

In my world, I’m a reader, and you’re the unfortunate fallen hero of a novel. In his world, he's a gamer, and you're a brave hero who’s later shrouded in tragedy. A hero whose role in the world was stolen by him. In the search for a better ending, the world was engulfed in greater ruin. But why must you share the same fate as the rest of the world? In your world, what am I? A third protagonist who will hasten the world to brick? Or someone who will return the solace you lost? Was it the world of a game or a novel? Perhaps a reality hidden behind fallacies. Would the answer for the correct end reveal itself? *** Slow-paced story focused on the third variable's daily life for a while. Litrpg was only applicable for the second protagonist, the MC of the novel, as he's the only one that possessed the system. Also, it will take time before the paths of the three of them cross. It's not a great novel, though I try to improve it whenever possible. Bear with me, and I hope you like it. Updated schedule: Tuesday and Saturday. posted on: SH and RR

J_Carus · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
56 Chs

Chapter 32.2 Farewell, Part 2

Chapter 32.2 Farewell, Part 2


Time was running out, but I couldn't help but stride at a slow pace. If someone asks me if I enjoy my time here in the orphanage, I would answer without a second thought: yes, I do. If this is not the world of that novel, I'd let myself grow leisurely without thinking about the future. Yet such a thing is merely a delusion.


My most-awaited Isekai life was not as peaceful as I imagined. Since this is the orphanage in the same novel, I don't think I would ever get attached to this place. Especially when that "thing" will take place here. But there's some stuff left before I kiss goodbye to this place.


Since there's still time before my rendezvous with her, I should visit my comrade.


Having my way through a building, which I'm familiar with as if it's my own house; making my way towards a certain door. Without bothering to knock, I barge in.




Beyond the door was something that exceeded my understanding.


It's clean?


The room was clean, and most of all, it was the first time I hadn't seen Oscar stick to his sofa.


"I don't know how to knock till the end, huh?" an exasperated voice came from the kitchen.


I respond with utmost politeness. "What a shocking development! You actually learned how to clean?! And stop playing for a minute?! "


It might sound exaggerated, but, considering this is Oscar's room and the voice came from Oscar himself, this development certainly was a surprise to me, who spent most of my time here.


Oscar heaves a sigh, looking tired for some reason. "Can you fix your rude manner? It might get you in trouble, you know."


His words enter my right ear and exit into my left ear. "Don't worry, I can control it."


"If you say so."


"But anyway, what change of heart happened for you to clean your room? ""


"I just thought, maybe I should learn to clean my own room soon." He takes a glass of water while having distant eyes.




What's up with this old man? Suddenly acting sad-boy, does he perhaps realize that he's too old to get a wife?


I guess it's not something to meddle with.


I'm just here to pay a visit to this friend of mine. He is a fellow man of culture, a comrade! My very first friend since coming to this world.


But obviously, I wouldn't go so far as to prepare a gift for this friend of mine. That's cringe-worthy. Unlike with Lhina earlier, I wouldn't get chummy with my homie. Knowing Oscar, he will feel cringe as well. To be exact, he is the one who calls me here. It's not like it matters; I also want to visit my friend before the end.


I crack a mocking grin. "Do you perhaps call me in to show off that you finally learned to clean?"


"I'm not..." Oscar awkwardly drinks his water—that's not suspicious at all.


"Ohh really…"


I'm about to roast him, but the television echoes throughout the room. Making me catch my words. As if it's asking to be noticed. Is it open earlier? Whereas such a question goes unanswered,.


Soon, news began to be broadcast. It seems to be a hot topic, as the reporters seem to be riled up. They play a video with an eerie gray-haired guy stomping in another dude's face. Is this a hot topic that deserves to be broadcast in such a matter?


["Kekeke, are you really a god? You're no better than a doormat."]


My expression stiffens as the guy in the video utters those words. It seems I speculate hastily; this is not a matter to be ignored.


The grey-haired guy laughs madly. Gridding his foot to the decent-looking guy as it starts to bleed... Normally, I would cheer on anyone who beat the crap out of some good-looking guy. But something about this eerie-looking dude leaves a bad taste in my mouth. His next words make it clear why...


["This is my power!!! Someone from ARAEH!!! A god from a mere world like this means nothing to me!!! "]


["Behold to your god underneath me, disgracefully licking my feet."]


No matter what the world might be like, a guy like this will always exist. They might be common in anime or some sort of villainy, but they do exist in reality. They just take different forms that go unnoticed. I don't have the heroic feeling telling me to serve justice, but instead a hatred for trash being like him. A cold feeling washed over me.


"Disgusting piece of shit."


Right after I utter those words, Oscar turns off the broadcast. "I didn't expect you to react," he says with a hint of curiosity, but it soon turns into a mischievous one. "Do you perhaps hide some justice ideals? I thought you were some cold-blooded person."


"Does stupidity rein over your head? "I said with a harsh tone, "We've spent a lot of time together already; you should have known I don't have that kind of ideal."


I shot him a tired, disgusted stare. "What do you see me for, an emotionless protagonist? I have plenty of emotion to show you."


"Don't look at me like that; I get it."


"But you see it right." Oscar's expression altered, bearing zealousness. "Humans change just by acquiring great power."


He looks straight into my eyes as if to assess me. "You might be untalented now, but I know you're getting strong on your own."




"Even if you attain the power you seek, never become like that."


"Old man…."


"Do you perhaps think I'm an idiot?! "I exclaim, genuinely irritated.


Baffled, Oscar was not able to put down some words.


I highly doubt I'll become like that. Even in my past life, I don't see myself growing like that when I become rich, though I died at a young age before that happened. It might be true to some, but such development looks stupid in my eyes.


However, I wouldn't say I'm right in mind either. heh


"There's no way I would be like that." Turning back, I wave my hand. "Make sure to reserve some games for me.


"Happy birthday," Oscar's next words inviable me to go. "How about some coffee for a bit?"


"There's no way I'll turn that down."


Cracking a laugh together, we have some coffee together for the first time.