
A Distorted Reality

One day, I was summoned to this world. Monsters poured out, and an incredible crisis came. We are here against our will just because we have qualifications. No we are here because we are weak to resist against our summoner. Whether you have to fight against humans, monsters or different race. Whether you’ve gone back in time. You have to take advantage of everything in order to survive. “i will definitely go back."

Illusionmaster · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

[this is the end of the guide. You have to defeat the monsters as soon as possible in order to survive. On behalf of our world, I would like to thank you for your courage and sacrifice.]

[Note: make sure to make as many achievements as you can, it will be useful once you finish the tutorial.]

The moment the voice finished speaking….

"sh*t.. Damn you…"

"Hey, stop joking and end this prank right now."

"What the fu*k do you mean by 'sacrifice' this is kidnapping."

"Crazy psychos."

"Please, anyone, help us."

"I beg you, I don't belong here."


It was a total chaos.

I couldn't estimate the exact number of the people here, but I'm sure that there's more than 1000 people here.

The frightened people started to curse then they slowly began to ask for help and in the end they begged the voice for mercy, but they were met with silence.

As I was observing the reactions of the people around me, I thought about various things like 'why am I qualified', 'what's the real purpose of this tutorial that might get people killed? If they want us to save the world, shouldn't they try to summon as much people as they could' and 'for how long were they kidnapping people'.

'Water, food and weapons.'

We had those things, but I didn't know if it was enough.

Assuming that there's 1000 persons here, the food that's forming a hill in front of us will last us a month at most, it can be longer if we decrease the rations of everyone here, but The question is, for how long will we have to endure being here?

'The flag.'

The voice said that goal of this tutorial is to capture the enemy flag.

It's a good thing that we at least have 3 months to worry about this problem.

But looking at the people around me….

"Help me!"

"Please, get me out of here. Please…"

"Quit playing around. I don't have time for this sh*t!"

"Wah wahh… Please let me live. Please…"

"I'm calling the police! The police!"

"Grab your weapons! Didn't the voice said that we have to fight the monsters? Grab your weapons!"

"No, we can just hide here until the time runs out, we just need food!"

"This food won't be enough for all of us."

"fuck, just give me my share, the one who's useless can just look after himself!"

Is it really safe here?

In this kind of environment, the true nature of every person will truly be revealed, the cruelty, the malice and the ugliness of the human beings will be put into test.

Will the stress, panic and the fear influence the people personalities?

Will they stay true to themselves, and stay the same people they were on earth!

Or will they turn into something else?

The corners of my mouth titled upwards as these thoughts flashed into my mind.

"Interesting, interesting show me your true colors huma…!"

Suddenly I covered my mouth with my hand, and stopped my speech.

'What happened to me, it feels like I'm someone else.'

I was shocked to my sudden change of demeanor, I was feeling well just a minute ago.

Recalling my feelings a moment ago left me a bit lost in thought.

'At that moment I didn't think of them as fellow human, but I felt like they exist just to entertain me.'

I really have a bad feeling about this so-called new world.

Suppressing my uneasiness, I decided to see the notable figures in this group.

In every group there's some who stand out from the rest whatever intentionally or unintentionally.

As the people reached what seems the highest state of panic, A defending Bang sounded in the noisy fortress.


The crowd started to quiet down and stared at the source of the sound.

At the top of one of the fortress towers, there stood a dark skinned bulky man, Although he had a huge height, size, and weight, he didn't really look fat.

'fuck, how did he climb there that fast, was he perhaps a spider in his past life!'

"Every please listen to me for a moment, I have an important thing to tell you."

Hearing the man's words made the crowd that was originally noisy quite down immediately, everyone tried to focus on the speech that the man's going to make.

I too tried to concentrate on his words.

'He may have important information.'

But I was left disappointed after he began his speech.

"Hello everyone, my name is John Mills, I know that the current the situation is confusing, but I need everyone to stay calm."

"In order to find a solution to our predicament, we should try to join forces with each other rather than break apart."

As I was listening to his words, I couldn't help but be amazed by his calmness and the manners of his speech.

"… I don't trust the words of that weird voice, but I think we should try to believe his words for now, because I can't explain the supernatural events that we are currently experiencing with a logical explanation."

As the words of the big guy on the tower fell on the crowd, it made them silent for moment since it made sense for them.

The people here are not stupid, they were just afraid of the kidnapping phenomenon that happened to them.

They were all in different places all over the world less than an hour ago, and now they found themselves in an old fort with a voice telling them to risk their lives and fight monsters in order to gain a chance to enter a new world.

Most of the human beings fear the unknown, anything they couldn't understand, can strike panic among them. And the current situation is by far the most weird thing that happened to them in their lives.

But after the man's words, they calmed down slightly, and tried to think a little to make sense of this situation.

The Bulky man seems to notice their pondering faces, so he took a slight pause to his speech in order to give them enough time to think.

'He has a good judgment skills, and it looks like he has an excellent leadership.'

After about 3 minutes passed the big man continued his speech.

"First, lets try to revise everything that the voice said!"

"According to the voice, our ultimate goal is to capture the flag of the enemy, we must assume that the enemy is stronger than us since they are monsters that we don't know much about, whatever they are just mindless or intelligent monsters must be confirmed before the start of the fight in order to form a solid strategy to win."

"The first thing we have to do now, is to count our numbers, so we can distribute the food and water to everyone, and we must try to minimize our needs as much as possible, so it can last us for long period of time, at least until we secure another source of food, since I can tell that this food won't be enough for all of us."

The food is indeed our biggest problem right now, since we don't know if there's any other place we can get food, so we have to convince ourselves that this is the only food we have.

But will everyone accept this, everyone has different demands on the food, women won't eat the same as the men.

So what will you do Big guy.

It seems that he thought of a solution for this problem as he open his mouth.

"Of course I know it might be unfair for some people to eat the same amount as the others, so I suggest establishing a contribution system in order to share the food, this will make everyone strife to work hard in order to get anything they want."

His suggestion was met with low dissatisfied voices and clear displeasure was drawn on their faces, but they didn't dare to voice out their dissatisfaction, they are afraid that the moment they opposed this system, they will gather the hatred of the others and may get cast away by them.

Maybe the majority of people here were confident that they are able to contribute in order to get food, or they were just glad that they could earn it by the amount of the work they do and it won't be distributed equally.

As for me, I didn't really care, I was a little bit thankful that at least my current colleagues seems to have brain to think carefully about the pros and cons of the current situation rather than saying whatever they have in mind without giving it many thoughts.

"I know that most of you are civilian without much fighting experience, so the second thing we have to do is to train, we have to practice wielding the weapons we feel comfortable with."

John took a moment so that his words can reach every person here and can comprehend the meanings behind them.

"Most of you will feel fear and hesitate about the mere idea of fighting monsters, but we don't have a choice, if we don't fight we die, you must carve this simple truth deep in your heart, make this idea your fuel to survive."

'He's sure being a good motivation speaker.'

I can see some people near me clench their fists with determine expression.

While the others were muttering under their breath, probably trying to build their courage.

"The third thing we have to do is to explore our surroundings."

Before he could finish speaking, the restless people who have long been inpatient explode at him!

"What do you mean we have to explore our surroundings?"

"Don't you remember that there are monsters out there?, do you want to kill us you bastard!"

"That's it, I had enough of your bullsh*t!"

"Who the f*ck you think you are?"

"Just who made you in charge here, huh!"

"Yes, the voice already said we are safe for 3 months!"

"We can just stay here until the people who kidnapped us bring us back!"

A variety of curses were thrown at the big guy which made him draw a frown in his calm face.

' I guess even someone like him will feel a little humiliated from all this curses.'

It looks like I was wrong about this people being calm and rational, I guess they just didn't have the courage to confront him in front all of this people, but the moment someone man up and said the first insult to him, all of them decided that this is the time to pour their fear, panic and frustration at him.

John raised his hands and spread them as wide as he could, and then…


A loud clap sounded from his hands like thunderclap.

'fuck, does his hands make soundwaves!'

I shook my head a little and tried to dig my finger in my ear to get rid of the buzz sound in it.

" The reason I want to explore is because I want to see if there are other monsters than the one that we are suppose to face that are staying in their base camp."

'He's insane.'

That was the one thought in everyone's mind.

Why would all these people try to oppose him even thought they knew that his idea is reasonable?

Because if they went even a little bit outside the fort, and met any monsters they most likely no they would definitely be overwhelmed with dread and fear!

Why would they risk their lives if they knew that the place that they're currently staying will be safe for at least 3 months.

That's why everyone here ignored his rational explanation and thought of him as crazy person who lost his mind due sheer pressure and fear.

Going out there would be no different than suicide. They couldn't decipher any other meaning besides going out to die.

"What a pity.."

I don't know if he was genuine in his speech, or he just wanted to be the leader of this camp, but his plans become useless the moment he asked this people to risk their lives.

He probably forgot that they were just ordinary people 1 hour ago, how could he expect from them to have the courage of putting their lives on the line.

After giving him a pitying look, I made my way toward the weapons section.

Now that I'm close enough, I can finally see their quality.

I picked a dagger and played with it a little, but after checking its balance, I was left disappointed since it was a little off.

"Well, at least it's not a complete rubbish."

I wasn't the only one checking the weapons.

The other people were doing the same, but the one who caught my eyes was a well build guy with black hair and amber eyes, he's currently swinging a medium long spear, and he seems to be quite experience judging from the way he handled it.

The most notable thing about him is the aura surrounding him, my instinct told me that this guy isn't simple, and I trust my instinct very much, so I made sure to be careful around him.

"Well, as long he's not an enemy, I don't care."

After watching him for a bit, I decided to explore the fort, but before I could take another step, a sudden loud flustered voice filled with fear rang out in the fort.

"T-the M-monsters are here!"