
A Certain Artist In Marvel

Hulk, brimming with confidence, declares, "Hulk is invincible!" Meanwhile, Saitama, unfazed by the chaos, casually says, "Can you let me? I’m going to the supermarket to buy specials." Thanos, with a cold determination, states, "I see, I conquer!" Eager for a worthy fight, Lord Boros exclaims, "The duel between the overlords, I have been looking forward to it for a long time!" The Devourer, with an insatiable hunger, announces, "Earth, I’ll eat it." Kakarot quickly interjects, "Can’t you eat something else?" In Gotham, Batman remains focused on his mission. "I want to get rid of the Gotham Gang," he mutters. JOJO, aiming for a different kind of fame, declares, "Today I want to become a gangster star here!" General Zod, with grand ambitions, vows, "Krypton will return to its glory on the earth!" Six Path Naruto adds a twist, pointing to Clark and saying, "Dude, this is your relative." Clark is left speechless as these titans prepare for a monumental clash. The stage is set for an epic battle where heroes and villains from different universes converge in a showdown that will decide the fate of Earth.

Mimicupos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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150 Chs

Chapter 131 - Saitama Loss

On the Asgardian Rainbow Bridge, a resounding "boom" signaled the arrival of Jane, Coulson, the Warriors Three, and the rest of the group. They landed on the bridge, their faces reflecting a mix of relief and stunned disbelief.

"Huh? Is this it?" Thor, slowly regaining consciousness in Sif's arms, blinked open his eyes, struggling with the weight of his heavy armor. Jane tenderly checked on him.

The other warriors gathered around, and Thor soon grasped the gravity of the situation: the battle between Saitama and his father Odin had devastated the planet.

Thor shivered at the thought, contemplating how the bald fighter had managed to turn their world into rubble. He had never imagined that Midgard could withstand such divine fury.

A blinding light suddenly erupted from the dark void of space, as the planet shattered into dust. From the debris, a golden meteor streaked through, followed closely by a blood-red streak.

"This kid hasn't reached his limit yet!" Odin, emerging from the chaos, exuded a powerful aura, causing the surrounding space to twist and ripple.

Saitama, radiating an intimidating energy, pursued Odin with lightning speed. The space around him became heavy once more, not due to gravity, but from a strong force trying to pull him off course.

Despite the lack of air in the vacuum, Saitama fought against the pull, launching a punch toward Odin. In the vacuum, the impact was silent, but invisible waves of force still reached Odin.

Odin countered by raising his hand and unleashing a golden beam of majestic light. The intense white light cut through the void, creating a vortex of darkness that overwhelmed Heimdall's sight.

The entire area became chaotic, a dark vortex in space.

Odin stood at the edge of the vortex, his eyes flickering with determination. He thrust his right hand forward just as Saitama's punch made contact. The resulting ripples spread outwards, crushing everything in their path.

Saitama's punch, enhanced to an explosive level, was met with Odin's magic. His eyes were bloodshot, veins bulging as he continued his relentless assault.

Xu Mo, observing the scene, was astonished by Saitama's ability to survive in the vacuum of space. In the comics, Saitama needed oxygen and would pinch his nose during a space flight. Yet here he was, battling fiercely in the void.

"Is this how it was in the comics?" Xu Mo wondered, noticing how Saitama's current feats were different from the original portrayal.

As the battle drew closer to another planet, Odin unleashed a barrage of magical attacks: flames, thunder, waves, gravity, magnetism, and even mental assaults. Saitama resisted them all, his strength seemingly increasing indefinitely.

Odin, once confident, now struggled to keep up. He knew he had to end this fight soon, or he might lose to Saitama's relentless power.

Determined, Odin seized Saitama's fist, twisting him and hurling him toward the gray planet. A magical pattern burst into existence, and a beam of light shot down, striking Saitama directly.


A massive stone pit was created, its cracks spreading outwards. Saitama lay at the center of the pit, while a beam of energy pierced the surface, sending violent waves of energy surging below him.

The once-intact planet began to tremble and collapse under the assault.

Odin stood in the void, surrounded by runic magic from the World Tree, channeling divine power into the golden beam. The galaxy trembled with the intensity of the attack.

"Give me… Die… Open!!!" Odin roared, unleashing the full force of his rune magic.

Saitama, drenched in blood and trembling, struggled to his feet. Despite his injuries, he stood resolutely, a mountain of unyielding will.

His mouth spilled blood, veins pulsing as he prepared for one final attack.

Saitama raised his right fist, his eyes bloodied but determined, and roared into the cosmos: "I must kill! One punch!!"

The universe shook as stars shifted and waves of energy rippled through galaxies. The territories of Shia, Skuru, and the Kree Empire were all affected, with planets being destroyed to varying degrees.

On Earth, the Sorcerer Supreme, the Ancient One, stood beside Mount Everest, casting an unknown crimson magic. A flash appeared atop the mountain.

Stephen Strange entered the room to find it empty, just as a powerful wave of magic emanated from Kamataj. As energy surged, the Ancient One, eyes glowing with the Agamotto, prepared to confront the unknown threat.

In the battlefield, as the planet collapsed into fragments, Saitama floated in the void, covered in wounds. A bloodstain appeared on Odin's lips as he watched from a distance.

Xu Mo, lifting the limp Saitama, sighed at the sight of the fallen god.

Saitama, with blood and tears flowing from his eyes, smiled despite his injuries. "Is this failure?" he asked.

"Next time, I will definitely win," Saitama vowed.

Xu Mo smiled in response. "Yes, definitely."