
A chance encounter

April_French_9355 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 2

Im startled awake as the wagon stops the driver tells me that we have arrived at my destination I look out the back of the wagon as I pick up bane and grab my bag and step out of the wagon I look around and there are others standing around looking as confused as me there are two very large men one is a Goliath paladin an the other Is a Goliath barbarian and they are the biggest people I have ever seen and idd be lieing if I said i wasnt afraid of them but I shall not let them intimidate me off the ride just in side the trees i see what I believe to be a gnome I also see a very beautiful wizard among others we are all standing there when a teafling appears and says if we would like to be paid head up the hill to the tents both Goliath's head for the tent kinda doing a shoving match of I'm better than you are I laugh quietly and take off after then very easily passing them   as to which they both look down at me and I am put on the spot I straighten to my full hight which isn't much I stare up at them the Goliath paladin looks at me and starts to speak  the name is Errol McClellan Lassie what be yours  he's Scottish I think to my self this could get interesting I look at them and say I am amethyst blackthorn Errol looks at me funny and asks if I am Irish aye I say I hail from northern Ireland he laughs I thought so he says you look awfully familiar are you sure we haven't ran into each other before I say no iv never met you before he laughs I'll remember it latter as we near the tents the gnome finally emerges from the trees she is very beautiful I also her name Nissa Timbers aka Misty Gems and I am a Deep Gnome nice to make your acquaintance Nissa I am amethyst and I am a wood elf druid and this little fur ball with me is bane and he's a direwolf so does anyone know why we are here I ask everyone shakes their heads as we get to the tents we peak in and we see two elves and a dawrf sitting at the table talking  as we stand there two cobalts come speeding around the tent making a crap ton of noice the elves and dawrf step out of the tent and yell at the two little cobalts tack stump would you two please be quiet and elf in Platinum says he stands and looks at us is this all that has come aye it is very well we shall talk in the tent he steps back in and gestures for us to fallow him inside as we step  inside we see it is very clean for being out in the middle of nowhere As we stand in the tent the elves introduce them selves. I am Morvon an elf in golden armor says the next elf in Platinum armor steps forward I am Sylran and last the dowrf steps forward I am Ardon. We have called apon you all to bring back are kinsmen that have disappeared in a mine up the mountain you all shall leave at once the wizard elf who's name I know know as Naida steps forward how much are we getting paid she askes. You shall receive 200 gold as we leave the tent and head up the mountain it is nothing but mud it is one of the longest hardest hikes iv taken but im just happy to be surrounded by nature bane is bouncing around my feet and running ahead just being a puppy as I walk behind him Errol walks up next to me and starts talking you are a very secretive Lassie arnt you I laugh why are you so interested I look at him he looks at me and says just cought wind of a rumour on my journey her that a certain king has lost his daughter I stop in my track a look of shock on my face he laughs hello princess amethyst I look around quickly to make sure nobody else has heard what he said I look at him and ask he how he figured out who I was he said it was to much of a coincidence that an Irish princess went missing 6 months ago and I show up here dread begins to set in and he laughs don't sorry Lassie I won't be turning you in I let out the breath I was holding and he speaks again just out of curiosity why did you run away. I was going to be forced to marry a man I do not love he is an abusive ass and I do not like him and I refuse to marry him but my father would not listen to me so I ran away and now here I am he lets out a deep belly laugh your a feisty Lassie arnt you aye I am I look ahead and notice a large hole in the ground I realize that isn't a mine shaft as we all enter the shaft we come into a room that must have been used as a dining room off to the side there is a long hall way I start to walk down the hall way and everyone fallows it's very good I can see I the dark it's pitch black we come to the end of the hall and find two doors the Goliath barbarian walks up to the door to the right and calls to Errol if we work together we can open the door they both pull on the door that has been barricaded shut and pull it out of the wall as we walk through the door there is a small room with three small beds and off to the side there is a door way . Nissa walks over to the beds and starts looking at them she finds 3 crossbow bolts and then all of a sudden a small goblin jumps out of the third bed with a crossbow aimed at the Goliath barbarian what are you people doing in my house why are you people here what do you want leave leave he starts jumping around and waving the crossbow calm down little goblin Errol says he shrieks and fires the crossbow at the barbarian thankfully missing him Naida summons fire and throws it at the goblin and misses but now the bed is on fire bane is barking and growling Errol walks over and grabs the goblin and asked him where the elves are