
plot begins

Ryuko and I have been living together for past month and it is the day isshin matoi died AKA our father on the day he will die I gone walk with ryuko as plot need to be perfect i can't made depend on me she deserves her Spotlight plus with drawback like that make me emotionless it was very easy to forget him awhile later as we got i noticed my father was injured and half of scissor blade struck in his chest as he called ryuko , skoko I need to tell you if you take the scissor your life will change if you want ordinary life don't take the scissor as she ran after the killer I to ran after while he was calling our name as I reached where ryuko as I called her name a explosion happend we see our old home was now in runs I urged ryuko to came after me as I purchased skill telekinesis as ryuko made her way to me she fell in the trapdoor soon I got down there to see ryuko wearing senkentsu I told her to come with me I know a place as we made our way to the new house that i buyed

Hacker do have a lot of money I open the door and went to the bedroom and in morning I tell her to go to honnouji academy as we enter our class I get the desk close to ryuko and I don't know where mako from anime is as we just finished the class bell ring I made my way towards academy ground I see people bowing as I approach to see ryuko has fighter every club president except elite four as I heard satsuki say I will arrange our matches in four months as I go to ryuko and she held my hand and dragged me to our and see i will find our father murder I hve to ryuko you have superior uniform but without uniform what will you do

As I heard door closed with bang I just hope she did not go to fight as go to my bedroom when I woke up to see that I have been chained by ryuko and she said I will go to honnouji academy without senkentsu as she start sexual activities my find was 9 haven from the pleasure she unlocked the chains i think I am kind of masochist as I made my way towards the academy to see ryuko beating students and four months went ryuko managed to awaken her life fibre faster than orginal now she faced against every one and two star goku uniform user as she easily defeated them and senkentsu absorbed the life fibre and she goes to fight the elite four they are stronger i guess as main protagonist grow stronger other will also get influenced by it as she fight ira gamagoori and meanged to win the fight but a lot better than orginal and she continues To fight houka inmuta and then nonon jakuzure and even fight uzu sanajyama unlike orginal as she went to fight satsuki kiryuin but intercepted by nui harime as she tells what she did in orginal but this worse as ryuko a

Has awakened life fibre in her body and is in berserker form nui was getting pushed back by the relentless assault by ryuko and I made my way to stop her and ryuko focus while I hugged her she looked at me in her berserker form and slowly returned to human and lose consciousness as I carried her on my back suddenly nui came said that was boring I just punched her as she hit the wall i escaped to our home to see she was resting i know satsuki will attack other academy now she had stronger goku uniform user than orginal as she swiftly destroyed every school I know mother will be coming in honnouji academy i also know it is war time and our mother ragyo kiryuin is coming

[ at random place]

so hui there are many strong people in academy than I know satsuki did outdone her self as I approached the school with ryuko I heard her say so you are those people that nui was talking about as ryuko go straight to fight with her but interrupted by satsuki as she said ragyo is my target and ran after her as choped her neck but she heals herself and start beating her and ryuko was dominating against nui as she managed to cut her arms but her arms reattached themself as ragyo come and defeat her and pull out her heart and said I know you are my daughter becouse only i know how to infuse life fibre in living beings and at last moment satsuki touched the detonator as academy building exploded i am in now sitting in organization called nudist beach

With other elite four as checked that ryuko is okay and we were attacked by anthor unit of covers that have absorbed the humans as ira gamagoori use the wepon prepared to fight them at last moment ryuko waked up and hugged me and said we are monsters i said to her we are not monsters and she walked outt of the bunker to fight with covers as she defeats them run to honnouji academy i told senkentsu she will not wear you now she is angry now as our teacher said we will go to academy with our secret wepon naked sol a gaint ship emerged out of the water and start heading toward the honnouji academy as I anticipated ryuko lost against ragyo kiryuin and is now under mind control as I heard a object is heading toward us at fast speed i looked at camera to see ryuko wearing junkentsu I get hold of senkentsu and tell him my plan how I will free ryuko as he nodded as ryuko desend on ship relief is that helicopter are in honnouji academy helping satsuki


That for today

Chapitre suivant