
A Different Nobita

When Nobita comes back being away for two years and without doraemon and friends, he is changed. The lovely Nobita everyone knew just faded away and become something cold and distant. Without Doraemon, how will Nobita face the brutal threats on his way?

Peeper_Writes2002 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Chapter 2

Nobita observed his own reflection in the mirror. Overtime his physical appearance changed with his behaviour and mindset. He's a bit taller than before and instead of his yellow tshirt and blue trousers, he wore light blue hoodie and grey jeans. Back at the English school, they aren't aloud to wear shorts. So, he kinda used to wear pants or jeans wherever he goes. His raven black hair kept messy and falling onto his forehead. The round glasses however is the one that still the same with lense being adjusted. If you look at him now, you'll guess that old Nobita done some makeover. That's it.

He's leaving in few minutes to start everything fresh and new. No Doraemon to rely on. No more cowering under a table. He's ready, finally. Moving on wasn't easy, but wasn't impossible. Nobita managed however, become a person who is indipendent and opposite of his former self. Well, he's strong mentally, even if his physical strength improved or not. That's the only thing matters.

"NOBITA? ARE YOU READY YET?" Tamako called him from the kitchen.

"COMING." He called back.

Nobita looked back at the mirror one last time then picked up his new bag, exiting his room. Tamako and his father was talking when he entered the kitchen and they looks at him and gave a smile.

"You look great, Nobita." Tamako comments.

"Yeah." Was all he could say.

"Now, have breakfast. Getting late for your first day is a bad thing." His father said, which Nobita listened to.

He didn't mind cereals, though. They're just settling in and Tamako didn't even had the time for errands. She was busy dusting the new apartment all along.

"So, remember what I said?" Tamako asked.

"Yeah. You arranged my admission and before I go to class, go visit the headmaster." He explained.

"Good. And be safe on the way. Be friendly to everyone. Okay?" Tamako questioned.

"It depends." Nobita replied, finishing his breakfast and leaving the kitchen. 'it depends'. Something he learnt staying with those English people. He has a knowledge of opening up to people without knowing them, end up hurting him more. At least taking some life lessons has it's perks when time comes.

"Do whatever you want to do. Just at least try to give chances. Remember, the students you'll see today, is gonna be with you for a while. So I suggest you don't pile up any negetive reactions." His father reminded following him to the entrance.

He's right though, getting on everyone's bad side is the last thing you should think of doing.

"Okay, fine." Nobita said and left the apartment.

Nobita walked down the building and before he leaves it entirely, he saw Yumi. She had a black side bag over her shoulder and she wore a yellow tank top and crimson red baggy jeans. Rest of her appearance has no change at all.

"Grandma, Kota, see you guys later. Bye." Yumi called out and ran out of the building, not noticing Nobita at all.

As Nobita was watching it all, he saw Kotarou appearing on the same entrance Yumi was a second ago. "Jeez, she's always in a hurry." Kotarou pouted and then he saw Nobita, who was just leaving the same as Yumi did.

"Nobita brother?" Kota called really surprised. "You live here too?" He asked.

"Yes I am. Just moved two days ago." Nobita answers.

"Wow. Can I come play with you sometimes. Yumi is a meanie and bosses me all the time." Kota asked.

Nobita blinked and thought about it for a moment. "Well, you can come upstairs. We'll hang around if I'm free." Nobita replied, earning that bright cute grin of Kotarou.

"I knew it. You are not like Yumi. Thank you." Kotarou bowed and ran back inside the room.

Nobita sighed and proceeded to make his way to his new school. The place is only a kilometre away from his old school and it's only a 15 minute walk. Well, for him, 15 minutes are more than enough, because he knows the way around.

"Today's gonna be a long day." He said to himself and took some shortcuts on the way.


Yumi, as excited as usual, ran excitedly towards her school. The new school. But unlike any other students, she and her gang already been there. How? Because in this new school, every year a summer camp takes place for the senior students. However when she and her gang came here for admission, along with bunch of other new students are asked to join the camp in order to learn more about the school and it's nature. Turns out, the camp is one of the best thing to happen to her and her friends.

"Hello new school, here I come." She shouted to no one in particular and turned to right, which is a pathway that leads to the playground where her friends are waiting for one another.

On the way nothing caught her attention as much as anything that has a shape of circle. A certain round glassed bastard' face appeared in her mind, causing her eye to twitch in annoyance. Yumi don't have a so clue, why the round glassed boy has an effect on her mind. She's furious thinking of him, but eventually scrapping the thoughts of him. 'he ain't worth the brainstorming.' she thought.

It took around 5 to 7 minutes to reach the playground. The same playground she first time met her friends or gang. Back when she saw them, it seemed like they were always been there for so long and she quickly became friends with them.

She looks at the playground expecting to see all her gang. But she could only spot Dekisuki, who happens to be enjoying a book.

"Oh please. For love of God, just find something else to enjoy other than turning into a book eating parasite." Yumi teased and Dekisuki almost screamed in surprise but managed to keep calm.

"What should I do? This book has a wonderful logic of the infamous conspiracy theories around the world. Turns out most of them make sense but some even wrote on it like a silly way." He said causing her to sweat drop.

"I don't know anything about what you're saying. But to start the day, I shall proceed with a good morning." She greeted.

"Good morning to you too." Dekisuki greet back. He wore his usual preference of blue attire, except this time he wore dark blue pants instead of shorts.

"Okay, I can't handle too much of the nerdy stuff. How about you throw it away? Or stuff it back in your bag. Either is a great option if you ask me." Yumi teased crawling up the stacked pipes and scoots closer to him.

"Reading improves knowledge you know. Try it sometime. I guarantee you will find it helpful." Dekisuki said neatly placing the book back to his bag.

"Oh trust me, me and books don't get along since birth. Nor I have a shock of turning into a book eating brain girl." Yumi replied making him chuckle.

"Okay, okay. Intellect doesn't matter you." Dekisuki admits.

"So where's our dear friends anyway? Don't wanna be late for the first day of school." Yumi said.

"They should be here in any minute now." Dekisuki said.

Just like he said, after 2 minutes they saw the remaining three of the group approach them. Suneo, Gian and Shizuka. Two years changed their appearance as well and is more noticeable than Dekisuki. Suneo and Gian wore matching red t-shirt and blue pants and blue shoes. A way of showing they are best buddies. Suneo still has his spiky hair with it's length being longer and his fox like face remains the same. The noticable difference is, he's a bit tall. Like, they are all tall now. Gian' weight lessened slightly and his hair being shorter.

Then it's Shizuka, who no longer has her two pigtails. Instead her shoulder length brown hair fell freely and she has some slight makeup on. She wore white undershirt with blue jumper and white sneakers.

"Sorry for being late. Suneo was running late." Gian said.

"Hey guys. Long time no see." Yumi said jumping off the pipes and gave Shizuka a small hug.

Shizuka chuckled and shook her head, hugging back Yumi. "Like, we saw each other yesterday morning." She said.

The group greeted one another and Dekisuki checked his watch and his eyes widened. "If we stayed here for long, there's no doubt we will be late." He said.

"Then why are you still comfortable on your seat? Come on. LET'S GO!!!" Yumi shouted before running towards the direction of their new school.

"HEY, WAIT FOR US!!" Others shouted and ran behind her.

Eventually the team was out of breath and gasping for fresh air. "How about...we walk..from here?" Suneo suggested crouching on the floor.

"Good idea." Others agreed.

"For sure." Yumi agreed as well.

Yumi looks around and saw a round sign board. Well actually she's not focused on the board, but a certain someone who has round glasses. The reason he's haunting her thoughts is because he's the only one to ever mess with her. Not even Gian talked her dirty. And that boy did knew how to shut her up.

"That douche. I'll get him." She subconsciously said it out loud.

"What?" She heard Shizuka ask and saw everyone is looking at her really confused.

"Get who?" Gian asked.

"Is there a problem with anyone, Yumi?" Suneo asked concerned.

Yumi shrugged and decided to tell them what happened.

"My so called new neighbour with round stupid glasses really getting on my nerves. He has balls to mess around with me. I kinda remembered his stupid face when I saw that sign board. Perfectly matches his breakable glasses." Yumi said frustrated.

"Person with round glasses huh?" Gian said and sighed. "If he ever bother you again, let me know. I'll gave him some good advice." He added cracking his knuckles.

"Round glasses. I really miss seeing it." Shizuka said with small smile and others except Yumi nodded.

"Why don't you buy one then. Why miss a round glasses?" Yumi asked as they walked forward.

Shizuka chuckled. "I mean we had a friend who wore round glasses. I meant we miss him so much." She added.

"Oh, is it the same guy you guys told me about?" Yumi asked and they nodded.

"Yeah. Originally we were six person group including Dekisuki. But two of them are gone. Then few months later we met you." Suneo explained.

"Who was the other one who left? You guys never talked about it." Yumi said and others nodded.

"It is because.... it's too hard to believe." Dekisuki said.

"Why?" Yumi curiously asked.

"It's a bit complicated. Is it okay if we explain it some other time?" Shizuka asked.

"Sure. I don't wanna force you guys." Yumi cheerfully said.

However out of corner of her eye, Yumi spotted someone. Someone really annoying. He was walking opposite of the canal and he still haven't seen them. But she did saw him. He's walking a bit ahead so she now only could see his back.

"What happened, Yumi? You look upset." Shizuka asked in concern.

"Oh you'll see. Hey Gian?" She called him.


"You ready to give someone some advice?" She asked with a smirk and he knew what she meant.

"Just tell me when to." He replied with a smirk.

"How about now?" She said pointing towards the target. Everyone looks at the boy and due to him walking ahead, they couldn't see his face. Because of his appearance changed a lot, the gang didn't see that it was him.

"Hey, leave it guys. He's not doing anything now to Yumi. We'll ask him not to bother her if he pick on her again. No need for trouble." Shizuka tried to convince them but they didn't listen.

"If we deal with this now, the problem solved." Gian replied.

Eventually they saw a bridge and saw the boy crossing it and conveniently he's coming to the same road as them. Everyone was so busy convincing each other, they didn't looked at his face. Soon he got reached the same road as them and again he was a bit ahead, so they could only see his back.

"Gian, don't." Dekisuki said but Gian only thought of Yumi and he walked faster than anyone and they saw Gian walk closer to the boy and getting a hold of his hoody and getting on his face. They could only see Gian' face and the boy' back.

"Hey you. Ho-" they heard gian speak but he stopped talking. They saw his face change and a shocked expression was evident on his face. The boy seems as stunned as Gian.

Then something unexpected happened. They saw something they never thought of seeing again. Gian' eyes widened and tears formed in them.

They looked one another in confusion and Gian hugged the stunned boy. "Are you even real?" They heard gian mumble. Yumi blinked again and again to see if she's dreaming or not. Why on earth the powerful Gian crying? Why hug someone he wanted to beat up? Is she even sane? No answer.

Shizuka' eyes widened in shock. She maybe knows what's going on. The discription Yumi gave them and then the reaction of Gian. Her eyes watered and stumbled forward. "N..Nobita?" She mumbled. The realisation hit like a truck and joy, sadness, confusion and multiple emotions gone through her head at that point.

"W.. what?" Suneo asked hearing her.

"Nobita?" Shizuka mumbled again to herself, not hearing Suneo.

"Hey, Shizuka? Why are you crying?" Yumi was next to her in second when she saw Shizuka' eyes tearing up.

Suneo and Dekisuki was in shock too and Suneo unknowingly ran up to Gian and Suneo wasn't sure what to do, but he looks at Nobita who is stunned and not even moving. Suneo saw his face and looks at Shizuka and Dekisuki. As a confirmation, he nodded at them. A confirmation they're not expecting to hear. He's home. Nobita is back and they cannot believe it.

"Nobita." Shizuka didn't know why but she ran upto them and searched for the evidence that he's really here in person. Not as a dream. Shizuka frantically looks at the two hugging boys, and she looks until she could see his face. Shocked and frozen on his spot Nobita stood there while Gian is basically breaking down in his arms. After all, Gian once blamed himself, saying he hurted Nobita and that's why he left. And that same Nobita who got unwillingly separated from them.

This time Shizuka didn't wait for anything and she joined the two boys and that made Suneo join the group as well and finally he cried. Suneo wasn't sure what to do and somehow Gian and Shizuka was a guidence to him. After two years being away, they realised Nobita is a part of their hearts. Without that part, they are only half finished dolls. Gian and Suneo once told Nobita that he's a worthless waste of space and nobody won't miss him. But when he's really gone, they realised how wrong they were.

"What's going on? Why are they hugging him?" Yumi asked Dekisuki who is extremely happy that the friends are united. He was never so close to Nobita like they do and he didn't want to ruin the moment by interrupting them.

"That's the person we were talking about. The one who didn't had any option other than to move out of Tokyo." Dekisuki said.

"Oh.. so we were talking about the same guy, huh?" She said to herself.

Nobita finally retain his calm and sighed. Gian took him off-guard and nearly gave him a heart attack. He was in deep thoughts and on top of that, seeing his best friend out of nowhere after a long time, disabled his ability to think straight. Nobita realised his eyes are tearing up but he blinked to avoid crying. And it's been a while since he cried as well.

"H..hey, guys." Nobita said in a small voice.

"It's really you, Nobita. We missed you." Came Dekisuki' voice. Other than him, none of his friends are not in the mood of talking anymore. They are hugging him like, afraid to let go. They can't still believe it's all real. They think if they let go of him, he will vanish.

"Me..Me too." Nobita replied, looking at Dekisuki over his shoulder. Nobita then tapped his friends in a comforting way and slowly made them let go. They looked at him up and down in disbelief and wiped their tears.

"You're.. back. We missed you." Shizuka stuttered and she barely even could hold back from crying again. But tears never stopped. But this time it's the happy tears.

"I missed you too." Nobita said.

His friends looks at him closely. He's changed in appearance and the aura around him is different too. His eyes are wet, but surprisingly he's not crying out loud. The Nobita they knew was a crybaby and it's really easy to make him cry. However, that also changed as well. He's taller than Suneo obviously and the same height as Dekisuki. His usual short combed hair now replaced with a long and messy look.

"You....look totally different than what I remember." Suneo points out their thoughts.

Nobita looks at them and nodded. "I should say the same for you guys." Nobita comments.

Nobita had a hard time processing everything. But eventually his eyes met with Shizuka and he looked at her longer than necessary, which made her blush a bit. Don't know why.

"Um...how was your stay back there? Was it as great as we thought?" She asked in a surprisingly shy and small voice. For them, speaking to Nobita was like watching a dream and they weren't even prepared for it. Ten minutes ago, Nobita was far away from them in their knowledge. After a second later, he's standing there facing them.

However Nobita' expression turned cold, which definately gone noticed by his friends. They never saw that look on his face before. His face seems to be both stoic and mad at the same time.

Nobita took some deep breaths and ruffled his hair with both hands. That's his way of pressing down, anger or any overwhelming emotions. Finally he calmed down a bit. However his actions left them speechless. He's unlike the Nobita they saw two years ago.

"I despised every second I spend there. That place ruined me in way I never thought of. I was lonely." Nobita said the last part as an audible whisper.

His friends looks at one another and looks back at Nobita. "But now you're back. No need to worry about that place, right?" Suneo tried to comfort him.

"Yes. Just forget it and we'll help you start over." Dekisuki said and others nodded except for Yumi who happened to be glaring at Nobita.

"I don't think it's alright. Nothing ever turns out good for me." Nobita said blankly.

"I'm sorry to break this up, but we're really getting late." Yumi informed frustrated.

Nobita then noticed her finally and he gave her a blank stare. "What are you looking at?" She questions. "Sure they know you doesn't mean I go easy on you." She added with a huff.

"I only know your name because I know your brother. And I don't mind introduce myself to your father too." Nobita stated, indirectly blackmailing her so she will shut her mouth. He have a lot to tell about her that push her into deep trouble. Like seriously, who abandon their 5 year old little brother in middle of a crowded park where dangerous people roams too?

"You're a jerk." She said and continued to walk and dragged Dekisuki with her.

Shizuka and others were surprised. Nobita never talked that way before.

"Um.. can I ask why are you two isn't cool with one another?" Suneo asked to Nobita as they followed Dekisuki and Yumi.

"Well, what do you expect? She's a feisty type all along." Gian reminded.

"She bumped into me, fell and blamed it on me. That's her problem. Mine is, she treats her little brother unfair." Nobita explained simply.

Shizuka nodded and found herself walking a bit close to Nobita and she didn't know why but, I felt....right. "I'll talk with her. She's like that, but a good friend if you know her close." Shizuka said.

"I don't care. As far as she quit throwing tantrums, I'm fine." Nobita replied.

"That doesn't sounds a like you at all." Gian absentmindedly spoke his thoughts out loud.

"What does that even mean?" Nobita asked.

"You are the first to make friends in our our group. Everyone becomes so friendly talking to you. That's what you like." Gian explained.

Nobita looked at them and nodded. "I know. But I learnt my lesson. Trust me, I now know who to be seen as a friend." He stated.

"Huh?" Suneo asked confused.

"You heard me. Maybe I no longer has the same mindset. It's really easy to lose my temper. Don't know why." Nobita replied.

They chatted on the way to school and their first day of school started smoothly.