
Chapter 2

<p>Hmm...<br/><br/>What's this?<br/><br/>Senses started to come back to me however, my body felt incredibly sluggish to the point that it was hard for me to open my eyes.<br/><br/>But I could still feel my surroundings.<br/><br/>The air smelled very fresh but at the same time cold and the ground was.. grassy and mossy?<br/><br/>I could also hear the air howl as if it was entering an extremely spacious place.<br/><br/>Where am I?<br/><br/>Slowly, I opened my eyes and what met me was an incredibly bright sunlight.<br/><br/>Irk...<br/><br/>I used my paw to cover my eyes as my eyes re adjusted to the brightness.<br/><br/>Wait a second...<br/><br/>Paw?<br/><br/>I took another look.<br/><br/>No way... A PAW?!<br/><br/>No way, this can't be happening, this CANNOT BE HAPPENING!<br/><br/>Immediately, I stood up but found it hard to do so. However, I was able to check my body and it is as I feared.<br/><br/>This can't be happening.<br/><br/>I had white hair growing all over my body and small paws while I could smell better than usual and hear better than before.<br/><br/>This can't be happening. This cannot be real. I must be dreaming.<br/><br/>I looked at my surroundings and found I myself inside an spacious cave.<br/><br/>The whole cave was lit by large glowing bright blue crystals that were like stalactites and stalagmites.<br/><br/>Inside the cave was humid so there were a couple patches of grasses and flowers inside.<br/><br/>Behind me was an incredibly huge pond that spanned half of the cave.<br/><br/>It was so incredibly beautiful as it reflected all the glistening lights that the crystals made.<br/><br/>I walked closer towards the pond as the beauty of it enchanted me.<br/><br/>I was incredibly in awe- until I saw my reflection.<br/><br/>Reality hit me right in my face as I saw my reflection.<br/><br/>T-that, that, that can't be me... right?<br/><br/>I was already starting to lose a few screws.<br/><br/>I sat down and looked at my paws, still thinking this can't be reality.<br/><br/>I tried to pinch myse- HOW DO YOU EVEN PINCH WITH THESE PAWS?!<br/><br/>Sigh...<br/><br/>I just used my right paw to smack myself right in my face.<br/><br/>Only to have it received by an incredibly fluffy and silky fur...<br/><br/>"Oh?"<br/><br/>How nice and soft...<br/><br/>Wait a second-<br/><br/>This isn't what I'm supposed to do!<br/><br/>Having recovered from that, I slapped myself, this time harder and confirmed it.<br/><br/>Pain was numbing my right cheek.<br/><br/>Yep, This is real.<br/><br/>no. no. no. no no. no. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NOOOOOOOO!<br/><br/>-<br/><br/>2 Hours later.<br/><br/>-<br/><br/>My breathing was heavy as I finally dealt and accepted reality.<br/><br/>After countless unacceptance, denial, and brain aneurism, I have finally calmed down and face reality.<br/><br/>"I'm pretty sure that creepy god did this.."<br/><br/>Just the thought of that bastard behind this pisses me off so much.<br/><br/>"Just you wait..."<br/><br/>Calm down Haruki, Deep breaths, deep breaths...<br/><br/>Having officially calmed down, I decided to settle on my matter for now.<br/><br/>I once again checked myself in the river and all I could say was, I am incredibly cute.<br/><br/>Judging from my features, I'm a fox... no-no, actually, a two-tailed fox!<br/><br/>From my size, I guess I'm pup. With my beautiful deep sea-green eyes and cute small pointed ears along with small cute muzzle that was complemented by my soft and silky white fur.<br/><br/>I could confidently say that I was adorable with my two waving tails on my back.<br/><br/>Hm?<br/><br/>How do you control these things?<br/><br/>My tails were still moving by itself even when I force it not to.<br/><br/>Weird.<br/><br/>Anyhow, I was starting to get hungry so I set out in the cave to find something.<br/><br/>I tried walking in two feet but it turns out, it was incredibly hard and it felt weird doing it in this body.<br/><br/>It's like trying to walk on an unsteady rope or something. Well, it makes sense since foxes aren't bipedal.<br/><br/>In the end, I ventured my way out in all four paws.<br/><br/>I hate this...<br/><br/>Sigh.<br/><br/>Is this my punishment? I became the very thing I swore to destroy?<br/><br/>It's humiliating.... and disgusting to walk on all fours like a dog. Worse of all, I can't even speak. Everytime I try doing so it sounds like a dolphine reverse drowning in the air.<br/><br/>Anyway, leaving the cave, I was greeted with the sun was shining brightly through the small gaps of thick and tall trees.<br/><br/>There were all kinds of animals, grasses, flowers, and shrooms that I encountered on my adventure.<br/><br/>So far, what I saw and know is that Im on a large forest and the animals I encountered so far were rabbits who had a shell on their backs like an armadillo.<br/><br/>So I called them [Shelled-rabbits].<br/><br/>Simple, right?<br/><br/>There were many kinds of birds that I saw but the most frequent ones were small red feathered birds.<br/><br/>What was special about them is that they had two long feathers separated on their tails making them look like they have two tails, another thing is that they have this two horizontal thick white stripes on their chest.<br/><br/>Usually they would be red in colour but I spotted a few that were orange or brown in colour.<br/><br/>Thus, I called them [Autumn-birds].<br/><br/>I also spotted a long snake earlier. It was on the same size as the snakes that you find on earth.<br/><br/>However, this snake had two long sperated necks connecting to two different heads.<br/><br/>Both were incredibly intimidating and scary, especially being in my size.<br/><br/>I called it [Two-headed snake].<br/><br/>My naming sense is so good, right? I could be the next Adam.<br/><br/>Anyway, I already smelled the scent of that predator from a mile away so I was able to avoid it<br/><br/>-<br/><br/>By the time my adventure was over, it was already dusk.<br/><br/>It took me a while to get to the cave because I was dragging something with my mouth- as degrading as this was, I really can't use anything else to pull while walking.<br/><br/>What I was dragging was a huge leaf which I turned into a somewhat makeshift bag since it was surprisingly durable.<br/><br/>I tried dragging it with my paw and once again, failed to do so, so I had to carry it like the cute and ador- disgusting little pup I am.<br/><br/>Surprisingly, I found my mouth to be extremely strong, something like it was my second hand.<br/><br/>It definitely felt different from a human's.<br/><br/>As I made it inside the cave, I left my leaf-bag over to the side and proceeded to drink water from the pond.<br/><br/>I reached my head out to touch the water and tried to suck a few only to have some enter my nose.<br/><br/>"Aaahhk! Ehe- ehe- aaachoo!"<br/><br/>Curse this cute and airheaded body of mine. I forgot dogs have to lick in order to drink.<br/><br/>Sigh, I can't believe the fact that not only did I turn into an animal, but I also have to ACT like an animal.<br/><br/>This is the worst... At this point, I don't mind getting killed by the demon lord already <--- exaggeration. Or maybe not?<br/><br/>Sigh, With ashamed morals, I lick the pond in order to drink.<br/><br/>Since my childhood, I've been taught proper etiquette and manners, Being trained to be a proper gentleman.<br/><br/>As such, It has been drilled in my nature for me to act properly and orderly.<br/><br/>So right now, I can't stand it, Walking on all fours the whole day, dragging an object with my mouth, and licking water from a pond.<br/><br/>Sigh...<br/><br/>Despite my moral struggle, I've got to say though, the water on the pond was extremely fresh and delicious.<br/><br/>Strangely enough, I felt like my body craved for it the longer I drank.<br/><br/>Suddenly, my instincts begun taking control of me and started gulping down larger amount of water.<br/><br/>Wait a sec- I don't need this much!<br/><br/>It felt like... like... like a drug!<br/><br/>I can't stop!<br/><br/>NO!<br/><br/>I CAN!<br/><br/>I raised my paw and immediately smacked myself on the cheek, causing me to stumble away from the pond.<br/><br/>Wha-... what was that?<br/><br/>It really did feel like drugs! It felt like I was gonna achieve euphoria the more I drank.<br/><br/>Seriously, what the fuck was that?<br/><br/>I tried to get up but the water bloated my stomach and now I find it too hard to move.<br/><br/>...<br/><br/>I guess I'll have to wait.<br/><br/>...<br/><br/>-<br/><br/>30 minutes later.<br/><br/>-<br/><br/>Phew... Glad that was finally out of my system.<br/><br/>I got up and headed towards the loot I gathered on my leaf bag.<br/><br/>Hm?<br/><br/>That's weird? Was my body this easy to move before or was it just my imagination?<br/><br/>Hmm... Nah.<br/><br/>Probably just my imagination.<br/><br/>-<br/><br/>In front of me was a stack full of flowers, grasses, and fruits.<br/><br/>How am I sure that these things are edible? Well for one, My nose somehow works like a poison detector and is able to smell the difference between poisonous plants and fruits to edible plants and fruits.<br/><br/>Also, to double check, I had the rabbits to confirm the edibility of these flowers and fruits earlier.<br/><br/>By stacking them together in a natural way and the sweet scent these fruits and flowers made, the rabbits gathered around and ate them.<br/><br/>I observed them for a little over two hours and found nothing out of the norm so I can conclude that these things are safe.<br/><br/>One flower looked like a glowing lilac, while some weere a giant red tulips. There was also this strange looking one that had leaves as it's head and petals as it's leaves, Basically a reverse flower.<br/><br/>The fruits I gathered were like something you see out of a p*kemon game, where there are berries that's on the size of an apple.<br/><br/>I started with the juicy orange looking one and-<br/><br/>Wow...<br/><br/>It was incredibly sweet and juicy! It's like a giant berry full of delicacy!<br/><br/>Delicious...<br/><br/>It didn't take me seconds to bite that thing down till there's nothing left.<br/><br/>Next I eyed the giant blue berry looking one.<br/><br/>I bite and what exploded on my mouth was a cool minting sea!<br/><br/>It was so refreshing to the point of calming your nerves every single bite!<br/><br/>This is awesome...<br/><br/>Just like the orange berry, this one too, quickly disappeared in my hand.<br/><br/>Next was this green, rough looking onion.<br/><br/>I bit in without hesitation, and my mouth was filled with extreme sourness which made me immediately spat the damnable thing out of my mouth.<br/><br/>What is this?! This is edible?! How the-<br/><br/>I needed water immediately, causing me to rush over to the pond without hesitation.<br/><br/>I immediately gulped a few down and I felt it again, the craving in my body.<br/><br/>Without the slightest hesitation, I gave myself a huge slap and stopped drinking.<br/><br/>Curse those little pieces of shits! Those rabbits think this is fucking edible?! To hell with that!<br/><br/>I swear I'm hunting a them later, not because of my hatred, but it's the law of nature!<br/><br/>...<br/><br/><br/>Yep, the laws of nature.</p>