
A Duelist in Marvel (Yugioh X Marvel)

Shawn a fan of anything duel monsters dies and wakes up in Marvel with a mission find the scattered millennium items and keep the secret of duel monsters and shadow games hidden.

wiz161 · Films
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22 Chs

Ch.11 Mutant Mayham

POV Shawn Valon

Location: Valon mansion

As the X-Men landed in my back yard I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sudden show of force I was going to try and talk and hope to get some answers but their next actions forced my hand.

I felt a pain in my head as if someone had pressed their fingers into my head and were touching my skull only to immediately be pushed away as the Millennium Ring glowed.

But X-23 wasn't so lucky as she went to charge at the intruder's claws ready to cut only to fall to the ground clutching her head.

"Hey, assholes get off my lawn and get out of our heads!" I yelled as I activated my duel disk and placed down Blue-Eye's White Dragon the Millennium Ring glowed softly and in a flash of light, it appeared above my house and roared.

The X-Men seemed to hesitate only for a second before Wolverine came crashing onto their jet and was followed close behind by Red-Eyes that flew up and fired a ball of flames after him.

Storm flew up and tried to redirect or disperse the fireball with a gust of wind but just as it made contact the ball of fire exploded causing the silver hair woman to come catching to the ground.

That got them moving as suddenly Cyclops fired a red beam of energy and I flinched expecting pain but it never came as the beam of energy was deflected by a barrier.

'So Cyclopes optic blasts count as an overwhelming power,' I thought holding up the sword more confidently and noticed even with it currently blocking it didn't feel any different I expected to be pushed back or struggle against the force.

"Blue-Eye unleashed your power white lighting!" I shouted and my dragon responded and arches of white energy poured out of its mouth like drool until it unleashed a beam of pure white light.

Cyclops changed targets from me to the dragon won't to find his optic blast pushed back he was saved by Jean Grey who pulled him out of the way.


My arm moved on its own as I turned with it to find its edge at the throat of Nightcrawler who looked confused and surprised at the same time.

Nightcrawler: "How did you-?" he began to say only to get tackled by X-23 causing the blue fur all to panic and start teleporting randomly trying to get the girl off of him.

Jean: "Please let's stop this is just one big misunderstanding," she said putting a hand on Rogue and Shadowcat both having stayed by her side.

". . . . ." I said nothing instead using the Millennium Ring I felt her intentions she was being honest 'Red-Eye keep the short one pinned to the ground Blue-Eyes if you see any funny business warn me,' I commanded both of them mentally.

Red-Eyes did exactly as I told him picking up the limp form of Wolverine and landing on the ground in front of me with the man pinned to the ground underneath his foot his eyes glaring at the X-Men daring them to do something.

Blue-Eyes flouted in mid-air and looked over the area then looked down at the group sending me a mental message of an all-clear.

"You can stop trying to kill the blue one we're talking about now," I said and with one final puff of smoke, X-23 leaped off Nightcrawler like a platform and landed next to me with a backflip nailing the landing.

After a few moments, they all gathered back to gather and I couldn't help but notice how dirty they were compared to me and X-23.

'What type of X-Men are these,' I thought as I tried to figure out what I should expect from the group but this group wasn't anything specific I could recall just your standard roster of X-Men.

As I thought this the Jet landed and the back ramp came down and rolled down it was a man I had mixed feeling about Professor X his friendly smile already on his face.

Charles: "My Name is Charles Xavier and I do sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding," he said holding out a hand but I simply looked at him.

"Who are you and Why are you here?" I said flatly he pulled his hand away but never lost his smile.

Charles: "I've already introduced myself and these are my X-Men a group of gifted people who-" he began to say but I held up my hand causing him to stop talking.

"I'm not interested in whatever sales pitch you're trying to pull get to the point before my friend gets bored and starts seeing if your friend squeaks," I said pointing at the still-pinned Wolverine who glared at me.

Charles: "We are the X-Men and we're here because our friend there has a relative here and we came to investigate and get some answers," he said and looked at them like they were idiots.

"And you attacked my house because. . ." I said letting my voice trail off.

Kitty: "We saw this crazy battle between magical girls and warrior women with beasts fighting," she said and I felt the blood drain from my face.

Rogue: "We saw the battle and Wolvierne thought something bad was going on so. . ." her voice trailed off as I had seen what he had done.

'They haven't lied from what the Millennium Ring can tell,' I thought as I filled in the dotes and looked towards X-23 who did nothing or react at all to the information and looked back at me with her neutral expression.

"Well I'm guessing razor claws runs in the family," I said my hands gesturing towards the girl as I gave the command to release Wolverine.

Red-Eyes did so by kicking the man toward the group and began chuckling darkly as he spat blood out of his mouth Wolvierne jumped up and popped his claws and pointed them at me causing X-23 to pop her claws both dragons and girl to growl dangerously.

He retracted his claws and walked up to the girl who to my surprise glared at the man and snarled as he got closer.

Wolverine: "Do you have a name kid," he asked and for a moment I wondered if she was going to respond but she didn't.

"She doesn't talk but she goes by X-23," I said and Wolverine's eyes widen as I said that and growled.

Wolverine: "X-23. . .your. . .but. . .how. . .?" he began to ramble to himself and I couldn't but feel I just caused a flashback turning to the others also looked worried except for Professor X who from what the ring could tell was more confused and curious than worried.

"Sooo. . .how about we talk inside," I asked getting confused looked.

(1 hour later)

"Yeah no thanks," I said taking a bite of my sandwich and enjoying the sweat and sticky combo of PB+J.

The X-Men sat around me and X-23 in my living room Helperbit taking dishes and making small snakes ever since we started talking ignoring the looks of wonder and curiosity from some of the X-Men.

We had mostly talked about X-23 and how I found her on the side of the road unconscious and covered in blood and how we had been living together ever since.

I had left out everything involving the Millennium Items, my powers, and Black Cat otherwise I told them my name and some of my history after a while, Charles asked if I wanted to join his school which I just refused.

Charles: "May I ask why?" he asked his tone still friendly but portraying disappointment.

'Because that school is nothing but a death trap and you are a control freak who uses your students like pawns in a game of chess,' is what I wanted to say.

"From what you've told me your school is for mutants and im, not a mutant plus I have other things to do," I said noting the pop-up from the system.

[Title gained Lone Duelist]

•Lone Duelist

-You walk the path of the duelist alone not that you don't like others but when it comes to dueling teamwork isn't your thing.

Charles: "Yes it is mostly for Mutants but that doesn't mean we don't also accept those whose abilities come from other sources," he said but I shook my head.

"Sorry but like I said I have other things to do," I said with finality and Charles nodded then looked to X-23 who sat next to me the girl had been silent the entire time even when we were talking about her.

Charles: "And what about you young lady will you accept my invitation," he asked but he got no response to my surprise, she looked up at me I shrugged at her.

"Do whatever you want like I couldn't stop you even if I wanted to anyway," I said and she nodded ever so softly then turned to the balled man and shook her head much to my and Wolvirense's surprise.

I expected her to leave the chance to get to know and discover your relatives and have something of a family plus go after those who once caged you but she refused.

Wolverine looked somewhat hurt by it but grunted and he was back to his resting angry face.

Kitty: "We'll why don't you at least come and see the school who knows it might change your mind and 23 can spend time with her. . .relative," she said the last part hesitantly since no one knew their relationship.

Jean: "Yeah and we have a Dr. Hank McCoy he can look at her and maybe learn something new," she suggested further I shrugged and looked to X-23 and she nodded slightly.

"Ok, I guess but not right now how about Saturday," I suggest and it was agreed that a vehicle would be by to pick us up and I made sure to stress that it not be a stealth jet.

We watched as they left the jet slowly at first hovering off the ground before taking off I almost wanted to send a monster after them to make sure but I thought against it.

'Don't know if magical card monsters show up on radars,' I thought smiling at the ridiculousness of that thought, and turned to see Helperbot already getting started cleaning the yard and X-23 going to her room most likely to sleep.

"Do I need to give you any gems?" I asked and Helperbot to shook its head.

[I automatically took the required gems the groceries and other materials as should be arriving tomorrow]

"YOU DID WHAT!" I shouted checking the system.

(Hours later)

POV 3rd person

In a dark room, a door opens filling it with light for just a moment a figure stands in the doorway walking in the door shuts behind them.

The room is silent for a moment before a screen flashes to life on it the figure of a man hidden in shadows sits in a chair.

???: "Have you found our asset?" the voice spoken was distorted and the figure on the screen interlocked their fingers.

???: Yes sir she is staying with a boy named Shawn Valon a teen who ran away from home staying in his-" he began to report only to stop when the figure raised their hand.

???: "Just send me the report and get a team together to recover the asset," the figure said and went to press a button.

???: "What do we do with the boy?" the man asked and the figure hovered his hand over the button.

???: "Like always no witnessed," he said pressing the button the screen going dark plunging the room into darkness once again.

POV Shawn Valon

Location: Valon mansion

I sat in my grandfather's study starting at the Millennium Ring and the description the system had for it.


•Millennium Ring

-Primary power is to guide the owner to whatever he seeks.

-Camouflage into the darkness around you.

"But that's not all you can do," I said to myself rubbing my temples the magical artifact had so many abilities that weren't listed by the system and I had no idea why.

Today I had summoned two powerful monsters and had no drawbacks at all it in fact felt like I hadn't used any of my own power to summon either the Millennium Ring having acted like a vast ocean of power that I could draw on instead of my own.

If the system wasn't going to tell me all the powers of certain items then I was going to need to test every magical item I get from the system far more than I already do especially the Millennium Items.

"Shouldn't you have a dark spirit inside of you as well," I asked the piece of gold in front of me but I got no reply back I shook my head and I tried to remember what the other Millennium Items can do but I barely remember and listed them down.


-Trap souls, ????


-Mind control


-See the future




-X-ray vision, ????



I laid back in my chair wondering if I was doing everything I could when suddenly an idea came to mind.

It wasn't the only time I had this idea but I thought I would implement it after getting all the Millennium Items.

But today's events put a wrench into that idea if the X-Men were even a little bit interested they would have a million-dollar idea.

As I thought about the pros and cons of the idea in my head a pop-up from the system d

[Mission: A world without Duel monsters]

•You are in a world without the joy of duel monsters time to fix that and create Duel monsters in Marvel.

