
Chapter 1

Diana sighed as she looked down at the pendant in her hand, each half containing the pictures of two people she had once held dear beyond all. The gold chain hung by the side, the thin metal frame cold against her palm as she gazed at the smiling faces of her dear friends.

Oh, what she would give up now to see them again.

It had been decades since the tragedy occurred, yet Diana remembered it clear as day.

HYDRA had finally taken the penultimate step. With the war against Hitler at its pinnacle, their research division had been working beyond limits. Their efforts had been commendable, akin to their comrades who had chosen to sacrifice their lives for the greater good of all. It was a situation of all or nothing, and one man, in particular, had come up with a solution previously undreamt of.

Abraham Erskine, one of their best, had created what he called the Super Soldier Serum. The serum had the power to heal all disabilities in the human body, and enhance the body and mind beyond what they could have thought. A camp had been set up to choose which soldiers would get the honour to be a part of the top-secret project.

Diana was not proud to say that the experiments resulted in massive casualties, and once again she had been forced to witness the horrors of war. Out of the 100 participants selected for the project, only 3 survived.

Steve Rogers. Margaret Carter. James Barnes.

The project was thereafter scrapped, with all records personally destroyed by her, and there had been no mention of it since then.

However, she should have known how deep HYDRA's roots went. One of their agents had been compromised, and he had managed to replicate the serum for HYDRA. They had no clue, not until they saw the deformed man for himself.

The problem was that HYDRA had managed to replicate the serum, but not entirely. The result was anything but good. A group of monstrosities were formed to combat their forces, and that would have been all right. The crucial detail was that these monstrosities were under no one's control.

HYDRA had thought that they would command these former people in the war, a mistake they learnt later when their base was destroyed by the same monsters, thus rendering any further use of the serum redundant.

A saving grace in itself, yet a matter of serious consideration for the allied forces. A battle was imminent, one they were sure would result in massive casualties.

Diana was not proud to admit that she was relieved when they had managed to reduce the casualties to a low level since any casualty was sorrowful. However, they somehow managed to kill all of them.

Their victory was not without a price though, a price so massive that her friends had not been the same ever since.

James, or Bucky as he preferred to be called, went MIA. He fell into a massive ditch during the battle, the abyss so profound that there was no body to be recovered. The man had been pronounced KIA, honoured for his valuable contribution to the war, yet things were not the same.

Steve, although very valiant in his war efforts, was visibly depressed, and not even the support of his fiancé could bring him out of it. Margaret was no better, having made close friends with Bucky herself, and a shadow of sorrow could be seen over them whenever they were away from the war meetings or the field.

Perhaps that was the reason why they did what they did. This was not the first time Diana had thought of that, and yet, it didn't bring her any less pain.

An assault at the headquarters revealed everything. HYDRA had managed to finally replicate the serum to the fullest, but they chose the wrong person to bestow it upon.

Johann Schmidt was the head of HYDRA and was given the Super Soldier Serum. However, the serum did not work the way he had expected it to. He certainly became strong, fast and agile, but not without severe costs. His face was burnt and deformed, giving him a gaunt look with an entirely red face. That was where the truth came out.

Ares, the God of War, was the one behind the formation of HYDRA, and the one who was pulling the strings from the shadows. Diana recalled how infuriated she was when she found out, and thus began the penultimate battle which would decide the course of the war.

Diana had fought against Ares, while Steve and Margaret fought Schmidt, or as he was now known, the Red Skull. The fuck took pride in the alias, considering it an honour from his Führer.

Where was this honour when they betrayed the tyrant, Diana knew not.

The battle was intense. Schmidt believed himself to be beyond the limits of humanity. He believed that the ancient gods who once ruled the Earth had left remnants of their very selves behind, remnants that could only be found by a man superior to all.

The man had uncovered things no one could make sense of, not even the most intelligent man she knew. Howard Stark had been befuddled when he had been told of the Tesseract, or The Jewel of the Great Odin's Treasure Chest, as dubbed by Schmidt.

HYDRA had created fearsome weapons with the help of the device. Infused with energy previously unheard of, the weapons had the power to level the Earth if so desired, a fact that she thought might very well be possible.

The man's maniacal laughter as Wonder Woman fought against the God of War echoed and he engaged Margaret and Steve in a fight. However, he soon knew he was no match for the forces of nature that the two lovers were.

Betrayal, it seemed, was second nature to Red Skull now. Faced with odds he couldn't overcome; the asshole had tried to bail.

Massive craters formed on the ground, trees gouged out and rocks were thrown all over the battlefield as the two behemoths clashed ferociously. It all would have seemed ridiculous to a normal human; people picking up tanks, vehicles and aircraft as if they weighed nothing and using them as rocks, but these were not normal times, not anymore. The supernatural had been unleashed, and the universe was the new playing field for the forces beyond comprehension.

Howard Stark had designed several weapons capable of mass destruction. The Vibranium shields for Steve and Margaret; the aircraft to combat the Luftwaffe, the ground artillery and the guns which, although no match for the modified ones of the HYDRA forces, were not ineffective either. After all, all it took was one bullet through the vital organ to kill, and it killed as effectively as the modified version their enemies had.

A dogfight ensued above them, sometimes within range of their projectiles and sometimes beyond, over the ocean. The scenery was so serene, so beautiful that it would have attracted loads of tourists during peacetime, the time they were fighting for.

Amidst all the chaos, Red Skull climbed his aircraft, a massive monstrosity he called The Valkyrie, that must take a ton of fuel to make it function. Fuel that they had in abundance.

Diana saw Steve and Margaret chase after the deformed man; however, her attention was once more sought by the monster she was fighting. Diana would be the first to admit that Ares was a force of malevolence that was hellbent on tearing everything down. The God of War revelled in destruction and chaos, seeking conflict wherever he went, and he had now set his sights on them.

A massive projectile was hurled at her and it took all she had to dodge it. Her line of sight was now fixed on the plane that had taken off. Red Skull was absconding, and Steve and Margaret were on his tail. However, she didn't have time to focus on them; her job right now was to hold this monster at bay.

Bombs exploded in droves, bullets piercing skin and armour alike as bodies dropped like flies. The casualties were beyond what anyone could have expected, yet Diana didn't focus on them, not when their entire existence was at stake. The battlefield was scattered with corpses, yet thousands still fought for the cause they firmly believed in, even now.

Despite all the chaos, Ares was standing tall. Clad in monstrous armour, he looked like a god from the deepest depths of hell, vehemently chasing his version of vengeance, for what? She didn't know. What she knew, was that no one, no matter how evil, could do something like this without reason. Said reason didn't need to be justified, entirely dependent on beliefs and perspective. It could be right, it could be wrong, but it couldn't be undebatable.

A debate was the furthest thing from their minds. The time for talk had long gone. They were six years too late now. Numerous lives had been lost, and it was time for retribution.

Anyone who saw them fighting could scarcely believe it. Men of science, who didn't believe in the supernatural, were unable to comprehend what was unfolding right before their eyes. Odin's treasure, gods, and unnatural abilities. All of it was unbelievable, yet the proof was visible for all to see.

One such man was Howard Stark. The brilliant scientist could only watch in utter befuddlement as the two mysterious beings destroyed everything in their path to crust one another into smithereens. He simply couldn't comprehend it. He had no explanation. Was it truly some cosmic phenomenon? Beyond their capabilities? Were these truly gods? Or beings with powers they simply could not comprehend, limited as they were in their scientific development? Howard could only imagine the possibilities as he gazed at the collision that sent a shockwave every time it happened.

His men were trying, trying and failing to contact Steve and Margaret. The two had boarded the airship and its trajectory was to the north. Howard feared the worst, both here and there.

His fears were for nought, and he watched with stunned eyes as a massive blast tore through the battlefield. Diana had taken cover, but the fear in her eyes was palpable as she gazed through the blast at what it had brought. He could only watch with widened eyes as every fighter still alive had his body torn into shreds. Blood and gore filled his vision as the blast faded after what felt like an eternity, and out walked the monster without a care in the world.

The people near the perimeter could only watch in shock as every human present within the range, all hundreds of thousands, died in an instant. So much for the value of human life. And despite this, the God of War strode forward with purposeful steps without a care in the world. Friends and foes alike died, and no one could do anything.

"So, you call yourself a god, hmm?" The cunt spoke, and everyone felt the hairs at the back of their necks rise in fear. Diana was glaring at him with utter loathing, and he smirked.

"You are a looker, aren't you? You've always been. Why don't you come with me, we put this behind ourselves, and have some fun? I'll make you my primary concubine, Diana. How does that sound?"

Diana snarled and jumped to kick him into oblivion. Ares smirked and summoned a shield which he threw at her, point-blank. She had no time to dodge and was hit in the abdomen, the sharp end piercing through her armour. She didn't get a moment of respite as metal chains formed at her wrists and chained her to the ground. She pulled her arms viciously, grunting when the chains tightened around her arms and pulled her down to her knees.

"Give up woman," Ares snarled with a vicious smile as he looked down at her. Diana could only glare up at him from the prone position she found herself in.

"You have fight in you, I can see that," he smirked, raising his feet and caressing her cheek with the sole of his boot, "but how much fight will you have when I take you in front of all these worthless creatures?"

Eyes widened at that statement as Ares smirked.

"You hold their respect. I can see that. But how much respect will they have for you when they see you broken, right here, right now? When they see you violated? When they see how much this so-called goddess loves it when someone gives it to her?"

Every word sent a jolt of fury through every person. The HYDRA forces were all dead, killed by Ares in that blast as a reply to the betrayal he faced from Red Skull. All that remained were the forces of their allies, and Howard Stark could only look in shock at the scene unfolding in front of him. Diana was snarling and viciously pulling her legs and arms, to no avail.

A brave soldier aimed his gun and fired at the monster. His eyes widened when the bullet didn't even scratch him. Ares simply gave the soldier a side glance and he found a spear sticking out of his throat. The man choked, gurgling blood, as his life faded from his eyes.


Fear shot through their spines as they gazed at Ares' snarl; their fists clenched tightly as they beheld this cruel monster. They watched with wide eyes as he stomped on Diana's back, forcing her to cry out and arch her back. They turned their eyes away from the scene, unable to watch what was to follow. They respected the woman too much, but in the face of a being like that, who was not even scratched by a bullet, what could they even do?

"Hmm?" Ares turned, sensing something, and was promptly blasted away by a beam of laser as it collided with his neck. The blast echoed throughout the battlefield and everyone turned as one to look at what happened. A massive crater formed in the centre as the figure of a hulking man, impressively tall and muscular, stood with a snarl on his face. Diana's eyes widened.

The man quickly darted forward and kicked off the chains that bound her to the ground, quickly helping her up.

"Who are you?" she whispered with wide eyes. The man looked at her before leaning to the side and holding his hand in the air. The sword passed through, and he grabbed it by the hilt and turned around to look at the snarling visage of the monster coming through.

"And what is a Kryptonian doing here? Didn't you all blow up into smithereens?"

The man stared him down, still holding the sword in one hand. "All but one."

"How dare you come between me and my entertainment!" Ares snarled.

Diana stared at him malevolently, and Ares smirked.

"Come then, let us go for round two. I am looking forward to seeing how this new toy compares to you. I would love to kill a Kryptonian. Do not worry, we'll resume the fun after I'm done with him."

Clark looked at Diana and nodded.

"He has mastery over the mystics. I will do my best, but I'll need your support."

"I will help you in any way I can. But who are you?"

"I'm Clark, but let's take care of the introductions when we are done with him," Clark looked at the God of War with a glare.

And the battle resumed as if it never ended. The humans watched with bated breath as Diana and the other man started to exchange blows with the monster. The man with the red cape was keeping his distance, aiding Diana whenever he could, dodging all sorts of mystical attacks as if afraid that even one could severely harm him. However, they both were matched in a melee. The punches and kicks sent shockwaves throughout the battlefield.

The combatants were down to their knees, tired beyond explanation as Clark dodged yet another bolt of lightning. Diana was fighting with a sword and shield, and he had that sword in hand which he used to battle Ares. However, they stayed locked in a stalemate.

Suddenly, the radio that Howard's men were tinkering with came to life.

"This is Captain Rogers, do you copy?"

The radio broadcast was heard through the speakers all over the battlefield, and the fighters abruptly stopped.

"Steve! Are you two all right!?" Howard asked frantically, pushing one of his men away.

"Howard! Yes, Schmidt is dead. The Tesseract is secure. He tried to use it, but it killed him instead. It seems he vaporized. It was like what those HYDRA weapons do."

Howard sighed in relief.

"That is good. Get back as soon as you can. We have a situation here."

There was a moment of silence at the other end. "Steve?"

"About that. We do not have full control of this aircraft. There is not going to be a safe landing, but I can try to force it down somewhere."

"What!? Give me your coordinates, I will try to find you a safe spot," Howard said frantically. On the battlefield, the fight resumed. However, Diana had an ear open for the radio.

"We are in the middle of nowhere, Howard," Margaret's voice sounded, "and we understand the risk there is. However, we believe we can manage to do it. Do not worry, we will be over soon."

"You two don't know what you are talking about!" Howard shouted frantically.

"Howard, this thing is set to a collision course with New York, and it is going so fast that we don't have time. If we do not do it, there will be a massive loss of life. It is our choice. We will force it down in the ocean."

"No! There is no way you will survive the crash!"

"Howard," Steve's voice sounded, the tone accepting, and Howard feared the worst, "it is our choice. Please respect it."

Howard sighed, resigned. "At least tell me your coordinates so that we can somehow retrieve you."

"All right," Margaret replied, "Note it dow- "

The radio died.

A profound silence prevailed. People looked at each other with wide eyes, unable to believe it. The remaining members of the Howling Commandos were shaking their heads disbelievingly, refusing to believe it.

Diana fell to her knees, her eyes wide as tears fell down her cheeks. Clark looked down at her with sadness, as Ares laughed maniacally before blasting him away with a lightning strike. The attack was so sudden that she could only watch in shock as the man was blown away, a hole open in his torso. She watched as he skidded along the rough surface, his eyes closed as he fell to the ground, spent.

"Oh… emotions, so powerful… and yet… so pathetic," he mocked, and Diana saw red. In an instant, she tackled Ares to the ground and started raining punches down on his face. The ground caved in behind his head, his helmet falling off as she unleashed her rage.

"Oh, enough already," he grunted as he threw her away. Diana collided with a tank, breaking right through it and falling roughly to the ground. "You've irritated me enough now. Get up so we can end this. Fight me, you bitch," he snarled.

Diana coughed and slowly got up, her eyes locked on Clark's painfully distorted face and his slowly healing torso.

Unbidden, she remembered all the moments she spent with Steve, Margaret, and Bucky. The times they laughed together, or when they supported Steve when he was as thin as a stick. When they admired his resolve. His wedding with Margaret, right amid a war. Everything was so fresh in her memories. They had so much happiness even when a war was going on. Why did the war happen? What was the necessity of fighting? Wasn't it better to live in peace? Why should anyone choose violence?

Diana had had enough. She had enough of war, violence, killing and losing. No more.

She looked up at the monster as she stood up. He thrived on this – killing, destruction, violence, hatred. These were his dominions, his calling cards, his lust, and his life itself.

"I don't need to, not anymore."

Ares snarled. "Then die!"

He banished an assortment of weapons, all intent on cleaving her into pieces, and yet, Diana did not move. The moment they reached her, Diana brought her arms up and watched as they disintegrated. Her bracelets glowed with power and she spread her arms wide. A massive shockwave tore through everything in her path and flung Ares away. His armour cracked as he collided against the large rock in the distance.

He got up and snarled, summoning a massive bolt of electricity in his arms. Blue lightning swirled along his hands as he walked forward.

"I'll kill everyone you care about!" He snarled and threw a lightning spear at a breakneck pace. Diana blocked it with her arms and channelled the power through her bracelets.

"I will not let you. I will protect them."

Ares growled and summoned all the lightning he could. His body glowed and static was visible all over it as it vibrated all over the surface, shining blue and yellow and he flung the entire energy towards her in a single concentrated bolt.

She braced herself and crossed her arms. The moment the bolt connected, she blocked it with her bracelets, staggering back from the massive force. However, it was too much and she did all she could to hold herself in place. The ground cracked under her feet as she held on.

Just as it was becoming too much for her, she felt someone embrace her from behind and felt the breath of the man on her neck. The lightning surrounded her arms, entirely under her control, and she looked at Ares.

"Do it," Clark whispered.


She thrust her arms forward ferociously and a massive bolt of lightning careened towards Ares, as Clark sent a concentrated beam of solar power right alongside it. The assault hit Ares square in the chest, piercing right through and exploding against the cliff behind him.

The entire mountain trembled and exploded, sending debris flying around as it came down. She leaned back as Clark took her in his embrace, wrapping his arms around her in support as they looked at the dead carcass of the monster, or whatever was left of it. It was over.


The aftermath of the war was anything but peaceful. Dealing with the dignitaries proved troublesome, and it had taken months before she could come back home.

She had lost her friends in the war. Bucky had died months ago. Steve and Margaret were also pronounced KIA. None of their bodies had been recovered, and it was something that had always bothered her. Deep in her heart, she refused to believe that they were truly dead, and held out hope that one day she would find them.

The desire to honour them was palpable, and it led to her founding an organization to fight threats beyond the capabilities of regular humans. S.H.I.E.L.D. was a product of Diana in memory of her friends who had made the most remarkable contribution to end the war and had sacrificed their lives in the process. It had taken her a few years to properly set up the organization, but with the help of a few remarkable people like Howard Stark and Clark Kent as he had introduced himself, and the contribution of honourable people like Thomas Wayne, S.H.I.E.L.D. had become an institution of defence hidden from the public at large.

Over the years, S.H.I.E.L.D. had gathered lots of information and resources, preventing numerous disasters and attacks in the process. Diana took part in a few, but her last personal intervention was over a decade ago when she had saved many young girls from a life of misery. The operation had an unexpected fruit, as she got two daughters as a reward.

Natasha Romanoff and Yelena Belova.

They were her pride and joy. Impeccable S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and mistresses of espionage. The Black Widow and The White Widow. Two brilliant assets. And currently, she was waiting for one of them in her office at the headquarters.

A soft knock sounded and Diana looked up.

"Come in, Natasha," she called out and smiled when she walked in. At 29, Natasha had grown into a beautiful woman with her crimson tresses that fell to the middle of her back in waves and full, pouty lips that left many men wanting.

"Mother," Natasha nodded with a small smile.

"Have a seat, dear. I have something important I need to discuss."

Natasha sat down and Diana booted up the screen.

The carnage was one Diana had seen a few times in the past hour. It was not easy to access what happened in Gotham in the past few months. They had sent a few agents, but there had been no possibility of infiltration. The city had been blocked with expert care. ARGUS, a subdivision of S.H.I.E.L.D., had helped, but the loss of life and property could not be avoided. She had obtained a detailed report from Nick Fury, the Director of ARGUS, and could not help but sigh.

"What do you want me to do?"

Diana looked at her daughter and smiled.

"I want you to approach Mr Wayne. His father was a significant contributor to the formation of S.H.I.E.L.D. and covertly governed ARGUS for years. You know each other since childhood – "

"Mother, we knew each other years ago. But since his parents' death, I have not even talked to him."

"And yet you haven't given another man a moment of your time. Why is that?"

Natasha stayed silent.

"I know your heart. I am your mother, Natasha. And believe me when I say that he felt something for you. However, he blamed S.H.I.E.L.D. for that happened to his parents, and his resentment is not something that has gone away. I had told you what he did in his teenage years. Nanda Parbat is not a place for a boy, and yet he passed their test and became a warrior. He has dedicated his life so far in fighting crime in Gotham, and I believe he would be a wonderful addition to S.H.I.E.L.D."

"So, you want me to do what, exactly? Seduce him to joining us? Our reports would tell you that he won't be swayed so easily."

Diana frowned.

"I will never ask you or Yelena to do something like that. We have other agents for such missions. What I want to do is give you a chance to see if the two of you have a future, and have him join us as well. I could have sent another agent for this, but I believe you would prefer it to be you."

Natasha sighed and nodded.

"If I may be excused," she stood up. Diana nodded and watched as her daughter walked out.

"Our daughter is exactly like her mother," a pair of hands came to rest on her shoulders from behind and Diana smiled.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Tough on the exterior, but so gentle underneath."

Diana smirked as her husband of over 50 years started to softly massage her shoulders.

"And what about our other daughter?"

Clark chuckled.

"She's a bit of a brat."

"Like her father then," she smirked.

"I take offence to that," Clark remarked, squeezing the shoulder blades with gentle strokes. Diana could feel her tension slowly melt away.

"Mr Kent takes offence to every small matter now," Diana joked, earning her a chuckle.

"What can I say? Mrs Kent loves to mock her husband whenever she can. Knowing that a punishment usually follows."

His voice sent a shiver through her. Even after more than 60 years of togetherness, the spark between them remained the same.

They had bonded closely after the war ended. She had thrust herself into work, and he was contributing as much, if not more. His home was destroyed, and he had found a new one here. They had welcomed him with open arms.

They had spent a lot of time together over the years, and it did not take long for things to develop between them. Diana had always kept away from relationships because of her perennial youth, but Clark was blessed with the same, and she had let herself go where it took them. Five years later, they started dating. Ten years after their first date, they were married, and they could not be happier.

Their relationship was initially not taken well by her people. Her mother and aunt were apprehensive, but gradually, things changed. It did help that they had taken the final step after over a decade of togetherness.

"Maybe that's because Mrs Kent loves the punishment, hmm?" She whispered as her husband pulled her out of the chair and stood behind her.

"Is that so?" He whispered, dropping featherlight kisses along the side of her neck. Diana simply gave a slight nod as she sighed. After sixty years of togetherness, this man still had such control over her body.

"Well then, I better give my wife the punishment she deserves," he muttered and turned her around.

"I think your wife would like that- "

His lips met hers and silenced her. Heated, yet loving, it was so like how Clark kissed her. She flung her arms around his neck and pressed herself close as she returned the kiss.

"Shouldn't we take care of the cameras and the door?" She whispered against his lips. He chuckled.

"Taken care of already. Who do you think I am? An amateur?"

Diana giggled. His blue eyes met hers. There was a heated look in those eyes, the look that never failed to light a fire in her belly and make her knees weak. Her breath hitched as his grip tightened on her waist.

Lips nibbled at her throat, his warm breath caressing her tender skin and a wave of pleasure shot along her spine. Her hands grabbed his head, fingers threading through his well-groomed hair as she pulled him close.

"You always love to mess my hair up," he whispered against her neck as he grabbed her by the hips and lifted her. Gently placing her on her desk, his strong arms pulled her closer. Diana's pussy quivered when she felt his erect manhood press against her pelvis and belly.

His tongue was still caressing her throat. His hand slipped to her knees, painfully slid up her thighs and grabbed hold of her knee-length skirt. Not too gently, he pulled it upwards and bunched it right under her ass. Her fingers were not idle either, softly caressing his manhood over his pants.

Diana gasped when his hand reached beneath her bunched-up skirt, grabbed her silk knickers and pulled them down her smooth legs.

"You sure you want to do this here and not at home?" She whispered in his ear. They could reach home in no time and pick up where they left off, enjoying a blissful time in their marital bed with no one being the wiser.

His lips ceased their erotic grinding against her throat and she felt his hot breath against her earlobe.

"It's perfectly fine."

He slid his finger against her damp core, and Diana hissed. A soft moan escaped her luscious lips as he inserted the digit inside her and her back arched over the table. He truly knew which buttons to press, and how to bring her to her peak. His thumb pressed against the hard bundle of nerves at the pinnacle of her folds, her puckered hold tightened in arousal and her moans intensified.

Not for the first time, she thanked the soundproof walls.

She knew she wouldn't last long if he continued like this. She never did. Clark knew how to get her off, he was more familiar with her body than she was, and it showed every time they were together. His lips locked with hers again, and her moans became inaudible, swallowed by his greedy mouth. She was close. Her toes were clenched and her legs shook as she readied herself for her impending orgasm.

His lips left hers, his fingers withdrew from her folds and his thumb retreated from her hardened nub.

Through her aroused haze, she glared at him heatedly. Her nerves were on fire, her legs were shaking, and her cunt was throbbing with need.

He pushed the clutter on her table to the side. "Lay on your back, now."

Excitement rushed through Diana. Was he going for the main event now? She was a quivering mess, and after that intense foreplay, she was bound to come undone the moment he entered her. He was so sure of himself, so confident. And why shouldn't he? He had the legendary Wonder Woman, the co-founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. naked down from her waist in front of her, begging for his cock and to be pounded to her climax. If he didn't have the right to be cocky, she didn't know who had.

Her excitement spiked when he grabbed her hips and pulled her to the edge, her legs dangling in the air, open wide and baring the gorgeous view of her gushing pussy, glistening with her juices to his naked gaze.

She frowned when he shrugged off his blazer and folded his sleeves up to his elbows before dropping to his knees. His warm breath on her centre sent a thrill up her spine and not for the first time that afternoon, her back arched of its own volition.

His hands were gripping her thighs, and it felt like an eternity passed with her legs wide open and his warm breath caressing her centre as she begged to be touched. Her desire had reached the fever pitch when she felt his mouth descend on her. Her whole body jolted with pleasure and her back arched even more than before, a groan of pleasure escaping her lips as his lips moved against hers.

Her eyes rolled back in their sockets, her breathing ragged and rough as her left hand grabbed the edge of the table above her head and her right hand fisted his hair painfully. Yet, he didn't seem to care, and neither did she.

She cried out in pleasure as his lips sucked on the tender bundle of nerves right on the apex of her folds, and her pussy clenched when his tongue flicked it softly.

"Fuck Clark, so fucking good…"

She felt him grin against her pussy as her toes curled inside her heels. She was about to come undone any moment now. It was already too much, and she didn't feel she could hold back much longer. His lips around her clit felt divine, his hot breath against her skin sending heat directly into her abdomen as she saw him expertly eating her out. Fuck, if she died right now, she would be the happiest woman that died.

He pulled away and stood, stepping back. Diana's eyes widened and she shot him a murderous look.

"I'll see you at home, love?"

His voice was steady, his face neutral as if he wasn't pleasuring her on her desk not even a minute ago.

"Are you fucking serious right now?"

His lips quirked in amusement.

"Mrs Kent loves her punishment, right? Well, Mrs Kent got her punishment."

She glowered.

"I'm so going to cut your family jewels off!"

He scoffed.

"You don't believe me?"

"I know you won't do shit."

"Oh yeah? How do you figure?" She growled.

He didn't reply. He simply stepped forward and grabbed hold of her hips. Without warning, he pulled her flush against her. A massive wave of pleasure coursed through her, leaving her panting. With heavy breaths and shadowed eyes, she saw him leaning over her. His voice was barely a whisper against her ear.

"I'll see you soon at home."

He didn't wait for a response. The bastard left her panting heavily on her work table, her pussy wet with arousal, yet pent up with blocked release as she looked at his smirking visage as he walked over to the open balcony which he had entered from. Her arousal skyrocketed when she was faced with the naughty sight of her husband's smirking face as he brought up her lace knickers and took a whiff lewdly, before stuffing them in his pocket and taking off.

Only the sounds of her panting filled the otherwise silent office as Diana Kent lay there in sexual frustration and utter horniness.

There was nothing she was inclined to do. Pleasuring herself was out of the question. She had pride, and it wouldn't allow her to do the deed herself. No, her husband will have to finish what he started. As she slowly sat up and fixed her attire the best she could, all she could think was that the bastard took her knickers with him.

To be continued…

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