

I don't want to be popular. Chapter 589 of the main text is assassinated. Is it what she thinks, or is it not...

Lin Langyu was also a little uncertain, but the point was that Lin Xiaozhao was still asleep, and she had nowhere to ask.

"Chen Chuan, I bought wild yellow piercing, the braised one is so delicious, you will love it."

Lin Langyu turned his head and shouted into the living room outside, then took out a fish from the shopping bag.

"Ah!" He was accidentally stabbed by a fish tailbone.

Red blood came out.

The heart-wrenching pain struck, and Lin Langyu, who was in pain, broke out in a cold sweat, "Oh..."

Chen Chuan heard the movement, put down his phone, walked quickly to the kitchen, and asked: "It's okay, auntie, did you cut it?"

Generally speaking, people in the kitchen make this kind of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhh". It's okay, unless the husband and wife are both there.

Lin Langyu's face turned pale, and he rinsed his bleeding fingers with a faucet and said, "It's okay, I got stuck by this fish tailbone."

"Fish, wild yellow croaker? Its tailbone is poisonous!"

Because I grew up in a seaside fishing village, I naturally knew that this fish tail bone is very toxic.

Chen Chuan took a step forward without saying anything, took Lin Langyu's hand and put it in his mouth, and sucked it sharply.

"Oh...ah..." Lin Langyu trembled and felt the warm breath. At the same time, the pain in her heart came again, almost making her faint.

"Don't, Chen Chuan, don't be like this..." Lin Juanyu trembled.

"Bah!" Chen Chuan spit out a mouthful of blood and said, "It's okay, just **** it out quickly."

finished speaking, sucked up again.

"Heh...this, this, Chen Chuan...don't don't don't, okay." Lin Jiangyu was flustered, speaking incoherently, and reaching into Chen Chuan's hair, trying to push him away. But because of his low strength, he couldn't push it.

"Bah!" Chen Chuan spit out another mouthful of blood. "It's almost done. Rinse quickly, spray a little antiseptic alcohol, and bandage it."

"Oh, okay..." Lin Tianyu answered blankly, her fingers trembling slightly, not knowing whether it was because of the pain or what, she turned to find the small medicine box, her legs softened.

. She didn't stop, and knelt down in front of Chen Chuan.

"Don't give such a big gift to thank you, right? No gift and flat body..." Chen Chuan hurriedly helped her up.

She chuckled, she suddenly became obsessed, and rolled her eyes: "Smelly boy! Take advantage of me!"

Lin Tianyu went to dress up, and by the way, he had to go back to the bedroom to change clothes.

Chen Chuan also rinsed his mouth.

As for the flustered and directly helped her **** out the poisonous blood, Chen Chuan didn't think much about it.

"Aunt Lin, saving people is important." Chen Chuan said the same to Lin Juanyu.

"It's important... Well, Auntie understands, it's important." Lin Juan said, "Wait for me to rest and continue cooking. Don't leave."

"You are like this, can you still cook?" Chen Chuan said, "Forget it, I'll do it casually."

"You can?"

"I can do it a little bit, but I can't all be hungry. I either do it or go out to eat." Chen Chuan said.

"You do it, I will watch you from the side and teach you." Lin Juanyu whispered.

Chen Chuan thinks right now... he has drawn a lot of skills from the system, but he doesn't have [Cooking Skill].

If you casually learn [Proficient in Braised Fish], you can show it now and satisfy the taste buds of these two people.

Lin Jiangyu seemed to be quite good at it, and pointed to the side: "Hey, yes, this is the case. Auntie teaches you to be lighter, slower, don't use too much force, the skin will break, so slowly, the flesh will be firm. , The taste is more satisfying...the water is a bit too much, so it's everywhere... right now, put this in, just plug it in."

A braised wild yellow croaker came out under the guidance of Lin Tianyu.

Lin Juanyu took a small taste, and applauded: "It's already good for the first time."

Forty minutes later.

Chen Chuan poured out a few dishes casually.

Because Lin Xiaozhao was still asleep, Lin Jiangyu didn't bother him, so he served her some vegetables to keep.

At the dining table, Chen Chuan and Lin Juanyu had a drink, sipped their food and talked softly.

"Will you still contact Fang Teng in the future?" Chen Chuan asked while eating.

"Huh?" Lin Langyu was a little surprised, looked up at the opposite boy, smiled and said, "No, but I haven't contacted him before. He wants to help me, but I know he has a plan. So I didn't accept his help."

"What are you plotting? You are in your forties, oh, I don't mean anything else, Auntie." Chen Chuan said.

"It's okay, you are right, but many people, many things, which they didn't get when they were young, will be planted in their hearts and will never forget them." Lin Langyu said, stood up and walked to the study room and took out a photo album. To Chen Chuan.

Chen Chuan looked through it. This is a photo of Lin Tianyu when he was young.

"Like a star, what Zhou is called, it seems to be more beautiful than her." Chen Chuan turned page by page.

"Zhou Haimei, everyone says that, so I also have a nickname of Lin Haimei" She raised her glass and smiled lightly.

Chen Chuan raised his head and looked carefully. The years have left no trace on her face, and she is more familiar now.

Chen Chuan looked at the photo again, and in the class photo, I saw Chen Wenkun when he was young, his father.

"Oh, this handsome guy... handsome." Chen Chuan said with a smile.

"Your dad didn't have to say at that time. Look at this, and there are pictures of me and him." Lin Jiangyu pointed to one.

"Then later?"

"Later, I was with the city's college entrance examination champion. He was a young and promising person. He rose to the position of deputy mayor step by step. That was his peak moment. But because of little gathering and more divorce, he divorced. Xiao Zhao After following me, Xiao Zhao was only 10 years old at that time, and then my ex-husband went abroad and there was no news." Lin Juan said.

"In the past 13 years, you haven't looked for it again?"

"No, it doesn't mean anything at first. Secondly, I have to be responsible to Xiao Zhao. Remarriage has a great impact on the children. It's better to be a bit tired and take care of myself. Fortunately, I know a bunch of girlfriends and helped me. A lot of work. For these 7.7 million pits, some of those girlfriends borrowed 200,000 from me, and some borrowed 300,000 from me. They also made up nearly 2 million. But their abilities are also limited and they can't help me too much. Fortunately, they met. You. I respect you." Lin Langyu raised his glass.

Chen Chuan touched her.

"What are you going to do after this? What store do you have?" Chen Chuan asked.

"There is only a shop for assembling computers. The others are all sold out. I have not thought about the future. But I will still start a business and I must earn money as soon as possible to pay you back." Lin Langyu said, "Within 3 years, if I I'll give you this house if I'm not on you. I've already written it in this loan agreement."

Lin Juanyu pushed over an agreement.

Chen Chuan didn't look at it and didn't answer it. He said, "This Shanshui Jiajing community is very good. I also have a second-hand house here. It is a duplex. I bought it for investment and spent 5 million."

"Really? Then we are neighbors? You often come to visit in the future?" Lin Langyu's eyes lit up.

"I won't come here to live."

"Yes, you should have a better and bigger house."

Chen Chuan had the final say, in Haiqin City, he bought a total of 7 suites, Haiyueting Villa was given to Anti, Haiyue Banshan Villa was vacant, Tianyue No.1 lived by himself, Tianjiao Family lived by himself, and was given by Jin Mansion. The parents, Zhong Hai Yunhuan gave Chen Yanyan, the landscape was idle, and the elegant house of Cuiyuan was given to grandma.

In addition, Bingcheng R&F Bay has a set.

There is a villa in Shanghai Dongjiao No.1, the most expensive one, worth 200 million.

Rongcheng Luhu Black Butterfly Shell has a villa and an apartment for Yuan Zhen.

There is a Chelsea mansion in London, which I gave to Qin Xiang.

There is a set of faculty apartment at Seoul National University.

An Icelandic villa.

has a total of 15 properties, excluding the gift, there are 9 under his own name.

As for Bordeaux, France, there are many chateaus, but that should not be considered real estate.

Chen Chuan said: "My alma mater's experimental high school needs to buy 1,000 computers to build a complex. I will let them get the goods from you. If you can earn 300 yuan each, it's also 300,000, which is enough for your mother and daughter. For a while, it saves Xiao Zhao that he can't even afford a skirt."

"That's great, can you talk?" Lin Jiangyu said happily.

"Should be able to..."

After all, I donated 260 million yuan and covered all the expenses of the building. Moreover, the builder was actually looking for it by [Tianlong Group]. Although the money was donated to the school, how to use it is the final decision.

Chen Chuan sent a message to Xu Jingrong and asked her to do this.

Xu Jingrong is quick to do things, so she immediately contacted Principal Qi Hui, and after getting feedback, she returned to Chen Chuan.

Chen Chuan answered the phone and smiled.

Lin Juanyu asked curiously: "Are there any good things?"

Chen Chuan heard what Xu Jingrong had said, and hung up the phone. There was indeed something good.

Haiqin City, together with the county-level cities, districts, and private ones, has a total of 79 high schools.

Principal Qi Hui said that if the quality of the computer passed the test, he would personally promote it to other schools. If it was before, his promotion might not work well. But now, his school has received 260 million donations. He is already a celebrity of the Haiqin Education Bureau, and his superiors have also held meetings to commend him. Now the weight of his speech is not the same as before.

Each high school may have its own channels or suppliers, and some may continue to use old machines, but 79 high schools do not seek full use. As long as there are one-third or even one-quarter, this is not a small list.

Chen Chuan didn't like this little meat, but for Lin Langyu, it was enough for her to eat with Xiao Zhao.

Chen Chuan told Lin Juanyu about this.

Lin Langyu was leaving the dining table to pour water. He was stunned on the spot, and said excitedly: "Really? Really?"

This dinner will last till ten o'clock at night.

Chen Chuan must go.

Lin Xiaozhao slept soundly this time.

Chen Chuan and her mother have finished their meals, and the girl hasn't woken up yet.

Lin Juanyu sent Chen Chuan downstairs.

Walking in the community, Chen Chuan suddenly heard the system prompt:

"Ding! The mall has refreshed a C-level item [Unlucky Symbol·Random Version·Pocai], which has been automatically exchanged with 200 points."

"[Unlucky Talisman·Random Version·Breaking Money]: This item randomly appoints an unlucky person associated with the host, and there will be a fortune-breaking event within 3 days. The host has the right to cancel twice and re-randomize. PS: The item has been triggered , Randomly assigned..."

Chen Chuan was slightly taken aback, bad luck charm...

Random designation... I don't know which hapless guy will be randomly assigned.

"Ding, the designation is complete, the target Zhao Yutian, there is a wealth incident within 3 days. The host has the right to cancel twice and re-randomize, whether to cancel and re-randomize—"

the system prompts.

Chen Chuan was happy, laughed out, Zhao Yutian...

"Cancel the designation and randomize again." Chen Chuan said.

Zhao Yutian is unlucky enough, but he can't make him moldy.

"Ding, re-randomizing, the target is Xu Jingrong, there is a wealth incident within 3 days. The host has the right to cancel twice and re-randomize, whether to cancel and re-randomize—"

Xu Jingrong?

Although Xu Jingrong is a little fatter, it is not enough to put a bad luck charm on her.

Randomly came to his own person twice, Chen Chuan thought, shouldn't he be randomized to his own person again the third time?

"Cancel the designation and randomize again." Chen Chuan said.

"Ding! Random again, the designation is complete, and the target party is free. A wealth-breaking event occurs within 3 days, and the host has no right to cancel. The item is in effect--"

System promptFang Teng...

The boss of Tengtang Logistics.

This unlucky reminder, unexpectedly followed him.

Lin Langyu sent Chen Chuan downstairs in the community, and Chen Chuan's car stopped by the road.

The two stood here waiting for the arrival of the driver.

Under the warm yellow street lamp, Lin Langyu's age is completely invisible, like the kind of rightful female star.

"Aunt Lin."


"Ah, let me ask you a personal question. You have been divorced for 13 years, in which aspect..." Chen Chuan asked curiously.

Lin Juanyu chuckled, gave Chen Chuan a little, blushed and said, "What is the kid asking you?"

"Purely curious..." Chen Chuan also said in embarrassment.

"I won't tell you if I'm curious. I think you drank too much." Lin Langyu smiled and gave Chen Chuan a blank look.



Lin Tianyu's phone vibrates.

Lin Langyu picked up the phone and looked at it, frowned, showing that the call was Fang Teng.

"Can't answer? I don't want to answer. This person is really annoying, what time is it, still calling? I am not familiar with him." Lin Jiangyu said to Chen Chuan.

"Come on, listen to what he says." Chen Chuan said.

"If you don't listen, you know, he must have drunk, I don't know where to finish, and then make random calls, find people to have fun, and maybe say something to bully our orphans and widows." Lin Lang said.

According to Chen Chuan's understanding of Fang Teng, that person can indeed say these things.

Chen Chuan said: "You answer, I will listen."

Lin Jiangyu hesitated, but could only answer it.

Because it is a quiet night, I can hear you clearly even if you don't turn on the speakerphone.