
A chance encounter

April_French_9355 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

chapter 1

It has been six long months since  I have left my home traveling towards my unknown destination I  have read many books about the far north and the creatures that inhabit it a few of which make me shudder at the thought of coming across them as the wagon rolls on I stare out the back thinking if what is to come the people I shall meet maybe fall in love who knows it better than being told how to live my own life or to marry someone I despise with all my heart yet my father would not listen so I have taken matters into my own hands I just hope they do not come looking for me but if they do I will fight with everything I have to not be locked back I a cage suddenly the wagon stops moving and I ask what happened the driver says that a horse has thrown a shoe and it will be a little bit before they can put a new one on but that I'm free to stretch my legs as I climb out if the wagon and look around there is nothing but beautiful forest around it so different from the fields of my home land I think that's what I miss the most as I stand there stretching I see something moving in the brush off to the side of the road I step closer to investigate as I get closer I hear a whine as if something was hurt or lost as I look down I see a little black and white direwolf pup he has a hurt paw I bend down and gently pick him up as a do so he snaps at my hand I talk very softly to him letting him know I will not hurt him he calms down I get back to the wagon and climb in I sit down and grab my bag digging through it to find the wound cream I brought with me I find it and smear some on the cloth I gently wrap it around his paw and tying it so it stays in place I set him down and look at him he stares up at me and tilts his head as if he's trying to figure me out it absolutely adorable father never let me have a puppy growing up haha he has no say over me now the little direwolf like my hand starling me I look down at him sorry little guy I get lost in my own mind sometimes he barks at me and licks my hand again I search him behind the ears and laugh I suppose you need a name I think to my self for a moment and smile I look back down how about Bane he barks at me bane it is then the drive climbs back onto the wagon and looks back and laughs I see the Lassie has found a pet aye I say as I look a bane who wags his tail at me the driver let's me know that we will be starting on are way again I bend down and pick bane up and sir him on my lap he lays down and goes to sleep as I pet him I start to drift off to sleep.