
A Bend in Time

Before there ever was a boy that ever lived in a cupboard on Four Privet Drive, there was a similar boy in a far worse home that lived on Spinner’s End. We all know the tale of that abused boy who grew up to become a bitter spy. But not all tales end the same for in the many parallel worlds that exist in the universe there are far better endings, and equally as many worse ones. This is a tale of one such condemned universe that for better or for worse chooses to change its own fate at through the sacrifice of the bitter spy. (All rights to the Harry Potter world and characters belong solely to J. K. Rowling. However, I do claim creative fanfiction rights. Please do not post my fanfiction elsewhere without my express permission. This work will also be partially hosted at RoyalRoad, Wattpadd, and Archive.)

EsliEsma · Livres et littérature
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1207 Chs

Christmas Day Divulges

Early on Christmas morning, the Prince family members opened their presents. It was not a loud, joyous affair, but rather a quiet-filled affair with simple thanks. The families of the survivors of the giant attacks would be holding countless funerals throughout the day including that of the pureblood families. Reginald would naturally be in attendance to several including that of Euphemia Potter. He had yet to tell his grandchildren of the death of their friend's mother nor of the engagement between the Prince's and Potters. He was the first to leave the parlor to ready himself for the long day ahead of him full of funerals.

Having not slept the entire night, Rowan and Severus finally dozed off on the chaise longue in the parlor. Georgine carefully tucked warm blankets around their softly snoring figures. Her dark eyes intently study the slumbering forms of her great-niece and nephew. She could see they were tired and in mourning, but unlike with their deceased father, they had buried their sorrow for their mother. It was both a blessing and a curse.

With a soundless wave of her wand, the candles dim in the parlor creating a darker atmosphere. Georgine noiselessly shuts the door behind her. The gifts that had been opened earlier had long since been put away by Dawn in their chambers. Having walked down a long stretch of the hall, she says, "Tadbey."

An instant later, the tidy house elf appears. Tadbey peers through his spectacles at her. "Yes?" He pointedly inquired.

"The twins are finally asleep in the parlor. Once they are awake ensure that they have a bite to eat," Georgine instructed the tetchy house elf. "And prepare a warm rose petal bath for me."

"Yes, Miss Georgine," Tadbey huffed, before departing without further ado.

Feeling much better, Georgine happily retreats to the sanctuary of her chambers for a bath and much-needed rest. She had only been soaking in the bathtub for half an hour when she is disturbed by the sudden appearance of Dawn. "Urgent message from the Ministry of Magic for Miss Prince!" The petite house elf squeaked in her adorable dress with a matching apron.

"For me?" Georgine arched her brow in disbelief. "Are you certain it is not for my brother, Dawn?"

"The Ministry of Magic missive is addressed to 'Georgine Prince'!" Dawn eagerly answered.

"Very well," Georgine extended her pale hand to the family house elf. Dawn happily hands over the message before vanishing away to spend Christmas morning with her little one. Ladley was just so very excited to open his gifts and play with them!

With a careful eye, Georgine studies the seal but finds that is an authentic Ministry of Magic wax-sealed envelope. She casts a wandless, wordless spell to unseal the envelope, before removing the message from the envelope. She carefully begins to read the message. The furrow on her brow deepens the more she reads. Frowning, she grabs the towel from the side of the tub and rises from the bathtub. She murmurs a cleaning spell to remove any remaining soap, before magically drying her hair and body.

Carefully still holding the letter in one hand, Georgine hurriedly dresses, before rushing down the hallway. Pocketing the letter carefully, she hurries to the main hearth. Grabbing a handful of sparkling powder, she hurls into the orange flames. The flames turn emerald and rise like a wave. "The Ministry of Magic," she shouted, before stepping inside and whirling away.

Stepping out of emerald flames, Georgine steps out of the gilded Ministry of Magic fireplaces connected to the Floo Network. She glances around the atrium and finds that it has largely returned to normal except for the Fountain of Magical Brethren that is still in the repair process. The Ministry of Magic is bustling with movement across the tile floors. The peacock blue ceiling is full of golden symbols moving left and right.

Glancing around, Georgine spots several tables in the main lobby belonging to the Ministry of Magic Public Information Services. There was already a line at for each of the staff members. She lines up at the shortest line and waits. As the line moves slowly her expression darkens into a scowl.

At long last Georgine is at the front of the line. A tired wizard with a droopy mustache with the name tag of Pickerin says, "And how may I answer or direct you, Madame?"

"I am told my son is here," Georgine began to explain. "I believe there is an err-."

Before Georgine can finish explaining, Pickerin leaps to his feet. "Right this way, Ma'am!" He eagerly said putting a closed sign on his desk to the dismay of those standing behind him,

Seeing Georgine just staring at the wizard, Pickerin impatiently motions with his arm at her. "Please Madame! We have no time to waste!"

Knowing that the wizard was not going to hear her out, Georgine reluctantly follows the wizard. Pickerin instead of leading her towards the lifts briskly heads to a small hidden custodial room in the lobby. The wizard jabbers loudly before her, "Finally someone showed up! All the orphaned children have already been picked by family members. The poor wee lad's been crying for days! He's voice's gone hoarse you see! Mrs. Bura from Wizard Orphan Services wanted to take the lad away! And let me tell, you, we just managed to persuade her otherwise. Let me tell you, Wizard Orphan Services are a dumping ground for orphans and such a wee lad too. The poor lad would simply not fare well there at all. No, he would not."

Georgine is unable to get in even a single word the entire time. Having crossed the entire atrium, the wizard removes a golden key from his pocket and unlocks the door. A hoarse, almost soft wail can still be heard as an exhausted house elf attempts to smooth the inconsolable dark-haired toddler.

"Poor lad, his dying father entrusted him to the Auror's during the attack on Mould-on-the-Would. With his dying breaths, he told the Auror's that his mum was Georgine Prince," Pickerins explained, before eying her pointedly. "Pardon me, Ma'am, but took you right long to find your child. And though I understand your grief that's no reason to fall into despair. You've still got a son to live for."

Georgine is far too shocked to reply to the wizard. She could hardly believe her eyes, but the toddler before her belonged to her deceased disowned niece, Eileen. It should be impossible, but the child yet lived!

The exhausted house elf more than happily waddles over and shoves the hoarse toddler into Georgine's arms. Georgine reflexively grabs the toddler and the dark-haired little boy ceases to sob. He tiredly buries his face into her chest and lets out a tired sigh. Within seconds, the toddler falls to an exhaustive sleep.

"Aw, how precious," Pickerin cooed wiping a glimmer of moisture from the corner of his eye. "Now get on home, ma'am, I'm sure you will want to spend time with your son."

Stunned in disbelief, Georgine departs with the stunned toddler in her arms. She simply couldn't understand the illogical situation she had suddenly found herself in. Having not slept the entire night before, she felt that she was currently not capable of digesting nor processing the information in front of her. She tactfully decides to return to Prince Manor with the child in tow. She couldn't very well abandon the child; the child was still family even if Eileen had been disowned. And well is now dead…

Happy Lunar New Year! It is the year of the Tiger! Two more chapters will be going out today!

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