

In my world, I’m a reader, and you’re the unfortunate fallen hero of a novel. In his world, he's a gamer, and you're a brave hero who’s later shrouded in tragedy. A hero whose role in the world was stolen by him. In the search for a better ending, the world was engulfed in greater ruin. But why must you share the same fate as the rest of the world? In your world, what am I? A third protagonist who will hasten the world to brick? Or someone who will return the solace you lost? Was it the world of a game or a novel? Perhaps a reality hidden behind fallacies. Would the answer for the correct end reveal itself? *** Slow-paced story focused on the third variable's daily life for a while. Litrpg was only applicable for the second protagonist, the MC of the novel, as he's the only one that possessed the system. Also, it will take time before the paths of the three of them cross. It's not a great novel, though I try to improve it whenever possible. Bear with me, and I hope you like it. Updated schedule: Tuesday and Saturday. posted on: SH and RR

J_Carus · Fantasy
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56 Chs

 Chapter 33 Celebration……



"Well, not even a year has passed, but I feel like we have come so far."


"Mhm, I agree... However, you're strangely sentimental right now." Despite Eu's indifferent expression, concern can be felt in her words. "Is there something going on in your mind lately?"




"If you say so..." Without bothering to press on it, Eu also returned her eyes to the front. As always, while sitting, she's hugging her knee, thus resting her head on it.


I wouldn't call it a place where it all starts, though it can also be said that this is where our connection begins. The day I intruded into her personal space.


We're sitting on a bench near the falls, appreciating the scenery in front of us or perhaps just savoring the time in silence. No matter how peaceful it is now, my relentless heart won't calm down.


Since yesterday, with Lhina, I can't shake off this heavy feeling; the time I spent at Oscar Place earlier didn't help either. Despite the tranquility in the surroundings, I can't help but contemplate.


Considering my horrible luck, perhaps what I'm feeling is a sign that I'm running out of time. After all, if I've got that element of a protagonist, it'd be my condemning luck. Since it's just a background story, it hasn't been stated in the novel when that event occurred.


It's supposed to be Eu's turning point in life; that'll happen when she's around seven. Aside from that, there's nothing else to pinpoint the exact time base. However, considering my luck, it might...


No, you shouldn't even think about it. I often jinx myself, but please not this time


While begging in my heart, a strong wind passed by, bringing my eyes to Eu's, who's been closely watching me without me realizing it.


"Heh...finally noticed." A new side of Eu emerges, catching me by surprise." Drop your inner woes for the time being, and let's indulge ourselves in time together."


Ahhh, that's right, I am not here to contemplate life, but to celebrate her birthday. I should be enjoying this moment. Yeah, I don't care, even if it happens tomorrow or even later. I shall dedicate myself solely to this moment, not to leave a regret behind.


Being perplexed by the carefree side of her, I take revenge by flashing her a playful grin. "You're right. I should just devote this moment to you...

"Happy birthday, Eu."


"uhh, huh…. eh? "







This time, it was her that seemed to be lost. Hehe, cute. Despite her emotionless preface, her confusion is evident right now. Seeing her like that was quite fulfilling, thus enlightening me that she's not as dull as she made out to be.


Eu was tilting her head with an expression that was yet to process what was happening. Exploiting that, I swiftly pulled out the gift I had prepared from my ring. It was hastily prepared; it's not wrapped or anything; it's quite embarrassing; after all, it's my first time giving a present.


Above all, it's a cliché type of gift, which adds to my hesitation.


Now or never, come what may. Charging some courage within me, I handed out my hand in front of Eu, who was still in her thoughts.


"Here for you..."


Despite preparing myself, Eu's response comes in abruptly, throwing my composure to the bin. She looks into my eyes innocently, without noticing what's in my hand. 


"Don't we have the same birthday? "


"Uh..huh, er." That's what you've been thinking? Wait….Wait, she's right? Oh, now that I think about it, Oscar also wished me earlier. Oh, my! It's not like I forgot it; I just focus on Eu for a moment.


It's one of a few reasons why I got interested in her in my past life; we have the same birthday. Once I knew that in my past life, I indivertibly got interested in her. But to think it'll also be the same in this life... I guess I can count on fate once in a while.


"That's right, anyway...here's a gift for you." Casually confirming her quarry, I once again presented it to her, a little closer to her eyes.


It was a hair accessory with crystalized wings protruding from a template with a lighting design, which is also her signature mark in the novel. Made from my mana with various materials, which thankfully turned out well.


I know it was a cliché gift, but the main reason I came up with it was that, as I noticed not long ago, what she's been using is still the scrunchie I nonchalantly pulled out from nowhere to tie her hair for the first time. I wouldn't say where I got it...


It was also the time I realized I was not that different. She is sentimental about little things.


A few seconds have passed, but, after closely observing it, Eu, looks back at me. "Can you put it for me?


Rousing myself up from my seat, I walk behind her, lowering myself. I swap the old one with my gift. Which surprisingly suited her hair.


"Mhm… looks good. "Nodding in satisfaction, I return in front of her, just realizing that her hand is waiting. Without thinking that much, I hand her the replaced band.


Keeping the scrunchie away, she stands up to face me. "Thanks, but I didn't have any in return."


"Nah, worry not. I don't care about it to the point I willingly forgot my birthday." Reassuring her, I waved my hand.


"That's something I wouldn't allow." At that moment, Eu's amethyst mana emerged in his surroundings like a sea.


Eu's mixed eyes shine, stunning me.


"Do you know there's an ancient tradition of exchanging mana with the person you trust the most?"


"Ehh? "That's something I never heard, even in the novel.


"It's not the same one when you're transferring mana to another to recharge their man and become theirs. This one is meant to be kept; they shall remain with each other as an oath, a connection that will never disappear, no matter what the distance. Maybe we'll always feel each other."


Without being able to apprehend what's happening, Eu's take my hand. A pleasant feeling started invading my body, accompanied by mixed emotions: happiness, sadness, loneliness, and unease. At the same time, I can sense some of my mana being drained.




As our mana starts entangling with each other, an unknown yet familiar voice reaches my ears, not my mind.


I don't want to lose anything anymore. Please, I beg you, don't disappear.




3rd Person Pov

"Wha…?!! She really did it!!!!! "


As always, the common, rowdy, mysterious woman jumps from her seat because of a scene unfolding before her eyes through an orb. Her flustered expression was replaced by a frown, as the people around her were giving a carefree reaction.


"Ohh, my! "Lhifhina, who's sitting across, was rather amused despite watching the same thing.


"I didn't even imagine she's a sly type to think she would perform such a ceremony that is almost identical to marriage herself," a geezer concludes, stroking his long beard.


"I didn't once imagine that my comrade would have such a lively moment." Despite Oscar's words, he seems content with his sole comrade.


Shaking her head, the mysterious woman inquires about the majority. "Does Carus know it?"


"I doubt it was an ancient ceremony that has not been recorded in any books; even the internet wouldn't have a clue about it. "Still stroking his beard, the geezer affirmed.


"That's right, I know my Caru through and through, and I'm certain he doesn't know anything about it," Lhifhina boastfully added.


Oscar snickers, pointing at the orb. "Just a look at his face, you can tell he has no idea about it."


Despite being reluctant to respond, she keeps silent. Though this time it was the geezer who asked in doubt.


"Was the kid going to be fine? "


Despite his seriousness, the rest nonchalantly respond.


"This trivial stuff was nothing for my comrade."


"Even I, myself, wouldn't fret; after all, he is not alone," Lhina calmly stated, but the rest of her voice was almost inaudible.


After Oscar's boastful vouch for Carus, Lhifhina's words that followed put him under suspicion. Before he's able to assess it further, the woman on his left opens her mouth.


"Ugh, enough with being negative; I'd give some rundown of what's going to happen after this."


"Well, after arriving in your descendant's care, he will cause trouble. He meets the two protagonists and causes trouble. Traveling to other nations causes trouble. Start schooling, surrounded by trouble. Travel to other worlds. Yes, still there's nothing but trouble."


"It looks like there's a god-tier headache that'll surely come to you, Alaric." She giggles as she points at the geezer, referring to him by name.


Alaric's eyes twitch. "I should have worried about myself instead."


Lhifhina, who is only listening, giggles. "It seems there's an exhilarating future to behold."


"My, now that I think about it, ain't we in the same situation as those in the anime, watching over with or without the protagonist's knowledge?" Oscar remarks though he didn't expect he would get a negative response.


The woman beside her makes a complicated expression. "Well, we do have the same situation, but it's a little complicated, plus a chaotic future that is constantly changing."


Alaric scoffed. "Don't forget that there are two protagonists in this world that we need to look after."


"Well, they're more outside this world," the woman added."


"They're not our problem." Alaric cut her off.


"For now," Lhifhina concludes.


Oscar slams his face on the table as if to lighten the mood, mumbling to himself. "Why am I the only one who didn't receive a gift? I'm your comrade, right?






"Eu run!!!! "


Fuck it!! I really jinxed myself. From now on, my bad luck should be put into the equation when predicting my future.