and beautiful artwork.

The agent lead him to what seemed to be an office, with a blonde secretary typing away on what looked to be a computer at first glance, but on closer inspection was a wall of light that the secretary changed and edited with just her hand. When she had finished typing whatever she was doing she grabbed the square of light out of mid air and placed it in a pile of similar sparkling squares and started another one.

"I'm here with the new student, Eli Abdullah." The agent stated.

The secretary looked up with a smile and grabbed one of her glowing documents from the pile.

"Yes, we've been expecting you Eli!" She said in a chipper voice. "Follow me please."

Eli was shocked when instead of walking around the desk, two translucent wings similar to a dragon flies shot out from the secretaries back and she hovered over the desk and towards the office doors.

Eli shook his head, already in a daze from sensory overload, and followed the fairy into the office.

"Headmaster Damon. Elijah Abdullah is here." The fairy said as she handed a tall, black haired man in a suit his file.

"Thank you Miss. Nova." He said as he took the file and gestured for the fairy to leave.

"I'll be on my way as well then." The agent said with a nod and headed out the door.

Now Eli stood alone in front of the large mahogany desk as the man, Headmaster Damon, scanned his file.

"So you're a newcomer to the magical community." The man stated, his black eyes now scanning Eli up and down like he was appraising an item for sale.

"Yes." Eli stated simply, already feeling agitated and depressed.

"Well then I welcome you to Atlas Academy." The man said with a cold smile.

"I trust you know why you're here?" The man said raising his brow.

"Cause I'm magic?" Eli said quietly, looking down at the polished marble floor, clenching his fists to avoid letting out his frustration.

"Yes and no. This academy is for two types of magical beings. Those who haven't yet found their place in magical society, and those who have a high position in which they need extra skills and knowledge to grow into positions of authority." The principal explained calmly.

"You may find that you have something in common with both of these groups, young genie." The man said in a knowing voice.

"I'm only here cause those agents threatened my mom. I'd rather be back at my old school with my friend." Eli said sharply

"Ah yes, Miss Arno. A fine young graduate. Only took her one year at the academy to master her abilities. Not surprising since she comes from such a pure bloodline." The principal said with a smirk.

    "What?" Eli said confused

     "Why don't I just have the person in question explain." He waved his hand and a red portal emerged beside him. The person who stepped out of it made Eli's mind swim in confusion.

    "Greetings Headmaster." Misty said with polite decorum.

    "Miss Arno." The principal returned the greeting.

     "I know you've become familiar with this young genie. Would you please show him around the academy and explain how things work around here. With that your first job as a sleeper agent will be completed with flying colors. Congratulations." The principal exclaimed.

     "Thank you Sir, first He'll need the proper attire." She waved her hand towards Eli and he flinched as he felt and saw her silver power envelope him. When he opened his eyes and looked down, he saw he was in what appeared to be a school uniform. A black blazer with purple tie and trim. Along with black slacks and polished shoes. A patch embroidered over his heart was purple with what appeared to be a golden lamp in the center.

      "I suppose since I'm at the academy I should dress accordingly." She said and with a wave of her hand she was in a similar uniform as Eli, except with a skirt, and instead of purple, her blazer was trimmed in silver, with a silver tie. The emblem over her heart was blue and silver. It showed what looked to be a crashing wave.

     "Come with me Eli." Misty said and practically dragged Eli by the arm out of the office.

     "Well this should be interesting." The headmaster said to himself as he watched them leave.