
Chapter 25

[T/N: It hasn't even been an hour! Thanks for the stones! Hope you enjoy the chapter, I'll post tomorrows chapter early with this one.]

When Harry woke up the next morning, it must be said that he was very confused... Had all this been just a strange dream resulting from exhaustion, or was it really a vision and contact with a real seer? Not quite sure how he should act, he continued with what had become his routine once awake, writing in his dream diary.

It wasn't until he finished writing what he had dreamed that he came to a conclusion about what had happened. He still didn't know if what he had dreamed was a vision or not, it could well have been a normal nightmare resulting from a combination of his tiredness and his terror of being able to see something, so it was unimportant and it was useless to explain it to anyone, or it could be a reality and Ginna existed and had reasons to tell him what she had done. If this was the case, he had to be very careful because the Headmaster and his parents would not hesitate to take advantage of him... although no one said that with Ginna by his side, they did not do it either. No... the best thing was to do exactly what she had told him, not even just in case. He always had time to tell others.

So, he started his day as if it were any other, nothing in his behavior indicated that it had happened while he was sleeping. While it was true that his friends noticed that he was very distracted, they didn't associate it with anything other than his upcoming OWLs, so they didn't pay much attention to his behavior either, plus there was the fact that the Hufflepuff had always been quite mysterious.

The next few days were as normal as always, Harry was busy with all his activities and between Quidditch and his potions he had almost no free time... unconsciously, he wondered how he was going to have time to learn how to treat his gift of clairvoyance, if he really had it, because now he found that he could hardly even rest... it was for that reason that he finally had to ask for advice but from someone who would not reveal it to the Headmaster no matter how close he was to him.

"Hello newbie"

"Fawkes! You scared me!"

"I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention... but you were too involved in what you were doing."

"I have to finish this potion... Mr. Fontee made me an order days ago... I can't delay it any longer."

"You carry too many things on your back, rookie, if you continue like this it will break"

"And what do you advise me?"

"Do only what is absolutely necessary, do not investigate further for now... if you can, leave the team and focus only on what is important..."

"I don't know what I will do if the dream was real and Ginna exists..."

"The fact that?"

"A few days ago I had a dream... in the middle of the dream a woman appeared and after scolding me told me that she was a psychic and that I also have the gift." He explained. "She told me that she would come to teach me how to use it and that until she arrived, not to explain it to anyone because someone could try to take advantage of me.

The phoenix remained thoughtful for a few minutes while looking at him with a frightening fixity. He seemed to be arguing with himself whether he should say something or remain silent. Finally, after being made to squirm uncomfortably for a while, the bird seemed to come to a conclusion.

"Don't you think, rookie, don't you feel that you have more capabilities than the average human?"

"What do you mean?"

"That your brother does not have even a tenth of your abilities and that he is supposed to be prophesied to do great things..."

"I don't know what you mean, Fawkes." Said the boy with a strange nervousness. "I'm nothing special, just Harry... a nobody."

"NEVER! NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN!" "Fawkes exclaimed furiously before disappearing in a burst of flames.

Yes, well the boy's intention was to receive some kind of advice regarding the situation he found himself in, Fawkes had ended up so angry that in the end, he had not said anything to him and in the end, he would have to wait to see if he really received the letter and act, following from there. In the meantime, it would be best for him to continue carrying out his daily activities, continuing with the advice that Fawkes had given him... until his list was a little more clear, it was best to forget about his many investigations.

Of course, the fact that he put aside his research for the moment did not mean that his daily schedule had suddenly become completely empty, but it was true that he had a couple of hours a day free that he could use to study, relax, to tend to his potions, or simply to spend some of his free time with his friends who, although they seemed surprised, were also happy to be able to spend a little time with him.

By the time the week was over, Harry had relaxed enough to even forget about the dream that had precipitated all of his thoughts and actions for the past few days. Actually, the boy had not noticed how much tension he had been carrying until he had taken a slight rest... That was why when a majestic looking white owl fell on him, during breakfast on the seventh day after his dream, he looked at it confused, since it was totally unknown to him.

He took the letter that the bird offered him with a mixture of curiosity and even a little anticipation, and allowed the owl to help himself to the toast that was on his plate while he opened the letter and looked at who the sender was. When he saw who was signing, he paled slightly.


I'm sorry it took me so long to get in touch with you, but things got a little complicated for me and I couldn't leave my country as quickly as I would have liked.

Yesterday I arrived in Great Britain and I am currently staying at the Leaky Cauldron. I will first have to show up at the British Ministry to report my arrival in the country, so I won't be able to go to Hogwarts until tomorrow.

Even though you have heard from me, do not notify anyone yet about our conversation. Think that I will only be able to protect your interests once I have publicly claimed you as my disciple... Trust me, once I am by your side no one will take advantage of you and your power...

See you tomorrow,

Ginna Piori'

Didn't he want confirmation about that dream? Well, there it was. It couldn't be clearer. The next day, Ginna was coming to Hogwarts to speak with the headmaster and possibly his parents as well, although this was just a guess. Furthermore, while the letter had put several of his doubts to rest, it had done nothing for some of his fears regarding being used by others...she claimed to be able to protect his interests once she was at his side, but did she? How could she be so sure? What did she know and not tell him? He sighed heavily, this was something that would have to wait until the next day.

"Who is the letter from? From Remus?" Athenea asked.

"No... from a friend." He answered distractedly. "Of a friend..."

The rest of the day he was a nervous wreck. Despite what Ginna had told him, he couldn't help but look at the school doors and grounds with apprehension, waiting to see the one who was going to become his mentor.

If the others noticed his nervous state, no one commented on it. Whether it was because they were used to it considering all their activities, or because they blamed it on OWLs, the issue was that no one asked him the reason for his current state, which he was grateful for... especially when that night he was unable to fall asleep and by necessity his roommates had to notice it. The result was that the next morning he was in a state of ruin.

For his part, and unknown to the teenager, while he was taking his first classes in a state of permanent apprehension, the headmaster of Hogwarts found an unexpected surprise in his office. It turned out that upon returning from breakfast in the Great Hall, he found a middle aged woman in his office tenderly stroking Fawkes's feathers.

He knew that his unexpected visitor could not have any kind of evil intention, since then Fawkes would not have allowed her to touch him, but even so, that did not mean that she had managed to enter the office without anyone's permission. That was why he observed her carefully for a few minutes. She wasn't ugly, although she wasn't attractive either... rather average, she had dark brown hair and her skin had a healthy tan that looked quite natural...

"If you have studied me enough, Mr. Dumbledore, I would like to speak with you."

The old man was startled to see himself discovered, practically no one had been able to discover him when he did not want to be seen. Looking into her eyes, he discovered that she was not a woman who would let herself be intimidated. In fact, those brown depths sang that she was used to the complete opposite. Her visit represented a mystery, one that could be quite fun.

"Very well, if you would be so kind as to sit down we can talk." Said the Headmaster as he sat in his own chair.

"No thanks, I prefer to stay standing." She responded.

"Very well, you say, madam..."


"Piori? Like Ginna Piori, the psychic? "The man asked dumbfounded.

"The same."

"To what do I owe the honor of your company, Mrs. Piori?"

The woman did not need to use her gift to know what was going through the old man's mind... At that moment he would be wondering why a psychic of her importance had come to see him, taking into account that she was not even from the country. And she also assumed that at that moment he would be trying to think of how to manipulate her into offering her services regarding the war that had been raging in Great Britain for more than twenty years. It would be fun to break each of the manipulations that the old man planned towards herself and those that he began to scheme towards her student.

"Tell me, Mr.Dumbledore, why do you think I am here? I would like to hear your opinion."

"Please... how could I know your motives."

"Try it. I'm sure you have some guesses and I'd like to hear them."

Ginna smiled, she had just given him the perfect opening for him to try to manipulate her so she could break his assumptions.

"Well... I'm probably wrong ma'am, but could it be that you had received some kind of vision about this war and wanted to help us?" The Headmaster asked with eyes twinkling at what he thought would be a magnificent addition to his Order of the Phoenix.

"It could, but it is not the case." The woman laughed with satisfaction. "My intervention in this war would be against the stipulations of balance in which those of us who possess the gift to a greater degree believe. Furthermore, I am not wrong if I say that you have a minor psychic at your disposal, that already means a clear imbalance towards your side."

"Sibyl's gift is too vague."

"And yet, she has the gift. No, that is not the reason for my visit."

"So? What is the reason for your visit, Mrs. Piori?" The man asked with annoyance at her refusal.

"Very well. About a week ago while using my gift I had a most interesting encounter" Laughed the woman. "I met a boy possessing the gift to a greater degree, completely inexperienced in its power… A student of this school."

"what are you saying? That there is a greater psychic among my students!?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying"

"Tell me, do you by any chance know his name?"


"Maybe it was Potter?"

"Well yes, the boy's last name is Potter." Said the woman with an enigmatic smile.

At that Dumbledore smiled with satisfaction, Brian was a psychic with an exceptional gift who would be very useful in the war against Voldemort. Even if Mrs. Piori refused to help, it would be very easy to incite young Potter to get involved in the war and finally defeat the Dark Lord once and for all.

"If that is the case, I will call Brian right away so he can talk to you, I will also call his parents so..."

"Excuse me... Did you say, Brian?" The woman asked as if she didn't want the thing.

"Yes of course. It's the boy you found, right?" Dumbledore asked with a horrible feeling growing inside him.

"No, of course not." Answered the woman. "I don't even know who this Brian is. No, the boy I have come to see and teach how to use his gift is Harry Potter."

Dumbledore began to curse mentally, once again it was Harry who was the protagonist. He was already beginning to worry, Brian had not shown any kind of special power that could classify him as the chosen one while his brother Harry... maybe it was just that the youngest of the brothers was taking things easy, but the truth is that he was beginning to worry. Doubt his capabilities regarding war. He would have to have a talk with his parents and not just about Brian, but about Harry as well. He would have to convince them to encourage their eldest son to actively participate in the war using his gift... although he was sure it wouldn't be difficult, it wasn't for nothing that he had the couple in his pocket.

"Very well, I will call Mr. Potter and in the meantime, I will notify his parents." Said the old man as he approached the fireplace in his office and threw a few floo powders. "Pomona Sprout, greenhouses!"

"Yes, Headmaster, how can I help you?"

"Could you go find Mr. Potter and bring him to my office?"

"Very well Headmaster, we will be there in a few minutes."

The connection closed and the old man threw some floo powder again, shouting fate out loud at the same time. He always liked to call the house Potter, he was always treated with kindness and respect.

"Headmaster! What a surprise!" Lily said as soon as she saw him in the fireplace "What do I owe your call to?"

"If you and James would be so kind as to come to my office, I would be very grateful."

"Is something wrong? Is Brian okay?"

"Don't worry, it's nothing bad, but I need you to come because something unexpected has come up regarding Harry..."

"Harry? Ahh… then nothing happens. I'll try to contact James and then we'll go to Hogwarts."

"No." The old man cut off. "I don't think you understand Lily, you should come now. It is important. I'll wait for you in 15 minutes at the latest."

After that, he closed the connection and waited for both parents to arrive, while an uncomfortable situation arose in his office, since the tension could be cut with a knife. The old man did not know how to start the conversation again, after the previous misunderstandings, and the woman enjoyed making the old Headmaster uncomfortable.

In the end, the Potters arrived around the same time as Harry and his head of house, scaring the poor boy when he saw them. They had not been expected to come. They, for their part, gave him a hard look, since they thought he had gotten into some kind of trouble... one big enough for them to be called. So busy were they shooting angry glances that they didn't even notice when, despite the old man's obvious dismissal, Professor Sprout refused to leave.

"No, Headmaster, I'm staying... I'm not going to allow my student to stay here alone."

"Pomona, I have to talk to Mr. Potter, besides, his parents are here..."

"Yes, and the last time they came all they wanted was for him to speak in favor of his brother so that we could withdraw a completely deserved punishment. I stay."

The old man sighed in defeat, when it came to the eldest of the Potter brothers, he could never beat his Professors. After asking for everyone's attention, he prepared to explain what happened to everyone present.

It was clear that all this came as a surprise to those present, although the boy seemed to know what was happening beforehand, which made the Headmaster assume that the psychic had warned him either during the vision in which they met, or in some letter... which meant that she would have had to inform him of some stipulations about those who possessed the gift... If that were the case, it would be very difficult for him to convince him to participate in the war with his power.

"That is fantastic!" Lily Potter exclaimed, looking radiant. "If Harry has the gift, he can tell us when Voldemort will attack again and thus counteract him… We can finally win! Will we just have to wait for Brian to grow old enough to use his power to eliminate this atrocity!"

"That will not be possible." Ginna cut her off. "Harry won't do any of those things."

"You have no right to say what my son will or won't do!" James exclaimed.

"You are wrong, Mr. Potter." She cut it. "I have every right... since I have decided to teach him everything he should know about his gift, any decision about him must have my consent and since there is a decree of the Council of Seers in which it prohibits the participation of a holder of the greater gift , in any war, I will not allow it."

After that comment, Harry could finally understand why the one who was now his mentor was so convinced that she could prevent his parents from using him.

[T/N: YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! Finally, my boy can catch a break, new fan favorite right here! If you enjoyed the chapter then drop some stones, leave a comment, and write a review. If you want to read the rest of the book it's on the P@treon or the Ko-fi.]


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