
A Bootlegger’s Rise in a Pirate’s World

“WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!!!” John yells with only his head sticking out of the sand. “Shishishishi, I thought you were dead, do you need any help old man. You look kinda stuck.” “I’m 20 you fuck, help me out and I’ll treat you to some meat when I can.” “MEAT!” (CONGRATULATIONS YOU PIECE OF SHIT YOU. YOU HAVE COME ITNO CONTACT WITH THE MAIN PROTAGONIST OF THIS WORLD. SO AS A REWORD YOU GET A SYSTEM CUSTOMIZED TO WHAT LITTLE TALENTS YOU HAVE, THUSLY DUBBED THE (“WANABE MAFIA SYSTEM.”) HOPEFULLY YOUR THIRD LIFE IS BETTER THEN YOU LAST WITH THIS, BECAUSE YOU OBVIOUSLY COULDN’T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT HELP ON YOUR SECOND. TRY NOT TO DIE LIKE A BITCH THIS TIME. AND HAVE FUN, OR NOT JUST MAKE IT INTERESTING.) ‘FUCK YOU TOO YOU &&@$&@&$@&$’ John thought and he tried not to spit blood. “Shishishi, you’re not hurt are you, your face is kinda funny.” “No, just aggravated at being stuck kid.” As John fallows the kid around, his head starts putting the pieces together short kid, stupid laugh, straw hat and he woke up on a beach. ‘Fuck I’m in One piece aren’t I.’ John thought to himself. ( Ding ) ( For figuring out where you are you get to open the starter pack. To open it you must take it out of your standard storage ring located on your right index finger.) ‘Well at least I have a golden finger this time.’ Includes ‘Smarter Crew,’ a single character gender bending, and a kinda op mc.

ShadyGames · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

The end of the east blue!

Ohh, hey your back. Thanks for not being a creep and watching me sleep. Anyway I'm sure your wanting to hear me explain myself to the crew huh. Welp if so that sucks to be you. I did that this morning after Zorro woke up. And get your heads out of the gutter ya pervert, nothing happened and even if it did I'm not so much of a degenerate to tell you about it.

Moving on, everyone took it well enough I suppose. There wasn't anything to crazy in the story I told them, and most of them weren't to surprised I didn't tell them the whole 'truth.' Luffy took it the easiest out of them all surprisingly, he just said I was his Vise captain and that as long as I didn't need his help he didn't care we're I came from. Well he didn't say it like that but that is what he implied.

By far it was Zorro who was effected the most, huh who knew spending almost three weeks nearly unseparated might cause feeling to start developing. No not love, that doesn't happen that quickly no matter what anyone says, it's at best just lust and desire that early on. So yea I'm not afraid to admit I like her, and I'm not some dense shonen protagonist who can't tell when someone likes them either. Anyway sorry on that tangent let's just sum it up like this, she acted like any woman /(Significant other if you are so inclined) would when she sees someone she likes gets hurt and or traumatized. It took me to promise to see a doctor on the first chance we get for her to let me go this morning.

Damn it stay on track. So here I am eating my sauerkraut and sausages for breakfast. Don't judge me it's one of my comfort foods, just like sardines in mustard stirred into soup beans. Ok that last one is a bit weird even I admit but times could be tough as a young adult.

While I'm eating breakfast I may as well let you know about my rewards from yesterday huh. Well first up is my set of rings. I was a little surprised to see the original ones with me but they are arguably cooler the the other set in my opinion. The only difference is that my ring instead of the normal circular gem in the middle has a Shield shaped Opal. Which looks really nice. Next are my weapon and outfit tokens.

For my outfit I received a three piece black suit with a red undershirt to accentuate the whole thing. As well as a new pair of shoes. Now you may be asking why is this reward so good aren't you. Well for one thing it was made as a battle suit so it is partially bulletproof and cut resistant. It also has a heating and cooling system installed which I like the best. The best part is I just have to put it back in the ring if it gets dirty or damaged and it will fix itself with the materials inside.

Unfortunately for my 1911 I must retire it as a hidden weapon as well. It shall now know the loneliness of its cousin, the dueling pistol. Because I got a pair of Dying Will Guns, not to dissimilar to Xanxus's pistols. The main difference is mine resemble closer to skeletonized Desert Eagles, and doesn't have the x across the top. The only real decoration on them is the Vangola Familia written with a classical shield between them on the grip.

Anyway Nami started talking not long after I finished eating. "We should be coming up to the entrance to the grand line in the next hour. John any idea on what the map says, it looks like we just ride into the red line and take a canal. But I don't see the normal depictions of them on the map." She asks me while scratching the back of her head.

"Yea it means we're going up reverse mountain. On the grand line the magnet forces are so strong they pull the ocean up the red line and converge at the top. From there sailors can chose which sea to go to if they are skilled enough. If they just want to go to paradise they just pray that they make it safe the whole way." I tell her while making sure we have our log pose out. "Other then that I would make sure we're not drifting into the calm belt right now." I tell her like it's no big deal if we do.

As she rushes outside dragging Usopp and Sanji with her I decide to talk to my captain about some things involving the Vangola. "Captain I know you don't really mind that I am the boss of a mafia family, but do you care if I recruit some people along the way. Eventually I'll need at least 6 more people to become my guardians. But I don't mind recruiting more to protect my home."

"Shishishi, I don't care about that John. But if it's someone really cool and I want them in the crew they are mine. Besides the more protection your home has the longer you can stay with us. Just don't expect them to be members of our crew. Only those I want are straw hats." He gave me his signature grin while finishing his meat. "Anyway are you feeling better. I don't really understand how a bunch of dead guys hurt you, but if it happens again I'll find a way to get them back."

I just grin back at my captain. "I'm good Captain. I'll see the doctor at the lighthouse after we cross the red line. And don't worry who ever I recruit will be sent home. I've got a few eternal poses ready for when I find someone. It may be in the calm belt but the only way to the island is with an eternal pose, even sea kings are afraid to try and travel the waters near my home." It seems ROB really didn't want anything happening to my island for a long time.

"Huh, what lighthouse. Is the doctor any good." Zorro chimes in when I get done talking.

"From what I know he is supposed to be one of the best. But I've never met him personally. I've only really heard that he takes care of a island whale. But there is a rumor that the whale used to fallow a pirate group from the west blue. So I want to try something on our way down the mountain."

"Shishishi sounds like fun what are we doing."

"Well the old man I talked to said that the whale loved music. But unfortunately the pirate group that he followed didn't make it back to see him. The old man said he had met them long ago before they got lost in the triangle. So while we sail down let's all sing 'binks booze' to see if it's the same whale I've heard about."

"Huh, sure I don't mind. Just make sure there's actual booze to go with it." Zorro said from my side. She's still not grinning or laughing like usual, but I hope after I see Crocus she can relax a bit.

"Shishishi, I hope it is. The story about the whale sounds like it should be sad, so I hope we can cheer it up a bit." Luffy grins with tears in his eyes. I didn't even tell the good version of the story and he's already tearing up.

It wasn't long after our conversation drifted into more mundane things that everyone else joined us in the cabin. Nami being the first to speak out of the bunch. "Thanks for reminding me John. We were really close to the calm belt. Thankfully we were able to steer away from it, anyway we are getting really close now if you all want to see the ocean."when she said that Zorro and I clean the table off before joining everyone else on deck.

"Oi guys you see that lighthouse over there. It's our guiding light that points to the grand line." As Nami said that Zorro turned to look at me. I just shook my head and pointed forward.

"When we get closer you can see a small crack in the red line. That's where the canal is." I tell her so she doesn't freak out.

"The grand line is over there?" Our Captain asks with a grin.

Usopp cuts in next leaning onto the mast of the Merry. "Are we sure we can make it in this weather." He's doing better but a few weeks can't get rid of the kind of fears Usopp has of the world. Unfortunately for him we all just grin of in Sanji's case give him a thumbs up.

"Alright let's have a little launching ceremony to mark the importance of our voyage!" Said Sanji rolling over a empty barrel. Heh, I had forgotten he was the one to suggest this.

It didn't take us long for everyone to circle the barrel. "To find the All Blue." Started a grinning Sanji.

"To become the Pirate King!" Laughs out Luffy.

"To be the greatest Swordsman!" Says Zorro with a grin and a hand on her swords.

"To draw a map of the world." Nami just gave a smile as she said that.

"Im going to be a brave man of the sea." Says Usopp barely shaking.

"Sorry captain, I've got to change my dream a bit from when I first told you. I've come to realize that I will achieve my old one no matter what, so I might as well strive for something better." I tell him before pulling my leg up with theirs. "I'll be the Strongest Mafia Boss this world has ever seen. And by the time I die the whole underworld will belong to Vangola." If It wouldn't have upset Zorro I would have activated my flames there for dramatic effect.

"Shishishi great. LETS GO TO THE GRAND LINE!!"


When we finished that and left Usopp to clean the mess we still had to fight the sea to get to the entrance. As we fought the waves and wind to get closer to the red line, it didn't take long for Zorro to finally sees the entrance gates in the binoculars.

"The entrance is up ahead, just to the left of the boat." She calls out to us.

"Shishishi it's so cool you can't even see the top of the mountain because of the clouds." Luffy laughs while holding on to the guard rails leaning off the side a bit.

"Get ready captain we're about to be dragged towards the canal. Nami make sure we sail into the split of the mountain or we're dead. Sanji, Usopp man the rudder and listen for Nami. Hahaha everyone get ready for a bumpy ride. Zorro get ready to help wherever needed I'm going to the lookout to see if I see anything in the way." Once I got my 'yeses' or laugh in response I headed up the ladder.

"Everyone straight ahead, we're being pulled right in. We have to go through the gates just right or we'll crash the boat." Nami calls out.

Not even twenty seconds later Luffy calls out to her. "Nami, Nami we're being pushed off course go right. Move to the right!"

"Got it. Guys go to the starboard side." And you better believe I prepared for this moment. I have a lot of time on my hands while we are sailing so Im trying to reinforceevery little section of the Merry I can with steel, and the rudder was one of the first I did. So it's no surprise to me that we turned safely through the gates toward paradise.

Anyway taking one last look around I bought a harmonica from the shop and jumped down to the deck with everyone else. I would have got a fiddle or a violin but I don't know how to play those. I learned the harmonica in high school though so I should be able to get close to the tune we need for binks booze.

"So is everyone ready to make a new friend." I say while pulling out a barrel of decent beer I had in my ring and start playing the harmonica.

"Come on everybody let sing and party. Shishishi yohohoho." Our captain just laughs out and starts singing.

"Sure sounds like fun." Sanji says while putting out his cigarette.

Zorro get a big cup of the beer and rests against the cabin of the ship before she joins in with Luffy.

Usopp has already been dragged by Luffy to start dancing around the ship.

And Nami just smiled. "We have to keep an eye on the Merry but I don't see why not." She laughs before joining the rest of us.

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho

Gather up all of the crew!

It's time to ship out Bink's brew!

Sea wind blows. To where?

Who knows?

The waves will be our guide!

O'er across the ocean's tide

Rays of sunshine far and wide

Birds they sing of cheerful things, in circles passing by!

Bid farewell to weaver's town!

Say so long to port renowned!

Sing a song, it won't be long, before we're casting off!

Cross the gold and silver seas

The salty spray puts us at ease!

Day and night to our delight

The voyage never ends!

Gather up all of the crew!

It's time to ship out Bink's brew!

Pirates we, eternally are challenging the sea!

With the waves to rest our heads

Ship beneath us as our beds!

Hoisted high upon the mast our Jolly Roger flies!

Somewhere in the endless sky

Stormy winds are blowin' by!

Waves are dancing, evening comes

It's time to sound the drums!

But steady men may never fear!

Tomorrow's skies are always clear!

So pound your feet and clap your hands till sunny days return!

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hoho-ho

Heh I can say this is probably the most fun I think I've ever had. And just to think, this is only the start. "Yo-hohoho, yo-hohoho." I can't wait for everything else to come.

Let me know if something is wrong. Also give me suggestions of things you may want to see. I have a decent plan but only a few things are set in stone at the moment.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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