
A career to begin; sing for me

Emma the only child of a single mom; Ambitious, smart, and beautiful whose only dream was to get her boyfriend signed to the top ranking entertainment company in the country got what she always wanted. However, she turned to an old school overnight according to jeff(her boyfriend). "you bore me Emma, an old school that is what you are" Emma broke down but was forced out of her shell to come pay the price of getting jeff signed into Emperor sounds. ****** "Sign the contracts, you will undergo training to be a solo artiste. "Are you being serious, just because I said i will do anything does it mean i will do anything? "I think this is an offer you shouldn't be contemplating on, i mean i could help you get back at people, you can take your time i will be waiting for you. Emma listened silently; inside and was more confused. "You know what Mr CEO, i will get back to you.

Smilepen · Urban
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4 Chs


Emma's room, wearing a pair of glasses, hair loosely tied a notepad next to the laptop that has been functioning for hours, Emma finally typed in the last word.


I'm so tired, checks her phone and reads a comment from a neitizen criticising Shine, for failing to attend the interview.

"This trolls are always after her, I hope she's fine. Gets a notification.


Emperor sounds, auditioning what this is huge Emma was so excited as Emperor sounds hardly open their websites for audition. Rushes to freshen up.

"Where are you heading to? Rachael inquires from Emma who was rushing out of the living room.

Mom, I'm going to meet Jeff Emperor sounds is hosting an audition.

"Wow, get going already and take care Rachael bids her goodbye.


Knock! Knock!

Who is it? Jeff walk to the door and was surprised to see Emma at the door.

"Hey yo, what are you doing here? Leading her in, the cozy apartment welcomed Emna wholeheartedly, the blue curtain swayed as the gentle breeze caressed it.

"Guess what Jeff, Emma who was grinning from ear to ear. "You know I'm not good at guessing, so spill it babe....

Well Emperor sounds is hosting an audition, and I know for a fact you would get in.

Really... Jeff couldn't contain the excitement in his voice.

Yes so it's an online registration and i know you can do this, Emma looked at him smiling, "let's get started already. Jeff and Emma both went to Jeff's mini studio to record his 2min video.

"After hours shooting, Emma finally picked a video, "I think this is better or should we shoot another video? "What? I'm not shooting anymore Emma I'm so tired.


Really? You lazy bum, Emma inquire while sending the email to Emperor sounds.

Yeah, i want to do something else instead, Jeff answered staring at Emma with lust, Emma noticed the eyes fixed on her...

Jeff lean's in for a kiss, Emma looked uncomfortable and nervous and moved away from Jeff.

"Uhhm... I'm not sure that's a good idea, i don't think I'm ready for this.

That's okay, i understand I'm not going to pressure you or make you feel bad, i respect your decision and I'm sorry.

No it's fine, i should take my leave now.

Alright, let me see you off..

Jeff and Emma both walk down the lonely street... "Do you think i will be picked for the next round. Jeff asked.

"Why do you doubt yourself so much? You've got all it takes Emma assured holding Jeff cold hands.

"Thank you love, By the way how did you get the information earlier it just got posted on their website and you've been with me for the past 4 hours Jeff questioned Emma.

Emma looked like a child that was caught stealing as she stared blankly at the quiet street, "well let's just say I have my ways.

"Wow what a way to answer my question...

Emma and Jeff laughter was interrupted by Jeff's ringtone.... MOM, the screen displayed.

"Emma i have to go now, mom is at my house.

It's fine say hello to her, and take care Emma hugs her boyfriend and bit her lip as she watch him disappear.

"Why am i mad. Emma got a text from Mamaw. "Sweet please help me get tofu on your way home... Emma smiled after reading the text... "Mamaw can now send text messages on her phone.

Car screech!

Taxi,taxi a middle-aged taxi driver pulled up in front of Emma. "Where are going to.

"Granny's tofu shoppe Emma responded casually. "Let's go.

The taxi was quite for a while before the taxi driver started a conversation.

"Do you love the tofu from her store?

"Ohh I'm getting it for someone, my grandma loves it.. "I'm a big fan too.

"That's nice. Emma alighted from the car paid the driver.

"The Granny's tofu shoppe" Emma read out the little sign out front as she walked into the restaurant filled with crowds enjoying teir dinner at the local store..

"Hello, there Emma. A woman in her early 60s called out "Good evening ma'am Emma responded with a smile..

Did your grandma send you here i know she must have missed my special tofu."Yes.

"Come with me. Emma followed her to the kitchen and saw a man eating from different plates of tofu.

"Here you go, Felicia hands a bag over to Emma. How much is it? "Do you think i will collect money from my best friend to serve her tofu Felicia asked Emma who was reaching for her purse.

"Business doesn't care about relations, i will love to pay you. Well i insist, Felicia turned towards the man crashing her kitchen.

"Heyyy, Aren't you done with your experiment? Emma stares at the man in his early 40s wearing a black expensive tuxedo.

"He looks familiar; she thought within her.

"I am really sorry ma but my job is at stake here Bethel genuflect..

"What job? Felicia who seem fed up, after tolerating Bethel who has been in her kitchen foor the past two hours looking for the perfect tofu. "I don't allow strangers in my kitchen, but I'm getting used to your face already.

"Get out of kitchen, Felicia thundered.

Just one more hour please, Bethel plead.

Felicia refused blatantly, "No... Get out of my kitchen and pay for all you ate.

Money isn't the problem ma I will pay, Bethel reached out for his wallet but couldn't find it.

"Where is my wallet? Bethel was more confused, it was inside my pockets.

"Can i have my money young man? Ma'am i can't find my wallet, Bethel answered looking flustered.

Emma who has been watching the whole drama for a while responded, "what do you mean by that? You ate this much and suddenly, you can't find your wallet.

"Ma'am i promise my wallet was with me, and I don't intend to cheat her I am just so confused. Bethel speak in his defense.

Emma, I'm going to call the cops on him Felicia threaten. "It's okay ma, we can sort this out here Bethel hands over his wristwatch, it's worth more than my bills i will come with money tomorrow and get my wristwatch back...

"What is this? It must be fake Felicia stare at the watch with disgust..

"Grandma it isn't, Emma answered.

I will come for it tomorrow and I'm sorry, Bethel bows and Walk out of the kitchen.

"This are the things i face everyday, thank you Emma for intervening.


Outside "The Granny's tofu shoppe" Smiitthhhh!!! Bethel screamed this is all because of you.


Bethel kick the rails.