
A Different Nobita

When Nobita comes back being away for two years and without doraemon and friends, he is changed. The lovely Nobita everyone knew just faded away and become something cold and distant. Without Doraemon, how will Nobita face the brutal threats on his way?

Peeper_Writes2002 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 1

Rain subsided overnight and bright sunlight peeked through the curtains, tickling his shut eyes. Nobita slowly woke up, first time in a long time, hearing birds chirping. Not like there wasn't any bird at that place. Nobita never cared to acknowledge the beauty of the place and all he wanted was to be where he belongs. And that wish came true. And gladly, this time he's not dreaming. The thing is real and clear as a day.

Nobita slowly sat up and just in time to hear a knock on the door. Without him saying, Tamko came in holding a teacup. "Good morning, Nobita. Have you slept well?" She asks sweetly.

"Morning. I slept soundly." He replied, surprising her a little. The words came out of his mouth sounded like a small jock. Nobita never talked that way in two years.

Tamako is now more happier than ever. Nobita is slowly coming back to who he was. "Glad to hear it " she says handing him the cup.

"You up for a walk today?" She asked, taking a seat on the bed.

"I think so." He said, sipping his coffee slowly.

"Aren't you visiting your friends? Honestly, I think that's a big surprise for them." Tamako suggested.

Nobita didn't replied. He thought for a moment and sighed. "I think so." He mumbled.

Tamako frowned. She sure as hell knows his insecurities and fears. Nobita is nervous to go meet them. After all, he never forgot their crying faces.

"Don't worry. I'm sure they'll be happy to see you back. I heard they're going to the same school as you. Our landlady' granddaughter going to the same school." She said.

Well, Nobita isn't surprised.

"Okay. I think I'll see them soon. I'm sure I'll meet them on the way." Nobita said.

After doing his morning routines, Nobita chose a blue shorts and grey hoodie. Staying there made him love the hoodie more. Because hoodie always helps you hide, plus it is warm and comfy. He ate breakfast silently and a bit quickly, so he finished his meal in no time.

"Stay safe out there, okay?" Tamako says, seeing him leave the kitchen.

"Okay." Nobita replied, before wearing his white shoes and exiting the his apartment.

Nobita barely even closed the door behind him, before something came and crashed into him, causing both of them to fall. Maybe it was a someone rather than something.

"Hey, watch where you're going." Nobita heard a whiny female voice, which belongs to the person on top of him. Her voice annoyed him.

"Get off. You bumped into me." Nobita said pushing the girl off. She's beautiful, though. Seems, same age as him and had black ponytail and brown eyes. Olive skin tone and wore a pink tank top and blue jeans. Both of them are same height as well.

Surprisingly, Nobita didn't feel embarrassed or shy to talking or touching a girl. He would have, if he was the same person as before. He learnt the way of treating everyone same.

He stood up dusting his clothes.

"Hey what kind of person are you? Don't you see I need help standing up?" She whines like a little child.

"Oh, you really need help." Nobita states and left the girl sitting there. She sat dumbfounded, as if he's the only one who didn't fell for her looks.

Nobita walked out of the building, really annoyed. He sometimes can't believe how quickly people get on his nerves. It's really unlike of him getting mad. Last two years really left mark on him.

Walking around a block, Nobita reached a way he's familiar with. Following the path, he looked around and admired some minor changes. Mainly, differently painted shops, freshly build roads, green trees and plants. And of course the book store, which didn't changed a bit. He still remember being scolded for reading books for free. He used to escape before the shopkeeper catches him. Those were the days.

Nobita decided to buy a comic. It's been a while since he last bought one. Nostalgia hit him hard the second he took a step past the sliding door. Comics are everything and just like always, customers are all over the place. He looked around to find any difference. Nothing except the shopkeeper is changed. Instead of that bald male shopkeeper, Nobita only saw a young woman in her early twenties. She had a welcoming smile instead of the grumpy expression of the male shopkeeper.

"Welcome, sir. How may I help you?" She asked.

Nobita shook off the thoughts and looked around. "Wanna buy a comic." He said plainly.

"To your left." She instructed.

"Okay." Nobita said and scanned through some of the familiar titles he used to read. Then something caught his attention. A book with dark bindings with the title saying 'South Seaways'. It's a comic, comes in an adventure genre. Adventure. Something he experienced many times. He knows that, it's not possible to do the adventures anymore, since Doraemon is gone. So reading a book might help him.

He took the book to the lady and gave it to her. "I'll take this one." He said and handed her few coins.

"Thank you so much for buying, sir." She happily said and wrapped the book in a paper bag. "Hope to see you again." She said bowing.

Nobita took the book and nodded, leaving the shop.

Now, to find a good place to sit down and read his new comics. Unlike before, nobody is going to take away his comic like Gian. Deep down, Nobita want Gian to steal his book again. That way, they could see each other again. What if reading the book calm him and help him free up his mind. That way, he's sure he could go visit them.

Park. Suddenly that Idea pop up in his mind. He miss the park so much. After the playground with the stacked pipes, park is his second favourite place to hangout. Park is a bit far, but he don't mind walking. After all, he got a full day to himself.

He enjoyed walking there. Two years ago, he roamed these same streets. However, those times, he never appreciated these roads much. Tokyo itself filling him with nostalgia. Aside from bumping into that annoying girl, everything else went well. And Nobita never saw that girl before. He knows almost every kids around his age. Well not personally, but he saw almost every kids. However, he don't recall seeing that girl. He shook off the thoughts and focused on the road. Just like before, he looked around to find any differences. Turns out, everything is pretty much same besides some minor changes.

He walked around surprisingly not getting lost. He still remember every nook and corners. He thought he forgot, but he didn't. Maybe it's too hard to forget than remembering it.

Within 10 minutes or so, he made it. The park. The park he and his friends used to play. Except, it changed more than Tokyo. Nobita looked around the park and spotted many new play things, swings, gardens and more. Even though it doesn't look like it's old self, Nobita still could accept it. Better than that English country.

He spotted a bench under a tree and walked towards it. He saw many children having fun while other few are with their parents and some even doing mischief. Nobita didn't bothered to go through a crowded area and chose a way around. So much to do just to read a comic it seems.

Finally, he sat down on the bench and unpacked his book. Just like any other person, Nobita skipped summary and disclaimers and turned pages until he found the first chapter. However, god didn't make it easy for him. So, he felt a tug on his blue baggy shorts. Nobita looked down and raised a brow when he saw someone. A small boy with fluffy and messy brown hair and sparkling brown eyes. His cheeks are full and red and his small frame covered in blue T-shirt which is a bit too big and orange pants. His shoes are also a bit bigger for him. The boy is 4 or 5 by the looks of it.

"Hello, mister." The kid said in a very shy and small voice.

"Yeah?" Nobita replied. His reply sounded a bit too emotionless. However the kid thankfully didn't understand the difference anyway.

The child looked around nervously and looks back at him. "Nobody won't play with me. Big sister gone buying juice. So please can I sit next to you? Others are with their momma'. I'm scared to be alone." The kid innocently asked and Nobita can see the kid is afraid. Sure it happens when you leave a child all alone. Well thinking of it the logical way, he can read his comics while the kid sit next to him. Sounds like it doesn't hurt to say Yes.

"Sure." Nobita said and saw the kid giving him a bright and cute smile. Nobita found himself smiling slightly as well. Man, he miss interacting with people. Without any social interaction, he gone cold to everyone. And he once used to be helped people and spent time with them. Now, he is just there. He don't even remember, when was the last time he talked to someone nicely, let alone care for them.

"Thank you." The child chirped. He had a hard time climbing on top of the bench but managed eventually. Nobita started reading his comic, however got cut off as the boy spoke. "My name is Kotarou. It's nice to meet you." Kotarou introduced.

Nobita sighed and looked at the boy. "Nobita." He introduced back.

"Sounds a good name. What does it mean?" Kotarou asked leaning in.

Nobita mentally face plamed. He was supposed to read a comic. Now he's having trouble. " I don't know. I never wondered about it anyway." Nobita said.

"Oh." Kotarou said. Kotarou saw Nobita reading the book again and moved a bit closer to have a good look at the book. "I love books. I can't read well, though." Kotarou said.

Nobita then had an Idea. A way to shut the boy up. That way he gets to read it. "Tell me. How about I read the book for you?" Nobita asks, earning a big smile in return.

"Thank you, Mr Nobita." Kotarou thanked.

"Just call me Nobita."

"Aye." Kotarou nodded.

That response was both cute and funny, which made Nobita to crack a smile.

Nobita began to read the comic, loud enough to both him and Kotarou to hear. His reading skills improved overtime. Actually, learning English was not bad after all. Nobita read the book about a trapped prince. A trap of fame and royalty. The prince wanted to explore the world and conquer the hidden treasures but he couldn't. The prince discovered a map in his father's room and he ran away with it and boarded a pirate ship. The pirates however didn't take it easy and did their best to kick him out. Before that, the prince and pirate captain came to a deal. Loser loses all. A fight to the death. Prince being less experienced, lost the fight but was alive. Captain attempts to murder him, but he got away with a lifeboat. Rest of the story was about the obstacles on the way. Like whirlpool, storm, sea monsters and many other things which only happens in fantasies.

The last chapter is about, he's meeting a woman and falling in love with her. And they traveled together for next few years until the woman left for a journey of her own, promising the prince that she will return. The story ends with the prince holding the same map he stole from his father and was staring at the horizon, waiting for his love' return.

Nobita closed the book and sighed. He didn't knew, he was buying a romantic story book. Not like he despise it in any way. Just that, the story not even come close to what he and his friends gone through.

Nobita froze as he heard sniffles and hiccups. "Poor prince." Kotarou' eyes tears up and was verge of crying out loud. Nobita sweatdropped seeing the child' overreaction. "That lady was a meanie." He added.

"Umm...yeah. Sure." Nobita agreed, for Kotarou' sake.

Kotarou looks at Nobita and sniffles again. "Will that lady come back to prince?" He innocently asked.

"Probably?" Nobita more like questioned than answered.

"Oh. Will prince find the big treasure one day?" Another question. Nobita on the other hand was confused. 'this kid takes everything way too seriously', He thought.

"Um.. I don't know. Maybe he finds it." Nobita answers.

"Aww. I hope he finds it." Kotarou whined.

Nobita mentally groaned and looks up at the sky. No trace of rain clouds anywhere. Blue sky and white foam like clouds. Somehow it calmed his nerves a bit. Birds file freely and some even in the process of migration. Overall the day was relaxing. Until....... Something purple and pink flashed up in the sky and for a split second, Nobita saw something glowing thing in the middle of the flash. It lasted around two seconds and then gone without a trace. He think he saw the same thing yesterday too, but momentarily showed it to a side.

"Here you are, you little....." Nobita heard a familiar girly voice. Looking straight, there stood the girl bumped into him. And she's talking to Kotarou. Even Kotarou mentioned his big sister gone buying drinks. Connecting dots, it's safe to say they're siblings and Kotarou is nothing like his sister, which, Nobita is glad about.

"I told you to go play with those kids, haven't I?" She shouted at Kotarou, who shrunk back into his seat.

"I'm sorry." He nervously said.

"You better be. Wait till I talk with dad about this." She said with a smirk.

"Papa, don't scold me." Kotarou tried to convince himself.

"Oh, sure he will." She teased, really loving her brother' reactions.



"No." Kotarou was about to cry again at this point. Nobita didn't like it one bit. On top of that, he already is not on good terms with her.

"Oh ye-" she got cut off when she noticed who's Kotarou sitting next to.

Her eyes twitched and nose flares. "Dad told you many times not to speak or go near strangers, right Kota? Guess what will he do? You're screwed." She shouted at Kotarou who looks at her pleadingly.

"Nobita, is no stranger. Besides he's nice than you." Kotarou defended Nobita.

The girl gasped dramatically and stared daggers at Nobita. "What have you taught him, you sicko? Kota never talked to me like that before." She complained.

This time Nobita stood up with a blank expression and dared her to speak. "I clearly remember that I'm not the one who left their brother on their own, which is dangerous. And I'm pretty sure, your dad beat you first if I tell him that. That's gonna be so fun to watch, right Kotarou?" Nobita said and Kotarou nodded but immediately stopped when the girl looks at him.

"I'm sure it's not hard to find your apartment. Just imagine how your dad will react?" Nobita added and just like that, she finally shut her mouth but was sulking inaudibly.

"Yeah, whatever." She mumbled. "You." She points at Kotarou. "Come on, we're leaving." She said.


"No buts. You walking or I gladly do the honour of dragging you all the way back." She asks.

Kotarou slumps his shoulder in defeat and followed her, only to stop midway. "Y...Yumi, you said your boyfriend coming her-" Kotarou cut off mid sentence by Yumi pinching both his cheeks and eyed him with denial.

"HE. IS. NOT. MY. BOY. FRIEND." Yumi yelled pulling his cheeks. Even though she sounds mad, her face was so red and puffed. Denial always comes first. That's another hint, why Kotarou is right. "Oh I swear next time you speak that way, your cheeks are gone. Understand?" She said in her usual whiny tone. Her cheeks at this point was puffed and round, indicating her embarrassment.

Kotarou frantically nodded and Yumi let go of his swollen cheeks. And Nobita was busy staring up at the sky. Somehow the incident happened few minutes ago gave him a strange feeling. As if, he experienced it before. The exception being he cannot pinpoint it. Very strange indeed.

Kotarou looks back at Nobita and waves before Yumi dragged him away by the hand. Nobita sat there watching them leave. Just then the unexpected happened. Nobita could only see them from a distance. But still he saw Yumi and Kotarou with someone else. The someone he thought he'll never see. And first time in his life, he's happy to see the boy who's likely talking to Yumiko.

"Dekisuki." Nobita mumbled. Dekisuki surprisingly looks the same. Nothing changed about him. Even his hairstyle stayed the same. He has that brainiac vibes around him. A characteristics that made Dekisuki, really Dekisuki.

Nobita didn't moved. Confusion was all his brain has at the moment. He's not sure how to talk or show his face to one his friends. Nobita is no longer hesitant to admit that Dekisuki is his friend. Jealousy once blinded him to hate Dekisuki. Unlike before, Nobita no longer gets very emotional.

He didn't move even when they walked away and Nobita felt sorry for himself. Maybe he should have talked to Dekisuki.

Nobita stood up and walked across the park towards the exit and chose another familiar pathway to walk around.

Rest of the day went smooth and he didn't came across any of his friends on the way. He visited his old playground, bridge near the river and finally his renovating house. It took a day before he finally made it to his apartment.

"Tomorrow is the day, huh?" He said to himself and prepared everything for school.