
A Bootlegger’s Rise in a Pirate’s World

“WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!!!” John yells with only his head sticking out of the sand. “Shishishishi, I thought you were dead, do you need any help old man. You look kinda stuck.” “I’m 20 you fuck, help me out and I’ll treat you to some meat when I can.” “MEAT!” (CONGRATULATIONS YOU PIECE OF SHIT YOU. YOU HAVE COME ITNO CONTACT WITH THE MAIN PROTAGONIST OF THIS WORLD. SO AS A REWORD YOU GET A SYSTEM CUSTOMIZED TO WHAT LITTLE TALENTS YOU HAVE, THUSLY DUBBED THE (“WANABE MAFIA SYSTEM.”) HOPEFULLY YOUR THIRD LIFE IS BETTER THEN YOU LAST WITH THIS, BECAUSE YOU OBVIOUSLY COULDN’T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT HELP ON YOUR SECOND. TRY NOT TO DIE LIKE A BITCH THIS TIME. AND HAVE FUN, OR NOT JUST MAKE IT INTERESTING.) ‘FUCK YOU TOO YOU &&@$&@&$@&$’ John thought and he tried not to spit blood. “Shishishi, you’re not hurt are you, your face is kinda funny.” “No, just aggravated at being stuck kid.” As John fallows the kid around, his head starts putting the pieces together short kid, stupid laugh, straw hat and he woke up on a beach. ‘Fuck I’m in One piece aren’t I.’ John thought to himself. ( Ding ) ( For figuring out where you are you get to open the starter pack. To open it you must take it out of your standard storage ring located on your right index finger.) ‘Well at least I have a golden finger this time.’ Includes ‘Smarter Crew,’ a single character gender bending, and a kinda op mc.

ShadyGames · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Vongola bosses, and an icy Zorro.

(2nd POV)

In a sea of endless white there stood 10 opposing figures starring down a lone man who seems to be asleep. Soon the silence was broken as they began to converse. "Well this is quite the predicament we've found ourselves in. To imagine other worlds exist. Hum, I wonder how a Vongola family would do in such a world." A thin man with blond hair says to the surrounding people.

"Well from what that robot thing let us know the world could probably use both sides of the family. Plus the kid already seems to have a decent plan in mind. And from what I can tell he probably holds himself a little closer to our vigilante roots, but it seems he doesn't put other people in his heart unless he truly knows them." An older man with a cane said while scratching his beard glancing at the sleeping man.

"That, and he owns a fused dual flame like myself. His is the opposite apparently, truly a shield if I've ever seen one." A black haired man said with a dead voice.

"Well I don't think the family will start for a while yet anyway. Our new family member seems to be fallowing his own Sky right now, and won't really shine until he sets out alone for a while." The only woman it the group chimes in.

"Umm, not to sound stupid, but since he doesn't have any competition, do we even have any other options then letting him become a new Primo?" The youngest of the group asked his more experienced colleagues.

"No young Decimo, it wouldn't stop him from using the powers he can get in this world. But we could forever lock him from using the ones in ours. But either way we will find out soon, the young man is waking up." The old man speaks up one more.


(John POV)

"Ugg, someone grab the license plate of that truck for me." I grown out opening my eyes expecting to be in the extra storage room we set up for first aid.

"Sorry about that young man, but you weren't hit by a truck I'm afraid." I hear an old man chuckle from my right.

Rising to my feet and looking around there's only one thing that can come to my mind to say. "Ahh shit. This is going to hurt ain't it." I'm not sure why I haven't already felt the sins of the Vangola family yet but in this situation I'm sure I'm going to soon.

"Haha, I like this one. He's definitely different that's for sure." I turn to the one who spoke and just nodded to her. I'll wait for an explanation, I would normally just out right ask but I think this situation calls for a bit of decorum.

"Yes you're right, deferent he certainly is. Well I'm sure you have a understanding of what's happening here, correct?" Vongola Primo Giotto asked me.

"Yes Primo, I've pieced what I can together. So how is this going to work, I know this is probably just weird for you as it is me." I ask the Great Sky himself.

"That is what I'm wondering myself actually. I wanted to see you awake before I even let you start your trial, and so far I don't hate what I'm seeing. Well just stay as still as you can. And we'll talk again in a moment." Primo said as he walked up to me before placing his hand on my head.

I was right it was excruciating pain. Thankfully it only lasted for a split second before a flood of emotions and memories passed the forefront of my mind before settling in as if to brand them selves so I never forget. And I can say it was both not as bad and yet worse then I could have ever expected. Sure all in all the Vangola did some amazing stuff to help the world, but that was just the tip of an iceberg drowned in a ocean of murder, deceit, extortion, and many other crimes I wish to have never seen.

Now I'm not Tsuna but he was right, I could never, ever allow something as depraved as this family to exist in this world. Fuck the flames, I may not be the best human being but I have morals and most of those fuckers don't. I just don't have the words to describe how I feel right now.

Taking my ring off my finger I hand it to the Primo. "Take it, I want nothing to do with the mafia your group became." I then turn to the fucking kid who actually has the balls to try and change the shit hole that is Vongola. "Tsuna, I don't know if your already dead or just an illusion ROB is giving me to make him entertained. But I hope you actually succeed in changing this shit whole into a pile of trash. Because I will never let something like this come to this world. We already have a group of tyrants who think they own the air we breathe, and it sure as hell doesn't need another one." By this time I just want to take a shower and get away from wherever the fuck I am.

"Is this you final answer? You can't change it after." Primo asks with a blank face holding out my ring.

"Did I fucking stutter, I already plan to end one such organization. I sure as hell don't plan to lead another barely better one." I stare him in the eye pushing his hand into his chest. Sure I like the cool powers that I have with my flames, but there are plenty of ways to get stronger in this world. I won't go against my conscience just for a little bit of lightning.

As i starred him down, he let out a grin as his hand flashed gold before he touched my head one last time. "Good, anything less than that and I wouldn't have ever trusted you to start our new family here. Since they aren't your sins I'll take the emotions and detail back, but always remember them so you can do better then us." As he backs away the rest came forward and done the same, and muttering a few words of encouragement. Until it was just Tsuna, Secondo, and Tomoteo left.

"Your flame is special, use it in a way I always wished I could, and protect all those you can." Secondo said while he patted me on the shoulder. His eyes glossy as if lost in memory. It doesn't take him long to compose himself. "Anyway since your flame is practically the opposite of my Wrath flame I think a good Name for yours would be the 'Aegis' Flame."

Next was the old man. "Learn from my mistakes young man, don't let your love blind you, but worst yet don't let your fear cause pain to those you love. Don't let what I did happen to you and address all problems as they come. It may sound wise to let things be, but try as hard as you can to help the people hurting around you before that pain becomes hate." Tomoteo said mournfully remembering how he treated his adopted son.

Lastly Tsuna stepped towards me. "I wish I had your strength when I was young John. I know your courage comes from the belief that you can be strong without the dying will flame, but it's still a courage I to this day find lacking in myself. If I remember any of this when I go home I will do my best to at least change the shit to clay. That way my successor can mold it into something better." He said giving me a hug. Huh guess even as an adult he is still just a good kid at heart.

"So what happens now?" I ask Giotto.

"Now? Well you wake up, and we leave until the next sky is chosen. But by then you would have joined us. Anything else the robot voice thing will let you know when you leave. It was nice to meet you John. I hope you can be better then all of us. Goodbye." As they all said goodbye at the same time my eyes began to fade (refade?) once again.


"Urgg, that was freaky as hell." I mutter while rubbing my eyes. Turning to the tired looking Zorro I can't help but mess a bit. "Morning, fine weather ain't it. Sorry wrong time. So how long have I been out." I ask quickly after the cold eyes she just glared my way.

"9 hours." Her voice was dry as she said that. Damn it did she not leave the room at all?

"Zorro, go and get something to eat and drink. I'm ok I just tried something I wasn't ready for. It shouldn't happen again now that I can get a hang of it. And before you say your fine or you already had something, can you at least grab me a water. My throat is really sore."

She just looked at me with her dead eyes. "I would say it is. You were screaming and begging for it to stop for several hours before you fell limp and just shed tears. We even had to tie you down when you started trying to scratch at your eyes. So no I don't want anything right now, I don't think my stomach could take it. When I get back we're talking about this, do you hear me. I don't care about excuses I want the truth." Ohh so that's what an angry Zorro sounds like. I can actually feel the cold sweat run down my back, what the fuck.

'System explain please.'

( Ding ) (Affirmative host. As the host went through his trial his sense of time was switched off. In your mind it may have felt like a split second but it was actually 5 and a half hours of mental torment that seeped through to effect your sleeping body making it seem like you we're going through a mental breakdown while begging for the pain to end. And to let you be aware, Zorro stayed by your side the whole time and ran out of tears about three hours in.)

( Ding ) (As for system side i looks like as follows.


Completed (2)

(1. Restart the Vangola Mafia in 'one piece'

Reward- island in the calm belt as a base of operations) (Includes a few small towns and a city in the center. Population 36 thousand civilians, all of whom know you hold their lost leaders blood and await your return. As well as basic understanding of basic life on the island.)

(2. Earn the respect of all Ten Vangola Bosses

Reward- x1 set of Sky rings(yours has changed), x1 customized weapon token, and x1 customized outfit token)

'Thank you. And claim them both for me, but put everything in the ring I'll check it out more later. Also what can I explain to the crew and what do I have to keep hidden.'

( Ding ) (Host must keep the system and ROB secret. But everything else is fair game.)

Muttering a quick thanks to the system I turn to the door waiting on Zorro as I go through the new knowledge of my island which apparently is unnamed. When she came back an awkward silence lingered as I ate a few bites and drank a cup of water. Alright time to let the imagination run wild for a bit with real facts mixed in.

"Usualy I would grab the whole crew to explain something like this, but you need to know the truth now, so we can let them know later. I guess I should start out with who I really am huh. For one my name is the same I didn't lie about that. I did lie about being a small time smuggler in the grand line. For one I never really worked for anyone on the grand line and only went down one path. I originally worked as a bartender for an old man who saved my life on an unnamed island in the calm belt. It had a name at some point but it was forgotten with time. Anyway my home island used to be the home base of the strongest mafia group to ever live and it lasted 10 generations before it eventually ran out of heirs to continue going. So once every year we would have an island wide gathering to let the younger generation have the opportunity to try on one of the Vangola rings, their symbol of power, and see if anyone had a claim to restore the family to its original state. By my time it was manly just a reason to gather on mass to party, because no one had been chosen since the Decimo passed away about 150 years ago. So when the last gathering was taking place one of my friends talked me into trying one of the rings on and for the first time is a century and a half a ring had chosen someone, me." I say taking a brake to get a few drinks of water.

"And what does that have to do with what happened to you today. Because forgive me if I don't think a stupid ring can cause that." Damn she is really upset huh.

"I'm getting to that part. Anyway I was chosen by the lightning ring, or at least that is what I had thought until our acting mayor brought me to see if I could were the sky ring as well. You see the sky ring can only be used properly by someone who holds the blood of Vongola, the family that lead our island before. As he had me try on the shy ring it unexpectedly fused with my lightning ring, and it stayed dormant until I saw Luffy in trouble where I partially unlocked my Sky flame, but because I hadn't taken the Vangola trial I was hit with fatigue when the adrenaline wore off. In doing so when I passed out I saw the deceased bosses of the Vangola, the pain was just a part of my trial."

"What do you mean the pain was your trial. That wasn't just pain, you were agonizing there." Her frown deepened after I said that.

"Yea but to me it only felt like that for a moment before what I think was arguably away worse then some pain. The Trial to become a Vangola boss is to bear the weight of all the sins the family has ever committed. I don't remember any of the details of the sins thank goodness but I remember every single one that was committed, anyway after you receive the sins of the family you are usually presented with a choice. I didn't let them ask anything before I handed them my ring and told them I would never allow something to exist ever again. Somehow that won their respect and they decided that I am worthy to restart the family again but to always remember the sins of the old one so the one I create won't be as bad."

Zorro stays quiet for a few moments before asking her last question. "So to dumb it down, you only know a single route in the grand line. You worked as a bartender, and somehow just happened to have the blood of the last Vangola leader running through your veins without anyone noticing before. And somehow became the next leader of your island, with your trial not happen until just know. So how did you end up in the east blue? And when do you plan to leave?" She seems no longer angry just sad about the situation I think.

Grabbing her hand I go to explain a bit.

"I still don't know how I ended up in the east blue, it wasn't long after I got my ring that I set of to sea again, before I was hit with a stray bullet that pierced my chest. The merchant group that I was with at the time saw me fall and left me for dead. When I can to I was buried to my head in sand before Luffy helped me out. And I don't ever plan on leaving the crew, I may have to take a few breaks here and there in the future but I will always be a straw hat." I mean that, I plan to expand the family during the time skip and have them join the fleet when they aren't protecting the island. I just have to find my guardians first.

" just don't do something like this again John. We were all worried about you. Get some rest ok, Nami said we would reach revers mountain by noon tomorrow so we can explain to the crew in the morning." Seeing this as a chance to placate her a bit i pull her by her hand into the bed and wrap my arm around her.

As she yelped seemingly about to make her way up. "Just go to sleep Zorro. You've been awake all night. We can talk some more when you wake up." It's moments like this seeing Zorro, who was just moments ago stone cold, blushing red as she grabs my shirt, that I truly wish I had a camera. Anyway I don't have much more to add right now. I'm get tired and it's been a very draining day. I'll talk to you all again tomorrow I'm sure. Ahh who am I kidding I'll probably talk even if your not here.

(Give suggestions for guardians if you want. No one from any major crew unless there is an opportunity to poach them before hand. Like Shiryu if the rain for example. Not explicitly him but you can see what I mean.)

Let me know if I have something wrong and I’ll fix it.

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