
A Bootlegger’s Rise in a Pirate’s World

“WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!!!” John yells with only his head sticking out of the sand. “Shishishishi, I thought you were dead, do you need any help old man. You look kinda stuck.” “I’m 20 you fuck, help me out and I’ll treat you to some meat when I can.” “MEAT!” (CONGRATULATIONS YOU PIECE OF SHIT YOU. YOU HAVE COME ITNO CONTACT WITH THE MAIN PROTAGONIST OF THIS WORLD. SO AS A REWORD YOU GET A SYSTEM CUSTOMIZED TO WHAT LITTLE TALENTS YOU HAVE, THUSLY DUBBED THE (“WANABE MAFIA SYSTEM.”) HOPEFULLY YOUR THIRD LIFE IS BETTER THEN YOU LAST WITH THIS, BECAUSE YOU OBVIOUSLY COULDN’T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT HELP ON YOUR SECOND. TRY NOT TO DIE LIKE A BITCH THIS TIME. AND HAVE FUN, OR NOT JUST MAKE IT INTERESTING.) ‘FUCK YOU TOO YOU &&@$&@&$@&$’ John thought and he tried not to spit blood. “Shishishi, you’re not hurt are you, your face is kinda funny.” “No, just aggravated at being stuck kid.” As John fallows the kid around, his head starts putting the pieces together short kid, stupid laugh, straw hat and he woke up on a beach. ‘Fuck I’m in One piece aren’t I.’ John thought to himself. ( Ding ) ( For figuring out where you are you get to open the starter pack. To open it you must take it out of your standard storage ring located on your right index finger.) ‘Well at least I have a golden finger this time.’ Includes ‘Smarter Crew,’ a single character gender bending, and a kinda op mc.

ShadyGames · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy.

So I bet you were expecting a show down of epic proportions weren't you. If you were, maybe see a shrink? I don't know, we're in the east blue, the reason I got hurt last time was because I wasn't trying, and I had let my guard down. Is what I would say if I knew what happened. I mean shit, I barely remember patching Zorro up. By the time I came to Nami had already asked Luffy for help when she saw how strong we all were.

I soon pieced together what had happened from everyone. Apparently I just strolled out of the doors of the Baratie, green lightning flashing across my body an just started shooting. Not even showing an expression. I apologize for my earlier statement, I'm the one who needs mental health apparently. Wonder if Chopper is any good at it. They let me know it didn't even take a minute for me to finish everyone off, killing a portion of them. But I guess when they hit the ground I just left them be, heh must not have cared as long they couldn't hurt anyone else in front of me. Zorro had also woken up briefly to do her cool declaration after we had already left. Johnny and Yosaku stayed behind after we left.

It's been about 4 days since then and we are nearing Nami's hometown. Ahh almost forgot, yea the perv joins us too, yay. In those four days all I have done is train, check on Zorro and spend time in my still room. Have a bunch of grains fermenting. The first batch of mash I had made is ready to run now. On the third day Zorro was healed enough to get out of bed. And since none of us would let her train, she gave tips for those who were. She had also thoroughly scarred Sanji at this point, going so far as to cut his pants just inches away from his balls.

Speaking of hurting Sanji, I've already blacked one of his eyes. The bastard tried to take over my still, no go fuck your self it's mine. So all in all, he's still a Simp. Just a careful one now, and and has shifted all his focus onto Nami which works well for us all.

So yea fun times. Currently me and Zorro were in the distillery room. Put a pin in for a name change. Anyway I was showing her how the still works. The whole thing took about 7 hours and gave us about 14 gallons of moonshine. Which now that I'm thinking of it seems kind of excessive. And yea I threw away the methanol, just to be sure I tossed the first two quarts. I don't want to go blind either. It's about 130 proof if I had to guess. I put most of it in my ring but left two out.

"Wanna go let the crew try some. Bet this will be some of the strongest stuff they have ever had." I grin to Zorro.

"Huh, probably not now. Nami said we we're getting pretty close. So we will be fighting soon." Zorro said slowly making her way to the deck of the ship.

When she said this, the first thing that came to mind was to mess with her a bit. "Who are you and what have you done to Zorro. Hell you even got her cute laugh right." Playing the part, I made the closest face to horror I could. Even going so far as to have my face flush white.

She goes to say something but each time she falls short on what to say. So she just huffs with a dusting of pink in her face. I tried really hard to hold it in but I just couldn't.

"Hahahaha, I'm just messing. I know you do more then drink. I may not know what but I'm sure there's something, maybe. I thi-." I was going to keep going but I saw she has her hand on her sword. Heh still worth it, so I just gave her a grin and headed out with her.

"Shishishi, what's so funny guys." Luffy says popping out of nowhere AGAIN, I mean how does he do it.

Since Zorro is set on not speaking until she calms down. I tell him. "Nothing Captain, just messing around. Ahhh, I know you don't like to drink but my first batch of moonshine is done."

"Hum, what's moonshine John." Chimes in Nami. Both Usopp and Sanji were both curious as well.

"Ehhh just think of it as a really strong liquor. It's really popular we're I'm from." I say, I mean I don't know what more to say.

"Oh that's it. That a little boring." How dare you sir. He probably would have liked something a bit cooler, or some meat, but ohh well suck to be him.

We all spent the next few hours messing around. Trying to keep Nami as occupied as much as we can, she has been a little tense since yesterday. Heh guess I should engage more with the whole crew, I actually had a bit of fun. When the island came into view I grabbed Nami and Zorro, and got her to check on Zorro's wounds.

They were fine, but I got her to redress them before we landed. Anyway while they were doing that I was getting all my gear ready, I had went and bought 5 drum magazines and a box of ammo for my Tommy gun. Leaving me practically broke. Oh well, I also put on my new three piece suit and kept the hat and shoes, they give it a nice contrast. And as always Nuri Saar in on my left hip, 1911 on my chest and my dueling pistol is holstered on my left ass check. I could probably just say my back but come on that's we're it is and you know it. By the time all of that was done, we were ready to head out.

"Shishishi, let's go kick some ass." Our captain goes to jump off the ship but Nami stops him.

"Let's try to pay him first, if we can get him to leave without fighting ain't that better." Looks like she's getting cold feet.

"No. We fight and get this over with, I'm getting a little impatient. I want to see paradise again as soon as I can." I straight up just say no. I mean I haven't really got any stronger, sure I've solidified my foundation, and learned some cool stuff. But it's mostly because of my weapons and not me. So I want to have to struggle with fighting, it's kinda boring in the east blue honestly.

"Shishishi, well said, besides we would probably end up fighting them anyway. Might as well do it when they don't know we're here." Luffy says pulling out of Nami's grip and jumping off the boat.

"Lead the way Nami swan, I'll definitely beat them all for you." Sanji says dancing around her. I don't hate the guy, but damn do I find that annoying.

"Let's just go already. The sooner we get this done the sooner we can drink." Hah I knew she was real. Didn't have a doubt one, no sir ey.

As we were walking down the street a pair of fishman came into view. It seems that the fight at the Baratie messed with Usopp's pride, because before I even had my hand on my gun he had already shot them both in there gills. Smart, wonder why people don't aim there more often.

"Nice job Usopp. I guess that's why your the sniper though. Quick and silent. Now let hide their bodies real quick." I say giving him a thumbs up. Heh this world is really starting to mess with my head. I never would have said that I'm my last lives.

It wasn't long before we make it to Nojiko's place. She wanted to say hi and grab her cash before Arlong tries something. And let's just say as a new found gambler it's really tempting with all that money just sitting in my ring. 'No. I'll just raid Arlong park after we're done. Of course I'll leave a lot for the village but you know finders fee maybe.' I can't help but think with a daze. That is still almost seven million dollars back home. Shits crazy man.

It didn't take long for Nami to say her goodbyes to her sister. And when we came to the doors of Arlong park Luffy didn't waste time and and punched through them.

Did I finally get him to stop yelling his attacks you may be asking. Short answer is no. Long answer is also no, he just doesn't want to come up with a name for something that looks like a regular punch.

Anyway as the rubble flew trough the air hitting a few unexpecting fishmen, which is nice. Luffy then decided to start when it all settled.

"Hey witch one of you is Arlong. I'm here to kick his ass." He yelled out glaring at everyone in front of him. It seems that the recognized us because a few of them backed away out of fear.

"Ohh and why is the fastest growing pirate group in the east blue, here to see me." Arlong asks irritated.

"My captain already said he was here to kick your ass. But for why we're here. Everyone is just gonna clean up some trash before heading to paradise. But mostly I'm here because trash like you don't deserve that mark in your chest." I say glaring at him. And I do mean that, Tiger Fisher was probably one of my top five favorite background characters.

When I said that a good portion of them looked ashamed, but most like Arlong himself, we're furious. "What would a human like you know about our sun mark. What would you know about our suffering?" He grinds out with blood shot eyes.

"I know that Tiger Fisher was a great man. He may not have liked humans but he would had always tried to be better then the so called 'best' of them. To not let his racism hurt innocent people. And as far as I can see your no better then the people he despised the most. Because what you've done here isn't that much better then what those bubble headed fuckers do in Sabaody." Hey if everybody else gets to, why can't I make cool speeches. That just doesn't seem fair.

"Alright captain. I got him riled up for ya. Go have fun. Zorro take these swords and fight the octopus, but don't kill him, he's one of the only good ones here. The rest of you have fun I'll jump in when needed." Luffy just nodded and walked towards Arlong. Sanji rushed trying to show off to Nami. Zorro drawled her swords and started to fight with Hatchan. Ussop and Nami teamed up as usual. As for me, I'm sure you can guess by now. I'm heading to find us some supplies for travel.

"You fucker get back here. Do you think I'll just let you shit talk us and let you walk away." Grunt #16 says with about 13 other fishmen slowly surrounding me.

"Ehhh, do you all want to die." I ask while thinking on how to take them out.

"Fucker do you think you can take us all on by yourself." Grunt #7 say's through grinding teeth.

"Hum, oh yea. Of course I can." Sword it is than.

Activating my lightning I put my hand on Nuri Saar waiting for them to get in range. Once most of them got close enough I used one of the two sword attacks. 'Quick draw, frontal shield.' As I swept my sword in front of me dancing in a green light more than half of the attacking fishmen fell dead. Sheathing my sword right after. The other half were paralyzed from fear of seeing their brothers being killed so quickly. Not letting them come to their senses I used my offensive attack 'Quick draw chain lightning.' The funny thing is my lightning doesn't even make me faster, it just seems like it because of the way it trails when I move. So when I use this move the almost always try to block or attack too early.

It didn't even take them 5 seconds to be put down. And the few hits I did take did nothing because of my flame's properties of hardness. Anyway now that that's taken care of I have loot to grab. I'm sure everyone will be fine with their fights. But I'll be quick with it anyway.

(And no don't worry I'm not gonna skip the next fight. So next chapter will mostly show us how much stronger the rest of the crew really is.)

(Also should he find anything like a devil fruit in the park. I know the non canon Ute Ute no mi is speculated to be found by Bad One Gracie, in the wreckage of Arlong park. So any suggestion. Even if he doesn't want anything the crew might.)

Let me know if you see anything wrong and I’ll fix it when I can. Might be later today before I can get to it though.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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