
A Distorted Reality

One day, I was summoned to this world. Monsters poured out, and an incredible crisis came. We are here against our will just because we have qualifications. No we are here because we are weak to resist against our summoner. Whether you have to fight against humans, monsters or different race. Whether you’ve gone back in time. You have to take advantage of everything in order to survive. “i will definitely go back."

Illusionmaster · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Tutorial 1


"What is going on here..."

I groaned a little as a terrible headache struck me, I massage my head while spatting out curses.

After feeling better a little, I looked around me in order to judge my current situation.

In the dim light, I could see some unknown patterns.

It looks like an old fortress but it looks on the verge of collapsing, the cracks on the walls are visible even in this dim light.

I've never been inside a castle or fortress, but I'm sure it would look like this.

In this unrealistic situation, I took a deep breath to calm my increasingly beating heart.

My last memory was visiting the hospital.

'What the hell is happening.…'

If I recall, it was like this.

As I was talking to my mom a strange screen with weird letters on it appeared in front of me but strangely I was able to understand their meanings.

-You have fulfilled the conditions.

-You have the qualifications to enter the tutorial.

I thought I was hallucinating due my overwork and lack of sleep, after blinking and rubbing my eyes to make sure that I wasn't seeing things, the message is still there floating in front of me.

- Beginning to transport in ...3...2....1


I screamed in panic but ...

That was it.

That was the only thing I could remember.

My breathing quickened and my body was trembling. I couldn't comprehend the situation.

I was in the hospital a moment ago but suddenly, I found myself somewhere I'd never seen before in my life.

I couldn't find any logical explanation for this phenomenal.

I could feel the heavy atmosphere here.

It was like a horror movie that would scare most people.

Before I could think of anything else, I heard several panicked voices around me.

"Hey, where are we?"

"Who the hell brought me here?"

"Don't ask me. I don't know."

"Well, can anyone here tell me what the last thing you remember? What the hell is this place?"

"If I knew that, would we be doing this? I think we're all in the same situation. Do you remember anything?"

"I asked you because I don't remember you dumbass."

"What the hell did you called me.."

"Hey! Is anyone there? Hey!"

"Please! Anyone? Please help us!"

People started talking.

Panic and fear was slowly spreading amongst us.

Some were slapping their cheeks to see if this was a dream, while others kept calling for help.

They were all different.

'It's not a dream.'

I don't remember the last time I had a dream but I'm sure this is too realistic to be one.

this certainly not a dream, but at least I'm glad I wasn't alone.

Everything seemed too real.

When I gulped for a moment, a sound rang everywhere around us, it made it hard to trace the source.

[Players are invited to this world. We sent an invitation to the players we deemed worthy. You were chosen as a hero and brave warriors to save our world.]

"What are you talking about!"

"My god! What kind of hero you're talking about!"

"Quit messing around in there and come out, you bastards!"

"Don't fuck with us anymore you fuckers!"

"Sir, I'll call the police. Sir, I'm calling the police."

"I don't care about saving anything, just send me back."

"Is there a hidden camera? This is a complaint!"

[But not everyone can head to our world. The only people eligible to go are those few who passed the tutorial.]

"What nonsense!"

"Hey! Hey! Don't mess with us!"

[Please pay attention to what I say next. Follow the instructions carefully because It's directly related to your survival.]

My instincts suddenly kicked in, as I isolated myself from all the noises around me, and focused solely on the strange voice.

Because in this weird atmosphere, I heard the word "survival".

[Let me repeat that. Only those who survive this tutorial are worthy to go to our world.]

"What… Are you saying you'll kill us?"

"D-Didn't you say we're already worthy?"

[What I'm talking about now is your survival. It's essential if you want to keep living. Our world is a bit cruel to the weak. This is reality you're facing. Denying all this means giving up your life. Because I have an obligation to help you as your guide in this tutorial.]

"Don't mess with me! Bastards!"

"This is illegal, I'm going to sue you all."

"Please let me out of here."

"Hey! You made a mistake! I'm not worthy! Fuckers!"

I heard a number of voices, but that strange voice that was both irritating and strangely calming kept going calmly.

[The guide will now begin. Firstly, where you are now is your base camp where you can wait before you begin the tutorial. You can think of it as a starting point. The Base contains essential items for you. Water, food, and the weapons you'll be using later.]

The food and waters are big enough to form a small hill. But what struck me odd is The water bottle placed in the corner was made out of leather, rather than plastic like it would be on Earth.

That wasn't all.

The weapons were placed in ordering matters.

Every section have different types of weapons.

Bows and arrows, swords and shields, spears and maces.

I couldn't identify their quality from this distance.

The presence of a wide variety of weapons made me recall some memories that left me with mix feelings.

'These things are too much for prank.'

They weren't fake.

'Are we by any chance in some kind of experiment?"

A sense of reality began to set in.

[You can protect yourself with the weapons here. The goal of this tutorial is to capture the flag of the enemy. Besides you, there is another monsters base camp, both of you are given a flag that can be planted in any place inside your base. .]

It was just like a fantasy novel.

What was interesting was the game that we're going to play.

As the voice continue to speak the people's complain became less and less.

I began to focus on the sound of that voice.

[Of course, it might be difficult to face them with your own power. But don't worry. You will be given protection period of three months. The monsters are unable to attack your base during this duration.]

"What the hell is this…"

[You are the chosen players. You came here with different personalities and qualifications and from different places. This place will make you stronger and help you grow. You'll understand what I'm talking about if you say status window.]

This whole situation is confusing, it's almost impossible to adapt quickly.

I felt like I should proceed carefully in situations where I didn't know what would happen.

As I was in deep thoughts, some people started to scream while the others were just staring blankly in front of them.

"Status window."

"Status window? Huh? What's this?"


The screams were honestly getting annoying.

'Can't they keep their voice the fuck down.'

[The status window shows your current condition. Depending on your efforts, your stats may go up or down. Next is your class. You can choose the basic classes which enable you to gain the most basic knowledge. It will depend entirely on your efforts to choose your further path. For example, a Wizard who study black magic can become a necromancer if he gained sufficient knowledge. There are countless paths, and it's up to you which one to take.]


[Everyone will have Magic power stat after certain period of time, of course this period can be shortened if you fulfilled a certain condition.]

'There's a lot of information to take all at once. First we are in some kind of test to enter a new world. Second we have to take down the enemy camp in order to pass. Third our efforts will determine the future path.'

It's a system similar to a video game, but strangely different. We can't revived after we die, we only have one chance.

'But magic huh, it's really sounds interesting.'

'First, I have to determine my strength compared to the monsters, if there's a big difference, I'll have to adjust my plans.'

But the real problem is, will the people here cooperate?

No one would want to fight on behalf of everyone else.

I decided to first check my situation before anything else.

"Status window."

[Name: Zero Victor]

[Age: 19]

[Personality: Lazy observant]

[Class: None]

[Rank: Unranked]


[Strength: 14]

[Agility: 16]

[Stamina: 15]

[Intelligence: 21]


[Magic: 00]

[Equipment: None]

The same screen that appeared when I was kidnapped is currently in front of me, but the words in it are readable as they are in English letters.

I wasn't used to seeing the sudden floating screen.

feeling like I was in a game, I wonder if we can level up as well.

I cringed a little seeing the name displaying in the screen.

'it looks like I became weaker.'

[The last thing is your initiate talent. Talents will vary from player to player and, some may have them and some may not, they're determined by your lives back in your world. The most important thing is the player's efforts, everything you've done or will do, every achievement will be rewarded in this tutorial. there are six grades from F grade to A grade, and as you go up, you get better performance.]


[You can reach the F Rank when the some of All your attributes reach 100. And with every increase of 25 points of stats your Rank will grow up.]

The last bits of information will have huge impact on our performance, as the classes will decide the path we'll take.

As I was in deep thoughts, the letters in front of me changed and it's currently displaying.

[Initiate talent: ??? grade: Do you want to read it?]


The words "??? grade" made me have some doubts about the system, is it because my talent surpassed the A grade or the system deemed it tricky to be graded.

'It doesn't matter, everything could be solved with enough information.'

I guess having talent in something is better than nothing, it will make things more easier if I could use it well.


[Intuition: ???]

[When you're in Dilmma, intuition will be your biggest help.]

"What the...."

I couldn't help but curse a little, what kind a talent is that.

After calming my agitated heart a little, I regained my focus. I didn't know if this was good or not, but getting something at the start gave me a big advantage.

I shouldn't be too greedy, getting something is already good thing.

The voice clearly said the goal was to survive.


We had to survive.

And to do that we have to fight an unknown number of monsters.

Having enough strength is my top priority during the protection period.

You absolutely must survive.

It was natural that I felt I had to do whatever I could, regardless of whether this was a lie.


My only motivation to live is to go back as fast as possible.

When I thought of my mom who would be left at hospital alone, with no one to relay on to pay the bills I clenched my fists and dug my fingers on my palms, I didn't stop until I felt blood on my hands and a little pain that calmed me down.

All the reactions around me were different.

Some people were still yelling at the strange voice, while the others already accepted the current reality.

Some people talked about their attributes with others in order to form teams, while the others kept crying, mostly the women.

As for me, a seed of hatred silently planted in my heart.

As I was observing the situation around me, I couldn't find any patterns for choosing us.

Sick, homeless, rich, poor, old , young, healthy and disable people. All kinds of people are here, Even our nationalities are different.


I didn't know if my talent is good or bad compared to the others, but it won't hurts me to check it out.

It was a great achievement just to have an talent.

You were standing at a different starting point than the others.