
a flame in reality

A god gave me a chance at something new so I took it

Ultamint_me1000 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

I got to hand it to you

silver watched as yuzu in his new dragon form walked away barely keeping his thoughts together with his body feeling like it's falling apart as flames spilled out of him claiming anything it Touched, the flames spread rapidly

quickly reaching the trees as the Grimm that were still in the clearing attempted to get to silver because of the negative emotions he gave off but as soon as one would get close it would be consumed by the fires staining the flames a dark black

Once the flames were stained black they became more violent not because of the Grimm it consumed but because the the energy they held in them remnants of energy from the god of darknesses rested within them in all Grimm

silvers body now had a void in it and now it is trying to fix it and it wasn't the only thing trying to the dragon in silver was too.

back a minute prior the dragon was resting under the tree it had claimed as it's own away from the Spirit and hound that was until a massive hand appeared within the void that was silvers soul. the hand was fast in reaching its target the spirit the core of silver if you will

the dragon knew what would happen if the spirit was disturbed so it reacted as fast as it could the hound did as well leaving its cave. as both beast ran to stop the threat a energy stoped them both from continuing as if the hand was prepared for sentient beings being in the soul

this countermeasure incapacitated all thangs in the soul including the spirit. the hand reached the spirit and grabbed it all of this happening in seconds.

Cracks appeared across the ground as the spirit was ripped away from its pedestal the hand left as fast as it came once it was gone the dragon and hound could move. the dragon spoke to the hound "we must do something I do not wish to see the Gates of death again"

The hound just nods at the dragons words both creatures walked to the pedestal the spirit rested on as they walked up it a feeling washed across them a deeper Connection to silver

once they both got to the top energy was taken from them as a small flame lit that rapidly expanded covering the dragon and hound

the flames spread across the entire soul before spilling out into the physical world.

back with silver the flames spread across the clearing covering all the Grimm the only one remaining was the alpha but it seems to accept it doomed fate as the flames covers it.

the Grimm closes it's eyes and fell to the ground

one all the Grimm were completely consumed by the flame it returned to silver and covered his body with the energy it claimed remaking a arm with the Grimm energy " holy hell that's uncomfortable " silver said as he moved his new arm that has the appearance of a Grimms one " I swear if I'm stuck with this nasty thing the rest of my life I'm going to bed forever"

silver walks to his sword to grab it once he grabbed the sword it started to change shape

going from a broadsword to a type of great sword the handle has a scale like appearance and the guard had white fur resting on it the blade was pitch black with constantly moving swirls of dark blue with white cracks going across the entire blade

silver reminded what his system said about the sword wen he first got it " if the sword brakes you do too... I mean it has to be decently strong for it to be a sword" silver looks to were yuzu walked away " like hell I'm letting him get away from me" he starts running in that direction quickly recharge his destination but what he heard Makes him stop for a second "humans hear me now  lest you wish to die today give me the youngest of you"

Yang don't respond well to those words for obvious reasons "what do you mean by that you can't just take a person" she starts walking towards the dragon that is yuzu ruby try's to stop her "Yang hold on that's a dragon Yang a real dragon!!"

yuzu speaks again" humans if you do not give what I want I would be happy to end you all"

goodwich rips a tree out of the ground with her telekinesis and sends it flying towards yuzu and he doesn't do anything about it. as it flys it crashes into his throat yuzu soddenly goes into a coughing fit from the impact of the tree

silver seeing a opening of attack as he runs at the dragon from behind as it spoke "what the he- (cough) hell did you throw a (cough) tree at me for!?" literally everyone looks at him like he was an idiot

silvers sword Bursted into blue flames that caught the attention of the beacon students with all of them looking in a different direction makes yuzu look too seeing silver coming to attack he puts up his hand to stop the blow silvers sword how ever dose not stop and cuts three fingers clean off as they fall to the ground the blue fire consumes them yuzu screams in pain" OH GOD WHAT THE HELL THAT HURT"

silver response sarcastically "oh wow losing a party of your body hurts I don't know that" as silver said that yuzu soddenly goes for the students and grabs ruby with his hand that still had all of its fingers ruby attempts to stop this with crescent Rose how ever it wasn't able to Pierce the scales of the dragon ones she was in his hand yuzu spoke " I wasn't getting anywhere with my original plan so I will be taking her as my bride" as he said that all of team rwby  let there disagreement be clear

"Nooo"  as all of them yelled yuzu took flight leaving them all behind with ruby screaming

with the dragon gone all attention was on silver who was silently looking at the Direction yuzu went with ruby goodwich being the first to react using her semblance to restrain him " you will explain what just happened this Instant"

silver not wanting to start a another fight spoke

" well I've met the dragon before he came to my bar with those girls" as he said that he pointed at the renaming members of team rwby in response Weiss spoke " the only person we went with was yuzu...." is soddenly Dawned on her  "yuzu was the dragon!?" silver nods at her at the revelation " now I don't know what you are feeding your students but I don't think it's normal for a faunus to become a mythical creature of legend, now if you want to get that girl back you probably should get some people in vale to stop the dragon that's getting ready to pass through the city"

Goodwich seeing the logic in silvers words gets her scroll out of her pocket to call ozpin releasing silver from the purple prison he does some stretching before speaking " I'm going to go after him so see y'all later " silver didn't wait for a answer as he went running

a few minutes later silver was running through vale towards the part of the city that was on fire with sirens going off

as he got closer he got more concerned as the area that was on fire was the street his bar was on the sounds of a battle could be heard from multiple streets down

silver eventually mad it to the battle there was body's of huntsman and civilians all over the place many were on fire. as silver got a proper look of what is going on yuzu let out a ear piercing screech that paralyzes then released a powerful blast of fire from his mouth burning a chunk of huntsman to death leaving 13 left meny of them barely survived with a sliver of there aura and others aura broke just after the attack

yuzu becoming bored of this pointless battle and prepared to leave when a gunshot rang out yuzu looks to the source of it only seeing silver "we've already did this song and dance, don't you think you're wasting your time now trying to save a girl you don't even know?" silver listened to what he said but didn't care he can see Ruby in yuzus hand and she doesn't look to good clearly he didn't try to keep his attacks from hitting ruby

silver spoke to yuzu " I can't in good Conscience leave her in your hands" after silver said that he readied his sword yuzu though he tries something he lifted his hand with ruby and licked her " maybe I can eat your body after I kill you and if I get bored of ruby I'll eat her too" yuzu watched silver waiting for a response but was disappointed that silver didn't really react to his threat

silver starts humming a song as he starts to walk towards yuzu that walk turns into a run as silver does this yuzu let's out a loud screech not fitting of a dragon it makes silvers ears ring but he continues

quickly making it to yuzu he swings his sword it hits its target but a red glow appears meaning he had a aura "I'm not letting you cut anything again" yuzu held a smug smile as he looked at silver

silver looking towards the smug dragon before swinging his sword upward making it drag across yuzus chest his aura protects him from silvers attack so silver starts swinging his sword rapidly yuzu isn't stopping him this goes on for 30 seconds Intel a two fingered claw swiped at silver making him back step away from the hand

a voice comes from silvers sword it is quiet

"use what I gave you it will help" silver remanded the dragons gift? that did really matter in the end. he reminded the filing that he had from receiving the power

as silver felt the power a black flame spread from his Grimm arm to his sword yuzu hearing the sword speak used observe on it

<beasts fall>

a sword created by the soul of a dragon bound to the soul of man. do to the dragon that was used to make it it adapts faster than normal soul weapons

yuzu seeing this doesn't see the two black lines of fire flying towards him one hits him in the face and the other hit his neck the black flame completely ignored his aura burning his left eye away making him scream in agony

the pain makes him drop ruby and silver runs up to he and grabs her just runs to his bar unlocks the door sets ruby in it before closing the door and running back swinging his sword at yuzu making two more black lines of fire to fly out at yuzu they easily Connect with his scales burning them

Deciding he was done with silver yuzus wing's started flapping as this happened he spoke

"you may have beaten me but I will return stronger than ever" silver listening to him speak can't help but speak " that's not how it works you don't just become stronger like some sort of tv show character" yuzu takes flight into the sky leaving silver behind

after a few minutes the police, huntsman and huntress arrived once they arrived silver went to back to his bar to check on ruby she was just setting on a chair " the dragon is gone do you want anything from the menu?" Ruby nodded " do you have any cookies?" silver simply nods and gets the cookies after a few minutes he comes back with a plate of them ruby grabbed the plate out of silvers hand before he could place it down she eats the cookies like a monster

after she eats all of them ruby asked a question "what happened to your arm why is it like a Grimm?" silver answers " well that dragon that took you if you didn't figure it out was that yuzu guy (what?!!) me and him got into a fight and during that he used what I have to assume was his semblance to rip my arm off" after silver said that the door to the bar opened and the people that walked in were all people silver has seen before being the rest of team rwby goodwich and ozpin

Yang ran to ruby and gave her a hug then spoke "ruby are you ok, did yuzu hurt you?" ruby took yang's hug "I'm fine just a few scratches" silver watches as he made him self a drink

ozpin watched all of this before speaking " I'd like to think you from saving one of my students" silver is silent for a second then spoke " thanks but I manly did that to get back at the dick that took my arm" everyone started at his arms ozpin coughs into his hand "anyways I believe the police have some questions for you two if you could come with me " silver shakes his head then finished his drink and walked to the door

multiple hours later

high in the air yuzu was tired slowly losing altitude after flying for hours not fully Used to his new body " I'm not healing what ever that bartender did it wasn't normal for remnant I cant believe I lost to a human!"

yuzu eventually landed no longer able to fly once he landed he looked around only seeing black ground and cristals "oh I'm on the dark continent" yuzu starts to walk in a random Direction spending 4 more hours walking

a structure comes into View a large black Castle

yuzu walks towards the building quickly coming across the Grimm pools " I wander what would happen if I jumped into one?" That thought lingers in his mind for a long while before doing something stupid…. yuzu dived in the Grimm pool