
Reverse growth

I don't want to be popular. Volume 590, Reverse Growth. "Tired language, whenever the night is quiet, I want to find someone to chat. The first choice is you. Those young, no matter how beautiful or young, do not have the temperament of you. , I don't feel like you. I want to borrow 4 million from you, why don't you? Have you collected all the money? I will go to you and give you money, okay?"

On the phone, a magnetic uncle's voice came out, and his voice was a bit like Wu Xiubo.

Lin Langyu frowned and said, "Fang Teng, don't contact me anymore. I have already collected the money. Thank you."

"Don't contact you, what do you mean?"

"It means...I have a man, it is not convenient." Lin Langyu said.

"What? What man, are you lying to me? Who is it?" The uncle's voice on the phone increased significantly.

Lin Tianyu looked at Chen Chuan on the opposite side, his eyes seemed to say, "Say something, let him listen?"

Chen Chuan didn't want to say, even though he knew it was a play, he still couldn't speak.

Lin Langyu saw Chen Chuan not speaking, so he said to the phone: "I'm hanging up, Fang Teng, if you still contact me, I will change my mobile phone number."

"Haha, what can you do if you change your phone number? Isn't your home in a beautiful landscape? It's not easy to find you?" Fang Teng said.

"What do you mean, what do you mean by coming to me? Do you dare? Neurotic!" Lin Langyu hung up.

After the call was hung up, Lin Jiangyu pouted, looking upset.

"You are like an eggplant beaten by frost." Chen Chuan said.

"Ah? What eggplant? How do you know?" Lin Jiangyu regained his senses.

"How do I know what, I said...You are like an eggplant beaten by frost, suddenly wilted." Chen Chuan said.

"Oh, harm, anyone who receives this kind of call will not be in a good mood." Lin Juan said, "This Fang Teng has become more and more excessive recently, and he threatened to come to me to find me. However, I treat him He's just a idiot, and he doesn't actually do anything."

"Come to me if you have trouble. You can also find him. This person is in this area and speaks well. Fang Teng should not dare to offend him." Chen Chuan took out his wallet and handed over a business card.

Lin Juanyu looked down: Shark fighting, head coach Zhu Zhennan.

"this is?"

"This is a friend of mine, the 90kg national Sanda champion, from Inner Mongolia, nicknamed North Leg King. After he retired, he opened a few fighting gyms in the city. He is very righteous and has a good relationship with me. His brother Zhu Zhenbang is you. Deputy Director of the Public Security Bureau of Shidong District." Chen Chuan said.

Old Zhu, Zhu Zhennan, born in 1981, are also nearly 40 years old.

Chen Chuan met Lao Zhu when he was a member of the Shark Fighting Office. When it's okay, go there to beat him up and feel the thrill of being a national champion, which is also one of Chen Chuan's entertainment. Later, Lao Zhu was beaten up a lot. As long as he saw Chen Chuan, he would find an excuse to run away.

Lin Juanyu received his business card and said, "The friend you introduced must be reliable."

"Well, don't ask Lao Zhu to come easily. He sees me, but if he is angry with others, he will hurt others if he shoots." Chen Chuan said.

"Seeing you counseling? Are you very good?" Lin Juanyu asked with a smile.

"It's more powerful than you think."

"I never imagined..."

"Then you imagine now?" Chen Chuan asked.

"I don't want to..."

"...The driver is here, I'm leaving, goodbye, thanks for the warm hospitality tonight." Chen Chuan got in the car.

"It's your dish. Next time, when my fingers are ready, I will cook it for you myself. Bye bye. Be careful on the road." Lin Langyu waved his hand.

on the way back.

Chen Chuan sat in the back row.

The driving brother is driving, and the surging power of the Brabus 800 makes the brother very cautious.

Before dinner, I had already sent a message to Miss Xia Good Morning, saying that I would inspect the house another day.

But Xia Good Morning said, it's okay to be late, as long as she can come over tonight, she can wait.

So, Chen Chuan set his destination at [Guijin Mansion].

The car drove into the community and parked in the parking space. The driver said goodbye, and Chen Chuan went upstairs.

opened the door and cost 20 million to renovate, and the 680-square-meter flat floor greeted the eyes.

Xia Good morning sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching TV with a puppet, and seeing Chen Chuan coming in, quickly got up and said, "You are back."

"Please, aren't you just a decorator who comes to checkout? Why are you acting like a little wife?" Chen Chuan quipped.

Xia Good-an smiled: "For you, I can provide full service. You are the father of the gold master. I have to play what you lack. I am working if I lack decoration. I am Xiaojiao if I lack a warm bed. Wife. If you want to shoot and lack a target, then I am the target."

"... Isn't it just looking for you to decorate two houses? As for putting yourself in?" Chen Chuan looked at her.

She earnestly said: "One set of decoration cost 46.7 million, this set cost 20 million, brother, it is true that I can retire after receiving your two orders. From then on, I will enjoy life quietly and enjoy Life."

Chen Chuan looked carefully, this summer morning tonight is too enthusiastic. Although she is her golden father, but the language of Meng Lang is not in line with her usual femininity.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, would you like to play a civet cat for the prince? You...you are your sister, right? You are not Xia Good Morning, you are Wanan!" Chen Chuan said.

"I'm good morning...I will let that stinky girl come to pay for this good thing?" Xia morning squinted and laughed, "I will take you to check the house first, and then you will call me , Call me all? I will accept all orders."

"How much is worse than you?"


"Go ahead, you lead the way." Chen Chuan said.

Chen Chuan is really stupid to distinguish it, not as simple as Lu Youfang said, "If you admit it, you can recognize it, but it is not necessary." It is not unnecessary, it is really unrecognizable.

"Here is the hand-embroidered wall panel in Suzhou. The table top is wrapped in calfskin. This is 18K gold-plated. It is real gold. This is the audio-visual room. The soundproofing materials are the best. I won't hear you going upstairs and downstairs. This is an electric massage chair. You can use the electric massage chair here while watching a movie..." Xia Morning introduced.

"Okay, that's it, how do you check and accept this audio-visual room? You shout a few times and let me see if someone knocks on the door." Chen Chuan said.

"Okay, you have to cooperate, I just called out..."

"How about this electric massage chair?" Chen Chuan asked again.

"That's it, I'll show it for you myself."

Xia Good Morning opened the home theater, the projector put the small movie on the big screen, and then took Chen Chuan to sit on the massage chair, she took off her coat, and sat on herself.

Chen Chuan lay on a chair and watched a 3D version of the costume drama on the big screen. Chen Chuan watched this movie on his computer when he was in college, and his dormitory roommates rushed to circulate it.

Now when I look at it on the 135-inch large screen, I just feel that it is big, big, and the experience is super good.

"Is this really Good Morning? Is Good Morning so big? Have you exercised recently?" Chen Chuan doubted.


The next two days.

Chen Chuan mainly held video conferences with Xun Xue in Chengdu.

Xun Xue leads the acquisition of [Rongzhou International] company, a wholly-owned acquisition of 1.3 billion yuan, has been negotiated, the legal team has confirmed that it is correct, the due diligence has been completed, the assets have been counted, there are no debts, and no bad assets. Authorize Xun Xue to sign.

This big industry worth 1.3 billion yuan is Yuan Zhen's wish. Chen Chuan gave her the money to buy and wish her to create her own independent designer brand.

But because there is a [Gudao Hot Intestine] item card, the system will eventually reimburse the money.

Chen Chuan can expect that when she gives this big industry to Yuan Zhen, she might faint on the spot.

There are many rich people in the world. There are rich people who can deliver cars, and there are rich people who can deliver houses... But it is rare to give away an industry worth 1.3 billion.

But Chen Chuan didn't give it all. He gave Yuan Zhen the management authority, gave her 10% of the shares, and got 90% of the profits. Besides, the future of this factory depends on Yuan Zhen's own operation and can create Her own brand counts her skill. I created this condition for her, so it's up to her to fly.

Chen Chuan drove a full-carbon McLaren P1 on the streets of Haiqin City.

"Ding! [Daily Gift Pack] returns to the countdown, seven days."

system hint.

Chen Chuan forget it, indeed, the last time I used the props integrated in the gift package, I integrated the 30-day gift package into a super gift package, and issued [Ssangyong Motor Co., Ltd.].

And now, 30 days, more than half has passed, and there are still 7 days, [Daily Pack] will return!

"Ding! The reward has been sent before the return."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the [Love Reward] card before returning."

"[Love Reward]: For those who love you, you will receive a consumption rebate ranging from 2 to 4 times. The deeper the love for the host, the higher the rebate multiple. The upper limit of the rebate is unknown."

The three system prompts sounded, and Chen Chuan directly turned the front of the car.

Originally, he made an appointment with Zhao Yutian for sea fishing today.

Now I suddenly got the props. If you want to spend money on someone who loves you, you have to find someone to spend it.

People who love themselves... There should be a few but some are not in Haiqin City.

The safest thing is to spend money for my father and mother.

So the McLaren P1 roared and stopped in front of the "Xin Yunchuan Hot Pot Restaurant".

"Wow, your eldest master is here! Good-looking cars!" An aunt said with a smile in the shop.

Chen Chuan got out of the car and entered the shop. He saw a table of people peeling nuts there and chatting, as if having a tea party.

There are four people, namely Zhang Xiangyun, Aunt Wang, Aunt Bai, and Lin Tianyu.

As for the old man... take a mop on the side to mop the floor.

"Auntie Wang, good morning, Auntie Bai, have fun here." Chen Chuan came in to say hello.

These two aunts are also friends of Zhang Xiangyun. They are best friends for the time being. Looking at the clothes, they all have a little money at home.

Aunt Wang's old friend, years of friendship.

Auntie Bai is a new friend of Zhang Xiangyun. She met at the Che Youhui after buying the Cayenne.

Zhang Xiangyun said: "Chen Chuan, there is still an aunt, why not call it?"

Zhang Xiangyun refers to Lin Juanyu.

Lin Tianyu smiled and said: "Your son may think I am too young, and his aunt can't speak out, so I'm embarrassed to call my sister, hehe..."

Lin Tianyu smiled happily. It was obvious that Chen Chuan had blocked the debt hole of 7.7 million, and his mood improved a lot.

Aunt Bai said: "Tangyu, you said this in front of Xiangyun? You take a closer look at Xiangyun's recent skin condition. It's so good! Just like reverse growth, look at this skin, this skin is soft and smooth. Who is a forty-year-old man, this is a young lady of twenty-five!"