
A Certain Academic Mental Out

A big Toaru fan was about to be reincarnated in the world of MHA by a bored ROB to live out his power fantasy, unfortunately just before he was sent on his merry way he unwittingly mentioned that stories in which the heroes don't struggle aren't actually all that engaging. This revelation had made the ROB choose to reincarnate him as the weakest of the level 5 espers Misaki Shokuhou. If that wasn't bad enough, the ROB also added that if he didn't acquire a hero license from UA he would die. Now, with his dream of a power fantasy thoroughly crushed he must use his mediocre wits and meta-knowledge to pick up the pieces and hopefully not get destroyed by the timeline.

Anithoal · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs


"Are you both sure you want to go to UA?" Our principal said to me and Jirou. "It certainly isn't a school anyone can make it into." His gaze lingered on me when he said that part. Once again I'm given the Shinso Treatment. By a rat no less. And no, that's not just me being an asshole like usual, he literally looks like a rat.

"I'm certain Mr. Ketsudo," Said Jirou with a determined expression. If I remember correctly from canon (which I do) Jirou felt ashamed because she felt she was betraying her parent's expectations when she chose to become a hero. I wonder where this determination came from.

"Hehehe, Yup!" I said with uncharacteristic glee. Anyone attending this school would know that such a thing would never leave my mouth. So hearing it come out of my mouth naturally unnerved the two people in the room with me. The principal especially. If all my previous interactions with him were anything to go by. I totally make him uncomfortable.

"Um... well then, since you've both made your decision. I'll send in your applications." He said while making a gesture to indicate we were dismissed. Seeing this, I made to leave, but not without bothering him first.

"All Aight, see you later Remy," I said while moving towards the door.

"It's Mr. Ketsudo to you." He said in the 'teacher voice'. It would've intimidated me if this was my past life, but unfortunately for him, I stopped giving a shit about authority the day I met the highest one.

"Whatever you say Mr. Ratatoullie," I said as I exited the door.

"*Sigh* I cannot deal with that child." He said to no one in particular. Well, maybe to Jirou, as she hadn't left yet. I could already picture the 'tell me about it' face she no doubt made. Eh, it's not like I care what he thinks anyway, it's not like I'll ever see him again after I graduate middle school.

It's UA time baby.


"It's so big."

Since this is, unfortunately, a family-friendly fanfic, I could only be talking about the building in which the entrance exam takes place. I'm not overestimating its size either it really is huge. I reckon the entire campus is bigger than a football stadium.

"Oi, quit gawking. Let's head inside already." Said Jirou, putting a halt to my admiration for the size of the building.

"...fine," I said before I reluctantly followed her into the exam area. Damn you Jirou. So what if I'm a woman of culture? Is it really so wrong to admire the size of a large building?

Once we made it inside the building, we were made to sit down and handed a stack of paper. Now, I know what you're asking: What the fuck is this shit? Well you see, the UA entrance exam actually consists of two parts: the practical and the written portion. UA, while known primarily for its hero course, is still a school at the end of the day, so examinees still have to complete a regular exam when attempting to enroll.

The exam is as hard as bedrock (real ones will get that one) at least for everyone who doesn't have a Level 5 brain. Honestly, this thing has saved my sorry ass so many times. I would've been dead by now if I had been stuck with my old brain. My Level 5 processing power made what would've otherwise been one of the hardest exams in the nation (for a high school entrance exam) look like 3rd-grade math homework. Naturally, I got bored of solving every question easily, so I decided to make it more interesting by pulling an Ayanokoji. I painstakingly skimmed through the exam and ensured only 50% of the questions were answered correctly. 

There was one part I did noticeably struggle with on the exam. The last question on the exam was open-ended. I had to write a paragraph on why I wanted to become a hero. I initially thought of just spewing a bunch of bullshit like 'because I want to make people smile' but decided against it because they'd probably be able to tell I'm lying just from my behavior alone. So reluctantly, I decided to speak from the heart.

Unfortunately, I can't put in the entirety of my paragraph here as it would take up too much space, but it wouldn't sit right with me to leave you with nothing. So as a compromise, I'll jot down the first line and you'll easily understand why I want to become a hero.

Now, without further ado.

'Have you ever heard of Andrew Tate?'


"CAN I GET A YEAH?!!" Present Mic screamed across the auditorium. 

Ugh, so loud. Just get to the point man.

He is understandably greeted by silence. I swear I could hear the sound of a cricket chirping, it was that quiet.

"Tough crowd eh? ...Anyway, let me explain the rules. You'll have ten minutes to destroy as many robots as you can. Each robot you destroy will net you a certain amount of points. No being a brooding anti-hero! Attacking other contestants will get you disqualified!!! Now, let me tell you about the scoring!!! There are three different types of robots you can destroy, how many points you get depends on what type of robot."

He didn't talk about that last one. I wonder if someone is gonna ask about that. Who knows?


Just then the Führer decided to speak up. He raised his hand up high like a genuine member of the Third Reich and moved to speak his mind on the injustice Present Mic committed when he withheld the info on the last robot.

"On the printout, you've listed four types of robots, not three. With all due respect, if this is an error on official UA materials it is shameful! This is UA. A mistake such as this won't do." He stated before he turned around and pointed at a certain shounen protagonist. "Furthermore, you with the green hair. You've been muttering this entire time. Stop that. If you can't bother to take this seriously then leave. It is distracting the rest of us." He firmly stated his opinion before sitting back down.

Bravo my Führer! Bravo!

"Why are you clapping? ...And are you crying?" Jirou asked me in bewilderment.

"*sniff* Who *sniff* wouldn't?" I said as I wiped away my tears. "That was so beautiful." If my eyes didn't already have sparkles in them, I would've gained them in this moment.

"Please stop...people are staring..." Jirou looked down to hide her embarrassment.

Thankfully for Jirou's sake, Present Mic grabbed everyone's attention.

"Nice catch examinee 107! That one is worth zero points. It's just there as an obstacle. It doesn't mean you can destroy it. You can but you won't gain anything. I'd avoid it if I were you." He said as various doors opened up in the auditorium. "Now then little listeners, please make your way to your designated areas! And remember to do your best out there, make sure you go PLUS ULTRA!" And with that final comment he bid us adieu.

"I guess this is where we go our separate ways," Jirou said as she moved to get up. "Good luck."

"Likewise," I said. "Hey, do you think if I died during the exam they'd give compensation?"

"Goodbye." Jirou quickly made to leave.

It was a valid question though...


The Cityscape was in disrepair. Crushed cars and robot parts littered the streets. The only sounds that could be heard on the wartorn streets were the sounds of yelling and metal being crushed.

"Reminds me of Detroit," I said to no one in particular. As I took in the testing site around me a Two Pointer decided it would be socially acceptable to try to crush a 15-year-old's head. "Yo, what the fuck!" I quickly dodged the blow and pointed two fingers at the robot. Streams of water started seeping out of the robot. The lights on the robot's face began flickering on and off shortly before it fell over.

I could probably clickbait this. I'd say something like 'I TOOK THE UA ENTRANCE EXAM (I ALMOST DIED?!?!)'. And of course, I would have to add in the obligatory 'NOT CLICKBAIT!!!' so everyone knows I actually almost did die. 

Anyway despite Dry Out being able to kill the robots by making water appear inside of them, it isn't very efficient. I doubt I'll be able to pass using just that method, so it all comes down to meta-knowledge to save the day. Rescue Points: they exist. But everyone except the examiners doesn't know that. Well them and me by virtue of living in a world where this place was an anime. I just gotta help people and then I'll be able to pass and get into UA! No pressure. It's not like my life is on the line.

Hey, look. There's someone who could use some saving right now. It's Kirishima, or Hard On as I shall now call him henceforth. A robot is sneaking up on him from behind.

"HEY DUMBASS! BEHIND YOU!" I yelled as I pointed two fingers behind him.

"Huh?" He said before turning around to see a Three-Pointer trying to bash his brains in. He hardened his skin to parry the blow and moved to destroy it, but before he could water poured out of it and it fell over. "Hey, thanks! That was pretty manly!" He said as he gave me a thumbs-up.

"No problem" I lazily wave my hand dismissively before quickly moving to save more people.

Surely that must've counted for something.


"That's a huge bitch." I said as I took in the huge behemoth before me. Like seriously how did they afford that thing? If you couldn't already tell by now, I'm talking about the Zero-Pointer. Everyone else around me is just shitting their pants and running, meanwhile, I'm just wondering how I could use this situation to gain more rescue points.

I could just kill the robot by filling it with water like all the others, but when it inevitably falls over it's going to cause a tsunami due to the colossal amount of water needed to fill it. What if I just don't fill it up like a male pornstar? The only reason I filled the other robots was because I didn't know what was susceptible to water damage. Perhaps if I just force water to precipitate on every surface within it I'll be able to break it. It'll take some setup to do but it's possible. 

"Alright," I said as I stuck both hands out toward the Zero-Pointer. The act serves to show that I'm the one that's going to drop this thing. Plus, it makes me look cool. "It's time to science the shit out of this."

The Zero-Pointer slowly lumbered towards me as I ran the calculations needed to topple it through my head. I said slowly, but since this thing is massive it covered the distance between us pretty quickly. In order to not have the looming threat of the giant robot about to crush me like society's expectations mess up my calculations I closed my eyes.

After a while, I heard a loud crashing sound and felt myself being pushed back by wind and debris. I slowly open and immiedently see eight eyes staring at me. The head of the zero pointer had fallen right in front of me. Well then, there's once again another instance of me almost being killed. I didn't have much time to ruminate over how I almost got killed again as the other students had quickly noticed what I'd just done.

"Did that girl just do that!?!" One kid said. "That shit was badass." Another said. "That was so manly!" Said a certain red head. 

In an attempt to up my badass score in the minds of the other examinees, I decided to crawl on the remains of the fallen robot. Just as I had made it up there an alarm rang out throughout the exam area.


As if I had timed it, I raised a fist in triumph at the same time Present Mic had called the exam.

*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*

And then everyone clapped. This sounds like something one would see on a reddit post, but this happened. The examinees who saw me game-end the giant ass robot cheered me on as I held the pose.

Man I must look so badass.

Everyone stopped clapping once the medical team came around to treat students injuries. The one at the forefront of the team being Recovery Girl. Her approach made me come down from my high castle.

"Hello dearie, are you alright?" She asked me as soon as I had come down.

"Well, can you cure badassery?" I asked.


She proceeded to walk away.


I met back up with Jirou after the exam had concluded. I asked her how she thought she did.

"I did defeat plenty of robots. I lost count around 32 points, but I'm sure I got enough to pass." She said before gaining a thoughtful expression. "What about you? You think you passed? I know the exam wasn't exactly in your favour. You can't brainwash robots right?" 

"No I cannot, but I think I passed the exam." I stated monotously before gaining a grin that mad Jirou visibly flinch. "I mean I did take down the Zero-Pointer."

Jirou looked at me bewildered before she uttered a single word.


I think I'm a bad influence.


I sat around in my living room while fiddling with my trusty remote control. Though that's not important as I have something I'd like to confess.

I lied when I said I thought I passed the exam. I mean of course I'm anxious, my life is on the line here. I looked like a badass near the end but I only got 29 villain points before I called it quits and went for rescue points instead. I don't even how they score them. I could've gotten only 5 for all I know.

My anxiousness had spread to Renko aswell. Shes been constantly reassuring me that it'll be fine and that shes sure I passed, but her behavior betrays her words. Renko's quirk allows her to release a soothing aroma when she becomes anxious. And said aroma has been permeating the apartment for days. Not that I"m complaining, it is very soothing. I'm cut out of my aroma quirk induced trance by Renko barging into the living room.

"SHOKU!" She screamed as she frantically held out a letter to me. "ITS HERE!"

I silently grab the envelope bearing the UA logo and teared it open, dropping its contents onto the living room table. Its a thin metallic circular object.

"Another CD..." Renko said dejectedly as she realized we'd have no means of playing it.

"No it isn't." I reassured her. "Its a holoprojector."

And just as I had said that the projector had turned itself on.

"I AM HERE!" A projection of All Might appeared and made itself known. His sudden appearance had made Renko do a double take.

"Awah a-a-All Might!?! Whats he doing at UA?" She asked the projection, as if she expected it to respond.

"Now I know what you're asking! Why am I here? Well youre looking at one of the newest member UA's faculty!" He proclaimed.

"Awah! Shoku All Mights going to teach you!" She said as she shook me repeatedly in her excitement.

"Please stop." I said monotously.

All Might continued his speech.

"Now then! On the written portion of the exam you got exactly half of the questions correct! And your answer on the open ended question was er... interesting!"

Glad you liked it All Might.

"Iets get onto the practical! You scored exactly 29 points, which unfortunately  doesn't meet the minimum requirement in order to pass."

Both mine and Renko's visibly lost their color at this statement. But I quickly regained my luster after I remembered I still had a chance due to rescue points.

"Young Shokuhou you fail... is what I would have said if we hadn't had a secret scoring system in place!"

Was All Might always such a tease?

"We gave students villain points based on how many villains they were able to defeat. But we also gave out points based on acts of selflessness. After all, what kind of hero school would reject someone who reflects the qualities of a true hero? Young Shokuhou, you went out of your way to lend a helping hand to your fellow examinees despite knowing it being detrimental to your own score."

You give me too much credit.

"For your acts of selflessness, you've been given 50 rescue points!"

Whoa what.

"Taking your previous score of 29 villain points and adding your 50 rescue points gives you a total score of 79 points! With this score your place jumped from last to first place!"

I got first!?!?

"AWAH SHOKU YOU GOT FIRST!!!" Renko hugged me tightly as tears of happiness streamed down her face. "I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!" 

"Please stop I can't breathe." I pleaded.

"Congratulations Young Shokuhou, you pass! " All Might exclaimed through the projection. "Talk about a real underdog huh?"

Since when did All Might make quips?

First place huh. I'm certain this won't piss a certain blonde bomber. Oh who am I kidding this'll definitely piss him off. Oh well, thats a problem for the future. For now I can rejoice in knowing I've passed the first major obstacle in my journey towards gaining a hero license. After I'm done doing that though I have to worry about a plethora of things. Like a certain league of lameasses and a tournament arc. I shouldn't worry too much. I'm certain that whatever this world throws at me, it isn't anything me and my Mental Out can't handle. I apologize for underestimating you Misaki.

But I still wish I had been Accelerator. 

"Welcome Young Shokuhou! This is your hero academia!"

And with that final line the recording ended.

And in its place a new road was birthed for Misaki Shokuhou to go down.


I wanted that to sound deep but that sounds weird. Oh well.

Hey there, author man here. I just wanna say that it'll probably be some time until the next chapter comes out. You see, I kind of lost interest in this fanfic and have decided to write another one. But there's no need to worry. I'm not abandoning this story. I hate when an author abandons a story as much as the next guy, and I wouldn't want to be a hypocrite by doing it myself, but I'll be taking a break from ACAMO to work on the new fic. It's similar to this one. Someone is reincarnated as a Toaru character, except it'll take place in the Toaru world. Be on the lookout for it. I just want to write a sensible story, unlike the semi-crack fic that this story is. That's all I have to say. -Author Out.

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