
A Bend in Time

Before there ever was a boy that ever lived in a cupboard on Four Privet Drive, there was a similar boy in a far worse home that lived on Spinner’s End. We all know the tale of that abused boy who grew up to become a bitter spy. But not all tales end the same for in the many parallel worlds that exist in the universe there are far better endings, and equally as many worse ones. This is a tale of one such condemned universe that for better or for worse chooses to change its own fate at through the sacrifice of the bitter spy. (All rights to the Harry Potter world and characters belong solely to J. K. Rowling. However, I do claim creative fanfiction rights. Please do not post my fanfiction elsewhere without my express permission. This work will also be partially hosted at RoyalRoad, Wattpadd, and Archive.)

EsliEsma · Livres et littérature
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1207 Chs

Frost Moon

The rest of the week sped by until at long last Friday came along under the light of the full moon. Earlier that week just the day before on Thursday, their Charms class had been a most a rather disturbing experience for Rowan. It had only served to remind her exactly as to the reason why the wizarding world seemed to lack common sense for that matter. Professor Flitwick had demonstrated a charm to create legs on teacups that could also be applied to other inanimate objects. If say the caster was otherwise occupied said object would be able to walk on their own towards the caster or towards the desired location.

Everyone eagerly threw themselves into the class, while Rowan remained distinctively pale throughout the entire class period. Frankly it reminded her to much of the film, "The Human Centipede," for comfort. She knew that she'd have nightmares of inanimate objects suddenly growing a pair of legs to chase her or worse make her a part of them….

Not that Friday had gone any better as by the end of the, Rowan and Severus were weary down to their very bones by the time Mermish lessons with Dumbledore in the evening arrived. They'd had Transfiguration earlier that day and Rowan still had not made sufficient improvement on the Inanimatus Conjurus to Professor McGonagall's satisfaction. Severus that little freak on the other hand had already moved onto turning an owl into a pair of opera glasses.

Naturally, Rowan objected to the transfiguration spell as well. Logically speaking why not just transform an ordinary pair of glasses into opera glasses? Why was there a need to turn a living breathing creature into an inanimate object? Needless to say, Rowan's vehement objections were ignored by Professor McGonagall, who was quite frustrated at the unexpected opposition and lack of effort from one of her students. It was a most vexing problem to have and McGonagall was not about to give up!

Although Rowan would have gladly told Professor McGonagall that her efforts were wasted, if she didn't want to spend her only time to study stuck in detention with McGonagall! Not that Severus cared, oh no, he had as of late been caught daydreaming with a small smile on his face. Back in Lily's good books and more importantly thrilled at knowing that Lily liked him back, Severus had done all in his power to spend time with Lily again. He'd immediately returned with Lily during Gobbledegook and D.A. abandoning Rowan without a single glance. Not that Rowan bore a grudge, no, but at least Severus could have pretended that he was reluctant to do so!

Still, Rowan was relieved that situation had at last been resolved especially Terry, who bore the brunt of listening to Severus inner emotional dilemmas. Severus would deny such a statement and argue that he was not so weak as his speak about his feelings, but Terry was the exact evidence that pointed to the contrary. Not that Terry could ever catch a break, because Severus still only talked about Lily and their planned date. It made Terry quite often resort to screaming in frustration into his pillow with only Alchemy to comfort him in his times of suffering and woe.

Tired and numb ready for their week to end, the two of them stood outside of the door to Dumbledore's office as Severus knocked on the door using the Griffin door knocker. The door wordlessly opens as the two of them enter inside. Too tired to stare at the whistling silver instruments nor at the half-awake staring portraits. They both slumped into the opposing seats from Dumbledore.

Albus Dumbledore chuckles at seeing apprentices tried faces and gestures to the silver plate residing on his desk before him. The silver platter contains countless round, colored, and different flavored Mochi accompanied by a pot of steaming Matcha tea with a hint of milk, and sugar.

Rowan immediately brightens up at the sight of the lightly powdered glutinous rice cakes. "Don't mind if I do?" She happily exclaimed and poured herself a cup of tea and placed various flavored Mochi onto a small plate before her.

Rowan taking a sip of the expertly prepared Matcha tea, she lets out a happy sigh of approval. The house elves of Hogwarts truly were worth every coin they were paid and more. Their travels had certainly paid off that was for certain.

Seeing his twin sister eagerly dig in, Severus carefully selects a few colored round doughy sweets for himself, before pouring himself a cup of tea. Seeing Severus delicately sipping at his tea, Dumbledore helps himself, but not before saying, "Would you like one Fawkes?"

Fawkes sitting on his golden perch lets out a small little screech in reply. He did look very well, but rather dreadful with his feathers hanging limp and dreary. His passing would come soon and then rebirth. For that was what all phoenixes did.

"Oh, well, if you change your mind simply squawk, Fawkes," Dumbledore cheerfully told his Phoenix with a twinkle in his child-like blue eyes.

For a time, the only sound heard in the Headmaster's office is the sound of munching on snacks and the sipping of tea. Chewing and sipping at her snacks, Rowan observes Dumbledore from underneath her eyelashes. Dumbledore had been absurdly cheerful as of late, it was as though he had been gifted a precious treasure. Ordinarily, she would have put it out of mind, but Dumbledore's energetic cheeriness was really starting to grate on her nerves. And no matter, what others might think, she was no Scrooge! Not that she would ever admit to it out loud.

Wiping his lips clean, Dumbledore sees that his apprentices nearly finished eating. "Seeing that the two of you are so tired, I thought that we try something more relaxing this evening. I believe the two of you already know the way-."

Dumbledore is unable to finish his sentence as he is loudly interrupted by the sound of Rowan and Severus chocking. Red, and breathless, after a while through watery eyes, and a hoarse voice, Severus asks, "I'm sorry, Dumbledore, sir. I think I may have heard wrongly, but did you wish for us to visit the pool located in the Headmaster's personal quarters?"

"That is exactly correct!" Dumbledore beamed with a twinkle in his child-like blue eyes that glittered behind half-moon spectacles.

Rowan's face must have twitched and revealed her inner thoughts because Dumbledore eyes lose some of their sparkle. "Oh, well, I suppose we could always return to the usual coursework if that is not to your pleasure, my dear apprentices."

"No, no," Severus hastily protested sending a fierce scowl in his twin sister's direction. "No need, Dumbledore, we were just caught unprepared by the offer."

"Excellent," Dumbledore exclaimed as he energetically rose to his feet and motioned for them to follow him.

Rowan lets out a loud sigh despite Severus glaring at her. She already knew how this would end with Victorian era swimsuits. The sailor's top with matching knee length pantaloons wouldn't be too bad. However, it was seeing Severus and Dumbledore in striped, prisoner-like swimwear is what disturbed her. Her eyes would need some time to recover after the absurd sight. Still, in the end she supposed it was a kindness, if not painful at least. It was the thought that counted…...

The Author shiver's violently, and has the urge to throw up.....ug, walking objects with legs....... Creepy things alright! Anything creepy you out from HP? Dementor's is a given, but what else?

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