
a flame in reality

A god gave me a chance at something new so I took it

Ultamint_me1000 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


It's early in the morning in vale and silver was preparing to open his bar making sure everything is clean as he cleaned he noticed that his panting was very dusty so he cleaned it

A tv was playing in the backroad and silver listened to is as he cleared "with all the damages done by the dragon repaired in the south district all activates can return to normal, in other news a schnee dust shipment was attacked last night by the white fang but most of the shipment was saved" silver changed the Chanel to something else

"Well it looks like we are in the next season now every day what I know about RWBY is losing it power" as silver talked to himself a person let themselves in the bar and silently aproshed silver  as they got closer they seemed to merge with the shadows in the room

The shadow got closer to silver making it behind silver then it spoke "your late on the report silver" silver looks behind his back and sees shadow

" I would have already but I've been a little busy" as he said that he showed his Grimm arm before going back to cleaning

Shadow is silent for a little bit before talking again " do you have a report ready in any form?" Shadow walk over to the bar and grabs a beer before sitting down

Silver as he cleaned spoke " I've been in contact with roman torchwick for a little while now and he does like talking Once he had some drinks in him"

"He's not the one in charge of the plan from what I understand" Silver grabs his scroll out of his pocket and sends a file to shadow"this should have all of what the  cameras caught when he was here"

Shadow looks through the file for a second before putting it in his pocket " so now that's out of the way can I get a drink?"

"Sure if you pay" silver smiled

Later that night silver is sitting on his couch with the TV playing in the background just staring at his Grimm arm "status" a glitchy screen appears in front of him


Srenth #$_&$


Intelagints 777777777777777+++77777777

Persephone 3

Ended 76

Alge 000

Race living flame


Silver looks at his status screen in in silence for a while "I literally can't understand any of it my skills and titles aren't showing up. my stats are all over the place and living flame is that what I really am?"

Silver let's out a long breath " well its not like i relied on the system a lot" as silver thought about it flames exploded out of him only affecting him leaving a crack in his place

On the other side of the crack silver flew in the space between dimensions the void around him  tried to tear apart his body and soul but the flames protected him from it's onslaught somewhat

As silver went faster the flames grew brighter creating a beacon of sorts in the void onec silver reached his maximum velocity his body tore through a invisible barrier 

Reviling Stars all around him but he isn't able to admire it as he screams in agany. he didn't come out unharmed as void Burns cover parts of his body in black and purple burns that have orange flames seeping out

Silver rapidly approaches a plant making it into it's atmosphere with oxygen in contact with the fire the ball grows in size as he crashes twords a city crashing into a street doing very little damage it the road

Silver laid on the ground for a little while before getting up and steshing "alright I just fell out from space like a meteor right"

Looking around silver sees a small crowd of people with their phones out most likely recording him " what never seen a guy fall from space before!"

He walked away from the people and proceeds to wonder around the city for a few hours finding out that he was in Chicago as well that someone has been following him most of the time He made his way to a park and sat on a beach

Not that far away from him the person that has been following him is hiding behind a tree " boss said I need to take care of this guy but he seems ok"

This is Tom Jackson (do you remember him?) He looks at silver as his eyes glow a dark brown as a monster starts to form