
Chapter 22

[T/N: YEAH! CELEBRATING 1000 of you guys! Enjoy your extra chapter! Todays been crazy]

After that first impact of the strange vision he had had in his dreams, Harry was very attentive to them in case he saw a Death Eater attack again before it was committed, although at the moment that was not the case. Still, despite the lack of visions, Harry continued with his dream diary, writing about anything he saw while he slept, because this way he could also be amused by what his mind created.

While it was true that for a few days, his studies seemed to suffer after learning about the attack, very soon he not only seemed to return to his usual life, but also seemed to overcome it by learning even faster than he had normally done, to the fascination of the teachers who honestly did not know what to do in the face of the fact that very soon they would run out of the course syllabus to teach. Perhaps most fascinating to them was the fact that Harry was now much busier than last year, being able to join his house's quidditch team.

In fact, quidditch had become something important in his life, not transcendental, as it seemed to be for some of his friends and classmates, but important. He couldn't deny that he had a good time playing with the members of his house. Morris was a slave driver when it came to training but it was quite satisfactory when they achieved the objectives set... although in part, the training was more to get used to playing as a team and what strategies would be good to use against Ravenclaw. The team already knew who they would have to play against, which was very good from what Morris said.

The first Quidditch match was scheduled for October 30, a Saturday and just the day before Halloween, and as the date approached the castle seemed abuzz with excited whispers about the match. Since you could invite family to the games if you had the permission of your head of house, Harry did not hesitate to send a letter to Remus to see if he could be present and eagerly awaited his reply, which arrived two days later along with another letter he didn't enjoy as much.

"Who is the letter from, Harry?" Athenea asked him at breakfast.

"Remus... he's coming to the game. He says he's looking forward to seeing me play." He answered

"You're happy, aren't you?"


"And the other letter?" Jonathan asked anxiously.

"What other letter?"

"It's here."

Harry remained silent for a few minutes as he read the second letter that had largely gone unnoticed until now, and frowned in disgust. Whatever it was, he didn't like it very much.

"My parents. Dumbledore told them about the match and they will come too." He said after reading the letter, to which his friends frowned in disgust "In reality, what they will do is be with Brian and they will barely see what happens during the meeting while they listen to Brian complaining about everything that he dislikes. From school, or how badly I've behaved with him... come on, the usual." He finished with a sigh, ignoring the surprised looks that the rest of the Hufflepuffs who had heard their conversation were giving him.

When it was time for the game two days later, Harry looked at the people in the stands to watch him. He was looking for his honorary uncle, who if everything went as it should, would have to be there already, although where he couldn't tell... With the students? From what he had seen he was not there, although he didn't think he would be with his parents who had also said they would come. He was surprised when he saw the three of them sitting on the steps reserved for professors and important guests, his parents were having a tortuous-looking conversation, while Remus was having a fairly calm chat with Professor Snape. It was curious to see how the existing rivalry between the two men had disappeared after their entry to Hogwarts... almost as if they had put aside their differences for the young Hufflepuff.

Calmer, Harry went out onto the field ready to have as much fun as possible. After all, he didn't care if they won or lost, he just wanted to have a good time. The team's strategy had been quite simple, sit out the rest of the game and wait for the snitch to appear and that was exactly what he planned to do. Although the Ravenclaw beaters made it quite difficult for him since every opportunity they had they threw a quite aggressive Bludger at him.

It wasn't an excessively long match... it only lasted 25 minutes, although it was full of action on the part of both teams, although with fair play. The Ravenclaw team proved to be quite good, although Hufflepuff had managed to put together a good team as well... The badgers won by 240 to 80, after a very impressive chase of the snitch by both seekers, and which Harry actually won by a rather risky maneuver in which he almost crashed to the ground.


It took almost no time for Remus to go out to meet him as soon as the game was over, and give him a big hug, although being careful not to hurt him. He had a happy smile from ear to ear and his eyes shone with joy.

"Hello, Uncle Remus... Did you like the game?"

"Like it? It was fantastic! You are an exceptional player! That last play before catching the snitch... was heart-stopping. I hadn't enjoyed a Quidditch match in a long time."

"I'm very happy, Uncle Remus." Said the boy happily. "Will you stay a little longer, or will you leave right away?"

"I'll stay a while... Severus and I are going to have a talk about a possible improvement to the wolfbane." The werewolf said winking at him.


His mother's voice behind him made the boy tense unconsciously. He didn't know what they wanted but the truth was he didn't care either... his parents had shown a complete lack of interest in him since they arrived at Hogwarts again, even though they had pretended to want to know what he was interested in during the end of summer... It was obvious that they hadn't cared much.

"Yeah," He said as he turned around and it didn't even bother him that they weren't going to hug him or seeing that his father had an arm around Brian's shoulders, who was smiling with satisfaction as he looked at him.

"An excellent match." His mother said. "You played well."

"Thank you," said the little boy, looking at his parents with distrust.

"Harry, we would like you to talk to your teachers so that they can lift your brother's punishment." His father said. "After all, it was just an argument between brothers."

"I'm sorry, Father, but I'm not going to do it." He answered coldly. "You can say that it was an argument between brothers, or rather, Brian can say that it was and you can justify it, but when one argues, that does not include petrifying the other person from behind and starting to kick him all over the body... No. Father... For once, Brian will be punished and serve his punishment."

With that, Harry turned to leave, knowing that his parents had to be furious at his refusal. Not wanting to be found by anyone other than his friends, he went straight to his special room, instead of the Common Room where the victory would be celebrated and where he would be easily found. He was about to read a book about controlling the elements, when a small explosion of fire behind him announced the arrival of the Headmaster's phoenix, Fawkes.

"What are you doing that's more important than having fun, rookie?" The phoenix told him. "You should be celebrating your victory"

"Then they would find me easily, and I don't want them to. Not when my parents are at school."

"Ahh... yes, your parents. Now they are in the office with your brother. They complain because you have refused something..."

"To lift Brian's punishment for attacking me and beating me..." He responded. "I don't know why they complain, the whole school comments on the insignificance of the punishment for what he did... with any other student it would have been immediate expulsion, but they have only given him detentions..."

"But remember that they are deceived by a simple error of interpretation.

Albus will not risk expelling him as long as he remains wrong. Although it is funny to see how he justifies himself for not having shown the same or more abilities than you..." said the bird

Harry didn't comment anything to what Fawkes had said, and just left the book back in its place, and then sat down in one of the most comfortable chairs in the room. The phoenix was surely going to take advantage of being there to give him one of his now theoretical lessons, after all, it would take a long time, if ever, for Harry to have an off day again.

"I see that you have made yourself comfortable, rookie, perfect for a lesson"

"I assumed you would want to show me something so you could come see me."

"Hmmm... are you implying that I only come to act as a teacher? You talk as if I don't enjoy your company"

"I didn't say that, just that normally you only come to teach me something new, at least lately."

"That, for your information, is because you are too busy for leisurely visits" Fawkes responded indignantly. "If it weren't for that, I would come more than once so we could fly."

"I know..."

"Well... Shall we begin? Today I want to teach you some phoenix history"


""Sure, rookie. Don't you think that we don't explain history to our young?"

"I'm not indicating otherwise... it's just that it surprised me."

The phoenix history was something that had not yet been taught to a human, as Fawkes had indicated, although perhaps it was because a human had never managed to transform into an animagus/phoenix and been able to understand them. For Harry, it was quite a surprise to learn that the phoenixes had come to be around 500,000 years ago when the humans there were were much more animals than anything else, as well as their evolution and why he had decided to bond or stay with some human beings.

By the time night came, Harry knew much more about phoenixes than any human who could be considered an expert on them. And Harry remained much calmer, not only because Fawkes had that effect on him, but also because his parents had already left and had not been able to say or do anything else to him. It was a shame that because of that, he wouldn't have been able to be with Remus either, but he knew that his uncle would have enjoyed his conversation with Professor Snape and he didn't mind not being able to spend more time with him. That night he went to bed with a smile, knowing that the next day he would be able to enjoy a privilege that due to most his age would still have to wait another year, visiting Hogsmeade.

That Saturday, when the visit to the only magical town in Great Britain was planned, it started off being quite cool and making more than one consider taking out their warm clothes so as not to get cold later... and despite the disappointment obvious from the first and second years for not being able to go, there was a clear festive atmosphere for the next visit to Hogsmeade... Harry was no exception... he felt elated, since he had never been able to go with his parents whenever they were taking Brian for something...

After saying goodbye to his sullen companions who also wanted to go to town with him, Harry ran to where the Weasley twins were waiting for him to travel to town. In order to go to where the cars were waiting, you first had to go through Filch, who had a list of who had permission and who didn't, which was not easy considering how the groundskeeper refused to let him pass. He threatened to punish him for wanting to break the rules. The intervention of McGonagall, who had decided to supervise the process, was necessary to convince the man that although Harry was 12 years old, he was in fourth grade and had permission to go to Hogsmeade.

The ride to town was filled with excitement for both Harry and the twins, who were eager to get there to show their youngest friend the wonders of the town. And as good as the cart where they were traveling with their friend Lee Jordan (who did not fully understand the deep friendship of the redheads towards the boy), the two young redheads left the vehicle, dragging the Hufflepuff along with them to drive it to where they wanted to go, Zonko's.

Although the boy was not adept at playing pranks on his classmates, he thoroughly enjoyed his visit to the most famous joke shop in Britain, although the twins claimed that they would soon be overtaken by themselves. Still, the two red-haired Gryffindors stocked up on all the products available inside the store. When the Hufflepuff asked them why, they shrugged before answering.

"Despite our ideas, our studies, and theories, we do not have the necessary ingredients to make them, so we have no choice but to buy the ones that Zonko offers us." Fred explained.

"But if instead of buying what Zonko's has you saved up and bought ingredients..." Harry began.

"Oh... Do you think we spend everything we have?" George laughed "No, our little friend... We only spend a tenth of what we have and we save the rest... although in the proportion in which that we save, it will take us a long time to start the store."

That in a way saddened the boy, after all, he knew how important the store was to them, and knowing that it was very difficult for the boys to start their business was a pretty hard blow. Deciding that he would try to help them in some way, he began to pay attention to the different things the Gryffindors told him about each of the pranks and their effects, filing it away for later.

After the obligatory visit to Zonko's, the three Gryffindors showed Harry all the nice things in town, like Honeydukes, where Harry bought some sweets and also some for his friends, so they couldn't say that he hadn't remembered them. After that, they took him to the Post Office, to the Shrieking House, and finally to the Three Broomsticks.

"You'll love the Three Broomsticks, you'll see. You have to try the hot butterbeer...it's delicious." Fred commented as he guided the young Hufflepuff towards a table followed by Lee and George.

"But not me..."

"Come on Harry!" Lee exclaimed "You can't come and not try a butterbeer! It would be sacrilege..."

"Sacrilege is going too far, Lee... but you're right when you say that you can't leave without trying it." George began, after sitting down. "Now Mrs. Rosmerta will bring us the drinks."

"She in person?" Lee asked surprised.

"Anything for her favorite twins," George laughed as he looked at the bar and saw the owner coming in with four drinks.

"Well, this is new." Mrs. Rosmerta said amused "There is a new member of the group... although a little small, right? Do you mean that he has authorization to have come?"

"I'm a fourth-grade student, ma'am. I have authorization." Harry answered politely.

"Really? I would have sworn that you were no more than 12 years old..." She said, looking closely. "Yes, no more than twelve and more, maybe even eleven..."

"I'm twelve, but I'm in fourth grade and I have permission," he said somewhat resentfully.

"Sorry boy, I didn't mean to offend you." she said with surprise. "I just didn't expect it... tell me, are you related to James Potter?... You look a lot like him."

"Yeah." Said the little boy with a sigh. "I'm Harry Potter, his eldest son."

As he listened to the witch's surprised comments, Harry couldn't help but think that he shouldn't have come to town. He couldn't wait to go back to Hogwarts!

[T/N: The nerve of those delusional narcissistic c*nts! Oh the potters boil my blood. I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, if you did then leave a comment, review the book, and if you have any drop me some stones. If you didn't enjoy the chapter then leave a comment telling us why. If you can't wait then you can read the whole book on the P@treon or the Ko-fi.]


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