
A Dragon's Perspective

Transmigrated into the body of a useless noble doomed to die early, he vowed to avoid the deadly traps of the storyline by discarding his heir role, aiming for a simple, long life filled with wealth and the right number of wives. Though he promised to stay uninvolved, he was ready to act decisively if needed to ensure the tides turned in his favor. To his family, he appeared a lazy deadbeat, sweet and caring, while to others, he was a mad hound and an Unstoppable Psychopathic Being... ________________________________ [A/N: 1. Don't expect the MC to get power served to him and grow strong overnight. He is a lazy deadbeat but works just had enough... 2.Using the real world Common sense only ruins the joy in reading ●DAILY UPDATES! ●Discord Link in Bio -Small Win-Wins- ●100 PS - 1 Extra Chapter ●200 PS - 2 Extra Chapters ●300 PS - 3 Extra Chapters ●500 PS - 5 Extra Chapters N/B: The Cover and Character Illustrations are mine

HeavenlyMike · Fantaisie
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71 Chs


As the crackling green energy intensified, Diaval scooped Betty into his arms, her small hands clutching his tunic.

Her wide eyes sparkled with innocent wonder.

"Pretty lights," she giggled, her childish voice contrasting with the ominous scene unfolding before them.

The crackling stopped abruptly, revealing not a door but a green portal in the shape of a vertical rectangle.

Hovering above it was a timer, glowing in green holographic font: 20 minutes and counting down.

Diaval's heart raced.

He had encountered many types of dungeons, but this was different.

"A speed run dungeon," he muttered, the realization hitting him like a thunderbolt.

These dungeons were designed for intense, time-limited combat, where the goal was to kill as many enemies as possible within the allotted time.

Speed run dungeons were crucial for several reasons.

They provided unparalleled training for stamina and strength, forcing adventurers to push their limits.

The constant flow of enemies honed reflexes and combat skills, making warriors more resilient and adaptable.

Moreover, the beast souls harvested from defeated enemies were highly valuable, often worth a fortune.

These dungeons were a goldmine for those looking to amass wealth quickly, but they came with significant risks.

Overexertion could lead to death, as the dungeon's relentless onslaught of enemies left no room for recovery.

Diaval's mind raced as he recalled the specifics.

Speed run dungeons didn't contain people; instead, once the timer ran out, they broke, releasing monsters into the real world.

These dungeons were portals to different dimensions, interconnected realms that could unleash havoc if not contained.

As Diaval processed this information, Adrian stood beside him, seemingly unbothered.

With his arms folded, his bulging muscles strained against his shirt, his eyes closed in a display of calm.

Diaval knew that proving his strength was trivial to Adrian, but the situation demanded immediate action.

Betty's safety was paramount, and the potential chaos that could ensue if monsters flooded the mansion was a risk he couldn't take.

"Betty, hold on tight and don't let go," Diaval instructed, placing her on his back.

He turned to Adrian, knowing he needed his brother's help.

"Adrian, we need to divert the monsters to the training grounds. We can't let them overrun the mansion."

Adrian opened one eye, his expression stoic.

"And why should I get involved in your mess?"

'This arrogant bastard.'

Diaval sighed, frustration bubbling beneath the surface.

"Because the safety of the house is at stake. As the future House Master, it's your responsibility too."

Adrian pondered this for a moment, then nodded reluctantly.

"Fine. What's the plan?"

Diaval quickly laid out a strategy.

"We'll use the training grounds as a containment area. The monsters will be drawn to the smell of fire and the sight of movement.

We need to create a diversion to lure them out of the window and towards the grounds where our guards and soldiers will be waiting."

Adrian raised an eyebrow.

"How do we get them to jump out of the window?"Diaval smiled, his mind already working on the details.

"First, we'll set a controlled fire near the window. The undead are drawn to warmth and movement.

We'll also place reflective surfaces to catch their attention and make it seem like there's a larger force outside.

Once they start jumping, our guards will be ready to neutralize them.

Adrian nodded, still skeptical but willing to go along with the plan.

"Alright, but you better make this work."

Diaval detailed the plan further, instructing Adrian to gather guards and prepare the training grounds.

"We'll need archers positioned on the rooftops to take out any stragglers. We'll use oil lamps to create the fire, but we need to control it carefully to avoid burning down the mansion."

As Adrian went off to gather the necessary resources, Diaval turned to Betty, her small arms wrapped tightly around his neck.

"Stay close to me, okay?"She nodded, her eyes wide with trust.

"You got it Uncle Diaval..."

Diaval's plan came together piece by piece. He organized the guards, placing archers on the rooftops and positioning soldiers around the training grounds.

They set up mirrors and reflective surfaces to catch the light and create the illusion of a larger force.

Oil lamps were strategically placed near the window, their flickering flames casting eerie shadows.

Using fire magic was also an option, but having it uncontrollably would cause havoc and chaos, possibly even burning down the house.

Diaval's knowledge of fire magic was deep, understanding its raw, uncontrollable nature.

The enchanted flames, while capable of reducing the skeletal monsters to dust, would also ignite anything flammable in their vicinity.

Wooden beams, tapestries, furniture—all would become kindling in an instant.

The Astarot mansion, with its intricate wooden carvings and priceless antiques, would be particularly vulnerable.

The thought of his home, filled with memories and treasures, turning into an inferno was unbearable.

Moreover, he considered the practical limitations.

Fire, once unleashed, didn't discriminate. In the confined spaces of the mansion, it would be impossible to control the spread without powerful containment spells, which he didn't have the luxury of preparing.

The risk of collateral damage was too great, and the potential for chaos and panic among the household staff and residents was significant.

The mansion's layout, with its numerous rooms and hallways, would become a labyrinth of flames, trapping people inside.

Diaval came to this realization through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

He had studied the nature of magical elements and their applications extensively, understanding the balance required to wield them effectively.

His previous encounters with various forms of magic had taught him the importance of strategic thinking and the consequences of overreliance on sheer power.

He ruled out fire magic, deciding instead to focus on a strategy that involved guiding the monsters to a controlled environment.

This approach, while more complex, ensured the safety of everyone in the mansion.

By directing the undead to the training grounds, a designated area for combat and magical practice, they could be neutralized effectively without risking widespread destruction.

With a clear plan in mind, Diaval turned to Adrian, ready to implement their carefully crafted strategy.

Fire magic might have been the most potent weapon in their arsenal, but its uncontrollable nature made it a last resort, one Diaval was determined not to use.

The safety of his home and family depended on precision and control, not unbridled power.

"It's common sense really, "Diaval muttered shrugging a bit.

The timer continued to count down, each second bringing them closer to the inevitable onslaught.

Diaval's heart pounded, but his mind was sharp, his focus unwavering.

As the timer hit zero, the portal shimmered and released a horde of undead skeletons, their empty eye sockets glowing with malevolent light.

The monsters, drawn by the fire and reflections, surged towards the window, leaping out into the night.

Finally got contracted, thank you all who have reached this far...

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