
Invisible-a Harry Potter FanFic

Auteur: PuddingLord
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When the Potters had their second child, they couldn't have been happier that their little one was destined to be the Savior of the Wizarding World! What did it matter if they neglected their eldest son to care for the child? What did it matter if he felt unloved? This is a Translation of the book Invisible by Irethy on Fanfiction.net The Cover Image is AI. I couldn't find a great Translation online to read this so I decided to Translate it myself. There is a P@teron for this book. [P@treon.com/Lucyazomonia]-Replace "@" with "a"

8 étiquettes
Chapter 1Chapter 1

Harry watched as his mother shouted at his father, who kept running around the room looking for strange bears and putting them in the blue bag that his mother had been preparing, He didn't know what was happening, only that his mother was suffering a lot and he didn't want her to suffer. His father finished picking up everything and went to his mother to take her to the fireplace, but his mother yelled at him angrily, again.

"James! Don't leave Harry here alone!"

"No, of course not..."His father said as he picked him up. "Now come on, Lily... We can't wait any longer."

"If you weren't so damn clumsy when you get nervous, we would have been in St. Mungo's long ago." His mother blamed him as she threw something into the fireplace and shouted. "St. Mungo!"

"And I thought that the bad temper of childbirth would not be repeated." His father murmured while imitating his mother and shouting. "St. Mungo!"

It was the first time that Harry went to that place, normally his mother never took him to places that were far away, and he couldn't help but try to see everything. It was strange, there was a lot of white everywhere and a lot of people. He had never seen so many! He saw how some people took his mother away and began to try to get out of his father's arms.

"Mommy mommy…"

"Hey, Prongslet," His dad said. "Don't worry, Mom has gone to a place where your little brother will be born, but then you can see her again... Well, do you want to see Brian?"


"Okay... then you have to behave like a big boy and wait for Mom. Until Uncle Padfoot and Uncle Moony come, you'll stay with them so I can go in and be with Mom. OK?"

Harry happily agreed and watched as a woman dressed in white approached his father and began to ask him questions, he didn't understand almost anything but it seemed like all of this was very important, and that's why he didn't say anything and waited for his dad to finish. He remembered that Mum always scolded his Dad and Uncle Padfood for interrupting Uncle Remus and he didn't want them to scold him.

When the lady in white left, his father began to pace back and forth nervously and looked at the door impatiently. He had left him on the floor and given him his favorite stuffed animal to play with, but he still didn't stray far from him.

"Excuse me, sir." Said one of the ladies in white. "If you wish, you could leave the child in our daycare service... that way you could join your wife."

"Thank you very much for the offer, but it will not be necessary. His godfather is about to arrive and will be able to take care of him while I'm with my wife."

"As you wish, sir," she said before walking away.

His father looked again at the door where his mother had disappeared and was about to start pacing back and forth when a hand on his father's back made him stop in his tracks and turn around to see who it was. Behind him were two men, one was tall and dark, and looked at them with pale, smiling eyes, The other was of medium height, had amber eyes and light brown hair, he looked very tired, but he seemed happy.

"Prongs, Prongslet!" The brunet said quite happily.

"Padfood, Moony!" His dad said happily. "I was waiting for you..."

"Oh, Prongs, I feel so flattered... you've been waiting for us even though Lily is in labor... I'm so happy..."

"Sirius!" Moony scolded him. "Don't be like that... go on James, give Harry to me and go in."

"Thank you." He said passing the child to him.

"And how is Lily? Is she in the same mood as last time?" Sirius asked.

"Worse. I don't know why, but she's in a really bad mood. Well, wish me luck..."

"Okay... don't let her skin you." Sirius laughed.

At that Moony gave him a disapproving look while pointing his head at the boy, who was looking at his father, half scared and curious, while his father entered the room where his mother had entered a while before.

"James Michael Potter Damn you, I will kill you with my own ha...!" His wife's voice was heard when she opened the door, scaring her son.

"Don't worry, Harry, nothing will happen to your dad or your mom," Moony said.

" Nothing?"

"Nothing... you'll see."

Albus Dumbledore sighed as he climbed the silver staircase that led to the territory of the Divination Professor Sybil Trelawney. He had no choice but to talk to her because he couldn't continue like this.

"Sybil? I have to talk to you."

"Headmaster... I was waiting for you..." The woman said with a soft and mysterious voice.

"Please, sit down... would you like a cup of tea?"

"Yes, thank you, Sybil."

The woman got up and began to prepare some tea with the utensils she already had in the classroom for her divination classes. Once she had it ready, she offered him a blue cup with the steaming liquid and a little sugar. The old man accepted the cup before adding two more tablespoons of sugar.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Headmaster?"

"Don't you know?" The old man asked her, amused. "I thought that with your gift you would know."

"Of course I could," the woman said proudly. "If I wanted to know. Headmaster, we cannot allow fate to guide our hand... My gift has shown me that you would come to see me... although I did not allow it to show me why."

"Well... in that case let's talk Sybil, you can't continue with this habit of predicting the death of your students... I don't think that's the best way to conduct your class."

"If this is what the fates show me, who am I to deny them? It is my duty to communicate this to the unfortunate person who has suffered such a fate."

"Sybil, you must realize that you're scaring them." The old man tried to reason with her. "They are just children and in their current condition, it makes them fear that Voldemort will appear in Hogsmeade the next time they visit."

"They must know the truth."

"Sybil, please realize that every time you tell a student that they are going to die, it not only affects your class and their field trips but also their character and the rest of their classes. Last year there were a few months of hysteria in all the courses regarding your statements and this year the same thing will happen... I am asking you not to tell them anything about all that."

"But Headmaster, it is my duty as a seer!"

The old man did not want to listen to all this nonsense about it being her obligation again and was about to get up and leave when he saw how his Professor became stiff and her breathing slowed down...scared that something was happening to her and he approached her.


"The White Phoenix... The one with the power to defeat the Dark Lord... the one who possesses the power to do the impossible... born of love, carried by the one who defied death four times... The one with the power to defeat the Dark Lord is here."

The Professor's voice had been grave and strong, so different from the one she usually used... that made him jump in surprise... What had just happened? Maybe... Maybe Sybil Trelawney had just made a prophecy?

"Sorry... What was I saying?" The woman said again with her mystical voice. "I'm sorry, Headmaster, I think I fell asleep."

"No, nothing happened. Now if you'll excuse me, I have things to do."

"Sure, Headmaster."

The old man hurried out of Trelawney's classroom and headed to his own office, thinking about what had just happened. Once there, he took out his pensieve and after removing the memory of what happened, he entered it to see it again.

Yes, it was a prophecy, that was clear... but it was necessary to decipher who this child who had just been born was... although the probabilities were slim... the only clue he had was that the child's parents had defied death four times... How many couples have achieved such a feat? He knew only one, The Potters... also, if he was not mistaken, the baby they were expecting was about to be born... yes, there was no doubt, the youngest of the Potters was the one destined to defeat Voldemort...

"Fawkes... I think I need to visit someone." The old man murmured before getting up and leaving his office.

In the maternity ward of St. Mungo's, Remus watched the child in his arms sleep. It was normal that he had fallen asleep, Lily had already been in labor for almost five hours and that for a child of just over a year was too long. He sighed, looking up when he heard a loud noise a few meters away from him.

"Sirius, could you sit still? If you keep making such a fuss you'll wake Harry up."

"Is he asleep?" He asked astonished.

"He's been asleep for more than an hour... Where's your head?"

"Well, on my shoulders, of course." Said the smiling man. "I wonder how much longer until the child is born..."

"I don't think it will be much longer... Any minute James will walk out with the baby." A slight movement in his arms made him look down where Harry was looking at him with sleepy eyes.


"No, Harry, not yet."

The man smiled at the disgruntled face that the child adopted at his response... If he were the child, he would also be tired of waiting... especially considering the great difference in the concept of time between a child and an adult.

"James!" Sirius's joyful shout alerted them.

"Shhh! Don't shout, Padfood." The aforementioned scolded him while cradling a bundle in his arms. "And Harry?"

"Here," Remus said, approaching with the boy.


"Hey, Prongslet..." His father laughed. "Who wants to see his little brother?"


The man smiled as he moved the blanket that was wrapping the baby away a little and revealed the little one. The boy looked at his little brother in amazement, while the rest of the adults also looked at him attentively.

"I see that he has not inherited your hair, but Lily's." Sirius laughed. "I'm glad... It's enough that poor Prongslet has that terrible curse."

"Yes, Harry, we'll go see mom now." His father laughed before entering the room and leaving the baby with the nurse. "Come on, let's go."

The group left the waiting room to go to the room where Lily was already resting and waiting to see her children. When they opened the door to the room, Lily was already waiting for them, very pale but smiling and with eyes shining with joy.

"MOMMY!" The boy's voice rang through the room as he tried to get out of Remus's arms to run to his mother's.

"My boy," Lily said, stretching out her arms. "Have you missed me?"

"Yes!" The boy shouted hugging his mother.

"Me too, my love. Tell me, have you seen your little brother?" In response to the question, he nodded his head very enthusiastically. "And did you like him?"


While they were talking, a nurse entered the room carrying the baby and smiling at the scene of the mother interacting with her eldest son, In her profession, she had seen many things, including the fact that parents completely forgot about their other children when the little one was born, It was always a joy to see conscientious parents who did not leave aside their oldest child, especially when he is so small.

"Mrs. Potter... here is your son." The nurse laughed before placing a crib next to her bed with a small red-haired baby inside. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call us."

Lily smiled and nodded before taking her little son in her arms and proudly showing him off to her school friends, Although she felt a little sad that her older sister hadn't come, at least Harry had been here.

"Is it possible?" said a kind voice, causing everyone to look at the door.

"Professor Dumbledore!" Was the general exclamation.

"Please, I have said many times that I am no longer your Professor or your Headmaster. Ahhh… there's the little Potter. What's his name?"

"Brian" Lily answered.

"Can I hold him?" The old man said and waited for the woman to put him in his arms. "Ahhh… he is a beautiful child."

"How did you know Lily was in labor?" James asked.

"I went to your house first, but since there was no one there I tried my luck here in St. Mungo's... I wanted to talk to you."

"Has something happened?" Lily asked scared.

"Nothing bad, nothing bad..." The old man laughed. "You already know that last year I hired Sybil Trelawney for the divination position, right?" In response to the nodding, he added. "Today I went to see her... I had to discuss something with her. The somewhat annoying mania that she has developed in her classes... Well, the thing is that while she was talking, she went into a trance and made an authentic prophecy... and I am completely sure that Trelawney's prophecy speaks about little Brian."

"What does the prophecy say?" James whispered.

"It announces the arrival of the 'White Phoenix', the person who will have the power to defeat Voldemort."

"But why Brian?" Lily asked in turn.

"Because (he gives a short description of his parents) and that's you. You are those who fit with the conditions of the prophecy."

"So Brian..." Sirius began.

"He will become the savior of the magical world," Dumbledore said very seriously. "It is very important that this information does not leave this room and that Brian is protected at all times... when he reaches a suitable age we will begin to teach him everything he needs to fulfill his destiny."

James smiled at his wife who in turn smiled back as she hugged their little baby to her chest, letting herself be held by her husband and laughing at Sirius's excited antics and Remus' silent scoldings of the cheerful troublemaker.

It was a happy scene, but no one noticed that they had accidentally left little Harry aside, who from his position on the floor (where his father had left him when Dumbledore named the prophecy) looked at them with sad eyes. Seeing that they no longer allowed him to participate in the joy at the arrival of his little brother, his parents had forgotten about him.

[T/N, OOF, poor Harry. Anyway if you like this novel don't forget to throw me some stones and if you see any mistakes or points where I can improve the translation don't hesitate to point them out. I'll try to have the next chapter ready in 2 days.]

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