
A career to begin; sing for me

Emma the only child of a single mom; Ambitious, smart, and beautiful whose only dream was to get her boyfriend signed to the top ranking entertainment company in the country got what she always wanted. However, she turned to an old school overnight according to jeff(her boyfriend). "you bore me Emma, an old school that is what you are" Emma broke down but was forced out of her shell to come pay the price of getting jeff signed into Emperor sounds. ****** "Sign the contracts, you will undergo training to be a solo artiste. "Are you being serious, just because I said i will do anything does it mean i will do anything? "I think this is an offer you shouldn't be contemplating on, i mean i could help you get back at people, you can take your time i will be waiting for you. Emma listened silently; inside and was more confused. "You know what Mr CEO, i will get back to you.

Smilepen · Urbain
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4 Chs

Smith The Emperor

Jerry! Is Shine awake? James asked Jerry.

"For the last time I'm a housekeeper, do not ask me if Shine is ready or not.

Oh really? Shine interrupted.

Good morning ma, Jerry rushed out. "That fool, "why are you here? I don't think I need your help, you can go.

"Shine, i told you we have a meeting to attend today by 9:00am."I'm tired man, i make more money into that company yet they stress the hell out of me, I am not going to that company today....

"... Bethel called I'm sure it's urgent please Shine, James go on his knees. "Stop being dramatic James.After much plea from James, Shine finally agreed to attend.

"Okay, fine i will go with. Rolls her eyes.

"Thank you, thank you James screamed.

"... I'm not doing this for you, i am doing it for my sanity.


Emperor sounds

The biggest entertainment company, the walkway was filled with poster of different artist from the company.

"Thank Goodness we arrived at the said, time Shine.

"Uh i care less about that. The employees all avoided Shine like a plague, she has been known for her unaccommodating behavior.


James and Shine both arrived at the board room no meeting was been held which triggered the already angry Shine.

"Jamessss! Where is Bethel at?

"That, i do not know i will call him now I'm sorry.

Bethel and some other executives walk into the board room. "Good morning, Bethel greeted. "Can we start the meeting now?

Yes, one of the talent manager responded.

"So we all are going to pretend that everything is fine, Shine was already fuming.

No one is pretending everything is fine Bethel was enraged. "You all came late and you can't apologize, Shine was enraged.

This is 9;55 am, the meeting is to be held at 10:00am, so why should we apologise? Abby answered.

".. Shine gave James a death stare, James what time did you say the meeting was.

"9:00am Mr Bethel, called me.

"Ohh that,i know you are going to come late so i gave you a wrong time and it worked perfectly, look you just got here right? Bethel annoyed Shine the more.


How dare him; Shine thought within her.

"Bethel phone rings, "strange number? Who could it be.

Hello a deep voice echoed from the other end of the phone. "Before Bethel could respond the voice interrupted.

"Meet me downstairs."Downstairs? are you back? Excuse me i will be right back Bethel rush out of the meeting.

"You see this is why i don't want to come Shine stares at james.

Bethel, rushed to the reception to meet his caller there he saw a tall young man in a grey suits being the center of attention. Mr Smith, Bethel screamed, you are back so early, Bethel grabs his suitcase.

Smith finally turned to face Bethel, and Bethel could see the anger in his eyes.

Bethel was taken aback to ponder on what he might have done wrong to deserve a death stare from Smith.

Is everything okay? Bethel manage to mutter.

"Get my office cleaned and organize a meeting with Shine's management i got some bad reports on her.

"She is in the board room, you can talk to her now. "... Good, let's go. Smith and Bethel head for the board room.

Smith, Walked in to the surprise of all on seat, everyone seem to be in shock after seeing Smith, the CEO of Emperor sounds who has been away for more than a year.

"Smith! Shine stare in disbelief as Smith Walk to sit at the head of the table.

Welcome sir? Abby greeted.

"I have been getting a lot of bad reports concerning some artist, trust me this is something i don't care about. But, the company have a project at hand which i can't take chances with and your little dramas, can cause a lot of damages which i would not take lightly this is why all the talent managers should sit up. Smith warned.

Shine beamed, i am really sorry Smith if i had caused any trouble, her mouth was shoot in a cute pout.

"Mr Smith, Smith responded and Walk out of the board room leaving Shine disappointed.


"Mr Smith, i thought you would be back next month, I didn't make any preparations.

"Book a suite for me i will be staying there for the main time. And don't let my Dad know I'm back. "Why is that? He must have missed you, Smith glared at Bethel.

"I'm sorry, I will book the suite now. Bethel heaved a sigh of relief as he watch Smith, disappeare into his office... "Crazy Young man.